
Satria and Destiny

Being blamed for the death of a mother while giving birth is the deepest wound for a child. Then, the arrival of Mother and a new sibling who was numbered by the father, really disappointed him and made him choose live alone with a bandage of disappointment mixed with wounds from his father. Can Satria wake up from a nightmare that made him regret ever being in this world? Meanwhile, wherever he went, the world seemed to not support him far from the source of the wound that made him gape even more when they met face to face.

hsniatljannah · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

At ten o'clock in the evening, the usual after-work hour for most restaurants. The Lezafood restaurant is one of those that applies this system to its workers. Yesterday they were able to go home late in the afternoon so they could prepare for the extra work today because the boss had expected a lot of visitors at his restaurant due to the influence of the up-and-coming band.

That is, Andira waits for her lover until the man comes home from work.

"I don't like waiting for you inside for a long time. I'll think it's disturbing your work. That's why I just walked around here first," Andira reported like a child being interrogated for making a mistake.

"Owh Good! why don't you go home first, hmm?"

"Because I want to go for a walk with you, Honey. Later when I get home, where can I go out again. You know that, my father doesn't like his daughter wandering around. And you know, this is my chance to stay out longer while my father goes straight to Bandung to accompany my grandma who doesn't want to be treated in Jakarta."

"Huhh, yes, but that's a sign that he loves you," said Satria gently as his hand stroked the brown hair.

"By the way, how is grandma?" asked Satria curiously because the middle-aged woman was the reason why her lover left her for several months abroad to accompany her treatment.

"Actually, Grandma is still sick, Honey. However, Grandma doesn't want to be hospitalized, especially far from her home. She was furious asking to go home and finally the doctor allowed her with various conditions including bringing a special nurse from the hospital to treat Grandma."

Satria nodded, he knew very well that his lover was currently sad but tried to look strong. And one thing that makes Satria very grateful to have this girl is that she can divide the time to meet her lover even though Satria knows his girlfriend is tired, even though Singapore and Indonesia are not too far away.

"Hopefully grandma gets well soon, Honey."


"Now then..." Satria lifted the girl's chin, looked at her closely while showing off her sweet smile, "Where are you going for a walk, huh? Before being driven home?"

"Hmmmm, where have you been, Honey. What's important is you."

"Hahahah, if it's not up to you, it's like this. Hummm…."

"Hehe, where are you going, the important thing is to go."

"Yes, yes, Okay. But first call your mom, let me know if you are with me. Later, your mom will panic her child hasn't come home yet."

"Yes, Boss."

"Hmm? When?"

"Already notified my mom before leaving the airport. My mom was the one who persuaded papa so that I could not come to


Satria smiled, it turned out that his lover was full of struggles just to spend time with him.

"Sorry, Honey. I haven't been able to take a day off lately, can't spend all day with you and...."

"Hust! Let's go now, or it will get darker," said Andira, cutting off Satria's words, who always blamed himself for having very little time with his lover. However, Andira knows that Satria is also working to make their dreams come true, especially with his current position, of course he is very busy.

Riding a motorbike around a small part of the Metropolitan City, looking for quiet streets so as not to get hit by the traffic jams of the city. It was enough to make the hearts of the two people who loved each other happy.

One thing that makes Satria determined to move to Jakarta is also one of them because the girl he loves is from Jakarta, and Andira settled there after graduating from one of her favorite campuses in Bandung. To be precise, on the same campus as Satria.

It was there that they met, when Satria was in the 7th semester and Andira was two semesters below him. However, at that time Andira didn't know Satria who was her senior and they were reunited at the restaurant where Satria worked by accident when Satria tried to find out about her from social media. The accidental meeting made them end up in a relationship to this day.


"Hmmm?" replied Satria continue to focus on the highway

"You don't leave me because my dad always ignores you, huh. He's like that, but he's actually really nice."

"Hahaha, yeah, don't worry."

"Promise?" Andira brought her hand forward, raised her little finger and Satria hooked her finger which was free from the motorcycle gas.



Andira is very happy. Even though they have been dating for a long time, it doesn't mean their love story is as smooth as a toll road.

Especially with Satria who just found out last year that his girlfriend is the only daughter of one of the owners of a company in Jakarta which is of course in contrast to him who only orphanage children who try to change their fate by reporting themselves on the coast.

He met several times and did not get a good response from his lover's father, making Satria feel disheartened. However, he always believed that magic would definitely exist if he kept trying.

He actually knows very well that the main problem is only wealth and throne, the thing that makes Satria live life as it is today is because other people are after treasure and throne that they don't deserve they get.

This is the root of why Satria had to lose his parents' love and only get that love from his family on the beach. Everything is only about treasure and throne that makes people crazy throne.

Satria hopes that he will be able to change his lover's parents' view of worldly matters. He will prove that the happiness of Hartanto's daughter is not only from wealth, throne, power and appearance, But pure love without blemishes, without lies, yes, Satria will prove that.

Only a prayer that he can say at this time to match his steps so that he can change Andira's father's mind about this. Satria really believes that there must be an obligation for him.