
who the hell-

4:38 A.M, The morning of Oct 21st.

Zaph walks up to the front door of the house his parents once loved him in, and pulls out his key. He knew they would be awake, cause they always stay up late. He opens the door, and sees them sitting on the couch watching the news about a homeless boy killing a police officer, injuring his brother and fatally wounding his own mother in an angry rampage in the afternoon of yesterday. "YOU HIRED A HITMAN ON YOUR OWN SON?!" Zaph furiously yells. His mom and dad practically leap off of the couch, "You're alive…?" His mom sounds dumbfounded. "How are you…" His dad walks towards Zaph, "Son, you've proven yourself-" His dad begins to say, "I DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT BEING 'WORTHY' TO YOU TWO PSYCHOS!" Zaph cuts him off. He sprints down the hallway into his dad's room, "What are you doing?!" He shouts. Zaph spots what he was looking for, mounted up on the window seal. The Darklomus, the legendary katana that was supposedly forged in a distant galaxy, Zaph never really believed it, though. "This is what you care so much about!?" Zaph puts his hand on the katana, and feels a sudden burst of energy. "SON! PUT THAT DOWN RIGHT NOW!" His dad yells, in a stern voice, he sounds a little bit scared, though. "I'LL HAVE TO EXECUTE YOU IF YOU TAKE ANOTHER STEP WITH THAT SWORD!" He shouts. "You wouldn't kill me. If you really had it in you to do that you wouldn't have hired a 20 thousand dollar hitman to kill me for you." Zaph says, "You may think you're a cold-hearted badass mercenary, but in reality you're a weak stay at home dad that can only kill if he's forced too." Since the event from the night prior, Zaphkiel had the confidence to say literally anything, and finally stood up for himself. His dad freezes in place as Zaphkiel walks by him. He goes into the kitchen and grabs his mother's car keys, she tries to stop him at the door, but Zaphkiel walks right out with the katana and keys in hand. That strange event from last night made Zaphkiel feel like he could do anything, and that he did. Indra, his brother, comes running out the door, "Wait, Zaph!" He shouts as Zaph gets into the driver's seat. Indra pulls open the side door and sits inside. "What?" Zaph says. "Hurry, drive before dad comes out!" Indra yells. Zaph turns on the engine and steps on the gas as his father runs outside. 

"What do you want, Indra? Mom and dad are gonna be pissed that you went with me." Zaph says. "Oh well, hey, take a right here." Indra points at a turn straight ahead. "What, why?" Zaph is confused. "Just do it, I need to show you something." Zaph turns and continues down the road. They drive forward until Indra tells Zaph to stop right in front of some old abandoned building that looked haunted. "C'mon." Indra hops out of the car. Zaph grabs the Darklomus and places it in the trunk, and locks the door. Indra walks behind the building, and Zaph follows him. "What are we doing here, Indra…?" Zaph asks. "Just come on." Indra and Zaph walk right up to a door located directly behind the building. Indra pulls out a key and unlocks the door. Zaph is shocked to see the place is fully lit up and it looks like a whole science lab. "What the hell?" Zaph is surprised. "Me and a few buddies of mine built this thing, you like it?" Indra asks. "Yeah, this is awesome!" Zaph looks around the big lit up lab room. "Look, come here." Indra says, he walks up to a big table where he has equipment lying everywhere, he was a very unorganized guy. He opens the drawer and pulls out a paper, "Listen, Zaph, every single person I've asked seems to have forgotten what happened last night, and only last night." He says, "They remember everything from yesterday but just not last night. But I do." Zaph's eyes widens as he hears this, "Really? I do too." Zaph says. "Wait, what? You mean you saw the sky flashing all those weird colors and glitching?" Indra looks dumbfounded. "Yeah, I fell unconscious shortly after seeing it but I remember what happened prior to it." Zaph says. "Huh. Me too." Indra mumbles, "Well, what I think happened last night was the collision of two separate realities." He says casually. "Wh-what?" Zaph looks confused. "It's hard to explain, but essentially two worlds are bleeding into one another, like how a permanent marker bleeds into the other side of a piece of paper. I doubt you'll understand me anyways, but I hope that helps. And I'm glad that I got to see you again." Indra said with a somber tone, looking down. Zaph replies "Why do you look so sad right now? Nothings gonna happen. If anything, we're better off now." Indra looks back at Zaph, feeling conflicted for a few seconds before saying "Look at this." He takes his left hand out of his pocket, revealing a digital black glitching effect obscuring his hand. "I was the catalyst for all of this. I can't be allowed to remain here. I'm a violation of the rules of nature. Soon, I will exist in neither reality. In roughly one hour according to my calculations, I will vanish from this universe. All you'll have is the memory of me. Where I'll go, what'll happen to me, I have no idea. But for what it's worth, I'm glad my last moments in this reality I get to spend with you.For a few seconds Zaph sat there in stunned silence, before asking, "What.. happened to me last night? I feel.. Different." Indra replied "From my experience, those that had an extreme will to do something at that time, those that had the determination to accomplish their goals no matter what, they remember last night. And they benefited from it immensely. They all gained some power that correlates to the goal they wanted to accomplish most at the time of the collision." Zaph thinks for a second "Do you know what my power is?" Indra thinks for a second "Well, most people couldn't but being partially outside of reality kinda gives you an new awareness of that sort of thing. Space distorts around you. Maybe some kind of ability related to manipulating space, like teleportation or portals. You'll have to experiment with it on your own." The rest of the car ride was fairly silent until Indra said his final goodbyes to Zaph, and by the time he arrived at his destination the man that was in the car with him was gone.