
Chapter 8 The contract. (2/2)

"Soo all you want me to do is take the excess power from your awakening and slowly feed it back to your bodies, and turn this mountain range into a castle, and in exchange, I will have my contracts distributed to the residence of the castle?" Earth

"More or less yes." Eve

"Or would you prefer a more greedy deal Lokie?" Eric

"Yes, I wou... How did you know my name?" Lokie

"We are earthlings, and from the deities, we know and have seen, we know one thing for sure, and that was you were not Earth, however, the name was a different matter." Eric

"Oh, and what gave it away?" Lokie

"Earth is a female. Duh." Eve

"..." Lokie

"So what do I get out of this contract, to me this just seems like a loss." Lokie

"The people we save will reside in this castle, and we will hand out your contracts to them, don't you acquire more powers the more people that serve you?" Eric

"Not if I'm creating a castle." Lokie

"Fine, then we don't need you bye." Eric

Eric proceeds to stand up and dig through his backpack and pulls out a topographical map of Castle peak.

"You know I originally just wanted to come here to live off the grid for a bit and make an awesome house out here, but who would guess that the end of the world would happen. So instead of..." Eric

"Hey, don't ig..." Lokie

"Digging out a hole in the side of the mountain to..." Eric

" I SAID DON'T IGN..." Lokie

"Instead we should flaten the mountin top an..." Eric


*ground shakes*

"WHAT! You didn't accept our agreement, so move on, we have stuff to do!" Eric

"You!" Lokie

"Yes, YOU did not accept the contract now move on." Eve

"Fine, I'll sign it." Lokie

"No." Eric

"What do you mean no?" Lokie

"Well, what I mean is no we don't want to have a contract with you. Now where was I." Eric



*Clouds start to pour in and the sky blacks out.*

A towering figure starts to take form in the sky. As it does, it rapidly starts to condense, into a human form, and with what looks like a step forward aims its "foot" towards Eric and Eve and proceeds to slam it down.

With a heavy frown on his face, Eric looks up at the giant, in front of him.

"Snear" Eric and ???

With a flick of Eric's hand, the clouds stop.

"How dare you filthy mortal defy me, A GOD!" Lokie

"A week god, who can't even be considered a god, but a fool who likes to play pranks, on mortals no matter the time nor age." Eric


"Who dares hurt my children?" A deep feminine voice rings out.

"I DARE!" Lokie

Lokie proceeds to stomp down again with the cloud giant.

"Why is a god here. Do you not fear heavenly retribution for breaking the peace treaty?" ???

"Heavenly retribution, on a planet that's just awakening, and I thought I was the god of mischief and trickery." Lokie

As the "foot" gets close to Eric and Eve again it dissipates, and the cloud giant slowly stops moving.

"You have attacked a mortal not once, not twice, but three times. I Earth hereby calling forth the heavenly retribution against this arrogant god, who dares go against the peace treaty." Earth

"Hey Mother Earth, this guy also tried to impersonate you as well." Eve


*Ground/sky/everything shakes violently.*

*Golden clouds start to form in the sky.*

"Those are... I can explain. I CAN EXPLAIN!" Lokie

"Oh, and he also wanted to form a contract with us before the awakening time was over." Eric

*The golden clouds start to turn red and move in an aggressive manner.*

*The cloud giant starts to dissipate.*

"OH NO, YOU DON'T!" Earth

*A greenish color cloud giant forms almost instantly and Tackles the other giant.*


"As the weakest god among the first batch you were allowed to decent upon earth to chose one hero in your name. As you have impersonated Mother Earth, you have broken the peace treaty. As you have told the inhabitance of this planet about the contracts, you violated rule 32 statute 3... (lots of other broken rules.) "Any god may not provide information regarding the awakening, before the awakening." What do you plead?" Heavenly tribulation


"Acquiring evidence, validating evidence, outstanding evidence found. All chargers will henceforth be placed against greek deity Lokie. As multiple crimes have been committed and there has been outstanding evidence against you. You will now be stripped of your title as a god. Your physical body shall be forcibly acquired, and presented in front of me." Heavenly tribulation

*A tear in space forms and a frail-looking man is flung out and suspended in the air.*

"As you have also violated the peace treaty, section 104382 statute 7 you shall be struck by three normal tribulation bolts, stripped of all your powers, and traped upon a desolate planet for 18672437 years. However, in this case, you have committed too many crimes, and multiple Heavenly tribulations have formed for this punishment and deemed you worthy of death. As this may start a war, does the greek heavenly tribulation concur to the punishment?" Heavenly tribulation

"Yes. You may carry out the punishment, of individual Lokie." Greek Heavenly tribulation

*The clouds in the sky turn a multitude of colors and form a circle above Lokie*

*Light starts to pour down, onto Lokies figure*


*Lokies skin starts to boil, and large boils start to form. As time goes on these boils start to grow larger and larger and pop, releasing a black sludge that seeps into the earth, and a golden gas that gets absorbed by the skies.*


*The light pouring on Lokie starts to intensify.*

*Lokies skin starts to melt off and the muscles and organs underneath start to catch on fire. all while he is still screaming. After a while, there are only golden bones left, and the screaming stops.*

"As the victims of this, man's crimes are Earth, Eric, and Eve. These heavenly bones will be presented to you three as a gift. While it is regrettable that the energies that resided in Lokies bodies, we're unable to be absorbed by Eric and Eve, as the planet has yet to awaken, it shall be granted that Eric and Eve are allowed to personal contract with, Earth. While Earth will be blessed with the first contract, however as a result she has weakened because she was forced to awaken early to save her children. The energies that were supposed to be spread throughout the lands have lessened weakening all humans and creatures, destabilizing the harmony of this planet. Eric and Eve shall be tasked with building the first kingdom, to save the beloved creatures, of Mother Earth. As such these heavenly tribulations will observe the creation of the contract between Eric, Eve, and Earth." Heavenly tribulation

"Will this contract work?" Eric

*Eric pulls out the contract from before.*

"I have no problem with this." Earth

"Is Eve In agreement with this contract as well?" Heavenly tribulation

"Yes" Eve

"Then both parties agree to this contract. As such the heavenly tribulation blesses this contract, if either party fails to fulfill their side of the contract the punishment mentioned inside the contract will be carried out by the heavenly tribulations." Heavenly tribulation

"Oh and Eric." Heavenly tribulation

"Yea?" Eric

"If you make my daughter cry I will kill you" Heavenly tribulation

*hick* Eric