
Satria and Destiny

Being blamed for the death of a mother while giving birth is the deepest wound for a child. Then, the arrival of Mother and a new sibling who was numbered by the father, really disappointed him and made him choose live alone with a bandage of disappointment mixed with wounds from his father. Can Satria wake up from a nightmare that made him regret ever being in this world? Meanwhile, wherever he went, the world seemed to not support him far from the source of the wound that made him gape even more when they met face to face.

hsniatljannah · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

It's not Galang if he doesn't succeed in making Satria upset and happy. Last night was made fun, now early in the morning it's been annoyed. How could it not be if his business was related to the time and schedule that must be pursued this morning and Galang played around with it.

"Ck, swear you didn't do a lot of work, you set my alarm at half past eight, Lang. I'm late, Where do I pray at dawn to make up for it'."

Satria continued to nag while tying his black shoelaces. Meanwhile, those who were scolded could only grin and scratch their heads because they felt guilty but were too proud to admit it.

"Sorry, Sat. I usually wake up at that time. So I forgot that you left for work at eight. It's your fault that you don't remember me."

"Nynyenyenye, you won't be able to wake up at dawn either."

"Hehe, y-yes," he replied with a grin.

A smack of a roll of paper landed on Galang's head.

"What is written on your religious ID card?" asked Satria still tying his shoelaces.

"Wow, clearly written Islamic religion. My Mom, my father is a Muslim whose son is Islam like them!" Pretending to be gassy even though he didn't know that he would get a sarcastic answer from his interlocutor.

"If you stay here, you have to pray, I don't want me to bear your sins because I don't remember you praying while you're in my rented house. If you're outside, it's up to you. Well, at least if you remember your ID card, you're still Muslim. So you have to show."

Galang was silent, he swallowed his saliva with difficulty because he was immediately prompted with the answer.

"I'm going to work, yes, Lang."

"Eh, you don't want breakfast first, do you?"

"Later at the restaurant."

"But I've cooked two servings of noodles, it's a waste if you..."

"Huhh no, thanks. I'm really late, here. Later my friends will protest."

"Okay, You have to be passionate about work, Sat. So that you can propose to your girlfriend as soon as possible."

Satria chuckled at Galang's words when he was already in the doorway. There is nothing wrong with Galang's words either because he works for one of them, to justify the girl who has accompanied him all this time.


The Lezafood restaurant this morning was very busy with visitors. That's because there is one band that is on the rise, invited by Leonardo, the owner of this restaurant. Of course it makes the employees go the extra mile to serve the visitors in droves, even to the point of not getting a table inside to just watch the band on a special stage that was made indeed to entertain restaurant guests.

"Sat, could you take table number eight in the outdoor area please?"

One of his friends called Satria because he would deliver another order.

"Owh, okay, Ban." Satria chimed in with his friend, Banu.

"Thanks, the order has been received, Ms. Mia." Banu explained, Mia is his friend in the order department.

There should be no need to ask for help, it's just that Banu, his friend earlier, knew the man's position was higher than him. Satria is a restaurant head waiter whose job is to supervise and ensure that the waiters work according to the SOP and several other tasks above the regular waiters.

"Order for table number eight ready?" Satria asked the assistant chef who took orders from a special skate made of glass but in the middle there is a hole to dispense food. This is done so that the waiter does not pass by in the kitchen taking people's orders and disturbing the special kitchen workers. The place is called a food counter.

"Hmm, why is it that Mr. Satria wants to deliver?"

"It's okay, the others are still busy. The restaurant is busy today," replied Satria with a happy smile to see the visitors who were busier than usual.

The food counter guard nodded in understanding.

"This is, sir."


Walking casually but unsteadily, Satria was already standing near table number eight at the table in the outdoor area of ​​this restaurant, Of course the table is above a low seat made of woven bamboo so that the atmosphere is more cool and comfortable.

"Order on behalf of Mrs. Andin?"

"He's here, sir." A girl sitting alone at the table answered without turning to the source of the voice.

Satria arranged the order on the table neatly. Spaghetti with cheese sauce, and a strawberry flavored milkshake, an order that reminds Satria of someone.

"Thank you, Mrs. Enjoy the food."

"You're welcome, Mr, but can you really, don't call me like that because I'm still young!"

The girl looked up, grabbed Satria's hand, making the owner of the hand stunned and almost brushed it off.

However, before he could do that, their eyes collided unintentionally.


The girl smiled a very sweet smile supported by crooked teeth and complementary dimples.


"Astagfirullah, when are you coming back?" Satria's enthusiasm.

"This afternoon, and came straight here. Hihihi. Sorry for deliberately not informing you first so that it will be a surprise for you."

Satria smiled happily hearing those sincere words. However, he felt so uncomfortable that he turned his head left and right, where his friends back and forth brought orders.

"are you happy?" the girl asked.

"Nice darling, but sorry, yes, I have to stay first. See the others are busy, it's not good to stay here with you to eat."

"Yes, Honey. I understand why. Besides, I'm here to see you work, if you stay here, I'll be the one to get angry too."

"Hehehehe, you bastard! Well, I'll stay, eat a lot, okay."


Satria gave a gentle caress to the top of Andira's head, who smiled happily with a heart that was certain to bloom.

"Cie, who is waiting for her boyfriend to work with. Khem-khem, she really puts a lot of effort into eating here to see her boyfriend work."

Satria only replied to Banu's temptation with a smile.

"Are you happy, Capt?"

"I don't know, you just made fun of me."

"Hahaha, I'm just doing what the first lady gave me. She's the one who asked the Captain to deliver the order."

Although there was no response from Satria afterwards, Banu knew that his colleague who served as Captain Waiters must be very happy because he met for the first time with his lover after the last few months abroad.