

"Who are you?" Caroline felt her heart break. She felt hurt, betrayed, pain, and anger towards the man in front of her. "Who...are you?" Her voice started to break. The man sighed deeply. He stared into the eyes of the person he loved the most in his life and whispered. "I am your Harvey-" Caroline pushed him but failed to make him budge. "Harvey would not lie to me this much." every word was filled with hurt. The man held her in a tight hug that prevented her to escape from his arms. "I have relied on you for so long. I followed what you said and learned everything that I know." She sobbed. "You know me...but I do not know you." The man held her even tighter. "I am still the one who loves you with all my life. Please, don't leave me." She felt helpless. "Was I just a doll that you carry around? Was I a toy that you groomed and played with?" She gritted her teeth. "Was I just your little doll?" She whispered in disbelief to her own realization. "A little doll that you toyed with." The man shook his head as he hugged her even tighter. Meanwhile in the depth of the oceans, a war is brewing and a new heir will rise. A young merman named Kosair roams the human world to stay away from his duties. However, as the war draws near and threatens the whole ocean, it triggers a fire inside him. As it is written by Destiny, he'll fulfill the role as the heir and fight for the ocean and its people. As they find each other, Destiny intervenes. Who's Destiny? The sirens tried to find his identity for centuries and finally, will they be able to find him? Destiny searches for the meaning of his life. As he clashes with a human girl, will he destroy his own creation of the siren curse to have his own love?

Venus_Romero · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Part 47: Listen

I gulped and made Briana turn over to me. "H-Hey, I think our ride is waiting outside. Tell him to wait for a sec or he'll drive away." I said quickly to distract her.

Briana looked back at the sea, finding no tail in her sight, making her nod and going to the resort's gates. I quickly ran up towards the waters, looking for Kole or even Kosair. Why would they surface when people are still around? That would cause them so much danger!

The moon was bright and the stars shining light reflected on the waters of the sea. I start to head back to the group when I heard someone hissing. 'What the heck-' I turned around to see Kole. Kole! Out of all people!

I hurriedly ran into the water and crouched down a little so that I can hide him from the sight of my friends. "What are you doing here?" I ask him with a worried look. "There are lots of fishermen nearby." I said pointing at the boats with lights. People here are superstitious and would do anything to really see a siren-like Kole.

Kole just clenched his jaw and whispered. "There are sholters in this area. I'm preventing them from being too close to the humans." he said with honesty. "I'm also here to ask you something."

I look at him with concern. "What is it?"

Kole swam a bit closer. "There's something happening-"

"Caroline!" Tiffany called me from the cottage.

Kole dove back into the water and I look back at Tiffany. "Yes?"

"Ride's here. Let's go!"

"I'll be there!" I yelled back. Tiffany turned her back and Kole rose up from the water again. "What is gonna happen?" I asked with curiosity and a little fear.

Kole kept his voice down. "There will be a war happening between the sirens and the sholters and shapeshifters."

Now I look at him with fear. A war? "Where? When? Why? How?" Those were the only words that I can speak. I don't know too much about events that happen in the sea but all I know is that its aftermath can harm both the ocean and the land.

Kole replied with a serious look on his face. "It's happening in the Mariana Trench of the Pacific Ocean. We tried our best to keep them away from nearby islands and fishing spots. Siren guards, ally shapeshifters, and even the sea creatures and are helping guard the border. We're doing our best to make this war unnoticeable as possible."

Kole continued. "This war will take place next week and it'd not gonna be pretty. The King of the Sholters wants to pollute the sea and make the entire ocean their territory." Kole then looked back t the sea for a second then looked back at me. "If the fight will be nastier than we expected, there will only be a slight earthquake when it happens."

I bit my lip, trying to digest all of what I've heard. "But there are satellites. They'll detect strange activity and animals being where they shouldn't be."

Kole nodded. "I know. That's where my ability takes action. It can temporarily shield the entire pacific ocean from the satellites' detection."

I pressed my lips. I can't believe his ability can be that powerful. "Are you able to hold that up while using your ability as an offense too?"

Kole nodded. His eyes widen as he looked back at the sea. Kole then faced me and held my shoulders tightly. "Caroline. You must listen to what I need to say to you."