
Sanfro ; An Untouched Love !

Sandhya_17 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter Six : Skating Fate

Sanfro began to read the agreement , late at night under her bedsheet swirling next to swaishi..

Miss Sandhya , ( Suprisingly gets up and walks by balcony ) I agree zeurayn chose to conduct partnership business of publication ,

We as partners will share everything in terms of conducting the business , ideas , opinions , thoughts and ways of conduct !

I would not interfere or interrupt your work but will owe an explanation to all your doings at the office , as a legally authorized partner our share will be 50-50 losses equals to profit .

*I read all the legalities and laws related to partnership with Mr.Zeuranyn as agreement I

Signature ___________________________

Sanfro was confused , about so many things which felt missing from her side..

Zeurayn : Very Fast you made a call on this ;

Sanfro : No..I have decided something else but in regards to this agreement so I want to meet you in personal I hope you won't mind ?

Zeurayn : Why would I mind ? Anything you do

Sanfro : What that mean and how should I take that ?

Zeurayn : Like calling me at sharp 2:00 pm at night , and this means..

Sanfro : ( Yawn ) I will message you tomorrow..

When she came out of the balcony she bumped her feet by the table , nervously her fingers were shivering ,

Zeurayn smirked for long which made him smile at last..

Next Day Morning ,

Sanfro wakes up doing her house hold chores helping her mom..

Sanfro : Where is swaish ?

Bala : God Knows where she left at the early of morning ; you guys don't feel necessary to inform anything to your parents..we are useless for you guys right ?

Sanfro mood got turned off , that she was worried how she would leave to meet him..

Zeurayn : I am outside your home ( On phone waves when she peaks out )

Sanfro : How come ? wait I am coming..

Sanfro came running in her pajama and t-shirt and slippers with a loose pony making all her face shimmer with those brunette hair..

Sanfro : Come , ( Held his hand and took him beside a car and out of the resident gate ) How ? I mean..( Sighs ) Where should I begin ? huh who told you to come here..

Zeurayn : ( Places her hair behind her ears ) Stop dreaming princess , I was passing by and I don't have more than twenty minutes and your time has been started the moment you came slipping on your toes..

Sanfro : ( Was pissed ) Fine , I decided to work as an employee to you for the first one month to understand the office atmosphere , people as well as to know who you are as a boss , and how you would be as an boss ; ( Raising her eyebrows )

Zeurayn : Fair enough , Keep the agreement with you it's just another copy sign this one so I can catch you if you run away after a month..

Sanfro : Really ? Fine..Now leave

Zeurayn : I still have ten minutes free..

Sanfro was standing still in front of him and he kept staring at her..

Sanfro : Enough ,

Zeurayn : Yes , Enough of time left yet..

Sanfro : Huh , You are cunning can you change that first.. ?

Zeurayn : Why I should ? Because I am cunning only to you..

Sanfro : You know I am so done already , so I will leave..

Zeurayn : Wait , Here have this.. your mom will shoot you with rigle of questions..My time is ticked see you then from tommorow sharp at 9 am..

Sanfro was sweating , but all of a sudden a swing of wind has made her relieve the stress..

Bala : Where have you been amidst of chores aahh ?

Sandhy : Ice cream just , for 50/- rupees so I just heard it from the ice cream shop owner on the call so..

Bala : Really ? Where did you got these so many money ?

Sanfro : Of course I had it , even if my mom and dad doesn't compensate me any salary or fees for the responsibilities..( Taunting )

Bala : That's what is in your ability , to taunt and Dame those who care for you..( In a serious tone )

Which made her dwell into guilt , that she decided to do nothing for today she took bath stayed at home and begin to watch her favorite series while having each scope from all of the ice cream..

Swaishi : Excuse me , I am here for the interview..

Wenzof : Oh , Please come take a seat..( Seeing her qualifications and other certificates ) Great Now shall we begin with the questions..?

Swaishi : Sure ,

Wenzof : So Why Do you want to become a NSS Chief ?

Swaishi : Actually I had a dream of becoming a navy officer , but..I never got a chance to even speak about this dream to anyone openly because I knew it no one will support me or even let me even try..( Got a bit emotional )

Wenzof : Are you okay ?

Swaishi : Yes , NSS I have been serving it from college years but I didn't got much exposure but I really did had an great experience , so if think that what would be the job I would like to keep experiencing at it's level by which I came to this opportunity..

Wenzof : Sure , I am glad to see your enthusiasm regarding this job I think....I am satisfied enough still I will take an action test..come..

He took , her by the auditorium where there were students few were disabled physically but they all

Wenzof : Are Mentally Strong Willed , To Become an Military Officer , I wish you to interact with them so....I shall leave..See you soon..

He was somehow worried as if they don't make her nervous so he went to the camera room..

She kept talking with a sweet and delightful smile on her face where he sighed and left..

Sanfro was taking a nap , where her father made call to deliver a product urgently..

She was sleep walking to get ready here and then her mother's taunts made her get awaken..

Sanfro : A Box ? You said a product ? What a liar ? What agony ( Picked the 5kg heavy box )

Where is the address..

Rauej : Here at Markben's , home..

Sanfro : Why ? is he zombie walking or dead to come and pick it up..? nuisance..

Swaishi : Bye , See you later..

Wenzof was tipping toe in his cabin where ,

Swaishi : May I ?

Wenzof : So , How was the interaction I mean did you find anything hard or..like..

Swaishi : No , They all were so kind and few funny too I think I am going to enjoy this job thank you once again..

Wenzof : Thanks to you , That I got to see them relax at such ease..after so long....

Swaishi : I will leave now.. thank you !

Wenzof was running this institution of service where young people are encouraged and actually provided with opportunities to grow in service field , as being a "General's Son" He was proud to see his institution running successfully..

Sanfro : ( rangs the bell ) Is this Markben's home ?

His wife : Yes ,

Markben : Who is that ? oh sanfro please come in..

Sanfro : Actually dad asked me to drop this by here..so I was just this is your wife..

Markben : ( Putting arms around her ) Yes , Wait I will bring the payment..

Sanfro : Can I get a glass of water please..?

His wife : Sure , Take a seat he talked about you a lot how you are like his younger sister to him..

Sanfro : Thank You ; ( Drinks the entire glass of water and took the money and left in rush )

She was running , with her eyes blurred with her tears while swaishi bought some cake thinking of her sister and family as they deserve the happiness she has to share..

Sanfro stopped by the road but a sudden bike came and tripped over her feet..

Sanfro : Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa , Aaaaaaaaa..

As people begin to gather , zeurayn came in his car and his friend noticing her..

Zeurayn : Side , Get aside..Sandhya..? What Happened ?

Sanfro : I was just..( Gulping her pain ) about to cross the road a sudden swap of a bike he trippled over my feet and left...Call Swaish..

Zeurayn : I will , firstly let me take you to the hospital....

Sanfro held his hand but before she could slip he rather felt better to take her in his arms so he lifted her up..

A person : Oh general shop your daughter , had an accident..

Rauej : What ? Where ? Where is she..

A person : Call her a person took her by the main road to hospital..

Zeurayn : Are you able to endure it ?

Sanfro : I have to , ( Finally her tears. ame down )

Zeurayn held her hand , so she can press it if she feels itchy or somehow irritation around that..

Swaishi : Mom , ( Happily came in ) What Happened where are you rushing in ?

Bala : Your sister had an accident , come with me..

Swaishi : Yes ,...( Was shocked that she left the cake in the fridge and took the coat off and wore something causal )

Doctor : It will be all fine , okay don't stretch for now it might get broken..

Zeurayn : ( She gave him a glare ) He is joking around , come doctor I will pay the fees..

Sanfro : It's okay , I can pay..

Zeurayn gave her dead stare that , she pretends to be nothing said by her..

Bala : Ask them ,

Swaishi : No wait , Excuse me a patient named sandhya has been admitted here I had a call..

The Nurse was about to but zeurayn left without a word ,

Nurse : First floor , Second room..( Checks the report guardian ) She has family and a guardian too..how lucky ?

Swaishi : Sanfro , ( held her hand up ) There she is..

Sanfro : ( Hugs Swaish ) I am fine..

Swaishi : You always will have too..

Bala : ( Swaishi Steps back ) How you got into an accident ?

Rauej : ( Sarcastically ) Of course , My debt was in need of a raise..here we go..

Bala : Shut up , How are you talking ? what if she died ?

Sanfro : Even then he wouldn't mind to settle my body at low cost mom , I am no value to him.. ( Leaves to change her dress )

Rauej : I was just making her laugh , how she is talking back that is not visible to you..? even after growing up them with meals , clothes , shelter and a happy life this is all I am left to hear with ,

Nurse : Sir , The Bill Receipt and Medicinal Prescription..

Rauej : Who paid it ? and only 3000 /- I was scared

Nurse : The person who bought her here , I don't recall his name..

Sanfro : He left ?

He finally left , from the door of the hospital room by he was standing all Time..