
Sailor Moon Lost In Marvel

in the last battle against Chaos and the destruction of her universe, Sailor Moon was beaten by a powerful energy wave that distorted reality, and the result of this was space cracks that took her to a completely unknown universe. With her powers exhausted and completely injured, will she survive? or she will simply let fate decide for her. “With no one to know me in this unknown universe. What is the reason for my existence?”

A_poky1ninja · Anime & Comics
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The End Of My Universe

A battle was taking place in every part of the universe, galaxies, solar systems, planets, all of this was being destroyed there was no safe place. This is without a doubt an apocalyptic event, and it is all due to Sailor Chaos.

"Sailor Cosmos, do you think you can defeat me? In how many regressions have I defeated you again and again? Do you still think you are my opponent?"

Sailor Cosmo is currently not paying attention to Sailor Chaos's, she was just focused on the battle. Feeling that this is her last chance to beat her, she has waited for this moment for a long time, she has sacrificed a lot, and she has lost many loved ones for this battle.

She was careful, and didn't let sailor chaos discover her plans, at some point she traveled to a past timeline in her avatar form, to meet her past self and ask for her help in the crusade against Sailor Chaos.

Without Sailor Chaos noticing, a person stood behind her.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who Fights for Love and for Justice. I am Sailor Moon! And now in the name of the moon, I will punish you!"

Sailor Moon made her appearance, Taking her 'spiral heart moon rod' in her hand and she made a lethal attack


With a heart-shaped explosion, she struck with all her might trying to finish with Sailor Chaos once and for all. Sailor Chaos upon being hit with that attack, she was thrown and many solar systems were destroyed in her path. But unfortunately that was not enough to end Sailor Chaos.

Ha ha ha! "I never thought you would use this method to try to defeat me Sailor Cosmo, but it's a shame, with the power of the galactic cauldron, I will finish you, and all your variants, once and for all."

Clasping her hands Sailor Chaos summoned the galactic cauldron, which began to devour everything that was nearby with an immense suction power that seemed to warp time and space around it, leaving no gap to attack since all attacks that they threw at it did not work.

With no other options, Sailor Cosmo approached Sailor Moon and quickly spoke to her.

"We have to stop her, otherwise this will be the end of the universe."

"But how are we going to stop it? no attacks work on her."

"I have a method, but we may not be able to survive."

"It doesn't matter, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to stop her."

"Well, we must merge our souls and bodies into a single entity, and only with that will we have the strength to fight against her."

"This is the only method I can think of to gain enough strength to be able to end this once and for all."

Bringing their foreheads together, Sailor Cosmo and Sailor Moon stood still and began to shine with starlight.

As the starry lights dissipate, a woman with platinum gold hair wearing a dress resembles a sailor uniform and it has a white collar with three yellow stripes, short yellow sleeves with wings, and multicolored ribbons in the middle of the skirt. She wears two brooches, one below the point of her collar and another between her hips. Both brooches are comprised of an eight-pointed yellow star with wings attached to the sides by white beads. Her skirt brooch sits above multicolored ribbons representing the Sailor Senshi: black for Pluto, purple for Saturn, pink for Chibi Moon, red for Mars, yellow for Venus, green for Jupiter, navy for Uranus, teal for Neptune, blue for Mercury, and two long white for Cosmos/Moon and Her eyes are between blue and silver.

It is also accompanied by some accessories: white earrings, a tiara with white beads and a yellow star in the middle, a white choker with a yellow star in the middle, winged white bead barrettes, and white hair pieces circled by yellow beads. She also dons a long white cape which she can exchange for a large pair of wings at her back. She wields a winged staff taller than she is. Her staff has one large white sphere topped with a smaller sphere with an eight-pointed star matching her brooches.

"Sailor Silver Millennium!!"

Having finished their fusion, although it seemed like it was for a long time, that was only a matter of seconds since Sailor Chaos summoned the galactic cauldron.

Now, with all the preparations made, and ready to attack, Sailor Moon was hit by a powerful attack from Sailor Chaos but quickly began the counterattack with her winged staff.


"Supersonic Waves"

"Double Sailor Kick"

"Moon Tiara Boomerang"

Attack after attack, There was no place in the universe in which this battle had not wreaked havoc. both fighters were giving everything.

Sailor Chaos with her destroyed body looked at Sailor Cosmo with a funny look.

"Ha ha ha! It doesn't matter if I end up being the winner or the loser since my purpose has been fulfilled, LOOK! the CHAOS, the destruction, the millions of lost souls. Nothing you do will change the final result. because YOU will also be dead like all your friends and the rest of the universe."

She knew that Sailor Cosmo appreciated the lives of all the living creatures too much. It was quite fun to see her make an angry face when she was killing all her loved ones.

Sailor Chaos knew that it would not last long, although she was strong, she did not have the versatility of Sailor Moon with her different attacks. But everything ended Sailor Chaos decided to give everything in one last attack. She had killed all the Sailor guardians and had taken her sailor crystal. So she threw the countless crystals of all the guardian sailors killed in battle directly into the depths of the galactic cauldron to merge them and produce a force beyond what the universe could sustain. That was not all. She entered the galactic cauldron to start an explosion, strong enough to end Sailor Cosmo.

"Sailor Cosmo, even if you survive, you will have no one with you. I hope loneliness drives you to madness. Hahaha!"



Sailor Moon tried to contain Sailor Chaos' suicidal attack, but it was impossible. With a sad look, she watched as it all ended in that explosion.