
Saving Zhu Zhuqing from the start

In Douluo, I met Zhu Zhuqing at the beginning… I thought i had reached the pinnacle of life. Unexpectedly, this is just a start. Ning Rongrong, Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong, and Gu Yuena came one after another. But I really just wanted a quite life, I don’t want to be encountered by a goddess again! .................................................... I am not the author of this. I am translating this chapter by chapter so even I don't know what is going to happen in the story. The picture is not mine. .....................................................

dragonNEET2567 · Anime & Comics
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293 Chs

I can only ask you to die

"Your son has such a talent?"

The Seventh Elder couldn't believe it,

Tang Xiao's eyes flashed, thinking of something.

"Brother Hao, don't worry, such geniuses can solve any problems."

With the power he has, he is now a little energetic.

After all he borrowed the light of Tang Yuehua. He knew that there was someone behind to support Clear Sky School!

After Tang Chen the ancestor of Clear Sky Sect disappeared, this time a new patron finally appeared again.

Now the confidence he has is naturally big.

However, when Tang Hao said that person's name, everyone was stunned.

"It's Poison Douluo, I want to ask the sect to help me kill this person!"

"Who? Who are you talking about?"

"Poison Douluo Dugu Bo..." Tang Hao repeated his name again.

The eyes of the seventh elder instantly turned red. Because when Tang Hao mentioned Dugu Bo, he remembered his good brothers who turned into ashes.

Good people, go out and leave nothing behind.

No ashes were left after their death.

This undoubtedly caused an unimaginable nightmare in his heart.

But Tang Hao didn't know what happened. Seeing the appearance of the Seventh Elder, he thought that seventh elder was moved by what he said.

"Don't be so surprised, elders. I didn't expect Poison Douluo to be so arrogant that he thinks even the people of the Clear Sky Sect are nothing in his eyes ! Does he really treat our several elders as nothing?

I am ashamed to say that if it weren't for the hidden injuries that I had accumulated over the years and couldn't attack with all my strength, I would have already hammered Dugu Bo a few times back and forth. "

Tang Hao said emotionally as his eyes drifted to the silent second elder again.

Sure enough, after these words, the second elder who was as stable as Mount Tai was also moved.

Look, the whole body of the second elder who has not spoken is trembling.

He is obviously very angry!

Unexpectedly, I haven't said anything yet. He was already so angry.

Tang Hao felt that the people of the Clear Sky Sect who he had not been seen for many years changed way too greatly. They were so enthusiastic.

"Second brother...Is there any room for relaxation in this matter?"

Tang Xiao was silent for a moment and asked.

"Brother, I know you have kind thoughts. But this matter can't be alleviated. Look at me..."

With that, Tang Hao revealed his true face.

Damn it.

So ugly!

What kind of ghost is this?

Everyone's hearts trembled.

"Big brother, have you seen it? This is the crime of Poison Douluo. Do you think there is still a chance to ease the matters between us? Besides, he is not only targeting me but also targeting Xiao San."

Tang Hao cried. "Between us, either he dies or I die."

"Are you sure, you can't relax? Only one of you can live?"

The second elder finally spoke.

He had to speak, this matter is too much involved.


Tang Hao nodded, extremely sure in his answer.

He was very happy in his heart.

Not surprisingly, he immediately thought of arranging people to go down the mountain with himself.

Now, he just have to wait for the second elder and eldest brother to make a final decision!

However, the words of the Seventh Elder made him think that he had heard it wrong.

"I'm sorry, I can only ask you to die. Don't involve us."

After speaking, the Seventh Elder waved his hand directly and drove Tang Hao out with an impatient look.

This guy is really a troublemaker, even if he provokes the Spirit Hall, they already have an agreement with their ancestors, So they will not do anything to the Clear Sky School.

But who is Dugu Bo? Although he is not strong, he is the one who works for the big boss.

Can anyone mess with him?

You actually drove me away... Tang Hao felt like he was struck by lightning.

Am I in the right place?

Tang Hao: The direction of the script is a bit wrong.

"You, how can you do this? It really disappoints me!

The third, fourth and fifth elders should also be Titled Douluos. Counting the Sect Master and the two elders in the hall, there should be a total of six Titled Douluos with out including me in the Clear Sky Sect. With this level of strength isn't it easy to kill Poison Douluo?

Do you guys know that the Li Clan was also destroyed in the hands of Dugu Bo. If this hatred is not solved, how can the subordinate clans still have us in their hearts? "

Tang Hao decided to stimulate the elders of the Clear Sky Sect.

It turned out to be what he wanted.

It was a success.

These words were like a knife, piercing the hearts of all of them fiercely.

"Tang Hao! Enough of you!"

"Tang Hao, stop talking."

Tang Xiao also stopped him coldly.

"No, I want to say. Brother, are you being swayed by several elders?

I think third, fourth and fifth elders should be in retreat? Let them come out and discuss together. "

Tang Hao said coldly.

"They...can't come back."

"Where did they go?"

"They all fell into the hands of the Poison Douluo you mentioned."

Tang Hao was at a loss, at a loss.

"How can that be possible?"

"You may not believe it but this is the truth."

Tang Xiao said earnestly: "Tang Hao, let's stop, it's still not too late to admit the mistake, the water here is too deep. You can't hold it."

Three days later.

Tang San hadn't seen Tang Hao return for a long time, so he couldn't restrain the worries in his heart.

In any case, Xiao Wu's identity cannot be revealed.

So, he came to Dugu Bo's mansion alone. He wants to use his own way to settle with Dugu Bo.

Seeing Tang San, Dugu Bo smiled.

"Tang San, right? Do you have something to do?"

Tang San shook his head and said, "It's not that I have something to do, but you have something to do, right?"

"Oh?" Dugu Bo really didn't understand.

What's the matter with me? How do I feel that you are cursing me?

"Dugu Bo, you don't have to pretend that you don't know why I am here. If I'm not mistaken, you should be dying. You have to endure deep bone pain every day, right?"

Tang San said, sitting in a chair for himself. He even grabbed the tea cup on the table comfortably and took a sip of tea.

He looks too stable.

"How did you see it..."

Dugu Bo frowned, thinking about what the hell is he talking about?

Which eye do you see that I am enduring pain deep in my bones?

I'm feeling so good everyday!

However, he wants to see what Tang San wants to talk about.

"What do you want to do?"

"Simple, you help me, and I can help you detoxify."

Sure enough, it is as I have guessed it. Tang San was stunned when he saw Dugu Bo asking him what he wants, and couldn't help but start to make up his mind about what he wants to ask.

"Do you want me to do things for you?"

Dugu Bo smiled. Did you know that even your father dare not talk to me like this.

"Whatever you think." Tang San slowly stretched out two fingers and shook them.

"Two things! One, Xiao Wu's secret cannot be told to the outside world.

Second, you helped me kill Ning Rongrong. "

Tang San said coldly.

Good guy, I'm really talking to a good guy...Dugu Bo didn't expect Tang San to be so ambitious.

The first thing is fine, but the second thing is that he actually wants me to kill Ning Rongrong.

You really dare to say this. This Tang San wants to cheat him. Who doesn't know that Ning Rongrong has a big man...cough cough master.

In short, Dugu Bo had already secretly thought about how to pinch Tang San to death.

But at this moment, Tang San said another sentence that made Dugu Bo's heart move.

"I know what you are worried about! Don't worry, I still have the secret treasure. As long as you use it properly, even the two Titled Douluos of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will not be your opponents."

Tang San's eyes were piercing.

"I can concoct the poison to kill Titled Douluo."

"Can you really concoct such a poison?"

Dugu Bo smiled like a big bad wolf.

If you want let someone sleep, you can give them a pillow.

It's too cheap to pinch this kid to death.

You must squeeze him dry first.





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World Bicycle Day is the United Nation's attempt to recognize the vital importance of the bicycle across the globe. The bike has helped many families across the world to get access to cheap and reliable transportation. It's no wonder so many partake in the celebration and want to get the word out to others about this exciting and eventful day.

Cycling is an environmentally sound, safe, and healthy way to travel from point A to B. It's something that we need to do more of if we want to protect the world against the ravages of unsustainable CO2 production. It can save lives, help improve the environment, and support poverty reduction, and for these reasons, it deserves far more attention than it currently receives.

The United Nations launched World Bicycle Day for several reasons. The first was to recognize the sheer transformative impact of the bicycle on society. Pedal cycles give even the poorest people in the world access to transport services. Bikes allow them to visit friends, collect water, and buy groceries.

The bicycle is a long-serving mode of transportation, which has helped practically every human community worldwide. All cultures and people alike can partake in the celebration and show their love for cycling.

The third purpose is to highlight the fact that many cities ignore the needs of pedestrians and cyclists. Policymakers have a bias towards the motor vehicle, serving its needs instead of using environmentally-sound alternatives. World Bicycle Day, therefore, is a chance to raise awareness of the benefits of cycling and promote measures to ensure better sharing of the roads.

It's a chance for people to demand improvements to road safety and cycling mobility through a change in policies and measurable activity that protects and promotes the safety of riders and pedestrians.

The fourth purpose is to help save lives and reduce poverty. Investing in pedestrian and cycle routes in cities can help cut the rate of deaths while also taking traffic off the roads and investing in safer modes of intra-city travel. Promoting cycling can also help to reduce poverty.

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