

In the 2 parts I, SATANOPEDIAOLOGY have explained how SATAN became the charm of good female angels and by this how disturbed were the bad angels. So they requested ALMIGHTY GOD to create creatures just like angels but without powers. Even GOD who just completed the various creatures formation including APES, GORILLA'S and CHIMPANZEES now felt like creating creatures who looked like angels but without any powers.

1) So GOD liked the smoothness and caring nature of female angels a lot and decided to create a beautiful woman and after sometime created a man. The lady was none other than LILITH and the man was ADAM. Both lived along with the angels in the paradise of GOD.

ADAM was like any other man of today and always wanted complete command on LILITH. LILITH was a good lady but was a casual type and didn't like ADAM'S commanding nature. She was fed up with ADAM who even didn't know how to love a lady. Even in love ADAM was commanding that is he used to love LILITH only when he felt like doing so and didn't care about LILITH. Whether she was interested or not. Sometimes he use to force her and she in return slapped him and broke his neck.

LILITH was a exceptionally beautifully lady with long hairs that covered her entire body. Many bad angels wanted to seduce her. So they use to possess Adam and would try to molest her but because she was extremely powerful in physical body she would thrash Adam each time when ever he behaved like a beast. LILITH use to tell Adam a about all the happenings, he instead of complaining it to GOD always blamed her beauty, this further made her more tensioned and SHE left the paradise of GOD.

2) SATAN who watched all this followed LILITH. LILITH was created in the most powerful and auspicious time when all the celestial forces stood in one line which happens once in trillions of million years and offering her as a sacrifice would make the offer immense power with which he could even create problems to ALMIGHTY GOD and HIS universe. The evil forces who waited for this opportunity united together and went to GOD and told HIM that LILITH has left the paradise.

3) GOD who knew everything still ordered the angels to bring her back. The bad angels tried to tame her but she proved to much for them because she had internal hidden powers which even she wasn't aware. The angels came crying to GOD and showed their condition. GOD decided and created another lady by name EVE. Eve was also equally beautiful as LILITH. Eve was too smooth in character and just like the ladies of the present days who live in remote places. She was exactly perfect for Adam who loved her because she was adjusting Adam in all possible ways. Since she was obedient to Adam, the evil angels possessed Adam and use to fulfil various desires through her and this resulted in her begoting various sons and daughters who were like those evil angels.

4) GOD who understood all this banished those evil angels and made them powerless and banished Adam for not complaining anything to HIM when LILITH had said to him everything in advance. GOD felt pity for the condition of EVE but still promised that SINCE SHE HAS INNOCENT AND OBEDIENT IN HER DUTIES, SHE WOULD REMAIN A VIRGIN and all those sons and daughters would be controlled by SATAN.

Though the story is confusing still it is clear that GOD never leaves anyone empty handed and SATAN, who is GOD'S SLAVE also doesn't allow anything bad to happen with HIS FOLLOWERS. In the next edition I, SATANOPEDIAOLOGY will reveal that how LILITH gets possessed and how SATAN brings her out of possession.