
Sakura Bachi

Sakura Bachi is about the life a future king "Keisuke Miura" and his friend. Their universe is much like ours, but far vast and different, where many otherworld technology, humans and beast roam wild. The early parts of the story takes place in a prison where the introductions of characters joins Keisuke crew. Weekly chapters

JustGreat · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Cell Mate

*Knock knock. Knock. Knock knock knock. Knock, knock*

"Come in." A young male voice said.

Opening the door is a woman with heterochromia, for both her eyes and hair came walking through the door, before closing it behind herself. One half of her hair is red, the other half black, and the same goes for her eyes. Moreover, her skin is pale white and she appears to be in her teenage years.

She has dark bags under her eyes, suggesting a lack of sleep, and a unique sword at her hip. The sword resembles a "Quick-Lock Carbon Fiber Trekking Pole" but is slightly modified into a weapon, with a lock at the bottom. Under her left eye, where the dark bags are, there is a tattoo of the symbol for pi (π) and the number 1 beneath it.

The room she entered belongs to Ryusei Ryuzaki, a genius scientist and martial artist who is a prodigy in both fields.

The walls are lined with shelves, filled with books, papers, and various scientific equipment. There were several workstations scattered around the room, each equipped with state-of-the-art technology and tools, far beyond its time. The room was dimly lit, with only a few spotlights illuminating the various projects and experiments that were currently in progress.

In the center of the room stood a large desk, cluttered with papers, books, and various gadgets. This is where Ryusei spent most of his time, working tirelessly.

The desk was surrounded by several high-tech computer monitors, displaying various data and calculations.

The room was a true testament to Ryusei dedication to his craft. Everything in the room was meticulously organized and labeled, making it easy for the genius to find what he needed at a moment's notice. The room was a reflection of the genius's mind, a place where creativity and brilliance flourished.

Despite the room's size, only one person had access to it, Ryusei himself, unless says otherwise.

Ryusei is currently at his desk working tirelessly on a project, a big one at that, but you wouldn't be able to see him as there is a huge, darkness of sort surrounding him, its 1 of the many places the light isn't shining on.

"What is it that you want?" Said Ryusei, not even taking a glance away from his project.

"It's about Ryoto." She said in response, referring to Ryusei's youngest son.

"Who's that?" Ryusei asked, a hint of confusion in his voice.

"Your son, Ryoto Ryuzaki."

The room fell into a tense silence as Ryusei considered the words. He spoke up after a moment, his voice filled with suspicion. "I would remember if I had a son named Ryoto. Are you calling me a liar?"

The atmosphere changed, becoming thick with a feeling of chaos and bloodlust. The speaker, Ryu, trembled in fear. "Of course not, father. You're the farthest thing from a liar. You're a saint, a god. Please believe me."

The tension in the room eased slightly, and Ryusei resumed his work. "Very well, let's say he's my son. What about him made you come all the way here in person to speak to me about it?"

"It's because he's being hospitalized."

"You're saying someone that supposable have my genes is being hospitalized?"

"That's correct father, but that's not all, he's currently in a coma and the doctor said they don't know how long he has left until he is able to wake up. So 'we' went around asking how he got into a coma in the first place and looking at secruty tape. We found something huge, the person that currently Ryoto eyes begin to change. We think it's related to the ' Emperor Eye', 'Noah Eye' or 'Solstis'... "

The room fell into silence once more as Ryusei stopped his work on a project, a rare occurrence. "Are you certain?" he asked with a chill in his voice. "

"I am," Ryu confirmed. "He was taken to the prison island of Shinsei Gisei, which makes things complicated as it is considered 'his' territory."

A moment of contemplation passed before Ryusei gave his next order. "Contact number 1340 and have them keep a close eye on a man named Keisuke, whatever his last name may be. Make sure he is never lost track of. Do you understand?"

Ryu nodded in agreement before departing from the room, leaving Ryusei to return to his work.

Back in the prison island.

As Keisuke stepped into the cell, a red laser scanner, reminiscent of Alice's in the BorderN'land, scanned his entire body, before the guard closed and locked the door behind him and returning to his post.

The cell is a far cry from being the standard prison cell one would expect, but then again, this is a prison island.

In the center of the room stood a chabudai table, covered in a blanket, as if the guards couldn't be bothered to care about the prisoners potentially hiding something underneath.

The cell was set up like a typical Japanese living quarters.

Inside the the cell are five people, but with Keisuke being added that makes six.

The five male prisoners, all dressed in identical blue jumpsuits, sat around the chabudai playing a game of poker.

Each of them bore the marks of their incarceration, from the wear and tear on their jumpsuits to the solemn expressions etched on their faces. Despite their shared plight, they were a diverse group that set them each apart.

One prisoner, a tall man with broad shoulders and a thick beard, wore a pair of large gold hoop earrings that shone in the flickering light. Another prisoner, a wiry man with a shaved head, bore an intense gaze that could easily intimidate anyone who dared to cross him. Another prisoner had a short, dark hair styled in a side buzz, giving him a messy yet edgy look, while a fourth had hair styled to the side with a hint of volume on top. Each of them brought their own unique character to the table, setting them apart from one another.

The fourth prisoner wore a pair of black onyx earrings that seemed to swallow up the light around them, lending him a brooding aura. The final prisoner was adorned with copper hoop earrings intricately detailed with Celtic knotwork, his scar and fierce gaze belying his strength and determination.

The prisoners seemed to have formed their own little gang, a fact which made Keisuke feel uneasy. He was only noticed when the tall man with broad shoulders and a thick beard caught a glimpse of him from the corner of his eye.

"What have we here?" the man said, stroking his beard.

"Name's Keisuke Mirua, and I'll be your new cell mate," Keisuke announced with a bow.

"Is that so?" the man replied, his tone noncommittal.

"What do you think you're doing? Trying to avoid the game because you know you're losing?" another prisoner taunted.

"Who do you take me for? I, the 'Great!' will not tolerate such insults to my reputation," Keisuke retorted.

"If you won't stand for it, then let's continue the game," the prisoner challenged.

As the two men bickered and argued over their game of poker, the short man with the recently-shaved buzz cut called Keisuke over to him. Keisuke sat down opposite the man.

"How many of you survived?" the buzz-cut man asked, his tone serious.

"What?" Keisuke responded, confused.

"How. Many. Of. You. Guys. Survived?" the man repeated, emphasizing each word.

Keisuke finally understood and answered, "Only I survived, sir."

"Is that so," the buzz-cut man replied. "Then you must be pretty strong to have survived."

"I don't think so," Keisuke replied modestly. "I just ran."

"You ran?!" the bald man exclaimed, interrupting the conversation. "What do you mean, you ran?"

Keisuke explained the events that led to his arrival in the prison, to the shock of the prisoners. Unlike them, who had fought for survival to end up there, Keisuke had simply run. This revelation caused one of the prisoners, the buzz-cut man, to punch Keisuke in the face in a fit of anger.