
Chapter 7 The contract. (1/2)

"So all that's been going on I have forgotten some stuff, but I don't think we really talked about the content of the normal contracts care to explain a bit more on that and what it entails?" Eve

"I don't mind answering that Eve. A normal contract is split mainly into three types. Slave, Partner, and Master, however, there are rare times where a custom contract is made. Whic..." Earth

"Sorry Earth, hold on, let's go back a bit and talk about each contract rather than jumping straight into the custom ones. I don't think you would like it if Eric gets cheated and finds out." Eve

"Grumble..." Earth

"What was that?" Eve

"I said the slave contract is much like it sounds, for a large payment to the deity the recipient receives a measly amount of power. Depending on who the deity is, it can be from .1 percent of their power to .001 percent of power. This results in the contractee, to only be able to access the bare minimum of their powers. An example of this is when most awaken they are able to see a video-game-like interface, over their sight. However, in the slave contract, these people will only acquire 1% of the experience gained through killing monsters and other activities, making their progression close to none. This contract usually contains a hefty price to pay when broken. Some of the hefty prices can be something along the lines of all experience gained from the start of the contract, till the break of the contract will all be subsidized to the deity. Usually resulting in the death of the contractee, except for a few lucky individuals who have had their contract updated, or terminated by another deities contract." Earth

'Wait so this is definitely not Earth if that's the case, We learned like two years back that powers and magic were already accessible but, only a lucky few were able to use it, and most governments confined those individuals and tested on them to see if the rest of us can use magic. If I remember correctly not one of them talked about a system interface, to use their powers, heck we don't even have a system interface to use our powers. If the information that was implanted into our minds, with your wish is to be 100% correct, then that system function, is probably a parasitic existence, used to suck away the experience.' Eve

'That may be so, but I believe we should continue on this shared. Because I still don't know where this voice is coming from, and it seems that it is bound to specific laws, to prevent certain information to be leaked. If this was actually Earth, then she would know that magic was discovered a while ago, and never mention a contract such as this, as it is pointless. Heck, the magic kindergarten is teaching non-magicaly inclined people basic magic. We should avoid making a contract unless it's absolutely necessary.' Eric

"Next we have a partner contract. It is not as it sounds, as the contract is much the same as the slave contract, however, they gain 1 percent of power, to .5 percent of power, and experience gained is 15% of normal. These contracts usually let the deity grant a wish or power of the contractor's desire, and upon breaking the contract, 50% of the experience acquired is returned to the deity. These contracts to normal people can be a blessing or a curse. There is one story you know of that has happened on this planet back when the Greek gods, were around. If I remember correctly they called that man Achilles. Granted great power, but also a weakness that took it all away. Another one was Gorgo better known as Medusa's, blessed with beauty, but it all went away when she fell in love with Poseidon and broke her vow of celibates, by marrying Poseidon. Gods and deities are very similar, but GUAHH!!!" Earth

"What the?" Eve

'Ops I spoke out loud, help before it catches on.' panicked Eve

"I'm guessing he spoke too much and got punished hahaha" Eric

"Stop laughing." Earth

"..." Earth

'It looks like our suspicions were correct. This definitely is not Earth.' Eric

"So about the last contract?" Eve

"The last contract the master contract is a contract, that imparts the knowledge on the contractor, to the contractee, and leaves a 40-60 split for the experience. There is no way to break the contract, and if by some miracle there is, the god or deity will descend, and decide your punishment then and there. Or like in Medusa's case a vow to the heavens of some sort." Earth

"Now for the cus..." Earth

"And how exactly does one create a contract?" Eve

"... With a heavenly parchment paper, granted by the heavens, to deities. These are very ra..." Earth

"This thingy?" Eric

"How did you?" Earth

"Gift from the thing that trapped me in my mind from way back then." Eric

'Thanks for distracting Earth long enough to let me get this thing ready.' Eric

'*Mental smile.*' Eve

"Let's see what's on here. It says..." Eric


A letter materializes in front of Eve and lands in her lap.

Eric looks over at Eve in confusion.

Eve just shrugs her shoulders.

-Hello Eve, it has been eighteen years since you were born, I hope he has been kind to you over those years of imprisonment. If not you can tear this letter and I will come to pick you up to take you home... Sigh, I guess he's been nice to you if you are reading this far. What you are talking to is not Earth, but a deity known as Loki, as he is the weakest deity on earth currently he was allowed to descend early because he is so week. So don't fall for his tricks, if you want to win against him have him sign a custom contract, I don't recommend any contract you two will be offered, however, if it's a custom contract where you are the master and not the deity, there are only benefits for you to have. Oh, and don't sign more than two contracts each, or your souls will explode. Love Father! XoXo-

"What's it say?" Eric

Eve relays the entire message to Eric through their thoughts, while quickly editing their contract.

"It's just a message from dad saying that we should not sign any contract with this weak deity." Eve

"Dad?" Eric

"Dad?..." Eric

'Wait the deity that granted me those wishes?' Eric

'Yes' Eve

"No, it can't be..." Eric

'I'm gonna kick his *** when I get strong enough' Eric

"Oh but it is!" Eve

*Eve smirks evilly*

"Why did you not tell me?" Eric

"Because he gave me away without even saying a word to me." Eve

''That's why I'm gonna kick his *** when I get strong enough' Eric

"But What about my plans, I thought you were just created out of thin air... Now I have to go ask him if I can marry you..." Eric

"That's your problem, not mine." Eve

"Eve... Come on, babe don't be like that." Eric

"Maybe you shouldn't have scared me on the bike like that then, humph..." Eve

"Uhh" Earth

"Shut up Earth were having a lovers spat!" Eric/Eve

"Who just creates something out of nothing?" Eve

"Deities?" Eric

"Phh like they have that much power." Eve

"..." Eric

Eric proceeds to look down and crouches and starts doodling stuff in the earth.

"Stop that tickles" Earth

"..." Eric with a disgusted look on his face starts wiping his finger on his shirt hurriedly.

"So about that contract, ahh right the one we got from that one deity, if you agree to this contract sign here, here and here." Eve

"Wait you got a contract from a deity, let me see that." Earth

(Short version of the contract. Earth shall help Eric and Eve awaken. Eric and Eve will share their exp until they are strong enough to accept all of it. Earth shall turn the mountain "Castle Peak" into a castle. Last, in very, very, very, small letter pages and pages of extra terms that no normal being or deity for that matter can see nor read, that basically states that party two will become Eric and Eve slave, and if any of the contract stated is violated heavenly retribution shall befall party two.

(Authors Note: Hey this is a very basic contract unless someone wants me to go into EXTREME detail I find this enough, for now if there is a loophole, ignore it unless I state otherwise, I really don't want to do like a 20-page contract for a story because that makes a bad story.)

- This Contract is entered into by and between Eric and Eve, (First Party), and ____, (Second Party).

The terms of this agreement shall begin on contract sign and shall continue through its termination date, of ___, or death of either party.

The specific terms of this contract are as follows:

#1: Upon Eric, and Eve's awakening, the second party shall take any excess powers granted to party one that can not be contained to lessen the strain upon party one's physical bodies, however not their souls. After awakening, party two shall slowly give back the powers, for a portion of experience gained through their activities.

#2: Party Two shall receive a large portion of experience in exchange for party one's powers. Upon complete return of powers, the experience will then lessen to five percent. As party one grows stronger than five percent will lessen to one percent over time. If the contract is terminated, ten percent of experience acquired from the initial sign will be sent to partner one/two depending on who breaks the contract. If both parties agree to the termination of the contract no penalty shall be held.

#3: Party two shall turn the castle peak in Idaho into an actual castle, with a stone wall border spanning the whole mountain, using the materials from the mountains themselves. Upon completion of the castle, party one shall gather followers, and distribute party two's Partner contract to the residence of the castle.

In consideration of the mutual promises set forth herein, the First Party Eric, and Eve covenants and agrees that it shall fulfill all that is written within the contract.

The Second party ____ covenants and agrees that it shall fulfill all that is written within the contract.

This contract may not be modified in any manner unless in writing and signed by both parties this document and any attachment hereto constitute the entire agreement between the parties. This contract shall be binding upon the parties, their successors, heirs and shall be enforced by heavenly law.

Last, in very, very, very, small letters with the same color but .00001 hue off of the paper, contains pages and pages of extra terms that no normal being or deity for that matter, is able to see nor read, that basically states that party two will become Eric and Eve slave, and if any of the contract's content is violated heavenly retribution shall befall party two.

(Authors Note: Again this is a very basic contract unless someone wants me to go into EXTREME detail I find this enough, for now, if there is a loophole, ignore it unless I state otherwise, I really don't want to do like a 20-page contract for a story because that makes a bad story.)