
Satoru Gojo in Black Clover

Watch Gojo Satoru as he embarks on a new journey in Black Clover. Writting by AI, prompting by me.

Tarek_Aboshady · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 13: Whispers from a Broken History

The aftermath of the Black Bulls' internal conflict left a heavy silence in their headquarters. Asta, back to his usual self (albeit a bit sheepish), sat patching up his water-logged grimoire. Yuno, his cloak still slightly damp, gazed out the window, a pensive expression etched on his face.The news of the interdimensional threat and the potential alliance with William Vangeance weighed heavily on him. The concept of a multiverse, a reality beyond their own, was mind-boggling.Suddenly, a tremor shook the building, followed by a blinding flash of light. Asta and Yuno exchanged startled glances. Had the interdimensional visitors arrived already?The light subsided, revealing a familiar figure standing amidst the room – Captain Yami Sukehiro, the stoic and powerful leader of the Black Bulls. His usual nonchalant demeanor was replaced by a furrow in his brow."What's the commotion here?" he rumbled, his voice deep and gravelly.Yuno quickly explained the situation, the news about the Midnight Sun, the shard of the claymore, and their near-brawl. Yami listened intently, puffing on his cigarette."Multiverse, huh? Sounds like a load of bull," he finally said, blowing out a plume of smoke. "But considering the state of your grimoires," he gestured towards Asta's water-damaged book and Yuno's slightly singed cover, "something weird definitely went down."Just then, a magical projection flickered into existence before them. Julius Novachrono, the Magic Emperor, his face grim, addressed them."Asta, Yuno. We have new information. The Magic Council has deciphered some ancient texts related to the shard of the claymore. They speak of a…Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue."A chill ran down Yuno's spine. "Cursed Technique Lapse? What does that mean?"Julius's expression darkened. "It seems the Midnight Sun doesn't just possess an unknown magic; they have the ability to manipulate the very fabric of reality. This Cursed Technique Lapse…it creates temporary rifts between dimensions.""So, that's how Gojo and Mereoleona got to that other world," Yuno muttered, piecing things together.Julius nodded. "And it's also how they brought back the shard. However, these Lapses are incredibly dangerous. They can be unpredictable and could potentially destabilize the very foundation of our world."A wave of unease washed over the Black Bulls. The interdimensional threat was not just about a powerful enemy; it was about the potential destruction of their entire reality."Which is why," Julius continued, "we need to find a way to counter this Cursed Technique Lapse. The Magic Council believes the ancient texts might hold the key. We're sending a team of researchers to decipher them further."He turned his gaze towards Yuno. "Yuno, your connection to spatial magic makes you invaluable in this situation. You'll be joining the research team."Yuno's eyes widened in surprise. "Me?""Yes," Julius said, a flicker of hope in his eyes. "Perhaps your understanding of space can shed light on these interdimensional rifts. Asta, you and the Black Bulls will continue your training. You'll need to be prepared for whatever comes through those Lapses."The mission felt daunting. Yuno, though hesitant about leaving Asta and the Black Bulls, knew his abilities could contribute to the cause. With a determined nod, he accepted the assignment.The research facility was a labyrinth of ancient tomes and arcane equipment. Yuno, surrounded by unfamiliar scholars poring over dusty scrolls, felt a sense of isolation. He missed the camaraderie of the Black Bulls, the playful banter, and Asta's unwavering spirit.Days turned into weeks as Yuno delved into the cryptic texts. The language was archaic, riddled with metaphors and symbolism. Yet, a familiar feeling stirred within him – a faint echo of the despair he had glimpsed through the shard of the claymore.Then, one night, hunched over a particularly intricate inscription, the echo intensified. He felt a presence, a shadow lurking at the edge of his perception. He whirled around, hand instinctively reaching for his grimoire, but saw nothing."Who's there?" he called out, his voice echoing in the vast chamber.Silence. Yet, the unsettling feeling persisted. It wasn't just a simple presence; it carried a weight of regret, of loss…a darkness that felt oddly familiar.Yuno narrowed his eyes. Could it be a remnant of magic from the Midnight Sun world, a ghostly echo of their despair seeping through the ancient texts? Or was something more sinister at play?Sleep became a luxury Yuno could barely afford. The unsettling presence lingered, a constant prickle at the back of his mind. He confided in the lead researcher, a wizened mage named Theodora, about the strange feeling.Theodora, her brow furrowed with concern, examined the specific text Yuno had been studying when the presence intensified. "This passage," she muttered, tracing the inscription with a trembling finger, "it speaks of a ritual…a forbidden technique used to reach beyond dimensions."A cold dread gripped Yuno. "Does it mention anything about the shadow…the despair I felt?"Theodora shook her head. "No, the text focuses on the power granted by accessing other realms. But the despair you describe…it could be a consequence, a side effect of the technique being used recklessly."Suddenly, a wave of dizziness washed over Yuno. The inscription on the page seemed to writhe and pulsate, the ancient symbols forming grotesque faces that screamed in silent agony. He stumbled back, gasping for breath.Theodora caught him before he fell. "Careful, Yuno! This magic is powerful, and it seems to be reacting to you."As his vision cleared, the grotesque scene on the page faded back to the normal text. Was it just exhaustion, Yuno wondered, or something more?The following night, the presence returned, stronger than before. This time, fragmented images flashed through Yuno's mind – a desolate landscape, a man shrouded in shadow, and a piercing blue eye filled with a bottomless despair.Yuno bolted upright in bed, heart pounding. The images were fleeting, but the emotion attached to them was unmistakable – a deep, soul-crushing sorrow that resonated within him.He rushed to Theodora, his voice trembling with urgency. "I saw them again! The presence, the images…there was a man, and his eyes…they were blue, just like mine!"Theodora's face paled. "Blue eyes…? Yuno, these texts…" she shuffled through some scrolls, her voice laced with apprehension, "they speak of a legendary figure, a powerful mage who attempted the forbidden ritual you mentioned. His name…was Rudeus Greyrat."A shiver ran down Yuno's spine. The name echoed somewhere in his subconscious, a faint memory he couldn't quite grasp. Was this shadow, this despair he felt, a remnant of this Rudeus Greyrat from another world?"The texts say his attempt failed," Theodora continued, her voice barely a whisper. "He reached another dimension, but the strain…the despair it inflicted upon him…it was said to be unbearable."Yuno stared at her, the implications sinking in. Was the despair he felt a consequence of the failed ritual, bleeding through the fabric of reality? And if so, could it be connected to the Midnight Sun's use of the Cursed Technique Lapse?"Then…" Yuno's voice was a hoarse whisper, "could this Rudeus Greyrat…could his despair be empowering the Midnight Sun? Fueling their reckless use of this forbidden magic?"Theodora's gaze met his, her expression grim. "It's a possibility we can't ignore. You may have stumbled upon a crucial piece of the puzzle, Yuno. But uncovering the truth could be dangerous."A newfound determination filled Yuno. The threat of the Midnight Sun transcended mere conquest. Their reckless use of interdimensional magic could potentially tear the very fabric of reality apart, fueled by the despair of a man from another world.He wouldn't let that happen. He would unravel the mysteries of the Cursed Technique Lapse, understand the connection to Rudeus Greyrat, and find a way to stop the Midnight Sun before it was too late.Meanwhile, at the Black Bulls Headquarters…Asta, restless and frustrated by Yuno's absence, trained with renewed vigor. He missed their friendly rivalry, the way they pushed each other to become stronger. But he understood the importance of Yuno's mission.One evening, as Asta sparred with Magna, a tremor shook the building. A portal, shimmering with an ominous blue light, materialized in the center of the room. Asta and the other Black Bulls stared in disbelief.Through the portal stepped a figure clad in black armor, a menacing grin plastered on his face. His eyes, glowing with an eerie blue light, locked onto Asta."Well, well," the figure chuckled, his voice dripping with malice, "seems I've found the wielder of the anti-magic."The Black Bulls tensed, recognizing the insignia on the figure's armor – the symbol of the Midnight Sun. Asta, gripping his sword tightly, stepped forward."Who are you, and why are you here?" he demanded.The figure threw back his head and laughed.

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