
Sanfro ; An Untouched Love !

Sandhya_17 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter Five : Smiling Sorrow

The Next Day everyone was sleeping while sanfro , left without a notice to meet Markben's friend..

She reached the location and from the opposite side of the road a guy in a purple shirt , with black pants and boots , was on the phone call she tapped him and..

Sanfro : Excuse me , I have been received a call from you right ?

Him : ( He was stuck with his stare ) I will call you later , YES..( Stops Smiling ) Please this way..

He was leading her way ,

Him : Waiter ,

He wasn't ready for her so it made him a little anxious , due to which

Him : Please take a seat , I will be back in a minute..

Sanfro : Sure , ( Puts her handbag on her left side table and tries to calm her nervousness )

As he went to the washroom , all he was doing was smile , and all she could do was try to smile..

As he came and sat his knees got hit a little that her posture went leaning front..

Him : So , Shall I begin to question you ?

Sanfro : In regrads what ? ( Seeing him raise his eyebrows rudely ) I have many questions for you too..

Him : Fair enough , waiter two cold coffee..things heating up lately isn't so..

Sanfro : Really ? I think not yet..

Him : Each sip after one answer , I will let you begin..

Sanfro : Even if you don't let me , let's begin from the top what is all this ? you are giving me job ? for what ? why ? what is your intention ? and why me ? there where general shops ahead even Markben had many such staffs whom can impressed you diligently but why me ?

Him He goes to sip she held the glass ,

And The coffee gets spalshed..

Sanfro : Aah..

Him : What the..? Are you blind are what why did you splashed the coffee even if you were walking by side at least..

Sanfro : ( Held his elbow of right arm ) Relax , I am Fine , it's okay I know you are not at fault..

He was still angry but she was getting awkward , so he made her go by washroom and bought her new dress..

Sanfro made a expression that why he bought the dress it wasn't needed he made a face saying "You have to wear it"..

Then she changed and came ,

Sanfro was done and tired the way everything was going wrong with her which made her tear up but she managed to gulp it down..

When she came out in a black jeans with a orange shirt , all he do was feel intimidated..

Controlling such ,

Waiter : Ma'am , Your Coffee..

Sanfro : Wait I didn't ordered this pastry..

Waiter : It was for real my mistake , I was looking outside at small kid smiling so , It is token of thank you (; Have A great day..

Sanfro : You too (; ( She came and sat and before he could speak she begin to eat the pastry and ) Sorry , Let's begin the discussion..

Him : Sure , ( Sipping his coffee ) I saw you , running the shop of your father....or should I say I observed it closely that how exhausting it is right to invest your mind , body and skills at place where it keeps on seizing your inner peace ?

Sanfro : ( Drank all the coffee at the once ) Excuse me , Can I get one more..

Him : ( Smirks ) That is the reason , I am proposing you a partnership for my business..not because you are weak and I can exploit you but to make you escape your father's enslavement..

Sanfro : I am not against him to bear such words..

Him : But is not that a truth , You are a designer and very good organizer I saw you managing too , you are even creative if I see through..Why I would hire a ten different person if I get that in one ?

Sanfro : Just because my father is in debt and this sounds as if I am being enslaved to his decisions does not guarantees you would not do that too..is so ?

Him : Here is a contract paper , and two more agreement papers with all personal and professional guidelines as a partners we have to follow through you can go through this.....take your time , I will never mind waiting for your decision....

Sanfro was confused , because he was right about her but he does it with right intentions or....was the question ?

Waiter : Coffee ma'am ,

Him : Take it easy , caffeine will make you more anxious about your thoughts waiter we don't need this shall we leave..

Sanfro : Yes , How much ? ( Saw the bill and begin to fetch the amount she had in her purse and )

Him : It's okay I will pay ,

Sanfro : You have pitied me enough , not anymore..( Pays the bill ) Thank you ! Thank you too , I will inform you after few days..Bye....

Him : Your Welcome , Thank..you ! ( Drinks that coffee she ordered )

He walks her by the door ,

Sanfro : By the way my bad what is your name I just forgot to ask ;

Zeurayn : It's Zeurayn , Call me rayn

Sanfro : Okay Mr.Eurayn..

The sun was warm as the clouds were in cuddle to each other , the sky was blue in light the soft smiles around her made smile freely openly for the first time after so long..

She began to smile at the strangers , thinking that they are also suffering , they also do have sufferings but it is not something to be shared but to be cared in private about..

Smile is the thing as human she loved for the moment to share with the world..

Sorrow was the key to strength someone to smile again is what he felt looking at her through the window glasses..

If not rain , sun , night and moon nothing can paint the sky beautifully both in smiles and sorrow..

Markben : Hello , Sanfro Can you please send me some money right now it's urgent i will pay you later..

Sanfro : Sure..( Hangs up the call and looks at the same sky which made her partly dull )

Zeurayn : I am back , What have you been doing ?

Rebecca : Nothing much made you dish today ,

Zeurayn : You are a business man's sister you should better hire a chef..

Rebecca : Things are not as funny as your face..taste it..

Zeurayn Coughs and could barely speak , she slowly recalls..

Rebecca : It was soda and not salt in this punk bottle right ?

Zeurayn : Wooww , Yes ( Gargles )

Sanfro was walking back to open the store , Markben helped her pull up the shutter of the store..

Sanfro : Thank You ! ( Smiling )

Swaishi : ( Sorrow ) Nothing Happened the way I wanted never all because of you mom , you never fought for me in front of dad , you never stood by me..even when he slapped me in from of everyone just for failing in a subject..

Rauej : Stop blaming me..

Swaishi : Why you did stopped yourself ? from insulting me exploiting us for your benefit of expectations "You failed as a husband then you failed as a father , and at last you failed as a person too" even if you die I won't cry instead I will celebrate it , because I will be free free from your entire existence which is seizing our living spaces..

Leaves the home aggressively , While Sanfro was coming back to home her phone's battery was dead due to which she begin to walk faster seeing her sister's missed calls..

When she rushed inside the building with her fast walk..she saw her sitting sobbing by a bench in the park..

Sanfro : Swaish What Happened ?

Swaishi explains everything , Sanfro gave her orange juice she bought due to the sunny shimmering sweat..

Swaishi Wiping her tears begins to drink it ,

Sanfro : They will never change , Dad venting out at mom mom venting out at you you venting over me...this is our family cycle don't you know this ? that's how we have a relationship..

Swaishi : Just because they are our parents they don't own such rights to talk explicit and expect us to serve them dear mom oh dear Dad..I won't and you should not too..

Sanfro : Agree to disagree , They don't have parents , relatives , friends or colleagues all they have is us.."J won't turn down my responsibility , but I am completely turned off already as an daughter anymore to them" ( Smiles )

Swaishi : What are you smiling ?

Sanfro : Yes it is funny , see now if we go home they will butter us to melt down our anger they think it's age primitive but this is how we are becoming as a person is blinded to them..

Swaishi : So what should I do if they are blind God gave me eyes and a beautiful life , why they are interrupting in between ?

Sanfro : I don't know too , we are on the same boat oh..on same bench

Swaishi : Very funny , don't change the topic..

Sanfro : Is this was even topic or a routine..( Smirks ) you know a funny thing happened a person was sitting next to me in the bus and they were not aware that ticket is must so when the conductor came , the person kept on fighting and arguing later when police came she told the same thing as you "He should have talked politely with me" and bought the ticket..

Swaishi giggled , and sanfro was at peace seeing her smile so they both kept adding on each other's laugh....

Swaishi : Look at that baby , is irritating her elder sister like you

Sanfro : Really ? ( Gets up and snatches her cloth ) sissy , let us play sissy come let us play..

Swaishi hit her , that she hit her back but before she could swaishi took her phone and

Sanfro : Sorry , Sorry..Come let's go I am hungry.. it's not only their home we live there too..