
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 27: Advancing To Pseudo Master Stage

Young master Quinn arrived outside the old castle ruins and directly head towards young master Halle who is still guarding the border of the core area of the beast realm.

"I told you guys not to let anyone enter the core area! " young master Halle got surprised because of the sudden angry voice he heard from behind him.

" young master Quinn! You're back! " said young master Halle excitedly.

" answer my question! " young master Quinn shouted again.

" I don't know what young master Quinn is talking about, I am guarding my post day and night making sure no one can pass through " young master Quinn said in defense.

" then how come there is someone other than me inside the core area," said young master Quinn.

" can young master Quinn tell me what he looks like, maybe I know his identity "

" He has black hair, dark-colored eyes, wearing full black clothes and carrying a white umbrella" when young master Halle heard young master Quinn's description Kali's image appear in his head, he look at young master Quinn and saw its haggard figure and it is clearly in a weakened state.

" if the person who did this to young master Quinn is the same person I saw at the transportation hub then I am no match to him, I will lose if I fight him " young master Halle said in his mind.

" I think I know who young master Quinn is talking about, I encountered him on a transportation hub when I was on my way to Fambre City " young master Halle said to young master Quinn.

" really! Then do you know his name? "

" that I don't know, but with young master Quinn's identity it will be easy to find out about his identity once we are out of here," said young master Halle to young master Quinn.

If he can't deal with Kali on his own, he will use young master Quinn's identity to deal with him.

" I see, when we got out of this place I will have my Butler investigate his identity " young master Quinn said when young master Halle heard those words he grinned maliciously.


Inside the secret training room.

" here, absorb this after you finish eating your food " Kali gave the Demon Panda a beast crystal and a dark crystal and summoned it back to his beast ring.

" black serpent comes out " he summoned the black serpent.

" hiss hiss "

" I'm sorry I didn't let you fight earlier, you are too strong for that tundra tiger beast "

He summoned black serpent to let it train inside the training room, he wants it to reach the pseudo master stage before he goes out of the beast realm, because he doesn't have the resources to evolve it and make it advance to the master stage he decided to have it reach the pseudo master stage before giving it the resources needed for the evolution and advancement, plus he still hasn't decided which path black serpent should take.

After giving the black serpent food and some dark crystals and instructing it about its training, he started his training, he decided to spend the remaining time inside the beast realm to increase his strength since he already achieved his goal of entering the beast realm.

Days and weeks pass, outside the castle, ruins the other beast contractors who entered the beast realm are fighting amongst themselves because of rare materials and resources, a lot of people died and got injured.


One and a half month has passed since Kali started his close door training.

He is sitting in a cross-legged position while meditating, beside him is his Demon Panda silently absorbing dark crystals.

Black serpent reached the pseudo master stage after one month of training inside the secret training room that is why Kali lets his Demon Panda train here from time to time to increase its strength.

Kali suddenly opens his eyes and the wind gushes out from his body after that he emits an aura that even the Demon Panda is wary of.

" still not enough I only reached the pseudo master stage, " Kali said in disappointment reaching the pseudo master stage at his age shows how much potential he has, he is comparable to the top young beast contractors of the first-grade families and factions or even the young masters of the six great powers.

" training here won't increase my strength anymore, though I plan to train here until the day before the beast realm closes, it seems like I have to make some changes to my plans, the people outside have been fighting for over two months now, I think it is time to join the festivity, " Kali said while grinning, with his and black serpent's increase in strength there won't be anyone inside the beast realm can match him.

He quickly departed from the Western room and arrived at the spacious Hall and headed straight towards the northern room where the exit is.

When he arrived outside, he breathed and smiled.

"it's been more than a month since I smelled fresh air, " Kali said while holding his umbrella with the Demon Panda beside him.

He walks leisurely as if he is taking a stroll in his backyard, after a few hours of walking he encounters a group of beast contractors.

" Hey kid hand over everything you have and we will not hurt you," said the leader of the group to Kali, he has long black hair and sharp facial features he looks like he's in his twenties.

" still at the apprentice stage despite your age, truly disappointing, " Kali said while shaking his head.

" you brat what did you just say," said the leader of the group.

Kali just stared at him with no emotion.

" tsk kill him and take everything he has on him" he ordered his follower and their savage beast started to attack Kali, Kali didn't move in his place he just watch the incoming attacks of the savage beast, then suddenly the Demon Panda appeared to intercept and fight the incoming enemies, there are five of them but the leader didn't join the fight.

The Demon Panda deals with the attacks of the four savage beast and he started to counter-attack, he uses his beast claw to injure the Trioptic porcupine that was about to attack Kali with its spikes, after dealing with the Trioptic porcupine the Demon Panda started to one by one beat up the remaining savage beasts, the sight of Demon Panda thrashing his followers' savage beast one by one greatly shocked and scare the leader of the group.

" he has a formidable strength even I won't be able to take care of him, he must be one of those young masters from noble families that came here to train and gain experience," the leader of the group said in his mind.

Without hesitation, he ran away from Kali and left his followers.

" boss where are you going? "

" boss help us here "

" boss "

" boss "

His followers started to call their leader when they saw it leaving them.

Kali didn't mind the leader's actions and told the Demon Panda to finish off its enemies faster.

The Demon Panda dealt with four apprentice stage savage beasts on its own.

" good job, you've become stronger " Kali praised the Demon Panda and pet its fluffy head.

" let's continue on our way, " Kali said to his Demon Panda, he just earned at least a hundred beast crystals with a different attributes from the four people he just beat up.

They travel the beast realm the whole afternoon before finding a place where they can rest, he started to prepare the food of his savage beast and the food of the silver spiked crocodile that he caught before, after feeding the savage beast he started his meditation before he can only meditate up until midnight now because of the increase in his strength and dominance he can now meditate the whole night until morning.


" quickly corner it " young master Quinn ordered young master Halle and the other young master from low-grade families to help him catch a savage beast, he is now trying to catch an ice attribute savage beast called Frost wild deer.

Frost wild deer - beast type - deer race - ice attribute.

It is a rare ice attribute savage beast, even the young masters who are trying to help him catch it is tempted by it but they cannot do anything about it since young master Quinn took a fancy on it. After days of chasing young master Quinn successfully subdue it and temporarily store it in his spare beast ring.

" huh? Where is young master Gul " the blonde young master asked loudly?

" you're right I didn't notice that he is not with us " the young masters started to discuss amongst themselves while young master Quinn is being happy about the Frost wild deer.


" Please have mercy, I don't know anything about a baleful ice stone and the " said by young master Gul whom the other young master is looking for, he is kneeling in front of a man wearing a dark cloak and his face is unrecognizable because of the hood covering half of his face, they are inside a dark cave.

" if you don't know anything about it why are you guarding the core area of the beast realm," said the cloaked man in a hoarse voice.

" I was just following orders from young master Quinn please have mercy don't kill me," said young master Gul while crying.

" then what do you know about the core area of the beast realm? " the cloaked man asked the crying young master Gul.

" I only know that young master Quinn has something important to do there, but when he left the core area he is seething with anger because there is another person inside the area with him, and that person also injured him and his savage beast " young master Gul said everything he knows.

After hearing young master Gul's words the cloaked man didn't say any word and just stares in front thinking about something.

" if the young master from house Quinn came here he must be after the baleful ice stone, I cannot do anything to him, or else I will be hunted down by the house Quinn for the rest of my life but the other person..." The cloaked man started to think about what should he do next.

" you said that there is another person who managed to enter the core area, who is it? " the cloaked man asked young master Gul.

" We don't know his name we just now that he has black hair, dark eyes, he's also wearing full black clothes and always carry a white umbrella with him, his savage beast is a Demon Panda " young master Gul said the description given to them by young master Quinn to the cloaked man.

" I see " the cloaked man grinned maliciously.

" though I can't do anything about the brat from the house Quinn, I can deal with the other kid since he doesn't resemble any young master from any first-grade power," said the cloaked man in his mind.

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