
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 26: Fighting Young Master Quinn

While Kali and young master Quinn is playing hide and seek inside the castle ruins of the beast realm, a beautiful woman who is wearing white clothes and a light blue scarf is drinking tea on a castle balcony beside her is a fox with silver-white fur and its tails have a light blue tip.

" I wonder how he is doing right now "

The woman who just spoke is Celia who came from the same village as Kali, the person Celia is offering to is Kali after she fought Kali during the village competition she changed she became more talkative and cheerful as if she found a new friend, that is what Kali is to her, her first friend.

While she is drinking her tea and thinking, a cute little girl slowly walks towards her.

" Big sister, elder Barri is looking for you," the cute little girl said to Celia.

Celia stood up and petted the cute little girl's head.

" Alright I will now go see him, you play wind snow first," Celia said to the little girl.

" I can play with snow today? " the cute little girl asks.

Celia just smile and nodded, the snow they are talking about is Celia's savage beast the arctic demon fox.

Inside the office of Elder Barri.

" good day elder " Celia greeted the elder.

" hmmm, good day to you too " the elder greeted back.

" I called you here today to check on your progress how is it? " the elder asked Celia.

" I already reached the pseudo master stage and it will not be long before I reach the master stage, my Arctic Demon Fox also reached the master stage not long ago with the help of the advancement pill I got from the competition and my silver neck swan is at level five apprentice stage, in a few months I will be an official master stage beast contractor " Celia answered.

" you didn't make your Arctic Demon Fox evolve? "the elder asks in confusion.

" I want it to have a much purer ice attribute before I evolve it "

" I see what your aim is, good it is great that you have already planned about the future path for you and your savage beast "

There are different evolution paths and some evolution paths require a certain condition, that is why Celia didn't make her savage beast evolve.

" I will help you in your training myself, so you can advance and become a master beast contractor in two months "

The words of elder Barri rang in Celia's ears, the ice knight, elder Barri will personally help her in her training, this news will cause envy towards the other members of the crimson snow castle, elder Barri is the most respected person in the crimson snow castle and also the strongest, normal people don't even have the right to have a meeting with him.

" may I ask why the elder is willing to help me? " Celia asked because of her curiosity.

" a young master from the northern territory went on a mission and will stay here for a couple of days on his way back, I would like you to go with him on his way back to the northern territory and join the northern palace, you know that we are a sub-faction from the northern palace and we directly report to one of the palace head " elder Barri uncovered the reason why he wants Celia to reach the master stage in a short time.

Celia couldn't say a word because of elder Barri's revelation.

" don't worry with your potential and diligence you will pass the test without a doubt, you joining the northern palace is also my order so you cannot decline it, understand? "

" yes elder I will follow your orders," Celia said after recovering from the shock.

" hahahahahahahaha good kid, now go on your way, I will call you again tomorrow to start your special training "

Celia nodded and left elder Barri's office.

Celia didn't return to the castle balcony where her arctic demon fox and the cute little girl are, instead, she roamed around the castle visiting every room and place, she wants to remember the place that became her second home although she didn't spend a long time here in the castle unlike other members, she still feels like she's been here for a long period.


" where is that bastard " young master Quinn is getting frustrated and irritated, he's been searching the whole castle for a few days now and he still hasn't found the other person inside the castle with him, not even a single trace it's as if it disappeared. He is now back to the Western room after searching the other room.

" you've been looking for me for a few days now aren't you getting tired? " Kali suddenly appeared behind young master Quinn, this greatly surprised young master Quinn and he immediately took a few steps back.

" you! Where did you come from? How did you come here? " young master Quinn asked Kali in a cautious and suspecting manner.

" what about you, who are you and how did you find this place? " Kali asked some questions back at young master Quinn.

" I am Silas Quinn the second young master of House Quinn of the northern territory, if you know what's best for you, tell me your identity and give me everything you have taken from this room " young master Quinn revealed his identity trying to use his background to scare Kali.

" so you're young master Quinn," said Kali

" that's right, now follow my commands and leave this place or I'll kill you " young master Quinn threaten Kali.

" hahahahahahaha, you're funny, do you think I'm scared of your house quin and the northern palace? " Kali laughed.

" you! You dare not put my family and the northern palace in your eyes, you will regret it " after saying those words young master Quinn touched his beast ring and summoned a savage beast.

" ice ape kill that bastard " young master Quinn's actions are within Kali's expectation so he didn't panic when young master Quinn decided to attack him.

The ice ape uses ice claws and it is about to hit Kali, seeing this scene young master Quinn already has a smile on his face, as if Kali is already dead, but his smile disappear when he heard a loud thud sound, Kali blocked the ice ape's attack with his umbrella, that is strengthened by dominance reinforcement.

When young master Quinn saw this scene he cannot say a word.

After blocking the ice ape Kali summoned his savage beast.

" Demon Panda play with this little monkey " he summoned his Demon Panda to deal with the ice ape, the Demon Panda quickly dashes towards the ice ape and uses close combat.

The ice ape face the Demon panda's relentless attacks, seeing his savage beast being thrashed by Kali's Demon Panda he used one of his beast contractor skills, the eyes of the ice ape turned blood red and it acted as if it is not hurt by the Demon panda's attacks.

The ice ape started to counterattack the Demon Panda, it doesn't care if it gets injured during the process, it's as if it lost its mind.

After observing the ice ape's actions Kali realized what's going on.

" Berserk, what a cruel skill, " Kali said, young master Quinn use the berserk skill on his ice ape to increase its fighting strength.

" Demon Panda finish it " Kali ordered his savage beast.

The Demon Panda started to get serious its body turned into a dark streak of light and appeared right in front of the ice ape its right paw started to glow and black colored energy wrapped around its paw, it uses its strongest offensive skill the shadow punch, it hits the ice ape's chest and it got blown away and hits the wall, the ice ape immediately lost consciousness when it received the punch.

Young master Quinn is shocked seeing his ice ape lost, but he came back to his composure after a few moments.

" what a trash, I will release you when we return and tame a new and stronger one," said young master Quinn while summoning his ice ape back to his beast ring.

When Kali heard young master Quinn's words, he shook his head, he found a new understanding of his character, he is a spoiled child who treats savage beasts as tools.

" what a trash, " Kali said in a voice that young master Quinn will hear.

" What did you just call me? " young master Quinn asked in an angry and irritated voice.

" I said you're a trash, " Kali said loudly.

" I will kill you! " young master Quinn said as he summoned his main savage beast.

" tundra tiger beast, kill him for me " young master Quinn ordered his savage beast and it immediately pounced towards Kali without giving too much attention to the demon Panda, though the Demon Panda is mild, it gained confidence in its strength during its training, that is why being ignored by the tundra tiger beast greatly provoked the Demon panda.

The tundra beast tiger's claws are about to reach Kali but he has no intention to dodge or block the attack he is just standing still, then suddenly a blurry figure appears in front of Kali and blocks the tundra tiger beast's claws, it was the Demon Panda, the tundra tiger beast retreats, after blocking the attack of the tundra tiger beast the Demon Panda glared at the tundra tiger beast angrily.

" roooooooaaaarrr! " the Demon Panda roared at the tundra tiger beast, it is the first time Kali heard Demon Panda roar like this.

Kali smiled and patted the Demon panda's head.

" go all out " Kali whispered to the Demon Panda hearing Kali's order, the Demon panda excitedly dashed towards the tundra tiger beast and uses beast claw and close combat together, it is the combo skill that the Demon Panda came up with himself, using the beast claw skill increases the damage output of the close combat skill.

The Demon Panda bombarded the tundra tiger beast with attacks.

" this stupid Panda is great at close range fights" young master Quinn said, getting annoyed because his savage beast can't do anything to the Demon panda's relentless attacks.

" tundra tiger beast creates a distance and attacks the Panda in mid-range " young master Quinn instructed his savage beast.

The tundra tiger beast quickly retreated to create a distance, when it reached a safe distance away from the Demon Panda it used its mid-range skill, spikes of ice started to form above its head, when the three ice spikes finished forming it swiftly flew towards the Demon Panda like a bullet, the Demon Panda used shadow punch to destroy the incoming ice spikes.

* boom boom boom

One by one the ice spikes are destroyed by the Demon Panda using shadow punch.

the tundra tiger beast continued to attack in mid-range turning the fight into a stalemate.

" shit, even my main savage beast cant defeat his Demon Panda "

" Demon Panda close the distance and use shadow punch again " Kali ordered, and

Demon Panda uses the dark strike to close the distance between him and the tundra tiger beast.

Demon Panda reached the attacking range and immediately use shadow punch, the tundra tiger beast is about to use its movement skill called snow dash but before it even make its move something restrained its movement when young master Quinn saw that his savage beast can't seem to move he looked at Kali and saw that it is using a skill.

" Bind!? You dare use such a low-level skill, my tundra tiger beast can escape it in a second "

" a second is enough " after Kali finished talking, the tundra tiger beast flew away and hit the wall, it has the same fate as the ice ape.

" my tundra tiger beast lost? " young master Quinn cannot believe what just happened, his main savage beast whom he grew up with and his most trusted buddy lost.

" even if we fight five years from now you will still lose to me," Kali said confidently.

" why, what did I do wrong, I grew up in a place full of competition and I receive a great number of resources and teaching from expert beast contractors, but I still lost to you, tell me what is your background you cannot defeat if you are not from one of the six great powers," said young master Quinn as if he had lost his mind.

" you think too highly of me, I am not from any of the six great power nor any faction, I am a vagrant beast contractor, and you lost to me not because your savage beast is weak you lost because you don't know how to use their strength you don't even try to understand how your savage beast feels, that is why you lost to me " after saying these words he opened his umbrella to block the sunlight hitting his face because the room received some great damage from the fight between the Demon Panda and the tundra tiger beast their fight blasted a huge hole in the ceiling revealing the outside and allowing the sunlight to pass through.

When young master Quinn saw Kali's figure holding the white umbrella he remembers the young man he saw before they enter the beast realm.

" you, It's you! will make you pay for this remember that " young master Quinn said, he summoned his tundra tiger beast back to his beast ring and left the Western room.

When Kali saw the leaving figure of young master Quinn he sighed and shook his head.

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