

"Who are you?" Caroline felt her heart break. She felt hurt, betrayed, pain, and anger towards the man in front of her. "Who...are you?" Her voice started to break. The man sighed deeply. He stared into the eyes of the person he loved the most in his life and whispered. "I am your Harvey-" Caroline pushed him but failed to make him budge. "Harvey would not lie to me this much." every word was filled with hurt. The man held her in a tight hug that prevented her to escape from his arms. "I have relied on you for so long. I followed what you said and learned everything that I know." She sobbed. "You know me...but I do not know you." The man held her even tighter. "I am still the one who loves you with all my life. Please, don't leave me." She felt helpless. "Was I just a doll that you carry around? Was I a toy that you groomed and played with?" She gritted her teeth. "Was I just your little doll?" She whispered in disbelief to her own realization. "A little doll that you toyed with." The man shook his head as he hugged her even tighter. Meanwhile in the depth of the oceans, a war is brewing and a new heir will rise. A young merman named Kosair roams the human world to stay away from his duties. However, as the war draws near and threatens the whole ocean, it triggers a fire inside him. As it is written by Destiny, he'll fulfill the role as the heir and fight for the ocean and its people. As they find each other, Destiny intervenes. Who's Destiny? The sirens tried to find his identity for centuries and finally, will they be able to find him? Destiny searches for the meaning of his life. As he clashes with a human girl, will he destroy his own creation of the siren curse to have his own love?

Venus_Romero · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Part 35: Malnivero

3rd Person's POV

Kosair arrived at the siren witch, Malnivero's cave.

Malnivero is a middle-aged siren who does witchcraft and craft curses and potions.

"Ah, the prince. What brings you here to these fine waters?" Malnivero's voice echoed off the caves of the lair. "I bet you're not feeling well this time?"

Kosair nodded and replied. "I'm having confusing symptoms that even my brother can't figure out. He said only you can know what I'm feeling."

A dark smoke appeared before Kosair. As the black smoke disappeared, there stood siren witch Malnivero. Kosair stood his ground and masked his fright of being surprised. Malnivero has a short black beard but long black hair. His presence emits an aura of danger and Kosair knows that even by just entering his lair.

Malnivero's ail is a unique one. His tail is a shining violet color and has tattoos of his recent battles and hardships. He embedded these tattoos on himself as a remembrance of all the people he has lost within his lifetime. He once said that when he'll be executed and killed in a war or assassination, his tail will be the trophy that every king will brag about in the future.

Malnivero circled around the young prince, looking at him with suspicion. Finally, the siren-witch declared his diagnosis. "You, dear prince, are experiencing a curse from destiny himself."

The prince was confused but disturbed since destiny was mentioned like it was a person.

"Destiny...himself?" Kosair said as he looked at Malnivero looking back at him because he was clueless.

At that moment, Malnivero made his first mistake. He knows this but he should be more cautious not to mention anything more about Destiny.

Malnivero sighed and answered the prince out of pity. "Listen, prince Kosair. Destiny ordered me not to tell anyone his identity or his actions as he wonders the earth. He is definitely destiny butt he's in human form with eternal life." He sighed. "Destiny did this to you."

Kosair experienced another headache which made his tail twitch. "Why would he do that to me? I haven't done anything wrong."

Malnivero laughed. "Let me tell you, prince. You may not know...but you did." He swam to his desk and started to write new ideas for potions.

Kosair thought about what he did to Caroline last night. He thought 'Maybe it's because he tried to reject her as his soulmate.'

Kosair swam up to the siren witch who was writing away on his new potion book. "Is it because of my soulmate?"

Malnivero stopped writing. He looked at the prince and nodded. "Yes. Finally, you're catching up." Malnivero thought 'How could the prince know that he is-

Kosair confessed. "I tried to push my soulmate away since I don't know I'd be coming back alive after the upcoming war. I wanted her to hate me...and I want her to leave me." Kosair said. "I can let her live loving someone who's about to leave her early."

Malnivero raised his brow and thought 'Perhaps he doesn't know then...that would be less chaotic.'

Kosair had another headache. "Can you cure me?"

Malnivero nodded.

'I pity you, prince' Malniveor thought to himself. 'I pity you.'