
Saving the Villainous

Daoist444455 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


"That idiot! Why did he have to be with her! She's a liar and he chose her over me." I said while running through the rain.

I run into my apartment building and straight into the elevator. I never wanna see his face again.

I open the doors wanting to hug my Dad like I was four again, but he wasn't home. There was me and a note.

"Working late again, food in fridge-Dad."

I should have known. We were never close, so why would he comfort his crying daughter. When we can't even talk to each other. I run to my bed and wipe my red puffy eyes.

"I wish mom was here..." I whispered. No matter how much I cry and begged things don't go my way.


It came from my phone. I grab my phone and open it.

"Yes! Finally something good. A new chapter in "That Princess is a Theif." I hope Duchess Jolene gets a good ending. I doubt that because she is the villainous but, she isn't even a bad person. The Heroine sneaks into crowned Prince's castle. And he falls in love with her?" I said. "Sometimes, I think this story was made by some random 11 year old or something. Then again I relate to Duchess Jolene." We're both alone and scared. The only person who cares about us was the person we lost.

5 minutes later.

"WHAT! Are you serious! This story doesn't even make sense! How does Jolene go to Jail! Emily was trying to rob the crowned Prince! Emily was the one who drank the poison bottle and people blamed Jolene." I throw my phone on my bed.

I still have a bunch of homework. I should probably eat something before I start I thought.

"Another note?" I sighed.

"Sorry, ate the leftovers here's some money to buy something."

Ugh, why today! Today is just not my day, maybe I can go to that cute new cafe I thought. I happily put on something cute. Maybe, I'll have bubble Tea! I happily walk down to the elevator.

Walk past the lobby and out the door. Hopefully, I don't see them at the cafe, seeing them makes me sick. I wonder how Jolene felt when she saw Alex and Emily. She probably felt the same way I did. If I was in the comic, I would stand up for Jolene, and give her the ending she deserved.

"Hey WATCH OUT!" Screamed a random voice.

I turned to see what happened but, a big bright light faces me.


"Hey! Someone CALL 911!"