

"Who are you?" Caroline felt her heart break. She felt hurt, betrayed, pain, and anger towards the man in front of her. "Who...are you?" Her voice started to break. The man sighed deeply. He stared into the eyes of the person he loved the most in his life and whispered. "I am your Harvey-" Caroline pushed him but failed to make him budge. "Harvey would not lie to me this much." every word was filled with hurt. The man held her in a tight hug that prevented her to escape from his arms. "I have relied on you for so long. I followed what you said and learned everything that I know." She sobbed. "You know me...but I do not know you." The man held her even tighter. "I am still the one who loves you with all my life. Please, don't leave me." She felt helpless. "Was I just a doll that you carry around? Was I a toy that you groomed and played with?" She gritted her teeth. "Was I just your little doll?" She whispered in disbelief to her own realization. "A little doll that you toyed with." The man shook his head as he hugged her even tighter. Meanwhile in the depth of the oceans, a war is brewing and a new heir will rise. A young merman named Kosair roams the human world to stay away from his duties. However, as the war draws near and threatens the whole ocean, it triggers a fire inside him. As it is written by Destiny, he'll fulfill the role as the heir and fight for the ocean and its people. As they find each other, Destiny intervenes. Who's Destiny? The sirens tried to find his identity for centuries and finally, will they be able to find him? Destiny searches for the meaning of his life. As he clashes with a human girl, will he destroy his own creation of the siren curse to have his own love?

Venus_Romero · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Part 30: True Love

"Is there something wrong, Harvey?"

Harvey made me turn around and looked at me in the eyes.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you." He smiled softly. "I just hope you wouldn't hate me for it." He said.

I tilted my head to his statement. "I've known you're an assassin. You work for supernatural beings. You're secretly rich, you wanted to have long hair for a very long time but always cut your hair short because it's too hot AND you have a soft spot for plushies." I crossed my arms.

He chuckled. "You do know a lot about me...but I don't want to be around me after what I would want to tell you." I flicked his forehead. "Ow!" He exclaimed as he rubbed his forehead.

I pout but then stayed neutral since I really want him to tell me what he wants to say. "You've been with me for a very long time and I never dreamed of leaving you ever." I continued. "Can you please tell me?" I asked him.

Harvey sighed and looked at me with a nervous expression. "Alright...but...please don't leave me okay?"

I nodded. "I won't. I never will." I said with deep sincerity and I hope that he felt that as well.

Harvey took a deep breath in and my heart started to race.

He looked into my eyes and said.

"I love you."

My heart stopped beating for a second but then I did something I thought I'd be too scared to do.

I leaned in and kissed Harvey on the lips.

After a few seconds, I backed up, looking at him frozen in place.

I started to get nervous. "Harvey?" I didn't think he'd be unresponsive.

I slapped him on the cheek.

He snapped out of it and I yelled at him. "I love you too, Harvey!"

He looked at me with a gaped mouth, holding his slapped cheek.

I stood up from the bed and went out of the house and hid behind some bushes.

Just a while later, Harvey comes running out of the house, looking around.

"Caroline! Please come back." He yelled desperately. "Caroline, come back." He paused for a second.

To know that it took him a while before using his intuition confirmed that he really loves me.

Harvey has a sharp intuition as to where people are whether they'd be hiding or sitting around somewhere. That is why he's a successful assassin.

I've seen Harvey so this a million times. He stopped for a second and slowly breathed in and out. This time, he closes his eyes and his head tilted towards my direction. He now knows where I am.

He sighed and started walking towards me. He crouched down and pulled me out of the bushes.

"I didn't know you'd hate that I kissed you." I said in embarrassment.

"No...no. I just didn't expect that." He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"I hope that we're not awkward." I said to him. He laughed.

He hugged me tightly before saying. "Since, I'm already moving in with you, it wouldn't be." he said. "I'll take care of you every day and won't let you out of my sight." He playfully said.

I sighed. "You couldn't find me within ten seconds of me just running out the house." I joked.

Harvey laughed nervously. "I won't fail you again, hon."

"Hon?!" I asked. I could feel my heart bump out of my chest.

"You don't like it?" Harvey asked. "Then I'll call you sweetheart." He said, hugging me again.

"No, it's fine...hon." I chuckled.


Kosair's POV

Why am I having heartburn?

I started coughing and my lungs started to hurt.

I looked at Kole in the dungeon cell. His facial expression making me nervous since he's puzzled.

"What do you think it is?" I asked with a hand on my heart. I swam towards him, my tail starting to get sore. "What the hell is wrong with me?"

Kole usually knows everything and everything. "I honestly don't know." He said as he studied me. "I think you've been poisoned."

Kole continued. "I think you need to go to...Malnivero."

"Malnivero...you can't be serious."