
Saving the Villainous

Daoist444455 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Where am I?

"Ugh, my head? Where am I?" I said while picking myself up from the ground.

"Hello, Are you the new maid?" I hear a small high pitched voice.

"What? I think I got ran over by a car? And you're asking me if I'm the new maid?" I said annoyed. People these days are so clueless.

"Car? Is that a new version of a carriage? Inventors pick interesting names." She said.

"Carriage? This isn't the 1600s! I need help, please!" I said practically begging her. "Ow," I winced looking at my bloody scratched leg.

"Oh, my gosh! I can patch up your wound quickly but we need to help her Duchess after." She said while dragging me into the expensive mansion.

The mansion was expensive as it's inside. With a chandelier in the front of the house and curved stairs leading to the second floor. We walked past several paintings and a piano room, sunroom, and a green room.

"Okay here's the maid headquarters. Sit here and I'll tend to your wounds." She said while lifting my leg to see the damage. "Did your carriage fall over?" She asked.

"Ummm, what year is it?" I asked. I tried to avoid the question because I have no idea where I am or what year it is. I'm pretty sure this place is not from my world.

"Well, it's 1625s, oh since your new here. Here are some things you need to know when serving the Duchess." She said. "My name is Kassie the Duchess's personal maid. She's allergic to nuts, her favorite color is green, and her majesty is an orphan so please do not bring up anything about her family."

"Duchess? Umm, where am I? I hit my head quite hard so please remind me." I said lying to her. I feel bad for Kassie but, I need more information from her because I don't even know where I am.

"You're in the Kingdom of Riches. The land is known for its produce. Goldenberry." She said proudly.

Wait, Duchess? GoldenBerry? Kassie? This all sounds familiar but what? There's no way. Am I in the comic? "That Princess is a Theif?" No impossible! This must be a weird dream... But in Dreams when you get hurt you wake up... But I felt the pain from scars. And when Kassie was bandaging me? This all feels so real.

"That should be good, okay follow me we have to wake her highness up." She said while putting the supplies back in the medicine box. "Is your leg feeling better?"

"Yeah, thanks," I said. I have a feeling that I was here for a reason. Maybe this is my chance to change Jolene's ending? I mean it's worth a shot. I guess.

"Follow me," Kassie said while grabbing a tray of food. "This is her favorite breakfast item ever since she was young," Kassie said with a bright smile.

"Oh, I see. How long have you served our Lady?" I asked. I know the answer to this question. Kassie may look very young but, she has served the lady since she was very young.

"Oh, I served the LAdy when she was just a newborn. Like a little sister to me. I'm actually 28 believe it or not." She said happily. "My lady can we come in?"

"Come in." said a sweet Angelic voice.

"Duchess Jolene, this is my new assistant, uh what is your name?" Kassie asked me.

"My name is Diana, happy to serve you, my lady," I said trying to curtsy. It felt awkward to curtsy for her especially since I never done this before.

I got up from my curtsy when both Kassie and Jolene were giggling at my attempt at a curtsy. My cheeks felt hot and I could feel them becoming more like a tomato red.

"Sorry, for laughing but we don't curtsy anymore. So you do not have to worry about that." Jolene said while getting up.

Jolene's blonde hair glistened from the light. Her green jade eyes and her lightly tanned skin. I can't believe Prince Alex chose Emily over her.

"Duchess, Prince Alex has invited you to have a picnic with him," Kassie said like she was teasing her.

Jolene's face lit up. She was beaming with joy.

"That is so lovely! Help me dress up! Quickly!" She said while brushing her hair.