
Saving A Sex Fairy?

Warning: Very Mature Content. Ding! "What is this? Y-you're a fairy?" "No master. I am a sex fairy, ready to meet your every need and fantasy. All you need do is to say the word." 0_0 "Wait! You mean like an actual sex?" "Yes, I can give blowjobs, deepthroat, ride you, fuck you, get in a doggy style... Whatever position you want and anywhere. All you have to do is say... " Before she got to finish her sentence, a dark glint flashed in his eyes as an idea struck home. "Fuck me wild then." "Your wish is my command good master, aahh!" ************** Chase Chen, a college student who had lived his life in loneliness. Devoid of all forms of love. The only way he could get his release was through his fantasies. One day, his class went on a field trip. Somehow he got lost and accidentally met an injured girl. Being a kind-hearted person, he helped her. Unknown to him, that simple, single gesture, had captured the heart of a magical being. Not knowing where she was from, he sort to help her back to the city but she somehow ended up in his home. Join Chase on his little romance adventure with the fairy he just saved.

LESAH · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Just a Dream


I found myself entwined with her, our bodies turned into a seductive dance, an intimate tango of pleasure and desire.

The world around us ceased to exist as we delved into the depths of ecstasy.

As I turned my body and her around, she was down and I was up and then...



But suddenly, a jolt of pain shattered the dreamlike trance. My eyes shot open, awakening me to the harsh reality.

I found myself back in my own room, the remnants of the passionate encounter dissipated into thin air. Dina was gone. She was a mere figment of my imagination.

A wave of disappointment washed over me as I grappled with the realization.

It was just another one of those dreams, but this one was different. It was a vivid, tantalizing wet dream featuring my favourite magazine model.

Her image lingered in my mind, the memory of her enchanting movements and the intoxicating sensations we shared.

I yearned for more, craving the touch and intimacy that only existed within the realm of dreams.

The piercing sound of the alarm clock shattered my reverie, pulling me back to the mundane reality of everyday life.

Frustration welled up inside me as I lamented the absence of such blissful encounters in my waking existence.

"When will I experience that kind of pleasure for real?" I exclaimed, a cry of longing echoing into the void.

Rising from the floor, I made my way to the desk, silencing the alarm that had interrupted my thoughts.

Another uneventful day loomed ahead, a monotonous routine that seemed to stretch endlessly.

In the bathroom, I sought solace in the familiar rituals of cleansing. The water cascaded over my body, washing away the remnants of the dream, and I tried to brush off the lingering disappointment.

I dressed myself, prepared to face another day devoid of excitement.

Within twenty minutes, I was ready to embark on my journey to school.

Grabbing my backpack, I stepped out of the apartment, striding casually down the pathway.

Hunger gnawed at my stomach, urging me to seek sustenance before the day unfolded.

A nearby restaurant beckoned, its aromas wafting through the air and enticing my senses.

I decided to indulge, ordering a hamburger and a refreshing juice. Surveying the space for an empty seat, my gaze settled on a table occupied by a solitary girl quietly enjoying her sandwich.

Approaching her with a polite demeanour, I asked, "May I join you?" Hoping to portray a semblance of gentlemanliness.

"Feel free," she replied, her voice muffled by the food in her mouth.

"Thanks," I muttered, a flicker of self-consciousness crossing my face as I clumsily winked at her.

Regret immediately flooded my mind, realizing how foolish that gesture must have seemed.

She glanced at me with an expression that screamed "weirdo," and I reciprocated with an awkward smile.

Undeterred, I attempted to strike up a conversation. "Hi there, you seem to be enjoying your sandwich," I remarked, desperately trying to appear cool.

"Huh, yeah," she replied curtly, clearly taken aback by my piercing stare.

"It's alright, don't mind me. I was just trying to..." I trailed off, reaching out to touch her, but she swiftly withdrew her hand as if I were a contagious disease.

Her response was sharp and unforgiving. "Hands off, weirdo. Geez," she snapped, hastily gathering her belongings and relocating to another seat.

There goes another failed attempt at connecting with a girl.

Avoidance seemed to be the common reaction I elicited, leaving me to ponder my shortcomings. It wasn't just with women; even men viewed me as peculiar, an outcast.

In my dreams, however, I was a different person altogether.

The ruler of my own realm, a magnet for women's desires. I could have any girl I wanted, their affections willingly bestowed upon me.

Glancing at the time, I realized I had thirty minutes before my first class.

Hastily finishing my hamburger and gulping down the juice, I left the restaurant behind. The sun bathed the world in its warm glow as I embarked on my usual route to school.

But as I walked, my eyes were drawn to a couple engaged in a passionate embrace.

Their lips locked in an intense kiss, their bodies entangled in a display of raw desire. I couldn't tear my gaze away, a mix of envy and longing brewing within me.

The man's hands explored the contours of the woman's body, eventually finding their resting place on her breasts. They pressed against the car, lost in their passionate rendezvous.

And she...was a vision of beauty with her blonde hair, hourglass figure, slender waist, and generous bosom.

My envy soared as I yearned to be in the man's place, to experience the pleasure he was savouring.

Unbeknownst to me, my desire had manifested physically, causing a noticeable bulge in my pants.

Caught in my voyeuristic trance, I failed to notice their realization. The woman's eyes followed mine, eventually fixating on the undeniable evidence of my arousal.

In a flash, the man's attention shifted, his voice piercing the air with accusation. "What are you looking at? Get the hell out of here!"

I was caught, my cheeks reddening in embarrassment as I hastily retreated.

Attempting to regain composure, I muttered to myself, "That was intense."

My hands fumbled with my trousers, attempting to conceal the evidence of my desire as I hurriedly continued on my way.


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