
Sakura Bachi

Sakura Bachi is about the life a future king "Keisuke Miura" and his friend. Their universe is much like ours, but far vast and different, where many otherworld technology, humans and beast roam wild. The early parts of the story takes place in a prison where the introductions of characters joins Keisuke crew. Weekly chapters

JustGreat · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Day 1

As Keisuke gazed upon the towering monstrosity that was Shinseina Gisei, the enormity of the prison island struck him like a physical blow. Rising to an imposing 800 meters in height and stretching 2266 meters in width, it was the largest prison island in the world. Its jagged, disjointed cubes stacked upon one another, giving the impression of a rectangle rather than a cube. Keisuke was momentarily mesmerized by the giant building before him, his nose bleeding, until he felt the warm blood running down his face and onto his uniform.

Just as he wiped the blood away, the guards appeared behind him like silent ninjas. Keisuke was startled by the sudden presence of the guards, and jumped in surprise when the head guard placed his hands on his shoulders. But as he looked into the guard's eyes, Keisuke felt a sense of relief wash over him, until he realized that the guards were psychopaths.

"So you were the only one to survive this time, huh?" The guard said with a sly grin. "Well then, shall you head in?"

Keisuke's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the guard's sudden change in demeanor. But he didn't have long to ponder, as the giant door before him began to open. Unlike most doors which required pushing or pulling, this door split into four sections as it slid open on each corner.

As Keisuke stepped inside the prison island, he was met with yet another door and a hallway so tight that the walls were only ten feet apart. The enormity of his situation hit him like a freight train as he realized that he was trapped in a labyrinth of endless doors and claustrophobic hallways, with no hope of escape.

As Keisuke walked through the dimly lit hallways of the prison island, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Ladders leading to the upper levels loomed ominously above him, and the sound of his footsteps echoed off the walls. When he reached the door, he was pushed inside with a force that took him aback, and the door closed behind him with a deafening thud.

The room was filled with prisoners and guards, all staring at him with curious eyes. Keisuke's neck cuff was glowing green, drawing attention to him.

The prisoners were gathered in circles, engaged in what looked like bets or games, while the guards stood at the walls and corners, watching the scene unfold.

A guard standing next to the door approached Keisuke, pulling him up by the neck cuff and studying it. "I see, so you're new," the guard said before dropping him back to the ground. "Follow me."

Keisuke followed the guard, unsure of what else to do.

They walked for several minutes, passing through multiple rooms until they finally reached the cafeteria. As they entered, Keisuke was met with the stares of multiple prisoners, but the guard seemed unfazed by the attention. Keisuke, however, couldn't shake off the feeling of discomfort as he wasn't used to so many eyes on him.

As Keisuke and the guard walked down the seemingly endless hallway, Keisuke couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. The hallway was tall and rectangular, and they passed countless doors, prisoners, and guards. Eventually, they reached a metal door on the left-hand side.

Entering in the room, if it can even be called that, they saw a sea of cells, stacked on top of each other and stretching higher and higher. Staircases connected each level and guards stood watch.

Without a second noticed, they turned right, and walked for about 3 minute before coming to a complete stop.

Turning right, the guard unlocked the door and gestured for Keisuke to enter. As he did, the guard locked the door behind him. Inside, Keisuke was surprised by the ample space, but quickly realized that there were four other prisoners with him, with all of them looked like they belonged there.