
Chapter Nine

**Some strong language, Sorry**

//Jungkook POV//

Breakfast was really good. I still couldn't believe that I wasn't looking around the house at all. I was standing in the kitchen cleaning the dishes that Jin used to make the food.

I smiled as I made fun of myself, soon got bored, and started thinking.

Well, I guess I haven't really asked for a tour or walked around at all. Also, I don't even know any of them! They are complete strangers who abducted me from my house, which I am grateful for, and then they expect me to just live with them?

They are all really nice and care for me, feed me, and give me a home to stay in, but I feel like I'm intruding. They are all really close to each other. Are they just accepting me because I am their mate? No..They wouldn't do that. Right?

Are they all dating each other? Is that even allowed? Well, I guess it would be because they are mates with each other...Wait...Does that mean that I am dating them? That would be weird.

Well...It would be really nice. They would care for me, protect me, and we would love each other.

NO. They probably don't like you like that... I wish they did...

//Namjoon's POV//

I walked into the kitchen to grab a quick snack when I saw Jungkook washing the dishes. He looked like he was in deep thought and didn't realize I was there.

"Jungkook?" I said as I slowly approached him because he started to look scared and panicked, "Hey? Are you okay?"

He quickly shook his head, like he was trying to clear a bad thought from his mind and looked back at me.

He forced a smile before saying, "Yeah, Hyung, I'm fine!" I wasn't persuaded by his answer and decided to question him more.

"Okay, what were you thinking about?" I asked.

"Nothing" He quickly replied avoiding my gaze and going back to clean the dishes again.

"Jungkook," I said using more of my alpha voice this time, "don't lie to me"


I instantly looked away from him as I heard a camera take a picture. I quickly glanced around the room trying to find the camera person. I saw someone walk down the hall and quickly followed them. The person went into Jin and my room and closed the door. I followed them into the room cautiously, completely forgetting about Jungkook. Their back was facing me as I entered.

The person was wearing a pink fleece sweater and had solid black hair. Their body shape reminded me of Jin's body shape. So does their outfit choice...

Just as I was about to say something the tall figure turned around.

I smiled because of how cute he looked but also frowned as I realized that I hadn't caught the camera person.

"Hey, Joonie! What are you doing?" Jin asked me in a cheerful voice.

"Nothing I heard a person take a photo of me and Jungkook in the kitchen, and I wanted to see if it was you."

"Oh? Was that what that clicking sound was during breakfast?"

I did hear that random clicking sound during breakfast but I thought it was just one of the maknae line trying to annoy us.

"No one was on their phones though, so who would it have been?" I said thinking out loud.

If it wasn't or of us, that means it was someone else. In order for them to be able to take a picture of us and have us still hear it, they would have to be in the building or close to a window.

"Shit!" I said as I heard glass crack from another room. Jin and I instantly ran out of the room. I ran into the kitchen to see the door broken and Jungkook missing. There was glass everywhere and a little blood on some of the pieces.

"Fuck!" I said obviously frustrated, "DAMN IT!"

Everyone else came running in and realized what happened. Jungkook was gone and we weren't going to stop until we found him.

We each grabbed our guns, coats, and shoes before racing out the door. I jumped in the car and started driving around the neighborhood trying to find the asshole who took Jugkook. Everyone else started running around in the woods around our house.

I saw a person jump into a black van carrying something large. I sped after the van. Everyone else didn't see me and were too far in the woods. I was right on their tail about to hit them when they took a sharp corner to the left. I barely made the corner as I followed them.

They kept taking more sudden corners and I eventually reached a stoplight. The van had made it through without getting hit, but cars were swarming the intersection by the time I got there. I was forced to make an abrupt stop. I slammed my hands on the wheel angrily when I realized that the car had already taken another corner and I wouldn't be able to find it.

Good thing I remember the licenses plate. It was XXX XXXX. I can get Hobi to look it up and tack it down when I get back home.

Still very upset I drove home alone. My tears threatening to fall as I walking in the front door. It had been hours since the window broke. Everyone was sitting in the living room. We all looked and felt exhausted. I felt one tear slip out of my eye as I sat on the couch. After that one fell it was like a damn had exploded.

Everyone started balling like babies and we all cuddled on the huge couch. After another 30 minutes of sobbing, we each slowly fell asleep.


Hi everyone!If no one has told you this yet today just know that you are beautiful and loved! If you ever need/want to talk I'm always here ♡♥.

If I made any mistakes then feel free to leave a comment and tell me!

If you have any questions about the story feel free to comment or ask me!