
Same Routine in Twilight

Hello reader, I finally read a really great Synopsis and understand the task now. The story follows Gabriel “Sylar” Gray, a villain that has transmigrated into an Amalgam World filled with Horror’s. Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves, Witches and Wizards, and much more. The story follows two separate plot lines, and should eventually fuse back into one. The first Plot line is in the form of memoirs/Diary and little events from the POV of Gabriel, and the second Plot line is the “real” event’s experienced by Sylar. The idea is to create an Alter Ego like Batman-Bruce Wayne, Superman-Clark Kent, and so on. If you enjoy monsters and weak to strong stories then this is for you! • First Plot: Penny Dreadful • Second Plot: Twilight (Planned) If you like the Story or feel like supporting me, do consider joining my Patr(eo)n because it would help me quite a lot. I have not updated my Patr(eo)n yet, but I will do it in a few days. Patr(e)on.com/ikaru5 Now enjoy the story! Art belongs to Daniel Bernal A/N: I hope you read this mate and I hope you are okay with me using your art. I just use it because it is amazing.

Ikaru5 · Movies
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33 Chs

Chapter 07: The Rise of Sylar II (Part 4 of ???)

DO READ THE AUTHOR SECTION!!! I always give an explanation or just ramble there for my own satisfaction, and I would love more communication with you all. Well, assuming you are interested in that.


From here on, the actual story starts!!! Do enjoy it! Please write Reviews, and comments, and send power stones my way!


All he has to do now is to find out what kind of Werewolf Ethan Chandler is.

If he is the right kind, then he might be able to solve his biggest problem, and evolve into a higher form of being.

"Caliban, I have caught him in the act of ripping a mother into piece's, stopped him from killing the daughter too, and finally, I played long enough with his beast form risking my own life. I think I deserve some answers!": Sylar says less friendly a than before.


"Okay, Mr Gray indeed deserves some answers, and I too need to know what you are Mr Chandler, for I was forced by circumstances to set a house on fire.": Caliban finally says after contemplating the situation.

"The short version of the story is that I am a cursed person. The long version is that long ago, in another life, I served as a cavalry soldier fighting in the American Indian Wars and was involved in a brutal massacre where our troops eradicated entire native villages. I fled America after having killed a senator's son, and joined a circus, where I use my skills as a gunslinger to entertain small crowds.": Ethan summarized his whole life in a few sentences.

"You probably did not kill the poor sod in cold blood, rather the beast in you did it, right?": Sylar asks.

"What is the difference? In the end, I did the deed.": Ethan says as he slumped further into his seat.

'Being able to transform into a werewolf and shed all human and mortal obligations, some would embrace their inner beast, and their new won freedom, but this guy is blind to it. He is too caught up in his own insecurities and humanity.': Sylar thought at this moment.

To Sylar killing is just part of the game, all people die, all people kill, the entire idea of killing being a crime is propagated by the government.

"The difference, my young friend, is that you have not yet understood your being's true nature. It is like handing a loaded guy to a child and condemn him for accidentally killing someone.": Sylar explains, very amused at his own analogy.

To him, most people he is surrounding himself with, are basically just some young people, not yet knowing the truth about a lot of things yet facing the world with opinions they have built in their relatively short lives.

"And you, Mr Gray, are in the know about my being's true nature? How would you know what it is like to be a monster? What it is like to be a murderer?": Ethan asks with a hint of annoyance and desperation in his voice.

Being unable to control the beast, but simultaneously being able to see and feel all he is doing, being confronted with the gruesome deeds his beastly self commits.

Always leaving behind a gruesome nightmare, the innocent life's he takes, it plagues both his waking and sleeping moments alike.

Sylar is quite for a moment, allowing the young man's words to sink in, and then he looks at Caliban, trying to see what goes through his mind.

Caliban despite being his own person, and quite a thoughtful person on top of that, has to deal with the very same issues as Ethan.

Caliban has to deal with the loneliness that comes along with being different.

He has to deal with the potential danger he poses to the surrounding mortals, and he has to come to terms that despite being immortal, he is like a leaf in the wind, same as all other humans.

We humans are like floating leaf's being carried by the wind, some dance in the air, some fall to the ground waiting to get picked up by the wind, and finally, some end up lost.

It is important to understand one's own nature, am I a villain, a monster, a lover a cheater, a leaf going through the motions.

Only through understanding and simplifying, oneself and life, can we come to terms with our own function and place in the world.

It might not show us the reality we want, and sadly most humans have moved from this train of thought, and instead decided, that the world needs to accommodate them.

(A/N: I think most people nowadays are too focused on what the people and the World has done to them, instead, of on themselves. I don't mean in an egocentric way, but rather in finding their flow in life. Coming to terms with reality and making the best out of what we have. Sorry I got side tracked, but I think it is nonetheless important to dive into a deep talk occasionally. I hope I did not bore you out.)

"Mr Chandler, I think you are underestimating our difficulties, and overestimating the graveness of your owns.": Caliban says.

"And what would you know, Scarface?": Ethan throws back, extremely pissed at not getting the reaction he thinks he deserves.

'I feel like a babysitter.': Sylar thinks after he hears the petty insult.

"Ethan, instead of throwing a tantrum like a child, it would do you some good to first listen.": Sylar says looking the man down with his blood-red eyes, before finally saying: "At this table, we're all monster's, and I doubt you would find people that are as able to relate to your troubles as good as the two of us can.".

"Then tell me what monsters am I sitting with?": Ethan asks doubtfully.

"That is the very first good question that has come out of your mouth, Ethan.": Caliban throws out a jab, seemingly pissed at being called Scarface.


"I am a Vampire, and this Gentleman here is… ": Solar wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Caliban: "I am a reanimated Corpse.".

"See, just like you were also basically monster's, and we did not ask for it. Neither I nor Caliban asked for becoming what we have, but one day I woke up bloody and clueless, and I was confronted with being a monster.": Sylar says while reminiscing his past.

He was inside an alley when he woke up, he was thirsty, so damn thirsty, and he was unable to control his thirst. He ended up in a blood rush and killed a whole village, children, adults, even newborns, and once his mind cleared up, he was devastated.

"It took me time and effort, but I came to terms with it, and I learned to accept both the advantages, and disadvantages that came along with being a monster.": Sylar explains, trying to build a connection to the lost werewolf, but his heart is heavy while he is reminded of his past.

At this moment, a man walked over and sat down at their table, bringing along with him four pints of beer.

"I think it is time I join you all, rather than lip-reading from over there.": he says while pointing with his thumb to the place he was sitting at.

"Cliffhanger no Jutsu!!!" — Author

[List of powers: (So Far!)]

[Kum'Boh's — Hypnotic Vision]

[??? — Ability Identification]

[??? — Probability Manipulation]

[Old Chinese granny — Mental Shield]

[Indian street rat — Lie Manipulation]

[Russian whore — Allure]