
A new challenger appears.


In the very center of Nazareth, a 16 year old prodigy named Jaeha Song resided. He hadn't always lived in the horrible town known as Nazareth, though, he grew up in the country, and had moved to Nazareth a few months ago. Jaeha focused on one thing and one thing only in life, strength. He was obsessed with surpassing his limits and becoming stronger and faster. And so he trained, and trained till his knuckles were black. Every single day he would go into the same room, at the same time, and train his body. Using any training equipment he could find. And that is exactly what he did for hours upon hours every single day. To many, the Collision was a curse. To Jaeha, the collision was a blessing. Everything he had ever wanted to achieve was about to come true. 

Sweating, Jaeha jabbed at the punching bag hanging on the ceiling. He had been punching the same bag for hours, and his knuckles looked like they were about to fall off. "...That's…7 hours..?" He pants as he stumbles around the room. He leans on his back on the wall by the window to catch a breath. He picked up his bottle of water and poured it all over his face and into his mouth. He lets out a sigh of relief, "God…feels amazi-" A sharp grueling pain shoots through his body and he immediately falls to the floor. "What the hell…" He slowly sits up, but then it happens again and he falls on his back. He yells in agony. "Holy…shit..what is happening to me…" He grunts in pain, and grasps his Palms onto the bottom of the window. He slowly pulls his head up to look up at the sky. All he sees is a bright red glimmering light in the sky, with glitchy black marks all over it. The stars and planets looked like they were merging together in the sky. "Am I high…?" All of a sudden, the pain stops. "Huh?" He stands up, feeling refreshed and powerful as hell. "But I was just.." He suddenly has the urge to punch something as hard as possible. So he walks up to his punching bag, and punches it. it got hit so hard that it snapped off of the chains and flew through the roof. "WHAT THE HELL?!?!" He yells. He raises his hands up to his face. "AM I DREAMING?!?"