
Chapter 6

As soon as Ian promised to cooperate Lance looked at him with suspicion, sighed in his heart and asked him, "Why are you so interested in this case? I heard you volunteered to join the investigation?"

Ian froze for a split second then immediately sighed and said, "It's a long story, I don't have the time to provide you with an explanation. We'll talk about this later."

Ian couldn't understand why did he even say he'd talk later when his brain knows he shouldn't do so, why can't his action follow his thoughts?

Lance was sure they needed more time to investigate the entire matter. Just the information that Ian had dug up and connected about similar cases was enough to prove that they had been taking the case far too lightly.

This smart little guy had surprised him yet Lance kept his cool.

"No wonder they call you the top of the field, you dug up the direction we hadn't bothered with a glance to."

Ian looked at Lance and smiled, "I'm sure you would get to this point sooner or later, it's not like I started investigating it yesterday. I've been investigating for months."

Lance raised his eyebrows in surprise and before he knew it he rubbed the curly hair on top of the little guy's head. Ian stood frozen he couldn't even react while he knew he wasn't the best in fighting he was sure his inner instincts always helped him avoid unnecessary physical contact. Seeing the frozen little guy Lance laughed lightly and said, "Well I'll wait for you at the police station."

He couldn't get it out of his, how it felt to have his head rubbed even if it was for a few moments it gave him immeasurable warmth. He never knew who needed this warmth, damn he felt ashamed of himself he couldn't even figure out his own psychology what sort of a criminal psychologist was he? That was all Ian could ponder all night. When he woke up the next morning Ian couldn't wrap his head around the fact that his thoughts kept hi up all night that he let them affect him so much.

At school

While walking down the hallway, Ian felt an arm approach his shoulder, just as he was to subconsciously avoid it, Nathan's voice stopped him

"Hey its me."

Ian glanced at Nathan and raised his eyebrows, "Not maintaining your cold persona anymore."

"It's for others not for you."

As soon as they entered the classroom they felt every eye on themselves, there was a similar look of surprise on their faces. Just as Nathan sneered and opened his mouth to tell them off the homeroom teacher entered the class.

"I need names for students who wish to participate in inter class basketball match, recommend names from the class to me."

"Nathan." Someone suggested.





After writing the names of five students the homeroom teacher thought out loud, "Should we have some substitutes?"

At this moment Nathan became over energetic and said, "Miss, I recommend Ian."

"Ian? Ian Scott?"

Ian rolled his eyes and glared at Nathan, when Nathan gave him a pleading look he sighed and said, "I can play." And sat back down in his seat.

Ian flipped through the phone the whole day while many people secretly observed him thinking that no matter what Ian was just a random person at the bottom of the overall scores and was no threat to them. Soon it was time for the much awaited music class.

Micheal Sanders, a possible link to the H.H is it just a misconception or is that guy really that good at hiding himself? Ian couldn't guess from the data he had already gathered and snatched from Nathan, there was only one conclusion that he could reach that guy is hiding too deep if the news is correct. Originally he was picked out because of one loose signal that had escaped and was directly traced to his phone, but its not enough to catch him. Definite proof that's what is needed. He was going to find it and he planned to give those from H.H the hell they deserved, human trafficking, drug dealings, arms smuggling worst of all live experiments they were involved in everything, and one thing was for sure he'd catch those related to them and make them spit out everything they know to destroy this freak gang to the core.