
Chapter Fourteen

ALSO, THIS IS A SMUT CHAPTER(I have a warning in front of where the smut starts, but the rest of the chapter after that is completely smut)

//Jungkook's POV//

The past few days have been pretty uneventful. They still don't ever leave me alone, which I'm grateful for, and we haven't really left the house. I only really leave my bed to eat, explore the house, watch more movies on the TV, or to go and play video games.

One of the only things that has actually happened was that I'm getting curvier. I have literally no idea why, but my waist is getting thinner and my hips are getting wider. I was going to ask them, but that would be weird.

They also told me a little more about what a rut is. They said that it is the male version of a 'heat'. They don't feel pain or heat, like an omega's 'heat' would, but they have "the need to be around/touching their omega or if they don't have an omega, they want to be with one." Jin told me.

I have no idea what that means though. Do they constantly want cuddles when they are in their 'rut'? I said that when Jin was trying to explain it to me and he just laughed.

Everyone has been fighting more recently though. Based on what happened at breakfast a couple of days ago, I think that another thing related to their 'ruts' is that they get annoying. They usually fight over who gets to spend time with me or who gets more food. Today has been worse though.

When we woke up everyone was incredibly grouchy. They immediately started fighting about the smallest things. They started off the morning by fighting about who would hold my hand going downstairs(TaeTae Hyung and Hobi Hyung won), then they fought about who would get to sit next to me(Jiminie Hyung and Jinnie Hyung won), then they wanted to go and sit on the couch and fought about who would sit next to me(Yoonie Hyung and Jinnie Hyung won), and then who's lap I would sit on(Joonie Hyung won), and then they continued fighting about similar things.

Right now everyone is screaming in the kitchen about who knows what. They have been screaming for ten minutes and I don't really know what to do. I walked away from them a while ago and I don't think they realized that I've left yet.

I'm kinda sad about it, but I bet this has something to do with their 'ruts' though.

"Kookie!" I heard Jinnie Hyung yell from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled before quickly running downstairs. Once I got there, everyone was looking really tense. Once I stepped off the last step TaeTae Hyung ran over and grabbed me. He picked me up, with ease, and gently slammed me on the wall. I let out a startled squeak and was about to try to ask what was going on, before he kissed me.

It was a rough and passionate kiss. This was the first time that this has happened to me, so I didn't react(or kiss back). He growled and pulled back. I was panting and completely confused. When I finally looked at the others they were staring angrily.

"You stole his first kiss, you dumbass." Joonie Hyung said annoyed.

Taehyung had a huge smirk on his face, before Jiminie Hyung grabbed and pulled me away from him. He picked me up and on instinct I wrapped my legs around his waist. He then leaned in and kissed me while bringing me upstairs.

His kiss was just as, if not more, passionate and lustful as TaeTae Hyung's was. I tried to kiss back but I don't think I was doing it correctly. I tried mimicking every movement Jiminie Hyung made and I think he was starting to catch on. Once we reached a room that I had never entered before, he nipped at my bottom lip. This was way too much of an advanced move for me to copy, so I decided that I would just pretend he didn't do that.

After struggling with the door for a couple of seconds he opened it and entered the room. He then once again, bit my bottom lip, but this time it was harder. I instantly moaned, whether it was from pain or pleasure I don't know, and opened my mouth.

For some reason, I think he took this as an opportunity to stick his tongue into my mouth. It was weird at first but after about 10 seconds I started or tried to copy him again. I didn't go as aggressive as he was but I still moved my tongue and tried. at this point, my lungs were screaming for more oxygen. My head started to feel funny and I felt my limbs start to go numb/weak because of the lack of oxygen being pumped through my veins.

Once he finally pulled back, I took a deep breath. It was like those scenes in movies where the person who is almost dead comes back to life and they take this huge and exaggerated breath. That was what I probably looked like, but it wasn't exaggerated. When I finally opened my eyes(because it's weird to have your eyes open when kissing) I was seeing random black spots in my vision. I was also desperately panting for air.

Once my vision and breathing went back to normal I noticed the position me and Jiminie Hyung were in. I was underneath him and he was sitting in between my legs.


The other 5 were all almost completely naked and were starring at us. They were wearing only their boxers.

I was incredibly intimidated, not only because they are alphas and my mates, but also because when they are mad they are even hotter. I felt the same feeling that I did when I was watching that "50 Shades of Grey" movie.

"Um, Jiminie Hyu-" I started saying before I was rudely cut off.

"That's not my name tonight, baby." Jiminie Hyung said angrily, "My name is Oppa for you."

Just then I realized that each of their eyes had a tint redder in them than they normally would. Maybe this is a sign that their rut has started?

Jimine Oppa got out from in between my legs and walked to the back of the room.

"It was worth it. I don't care if I get to go last because of it." He said before removing his shirt and pants. I have literally no clue what he meant, but it was still hot.

"Hobi you want to help me get him prepped?" Jinnie Hyung said smirking even more.

"I would love to." Hobi Hyung replied.

"Jinnie Hyung? Hobi Hyung? What do you mean prepped?" I asked innocently.

"Tonight you have to call each of us Alpha." Jinnie Alpha said while walking over to me. He replaced the spot Oppa(jimin) was at and leaned over my body. He was putting a good amount of pressure on my private area while trailing his hands over my torso.

His hand brushed over one of my nipples and I moaned, but the thing was I didn't mean to do that. My vocal cords produced the sound on their own and it was like I had no control over them. I layed my head back onto the bed and continued making more strange sounds. It was incredibly pleasurable and I didn't want Jinnie Alpha to ever stop.

After a minute or so of teasing, he pulled my pants ad underwear off, while Hobi Alpha pulled my shirt off.

Once I was completely exposed, Hobi Alpha started kissing my neck while also touching my nipples. I continued to uncontrollably moan, squeak, and whimper while trying to squirm away, but not really trying. I wanted them to stop because I was embarrassed but at the same time, I enjoyed it. I really liked all of their eyes on me and I really liked them touching and playing with me.

After a good thirty seconds, I felt a slimy wet finger poke at my entrance. After coating it in the slime, it slowly pushed into me. I moaned in pain as the finger continued to impale me. Once it was fully inside me the finger stilled, and I heard Jinnie Alpha say, "Relax, baby. We're going to take care of you now."

All the while, Hobi Alpha was busy leaving multiple dark red, but beautiful, bruises on my neck. For some reason every time he would suck or lightly bite at my neck I would feel a surge of pleasure run through my body. When I started moaning in pleasure instead of pain, the finger started slowly moving at a constant speed.

After the initial pain of having something in my ass went away, I felt an immense amount of pleasure. I was moaning and begging for more in no time, and before I knew it, there were three fingers inside me pumping at an incredibly fast pace. At the same time, I felt a fire building up in my stomach. It felt like after a couple more seconds of this, my stomach would explode. Just before the explosion, the fingers penetrating me were removed and at the same time, Hobi Alpha stopped sucking on my neck.

I whimpered from the loss of contact and pleasure, before loudly moaning when something much larger was inserted in the place of the fingers. I opened my eyes, which I didn't realize were shut, and saw Jin Alpha. He stilled for a second before thrusting at the same pace the fingers were going at. Each sharp fast thrust brought me incredible amounts of pleasure and I couldn't stop moaning. Once Jinnie Alpha started picking up speed, Hobi Alpha appeared in front of me.

He paused pumping his length to say "Suck." Before walking closer and positioning himself in front of my mouth. Even though I was as red as a tomato, I still obliged and opened my mouth. He started thrusting into my mouth, showing me that I didn't have a gag reflex, and groaned in pleasure.

After another 5 minutes, I felt the burning fire building up in my stomach again. I tried to say that something was going to happen but because of Hobi Alpha, no one could understand anything I said. My body started trembling and I felt my eyes roll back into my head, as a stream of s stick white liquid came flowing out of me.

Jinnie Alpha didn't stop though. He muttered something along the lines of "I'm almost their" or "just another minute" but I was feeling too euphoric to focus on that. After the euphoria started fading away, I felt how sensitive I was. Every single time Jinnie Alpha would thrust into me, I would feel 10x more sensitive and pleasure than I was before.

After another minute, Hobi Alpha removed himself from my mouth at the same time Jinnie Alpha removed his from my butt and they both shot more of the sticky liquid on my chest and abdomen. I completely relaxed every muscle in my body and started focusing on catching my breath while they both rolled off the bed onto the floor(not getting hurt though) and tried to catch their breath.

After looking back at the others, I realized that Yoonie Hyung had been in a similar position as I was, because he was being fucked(for lack of a better word) by both Jonnie Hyung and TaeTae Hyung. Oppa's(jimin) hands had been tied down and he looked visibly uncomfortable. He kept on squirming and trying to reach himself so he could finally release.

After I caught my breath Jonnie Hyung and TaeTae Hyung were both approaching me. They were walking with pure confidence and it was like they were models. I felt incredibly small seeing them like this and for some reason that comforted me.

"TaeTae and Jonnie Hy-" I said trying to question their motive for coming over to me, before I got interrupted AGAIN.

"You will call each of us Daddy." TaeTae said in a demanding deep sultry voice.

I immediately surrendered any uncomfortableness I had around saying the word 'daddy' and decided that I would do whatever they said whenever they said it.

"Do you think that this little cock slut can take both of us at the same time?" Daddy(Tae) said as if I wasn't there. For some reason being humiliated and called names made me feel that '50 Shades of Grey' feeling. Normally someone saying that to me or humiliating me like that would infuriate me and I would fight back, why can't I right now?

"He might be able to, but does he deserve it? He's been teasing us with his innocence the whole time he's been here." Daddy(Joonie) responded also ignoring my presence.

"P-p-lease! I'll do anything!" I said in a moment of desperation to feel the same release and pleasure that Jinnie Alpha and Hobi Alpha had given me, and although I wasn't 100% sure that's what they were talking about I was willing to give it a try.

"Hmmmmm. I'm not sure he actually wants it." Daddy(Joonie) said smirking while glancing at Oppa(jimin) to see his reaction.

"You fucking asshole. Stop teasing." Oppa(jimin) said from his chair in the corner. His face was tinted red, from anger, and he looked like he was going to legitimately kill someone.

"I'm not going to do anything until I hear him beg for it." Daddy(Tae) said his smirk getting wider when he saw my desperate face and then looked at Oppas(jimin) death glare.

"Please Daddies! Please just make me feel like Jinnie Alpha and Hobi Alpha did! I need it!" I said desperately trying to persuade them into helping me with my problem. They immediately stalked towards me. Daddy(Tae) picked me up while my other Daddy(Joonie) laid down. He then placed me so my back was against Daddy's(Joon) chest and my butt was pressing against his crotch.

Not long after Daddy(joonie) pounded up into me in quick thrusts. My eyes rolled back into my had and my hands started trying to reach out and touch Daddy(Tae). Daddy(tae) saw my movement and quickly grabbed my hands and intertwined our fingers before also entering me.

They both groaned from the stimulation and stilled. After I started relaxing, they began to pick up the speed. Their thrusts were hard fast and perfectly in sync(Bye Bye Bye, Don't really wanna make it tough, I just wanna tell you that I've had enough...I'll stop now) with each other. I was practically screaming with every thrust, but it was purely from pleasure. I get my body start to shake again but this time the burning feeling didn't go away. I felt something on me pinching the tip of my dick, preventing me from experiencing pure bliss. I started whining and fussing more, this time with the intent to escape and let me release and relax.

"Stop your squirming and sit still or I won't let you release at all," Oppa(jimin) said. Sometime when I was lost in pleasure, he must've been untied.

"Y-y-yes O-Oppa." I replied trying not to squirm or move. My attempts didn't exactly work, but I was trying and that's all that mattered.

After another minute my Daddies both squirted the warm sticky substance into me before collapsing, similar to how Jinnie Alpha and Hobi Alpha had, before sliding safely onto the ground.

Oppa(jimin) didn't waste any time before slamming into me. I still hadn't released, because of Oppas(jimin) small but strong hands that were pinching me. Oppa(jimin) grabbed my wrists with his free hand and laid them above my head before saying, "You can fuss and squirm all you want now. You aren't going anywhere so you can move as much as you want now, baby."

Right after he finished speaking, I started trying to flail my arms, but because they were awkwardly pinned above my head, I couldn't escape his tight grip. Then I tried moving my legs, but that didn't work because my legs felt like they were made of jello. I tried to speak and say something mean like "You are such a meanie" but my tongue wasn't saying what I wanted it to say and my lips weren't moving in the ways I wanted them to. I never gave up on flailing around though. Even though I probably look like a fish out of the water, I was willing to do anything to finally get my release.

After what felt like millions of years of waiting, Oppas(jimin) thrusts started becoming sloppy and he finally released his grip on my tip, causing a fountain of liquids to come squirting out of me in a ribbon-like-fashion, while he pumped my butt full of his warm seeds. I heard someone say something but I was too floaty and exhausted to care what it was. Instead of responding I just nodded my head and closed my eyes drifting to into dreamworld.

//Yoongi POV//

I was exhausted. The whole time Kookie was being fucked I was too. These kinky horny bastards are always really good on doing aftercare and cuddling you back to sleep after you've been thoroughly fucked senseless, but they really need to learn how to control their hormones. Especially Jimine Pabo.

What was he thinking giving Kookie no break in between rounds and not letting him cum?! Kookie was 100% still a virgin before tonight and that's how they take his card?

If I was Kookie I would be fucking pissed.

Maybe that's just because I'm an alpha, but I think I would have some omega like characteristics because I am a submissive alpha.

Smut Ends

But, when I look over at Kookie he is dazed and there isn't a trace of anger or frustration. He just looks obviously exhausted but he also looks dazed. It's like he's so comfortable and relaxed that even if he wasn't full of energy he could fall deep into sleep and wouldn't wake up for at least 8 hours.

Jinnie Hyung asked him, "Can I bring you to the bath so I can rinse you off?" but Kookie didn't respond. The only confirmation we got was a small nod that I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't really analyzing him.

Hobi picked my up and carried me to a separate bathroom to clean my up, where we may or may not have has some more fun, before we met back up to go to sleep.

Also if no one has told you this, I don't know why they wouldn't, you are beautiful, amazing, and loved! If you ever want to reach out to someone I'm almost always here to talk!