
Same Routine in Twilight

Hello reader, I finally read a really great Synopsis and understand the task now. The story follows Gabriel “Sylar” Gray, a villain that has transmigrated into an Amalgam World filled with Horror’s. Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves, Witches and Wizards, and much more. The story follows two separate plot lines, and should eventually fuse back into one. The first Plot line is in the form of memoirs/Diary and little events from the POV of Gabriel, and the second Plot line is the “real” event’s experienced by Sylar. The idea is to create an Alter Ego like Batman-Bruce Wayne, Superman-Clark Kent, and so on. If you enjoy monsters and weak to strong stories then this is for you! • First Plot: Penny Dreadful • Second Plot: Twilight (Planned) If you like the Story or feel like supporting me, do consider joining my Patr(eo)n because it would help me quite a lot. I have not updated my Patr(eo)n yet, but I will do it in a few days. Patr(e)on.com/ikaru5 Now enjoy the story! Art belongs to Daniel Bernal A/N: I hope you read this mate and I hope you are okay with me using your art. I just use it because it is amazing.

Ikaru5 · Movies
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33 Chs

Chapter 01: Gabriel Gray: Memoirs of a transmigrated Vampire (P5)


From here on, the actual story starts!!! Do enjoy it! Please write Reviews, comments, and send power stones my way!


Kum'Boh taught me all he knew about the different Clans, their powers, and weaknesses, and even unknowingly helped me find my [Special Power], he was the progenitor I needed but was not lucky enough to have at the beginning.

[From 1810 to 1850]

The year 1850, was the year I and Kum'Boh went our separate ways, he had taught me all that was necessary, and I wanted to experience the world. Also, I wanted to experience history a bit more, just to find out if history in this world follows the same timeline as my last worlds.

After nearly fifty years of staying together, Kum'Boh was something akin to a brother to me, but I have a world to explore, and I do not want to stay in hiding for, well, eternity.

I should not be writing this down, in case someone gets his hands on it, but seeing how I am going to destroy it after I am done, I might as well write it down.

It took me 49 years, but I finally mastered my special power, the reason I went into frenzies, and ended up killing people is because of my power.

My power is something I call [Intuitive Aptitude] and after training and mastering it I got access to its higher form, which I call [Intuitive Empathic Replication].

My [Intuitive Aptitude] gives me the power to instantly analyse, learn and understand the complexity and exactness of organisms, objects, etc. without the need of long-term or special education. However, it also always compelled me to understand as much as I could, resulting in a different kind of "hunger" which manifested itself as a need to understand, which often caused me to go into a frenzy.

After decades of trial and error I managed to master myself and to understand through empathy rather than to dissect people and see how they're on the inside, and this in turn gave me access to [Intuitive Empathic Replication].

I have the power to copy the powers of others through an empathic bond and immediately understand how to use said powers, I learned with Kum'Boh's help how to copy a skill without the need to kill.

At this Point I have managed to gather the following abilities, [Kum'Boh's – Hypnotic Vision], [Ability Identification], and [probability Manipulation].

Well, I got the first one from Kum'Boh, the second and third one are from some of my victims because I somehow am lucky, and I managed to not get caught up into any dire situations.

I instinctively know that some people are more special, and after I observe them for some time, I know what is special about them.

In most cases the special thing about them is that they're just not human, but in the occasion that they're human I wonder if I should just go ahead and kill them to get their abilities. Kum'Boh taught me not to do that, and at least for some time I will follow his lead because I don't need the extra attention.

I should choose my first destination, I think England may be a great place to stay for some time.

Who knows, I might even learn to behave like a true-born lord.

"Chapter End no Jutsu!!!" — Author

Hello everyone (For those who skipped the head part!!),

It is once again time for starting another adventure together.

This time I will try a different approach because I have come to learn that I have ADHD, well, it sucks, but it is what it is.

The story takes place in a 'Monster Infested World', meaning, there will be all sorts of night dwellers, and monsters like Vampires, Werewolves, Skin changers! Also, characters from the Vampire Diary, the Original's, Twilight, Teen Wolf, and many more will be popping up and joining the fun.

Unlike most Fan Fictions, I want to try and actually write a different setting like I know we love FF, but I want my character to live his life.

And now, the repetitive part about how I need your money so that I don't end up as a miserable hobo or as a semi ugly hooker on the street's, and where you people then think: 'I ain't having no money for this dude, he enjoys what he is doing why ought I pay him, or something like, I will just skip this part.'.

Well, if you do consider supporting me and to become a Patron, then firstly THANK YOU and second just please follow the link.


Do you get benefits for being a Patron? Maybe yes, maybe no, I am unsure how to sell myself or how to generate a good or great image of myself, I have tried, and I failed at it all throughout high school and university.

All I can offer is that:

1- you get to read ahead.

2- you get access to unfinished Drafts and other works of mine that are in process.

3- you get to give input on character development

Now for high tier patrons!!!

1- If you seriously consider on jumping to the highest Tier, that I offer and that by the way I think none will take, you get to introduce your own character into the story.

2- This includes you chose your own setting like powers, background, and personality that must fit into the story, meaning no Star Wars alien in a medieval setting!

3- Furthermore, this includes that your character gets his own chapters as side stories in the form of short stories! I want to make that clear because I want to develop the World, not just my MC.

4- Finally, you may get my friendship as a person, but honestly I am an ass because I am just too blunt so that one is a double-edged sword even if you manage to earn my friendship.

Now, I am finished, and I hope you do enjoy the story.

Oh, and gimme Powerstones, Reviews, and your most funny comments if you like the story that always helps with cheering me up and I will know not to drop the story, and not to move on to the next try at writing a great story!

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