
Saving Zhu Zhuqing from the start

In Douluo, I met Zhu Zhuqing at the beginning… I thought i had reached the pinnacle of life. Unexpectedly, this is just a start. Ning Rongrong, Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong, and Gu Yuena came one after another. But I really just wanted a quite life, I don’t want to be encountered by a goddess again! .................................................... I am not the author of this. I am translating this chapter by chapter so even I don't know what is going to happen in the story. The picture is not mine. .....................................................

dragonNEET2567 · Anime & Comics
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293 Chs

It's like wine

"As far as the use of poison is concerned, no one in Douluo Continent can beat me."

Tang San straightened his chest.

But what made him depressed was that he was missing a few ribs, although he was still alive, he lost his streamlined and strong figure.

The heavily sunken chest, on the contrary made him look more weird and terrifying.

In Douluo Continent, no one can beat you in terms of poison?

Dugu Bo was startled, I think you look down on me. Do you want me to give you the title of Poison Douluo?

"Boy, your tone is not small, why don't you take out a little bit of what you call the most poisonous to the old man to taste!"

Try it?

Tang San was startled, no one would be so anxious to find death, right?

He thought he had heard it wrong.

But even so, it is not difficult to understand the meaning of Poison Douluo, this is to test him.

But he didn't persuade him.

Facing Tang Sect's unique learning, he has absolute self-confidence.

So he proudly took out a small paper bag from his pocket.

"This is the ten flavored cartilage powder that I have carefully prepared. If you eat it, I guess that your Titled Douluo will disappear and you will not be able to condense your soul power for the time being."

Tang San had a rough estimate of the combat power in this world.

When he could cast the hidden weapon Guanyin Lei, which is ranked second on the hidden weapon rankings, he would definitely be able to kill a Titled Douluo easily.

The hidden weapons are so powerful, so he is also very confident about the various poisons refined by the Tang Sect.

However, he was somewhat bragging about the medicinal power of this Ten Fragrant Ruanjin Powder.

Anyway, Poison Douluo wouldn't test the poison himself, how could he believe in him if he didn't blow it a bit?

Dugu Bo took it suspiciously. "How should I use this stuff?"

"Just dissolve it in water, the poison is colorless and tasteless."

Tang San explained.


According to what Tang San said, it's indeed simple to mix it.

He just poured this small packet of toxins into the water as Tang San said.

Sure enough, as Tang San said, it blended into the water, and the color looked the same with nothing unusual.

He picked it up and smelled it again, and there was no change in the fragrance of the water itself.

He has to say, it's indeed amazing.

My Tang Sect methods are not something you can imagine... Tang San was secretly proud when he saw this.

Originally, Tang San thought that Dugu Bo was just verifying what he said.

But soon he was stunned.

What is this for? Do you really want to take it yourself?

However, under Tang San's dumbfounded gaze Dugu Bo picked up the cup in his hand and drank it all in one fell swoop.


He even smacked his lips, aftertaste.

"That's it?"

"That's it? You have to wait for it to take effect."

Tang San smiled confidently.

This is a super poison recorded in the Tang Sect poison book, and ordinary people will go limp for a few days after taking a sip.

Do you think it is a drink?

However, this might be a good thing if I think about it. When Dugu Bo's suffers from the drug, can I solve this hidden danger by myself?

But after a while...

Dugu Bo was still sitting there as steady as Mount Tai.

Is it possible that this kid is teasing me. "I say kid, you can't do what you say either. This poison has the same effect as you said, but it can't poison a Titled Douluo. Moreover, it can only be regarded as colorless, although it smells nothing, but the taste is a bit sweet and sour."

Dugu Bo coldly shook his head slowly.

"This stuff can usually be drunk as a wine. Seriously, it's not as vigorous as the wine I have drunk before."

Disappointed, so disappointed.

He thought Tang San's poison would be very strong due to his claims.

Now it seems that it's power is only this much?

When Lin Yan came to Heaven Dou City that one time, Dugu Bo had the privilege of drinking a glass of wine brewed by Lin Yan.

Just drinking a cup and made his Titled Douluo powers float away.

These ten fragrant something, although the name is quite fancy, in fact it is really average.

My drug is not as strong as alcohol? I....

Sweet and sour... Tang San felt depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

Is this really similar to alcohol?

You can look down on me, but you can't look down on my Tang Sect's unique skills!

His eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

"Boy, I'm not saying you can't do it, its just that you really can't."

Dugu Bo shook his head.

He stepped forward and exploded with an aura of terror.

Tang San was horrified to discover that a wisp of black mist on this Dugu Bo was able to corrode the tables, chairs and benches.

How much toxin has to accumulated for it to happen!

What a terrible toxin it must be.

Tang San was stunned.

He speechless for a while.

He found that he was wrong, and that he was too wrong.

The terrifying toxin that erupted from Dugu Bo's body was not something that he could remove by himself.

Let alone remove it, it will bring him to death when he touches it.

However, how can Dugu Bo be able to fuse such a strong toxin without dying?

However, this is obviously not the time to ask this question.

"Senior... don't, don't kill me."

There was cold sweat that covered the back of Tang San. It is not difficult to notice that Poison Douluo is full of murderous intent on him.

Before, he relied on his ability to detoxify the opponent, so he was confident.

This is his trump card facing Poison Douluo.

Now that he found that his Ace was invalid, he naturally wants to persuade him.

There are so many things he hasn't done yet, and he still doesn't want to die.

"I should not kill you, do I need to keep such waste for the New Year?"

Dugu Bo smiled.

"You should have practiced your body with ten thousand poisons, right? I'm still useful. As long as I have enough materials, I can refine stronger toxins, which will definitely bring your cultivation level one step closer."

Tang San said with a strong desire to survive.

"Okay, in that case, I'll give you another chance." After hearing this, Dugu Bo simply stretched out his hand and grabbed Tang San's collar and walked out of the hall.

Dugu Bo's courtyard.

Tang San looked at the scene in front of him, full of shock.

In a hot spring, there are red and blue spring water. Although they are in the same pool, they are quite distinct and do not violate each other.

The billowing water vapor continued to rise up until it slowly dissipated at the location of the mountain pass.

"This, this is..." Tang San looked at the scene before him, shaking involuntarily.

He is excited.

He never expected that he would see such a magnificent scene in this world.

"The Eyes of Ice and Fire! It is the Eyes of Ice and Fire! Unexpectedly, there is such a treasure in the world. No wonder Dugu Bo can suppress the toxins in his body. He is doing it with the help of the forging body treasure."

Finally he couldn't help sighing. "I will have no regrets if I am able to enter such a treasure in this life."

"There will be no regrets?"

Dugu Bo smiled faintly, you are really ignorant.

If I let you see the big brother's courtyard, I am afraid that you will die on the spot?

Yes, Poison Douluo used to rely on this treasure to maintain his body, otherwise the situation would get worse.

However, he is able to achieve what he is now, because of the help of the boss.

If it weren't for the method of condensing the poison pill, he would really be poisoned to death if he ingested toxins frantically.

Even Gods will not be saved.

"Let's go, I have planted a lot of herbs here... I hope you don't let me down."

After Dugu Bo finished speaking, he carried Tang San, the tool man, and walked towards the pond.





Corgis are popular for all sorts of reasons. They are quiet, reserved dogs – ideal for urban areas. They love to play, are very approachable, and always know how to cheer you up if you're in a bad mood. They won't stop pestering you until they see a nice big smile break across your face.

International Corgi Day is a celebration of how these beautiful creatures enhance our lives and make them more enjoyable. It is a chance for owners all over the world to give something back to their furry, four-legged friends. After all, who doesn't want to show their pet corgi that they care?

Unfortunately, all is not well in the world of corgis. While the majority have loving, caring owners who will do whatever it takes to look after them, some dogs aren't so lucky. International Corgi Day, therefore, is about more than just appreciation. It is also concerned with responsible rehoming, corgi care, and adoption issues.

Just like everyone else, corgis need people who've got their backs. International Corgi Day is a chance for these dogs to get the support that they need to live long and healthy lives from the community. People need to know that these dogs are valuable and worth protecting. After all, their happy vibe and endless playfulness brings joy and hope to millions.

International Corgi Day is the brainchild of the Omaha Corgi Crew. The organization got its start back in 2011 when a group of friends decided to get together and organize an event in honor of their favorite breed of dog. Corgis are, in their words, "vertically-challenged dogs with big hearts," but they're also in need of help.

Initially, the Omaha Corgi Crew was limited to the region around Omaha. But given the fact that corgis are popular all over the world, there was a need to expand.

The organization is not a breeder or a rescue organization, but more of an event organization. It commits to supporting the breed and bringing fans together. A few years ago, the founders realized that corgis faced unique issues surrounding the purchase, rehoming, and adoption. They needed a grassroots organization that would begin the difficult work of highlighting the problems that they face and getting more people interested in the breed.

Importantly, the group supports both the thoroughbred corgi and corgi mixes. Owners around the world who have dogs with corgi features, therefore, can also take part in the celebrations.

The community of people interested in corgis is growing. Omaha Corgi Crew posted that it had more than 1,500 members at the last count, many of whom regularly get together for charitable events to support the breed.

International Corgi Day tends to focus on "small-base rescue" – tiny centers that take care of dogs that the big fundraisers tend to miss. A lot of these are little more than mom-and-pop outfits, desperate for additional resources to fund their operations. Fundraising tends to go in their direction.

Corgi day brings together a variety of constituencies involved in the care of these playful and pleasant dogs. Rescue centers advertise their corgis for adoption, appreciation societies organize merchandise fundraisers, and there are also supply drives.

The fact that corgis are a little on the short side may be their downfall. Some people contend that their height is the main reason for their neglect. Many people, the argument goes, simply look right over the top of them. International Corgi Day, therefore, is a reminder that people need to look down at their feet. There could be a corgi in need lurking there!

Corgis offer their owners a lot of value. Even the Queen is famous for owning them. They have a unique nature that makes them perfect house companions. They're smart, easy to train and are great house guardians. What's more, they're incredibly expressive dogs, making them easier to understand than many other breeds. They're dialed into their owner's feelings and often react accordingly. When people say that their dog is their best friend, they're usually referring to their loving corgi. They can make you feel good when you walk through the door, no matter how bad your day was.

International Corgi Day should be the happiest day of the year for your corgi or corgi-mix. It should feel as though Christmas has come early. It is a chance for you to show your corgi how much you care for their furry soul, even if they're not entirely sure what all the fuss is about!