
Chapter 2 How did I die?

"blah blah blah blah I would bet my entire life savings that this is one of those authors that rights, harem, harem, harem, 10 thousand times to get to the 10 thousand word count haha." Imagine the teacher from Charly brown.

*Random talking in the background.*

"Oh, hay he's waking up."

"Ugh, my head." Eric

"Yo Eric you died, before you freak out I am the embodiment of all religions and beliefs on earth, yes there are other worlds out there with other beliefs, and some that have similar beliefs, at the end of the day all of you were correct, yet incorrect at the same time, and today you will be judged by the beliefs you believe in and not the overall consensus of those around you. Heck, three of your friends are satanic worshipers, two of them are Buddhists, and the rest just don't believe in any one thing, but multiple deities. Essentially if you lived by your own beliefs and did not break them, based on your religious etiquette, you'll be ok." Entity of religion.

"Ok, but how did I die?" Eric

"A combination of unfortunate events actually. The first of which was a coughing fit that caused you to vomit from the convulsions for your organs. Then your pancreas exploded causing you to jerk your hands in pain losing control of your car as you tried to course correct it. Then your car's brake lines failed, due to the long-term exposure to the heat in las vegas melting the lines, and years of neglect during your car maintenance, that if checked would have informed you that, there was a nic in the line caused by them bounding around hitting various parts of the internal engine bay causing, one a slow leak, and two a pinch when the engine was in second gear, making the nic larger. Some time between getting your car full of gas, and moving your stuff into the car you got the "coughed19" (I'm not allowed to write that word or I get in trouble apparently). Then that fog you always try to describe to other people made your thinking stop, yea that's actually brain cancer. It stoped your thinking just long enough for your car to crash into a tree. After crashing into the tree a rabid squirrel ate out your eyes, blinding you and causing a large open wound spilling out blood. Then Finally your car exploded after the gas was ignited by a loose towing trailer cable. Luckily though your brain cancer saved you from experiencing the pain." Entity of religion.

"Well ****. What now?" Eric

"We entities, have been talking about it while you were waking up and the things you believe in are not really feasible. Alternate realities do exist, however, we are not as strong as you would believe us to be. But we can only send you to a few realities pertaining to this world, such as ones where you grew up with what you would consider as normal parents or one where they died very young. The most we can do is send you to a universe/reality where you are younger and try a 2nd time. We know this is not nearly as much as you want us to do, however, what we can do for you is grant you three wishes." Entity of religion.

"I have a few questions. On a scale of 1-10, how specific of the wishes do I have to make. 1 is the simplest, while 10 being a written contract. After you answer that, then why only three wishes. I know this might be asking for much but, what time will I be sent to? Then last but not least what am I not allowed to wish for." Eric

"For your first question, if you wish for 100 bucks you are gonna be granted 100 dears, However, if you wish for 100 televisions/tv's you will get 100 televisions/TVs of different makes, and models. While you were out we discussed it for much time, and after much research and consideration, most people are only allowed 1 wish however they usually die too fast, in your case your karma is too wanky, so we gave you three wishes to balance it out. The time you will be sent to is that time when your head was busted while in middle school. Finally, you are not allowed to wish to have different parents. Entity of religion.

"Can we discuss the wishes before you grant them?" Eric

"Yes. You are one of the few who get a send chance, so we want to make sure your wishes come true. Because when someone is granted a second chance it entertains us to no end, and if the wishes are not correctly granted our entertainment ends fairly fast." Entity of religion.

"Before I make any wishes, will I still have the fog when I go back?" Eric

"Yes." Entity of religion.

"Well, that makes this first wish easy, I wish for eternal life, and if it's possible upon being granted, this wish, any and all ailments inflicting my body/mind shall be removed." Eric

"You will be granted your eternal life, but your ailments shall remain." Entity of religion.

"I'm fine with that, after a long time we can probably cure it. As long as I'm alive by then that should not be a problem in the future. However because I did ask for eternal life, can I be killed by my brain cancer?" Eric

"No, but after a certain point it can immobilize your body" Entity of religion

"Hmmm, then can I wish for something to exist upon my return?" Eric

"As long as it's not a drug to cure all diseases, as that will literally break the world, anything should be fine, but I still want you to explain in more detail what exactly it is you want." Entity of religion.

"I was very lonely in my I guess past life, no future life. This is confusing... Back to the topic, it was quite lonely, and unbearable at times. I would wake up at days, and look in the mirror, and just see darkness, and I could not for the life of me get it to go away. It felt like my heart was cold, and any time I wanted to seek help, no one wanted to spend the time to talk to me. Loneliness, like that, is not worth the 2nd chance. So I was thinking of wishing for an omnifarious-shapeshifting, soulmate, to keep me company, and maybe mary in the future." Eric

"That would be possible, but it would only appear once you leave the hospital so that it seems natural to the people around you and not just waking up with someone in your arms." Entity of religion.

"My second wish would be when I leave the hospital, my Omnifarious-shapeshifting soulmate who is tied to my life/soul would approach me in a natural way that no one would notice." Eric

"That's a type of double wish, we won't let this kind of wish slide for your final wish." Entity of religion.

"That's fine. I wish to be able to Omnifarious-shapeshift, with the knowledge of how to do so." Eric

"FINE! You have made your choices, but as you have disregarded us, by making a second double wish, we shall punish you. Your punishment shall be set as stagnation. You will be trapped in your own mind until you turn 18 reliving all of your past actions, with little to no change. We are magnanimous and allow you to, control your body, for three hours, and your past actions shall be locked until the day you turn 18. Any last words." Entity of religion. (i.e. the past is set in stone, Eric won't be able to invest in stocks and stuff like that as it has not happened and will change how the future will play out. He can't be a 10-year-old millionaire, however, something like reading more books in school won't change anything major future outcome as Eric won't be going to college this time. So scholarships aren't going to change anything if that makes any sense. However, it would if he does, and his body will autopilot away to prevent that from happening.)

"Well my soulmate, if I'm set on an autopilot of sorts, won't I never meat them?" Eric

"No because of your punishment they will be trapped within your mind as well. You won't need to worry about meeting them outside of the hospital, and don't worry they will not be a part of you but a separate entity entirely so you can marry them and have children if you want. Anything else?" Entity of religion.

"Honestly no, I am very satisfied with my wishes, I also want to express my deepest gratitude to you for granting me this second chance. May I know how to before I am sent back?" Eric

A girly voice fills the area.

"No, because of one of my jealous lovers you have had a hard and miserable life as a demi-god, Enjoy it this time around." Different entity


Eric slowly disappears with a dumbfounded look on his face.


"Haha, why did you tell him, now he's gonna be pissed." Entity of religion.

"Well, he should know he's a child of a god." Eric mom

"But with him knowing that he knows his first wish was pointless." Entity of religion.

"Nope with his first wish he was able to unlock his bloodline, his third wish allowed him to access the powers from his bloodline, and his second wish allowed him to become a minor god with the ability to grow in the future. Quite smart for someone who only has half a brain hahaha." Eric mom

"It might have been unintentional, but won't this change his world's destiny this way?" Entity of religion.

"Yes and with this, you won't be an Entity of religion anymore, but a heavenly tribulation in the future, aren't you lucky." Eric mom

"WHAT! REALLY!!!" Entity of religion.

"Yes, but you're going to have to wait, eight more years before any changes happen, it is your punishment for him you know, hahaha." Eric mom

"I'm fine with that it's only eight more years!" Entity of religion.

"I'm also disgusted at what you forced your daughter to do." Eric mom

"He wished for it not me." Entity of religion

"You could have explained it to him." Eric mom