
Saving the Heartthrob Frenemy

Author: Andru_9788
Completed · 1.3M Views
  • 702 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What is Saving the Heartthrob Frenemy

Read ‘Saving the Heartthrob Frenemy’ Online for Free, written by the author Andru_9788, This book is a LGBT+ Novel, covering R18 Fiction, COMEDY Light Novel, TRANSMIGRATION Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Sequel of Saving the overbearing CEO....Because of his dads' company, Qie Xieling didn't have an opportunity to have fri...


Sequel of Saving the overbearing CEO.... Because of his dads' company, Qie Xieling didn't have an opportunity to have friends until he went to preschool. But when he thought he had made a friend she turned around and fawned over Luo Muchen abandoning him. Any other person would have gotten over it but he was just as petty as his father and as vengeful as his dad hence a rift that would deepen over the years was formed and Lin Lin wasn't mature about it. Each time he lay eyes on Luo Muchen he would sneer but all his friends liked the handsome heartbreaker so what choice did he have? Like a vengeful ghost, Luo Muchen haunted him day in and day out. He thought that Luo Muchen's sole purpose was to irritate him that is until they had to go into a game designed by a rival company, a game that was highly unethical and dangerous, to save Luo Muchen. Could someone explain to him why the annoying demon Muchen was pulling him into his embrace and calling out wife? It turns out a love rival was never a love rival but rather a love interest. Lin Lin, "F*ck" Wen Qinxi, "Watch your mouth, young man." Lin Lin, "...."

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(1V1+双洁+甜宠+疯狂打脸) 顾晚青穿书了。 自幼无父无母的她掉到了凤凰窝里。 爹是大昭第一权臣,一人之下万人之上,对谁都冷着张脸,偏见了她笑出一脸褶子。 祖母是曾为大昭立下一等功的巾帼女将军,谁敢说她孙女一句差,定手持龙头拐杖打遍贱人绿茶。 兄长是大昭的首富,金山银山恨不得都花在她身上,逼着她日日买买买,花不完这些钱不许睡觉。 拿着团宠剧本的顾晚青每天做梦都会笑醒。 可后来,她爹从宫里带回了一个傻子养在府上。 那人是大昭的五皇子,也是日后会叛国屠城,屠她满门的人魔。 她知道少年是在装傻,于是决定陪他玩下去,在他羽翼未丰之前提前发他盒饭。 可剧情走向怎么不一样? 穆弈秋一入顾家,就抓着晚青一顿猛亲,还一个劲的夸她嘴甜。 之后每夜入睡,必得听晚青讲几个睡前小故事才肯合眼。 他吃她吃剩下的饭,喝她喝过的茶,用她用过的帕子...... 这就罢了,他竟还日日大呼小叫的要与自己成亲? 这还是原作里那个杀伐果断嗜血无情弑父杀君的反派大boss吗? 她一度已经相信了他就是个傻子。 直到后来洞房花烛夜,晚青依旧如往常一样讲故事哄着穆弈秋睡觉。 哪料到这厮竟用骨节分明的手指勾起她的下巴: “今晚,换我来哄你。”

辛夷阑 · General
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307 Chs


Being Reincarnated....is strange. Coming to another body, which is quite disorienting to say the least, is a new type of experience. If I were to regard this world in a difficulty levels, I would say it was set to a hardcore survival one. I mean, even the 'current' strongest one died....killed by the 'real' strongest one, or perhaps, now knows as 'FraudKuna'. Meh, it doesn't matter if he is a fraud, it doesn't matter how dirty he played, in the end what mattered was that he won and 'survived'....And that's what I want to do....I don't know why, but I am obsessed with the concept of surviving, and when this world presented me a way,....I am going to make use of it. I may not be the strongest in the short run, but in the long run, I can survive....I hope. But still, arriving in this world, was a bit depressing, I mean, losing everything I had gained, knowing everything I did in my previous world was useless now...was quite disheartening. But not everything was all gloomy and sad, I was presented with a good cursed technique, but the limitations were shitty, along with my own clan being too traditional...it was a bit hard.....But if you were to ask me, if I would survive, my reply would me, "Nah, I'd swap.".....It doesn't make sense now, but it will, eventually. {The cover, the manga, anime, the light novel (If it exists), is not mine. I'm just an average guy that wants to make a fanfic, after getting inspired from my dead friend's fic.....Ah, this account was his, so, if you're coming from the dragon ball fic, I'm sorry, I'm not the author.} [P.S - Don't worry, my friend didn't really die, he told me to say he did.....that shitty guy wanted to drop the dragon ball fic and came up with a lame excuse, so I'm sorry if your concern was wasted on that waste of space.]

Laughing_Tobi · Fantasy
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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1
Volume 2 :Volume 2
Volume 3 :Volume 3
Volume 4 :Volume 4
Volume 5 :Volume 5


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Hi Author. I wanna say that this book is absolutely great. Your writing never ceases to amaze me. I missed Wen Qinxi, his cursing, Qie Ranzhe and his hot temper😆😆. You never fails to make me laugh through your novels. In the end, I just want to say that I really love this book💙💙. And thank you for giving a sequel to saving the overbearing ceo. I love Qie Xieling and his pettiness. 😂😂


It's so good to see Wen Qinxi and Qie Ranzhe once again ....I missed them a lot. A story about our dear Lin Lin .....I'm all in for it. The work is awesome ....and I was grinning the while time I read this....I just love this so much. And dear Luo Muchen you would have to work hard to slaughter the pig ( or hamster ) and Qie Ranzhe you would have to witness it and not being able to do anything about it 😂......honestly I'm so happy for you new work author. Thank you so much for this. Much love ❤️


you did a great work and more updates please 🥰❤️🥰👍


So let’s give up for this Jolie character 😍 And I’m just gonna assume Lin Lin is a Gemini , love him to bits. Dear shameless author you have won my heart. Keep up the good work. Waiting for the face off between Daddy Ran and Mu Mu🤣🤣 It’s gonna be fun.


Question Author! I finished reading 3 of your novels (All of them are great and well written btw) and was wondering if you plan on creating a novel where the MC and ML flip flop like in Prince and his Fool, albeit briefly? So far it was only that book that you had the MC as the top and had Yi Chen open to being the bottom but Zi Han not following through in The Assassins Enemy Lover. I think it'll be interesting to say the least and spice up the story a bit, at least in my opinion but anyways if you see this let me know and keep up the great work!


My favourite author of all time. I can't wait to see what Lin Lin will be upto. This is exciting 😃


Even when the author is unwell she is always writing. She is that dedicated. Thank you so much author-sama. I for one appreciate it 🥰🥰


Ah, I am late to the party. I loved Saving the overbearing CEO and I can't wait for this new journey. Thank you author 🥰🥰


Shameless author here. Thank you for all the lovely reviews. I hope you like this project. Please collect and let's journey together in this journey. See you in the comments.


Heyy I've read 2 of your novels..one being saving the overbearing ceo.It's been a long time since I read it but I do remember that I definitely loved it and knowing there's a sequel makes me wanna read it again and I will!!!And then I'll read this novel since I want my emotions for Lin lin and his parents to be highest when I read it(if you get what I mean since even I don't 😅😅😂😂)Now I'm off to reading STBC again!!😁


I just joined the book club this year and I must say both the first one and this one are really entertaining it makes me feel different emotions whole reading, before I decided to read the beginning (QiRan) I thought it was going to be boring but look at me now I am hooked I really love you book. I can imagine Ranzhe's face when Muchen gets together with Xieling hahahahahah[img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it]


In love already! I missed this family especially after re-reading Saving the Overbearing CEO about 5 times (maybe more 😅😅) and I can't wait to see how this story progresses 🤩🤩 thank you author for your hard work and I can't wait to continue to support!! 💜💜


Similar to the first book but different. This book also has me hooked. I love Jolie in this one. She’s funny AF!!!! I cry LOL. I’m waiting on pins and needles for new chapters. Good Job! Keep up the good work. You should have these two-serie books published on paperback and hardcover.


i have not finished reading but the novel seems interesting


Oh my goodness, gracious, we are over 500 chapters in, and I haven't done a review. Someone crack a whip at me, make sure I do leave a review. Now to the good part. To whoever reads this... This novel will have you on the edge of your seat, desperately trying to escape the bad guys, fighting with our dearly loved Jolie and Lin Lin, laughing to tears as those two interact, bringing out the books to throw at who needs it the most, (I really like the idea of throwing the Unabridged Merriam Webster Dictionary). This book does more than entertain you. It brought me straight into the novel into the chapters, feeling the emotions and enthusiastic to the coming chapters. Our favored author never fails to entice me to read their books. I have loved each and every one of them. I do reread them when I need to. The emotions bring me joy when I do so. So I say give this book a chance, fall in love with the characters. Get to know the sassier side of my favorite AI.


RanWen no matter who,what,when,where or how


Hi author I have be captured or kidnapped by your writing skills ever since saving the overbearing ceo whenever I read you book I just end up smiling like an idiot. Thanks a lot author for another great book


Do I have to say more, it's my fav Author with this special sequel novel. What is there not to like when I love the 1st story. Other readers, I highly recommend u read this as u will not regret it. 😘😘😘


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