
Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

The One Piece world's kingdom rankings are here! Which is the richest kingdom in the world? Answer: Dragon Kingdom! Which country has the most resources in the world? Answer: Dragon Kingdom! Can you guess which country's king is the most beloved? Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom! "But it doesn't stop there! We also have the most scientists, the best education system, the highest productivity, and the best salaries in the world!" After the kingdom rankings were revealed! All eyes in the One Piece world are now on the Dragon Kingdom! Five Elders: "Such a perfect country needs the Holy Land's protection!" Aokiji, Garp, and Zephyr: "There is still justice in this world!" Gao Yang stood up and declared: "Everyone, remember, we also have the strongest military in the world. Think carefully before acting. Don't say I didn't warn you!" https://wap.faloo.com/1333204.html

Alex081904 · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 62 Heroes of Sacrifice: The Dragon Kingdom's Brave Soldiers in the Face of Disaster

The video shows the early days of the Dragon Kingdom.

It was not as modern as it is today, but people were still happy and content.

The video is about the Dragon Kingdom's conscription activity.

The benefits of joining the army are very good.

Soldiers are exempt from all taxes.

Families who have young adults join the army will be given a house and lot

These benefits have caused quite a stir.

[Red Hair: I can't believe it! People who have just arrived in the Dragon Kingdom can get fertile farmland if someone in their family joins the army. Even if they don't join the army, they can still get ordinary land. This will solve the problem of people's food security. As long as they have land, they will not starve to death.]

[Whitebeard: The land has always belonged to the nobles, but the king of the Dragon Kingdom actually distributed it to ordinary people! This is amazing!]

[Roger: The people look at the king of the Dragon Kingdom with gratitude in their eyes. This is unbelievable!]

[Beckman: I can't believe it! This is equivalent to dividing the interests of the nobles among the common people. I've never seen anyone do this before!]

[Sengoku: But this will damage the interests of the nobles in the Dragon Kingdom. Is it worth it?]

In a world where there is a lot of inequality, such a move is very shocking.

It is like a bomb that explodes in everyone's heart.

[Garp: Maybe the Dragon Kingdom cares more about the common people.]

[Kaido: That's impossible! They would never give such good treatment to the low-level people without squeezing benefits from them.]

[Doflamingo: I don't believe it either. But wait a minute... It looks like someone is telling the new soldiers about military insurance. Are the soldiers going to pay for it?]

"All soldiers have their own military insurance!"

An officer told the new recruits something they didn't quite understand, but it made them excited.

They wanted to ask about it, but they were afraid to ask because they already had very good treatment.

[Morgans: What's military insurance?]

[Loan usury king: It must be a way to lower the treatment in disguise. The country may be rich, but that doesn't mean the soldiers are rich. The Dragon Kingdom may not be rich at all. They may have increased the salary first and then found excuses to lower it. This is a common practice.]

[Bonney: So what? Many of those people are refugees. They have food, a place to live, and a salary. This is still better than other kingdoms.]

[Aokiji: That's right. So even though those people are a little bit agitated, they can actually accept it.]

Until one of the recruits asked what military insurance was.

"Military insurance covers three things: injury, medical care, and retirement. If you are injured during training, the insurance will pay for your medical expenses, including some specific medicines. If you die in the line of duty, the state will pay your family a large sum of money, about 20 million to 500 million berries per family. Your family will also receive monthly compensation to help with their living expenses. After you retire, the state will give you a monthly pension to help you live comfortably. There are also other benefits, such as preferential treatment for your children in education. You can read the manual for more details."

[Sengoku: This is ridiculous!]

[Garp: This is ridiculous!]

[Aokiji: I want to go to the Dragon Kingdom to serve as a soldier!]

[Zephyr: Casualty insurance is understandable. We have it here, and other countries have it too. But most of them are one-time compensation, and the compensation is not very much, not even half of what the Dragon Kingdom offers! Not to mention that the family will receive a subsidy every month in the future!]

[Smoker: There's even a pension insurance. When I'm old and retired, I don't have to work anymore, but I can still receive a salary from the state every month! This is...]

[Flying Squirrel: The benefits cover everything from the battlefield to the family, and even your old age. There are even other benefits that we haven't seen in the manual!]

[Momousagi: This is not just about dividing the land, but also about dividing the money!]

King Cobra only paid the soldiers a normal salary and gave a small amount of compensation to the families of soldiers who died in battle.

This was enough to help the families in the short term, but they would still have to find a way to make a living in the long term.

In the Dragon Kingdom, the families of soldiers who die in battle are taken care of by the government.

They receive a monthly pension and their children can receive preferential treatment in education.

This means that the families of soldiers can focus on grieving and rebuilding their lives without having to worry about money.

This kind of care for soldiers and their families is not common in the world.

Most countries only pay a small amount of compensation to the families of soldiers who die in battle.

The Dragon Kingdom's policy is very generous and it shows that they value their soldiers.

This policy also makes soldiers more confident in going to war.

They know that if they die, their families will be taken care of.

This can give them the motivation to fight bravely and protect their country.

The Dragon Kingdom's policy is a model for other countries.

It shows that it is possible to take care of soldiers and their families without breaking the bank.

This is important in an era where human life is often treated as disposable.

"The soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom should not be taken lightly!"

Sengoku can imagine that such soldiers would be extremely fierce in real battles!

An army without worries is absolutely not to be underestimated!

[T Bone: This is like a paradise for soldiers! Many people join the army not because of their dreams, but because of the pressure of life. But if you become a soldier of the Dragon Kingdom, all your problems will be solved!]

[Kizaru: The benefits are really good. Ordinary soldiers are treated better than our Marine generals! Even if the military pay is deducted every month, I'm willing to pay for military insurance!]

[Garp: That's right! In the Marine, only a very small number of people who have made great contributions have a certain pension security. Ordinary soldiers have no chance at all!]

[Sengoku: Garp!]

Some things are better left unsaid.

If he could have said it, he would have.

What the officer said next was even more surprising.

"During your service, the state will pay for all your insurance. But if you retire early, you will need to buy the follow-up insurance yourself. It's not expensive, and if you pay for it for enough years, you can still enjoy the benefits."

[Garp: Really?! It's completely free during the service period?!]

[Sengoku: Garp, don't shout so loudly, you'll damage your ears.]


Even Akainu, who is usually quiet, was surprised.

[Cobra: Our Alabasta is not as good! Not even close!]

[Loan usury king: The Dragon Kingdom is crazy! What are they doing with all this cannon fodder? They have so much money, they don't know where to spend it!]

[Garp: You're crazy! You don't know how important these things are to soldiers!]

[Kaido: Hehe, what's the use of having more ants? If they're treated so well, they might become useless people!]

The video screen changed to show a bustling small town.

It had been raining heavily for a long time.

The climate in this world is not like the Grand Line, and it can be very unpredictable.

Heavy rain often brings disasters.

The river broke its embankment and the floodwaters rushed into the town.

Many houses were already collapsing, and the water was rising.

Suddenly, the breach in the embankment got bigger and many people and houses were washed away.

The flood left a mess behind.

People were displaced and mourning everywhere.

[Garp: It seems that the Dragon Kingdom doesn't have many powerful people to help with this disaster.]

[Sengoku: Even if they did, it might not be enough. Who can predict natural disasters before they happen?]

[Whitebeard: Sometimes they can be predicted, but it doesn't always help. The power of natural disasters is too great for ordinary people to resist.]

[Red Hair: It's easier to destroy something than it is to protect it.]

In less than half an hour after the disaster, trucks full of soldiers arrived quickly to rescue and evacuate the victims.

A young officer shouted loudly, "Let's get everyone out of here first to avoid secondary disasters! Hurry up!"

[Kizaru: Are the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom still responsible for disaster relief?]

"Colonel Ron, the breach is getting bigger! If we don't stop it, the flood will get worse and submerge in this place!"

"Where is the devi fruit user that was sent here?"

"They're still in the south! The situation there is terrible too! I wish we had more ability users!"

"Stop talking! Do everything you can to plug the gap!"

"Fill the sandbags! Quick!"

Colonel Ron led the soldiers to fight the flood.

They were divided into two teams. One team evacuated the people as quickly as possible.

The other team kept filling the gap with sandbags, hoping to stop the flood.

But the sandbags were always washed away by the water.

The soldiers were struggling to keep up with the flood.

The devil fruit users had not arrived yet, and the Dragon Kingdom did not have many technological products at that time.

The soldiers could only use primitive methods to fight the flood.

"Damn it! This won't work! We can't block it!"

"If we don't stop the flood now, it will get worse and more people will die! We can't wait for the devil fruit users! I'll do it myself!"

"Fill up a truck with heavy stuff!"

"Colonel, you can't do that! It's too dangerous!"

"Don't talk nonsense! I'm strong! I won't die!"


After a while, the truck full of heavy loads crashed into the gap.

But the flood is too strong, and the truck is being pushed back

"Let's do it! Keep going!"

The remaining soldiers were filled with determination.

They drove trucks one by one to fill the gap.

[Loan Usury King: Are they crazy? They are willing to sacrifice their life! Just to save the people in this town? Is it worth it?]

Everyone is watching quietly at the moment.

They are all shocked and scared. The silence is deafening.

One truck after another crashes into the gap.

The vehicles are superimposed on top of each other, and the gap is temporarily blocked.

Now, the soldiers can pile up the sandbags again to form a solid line of defense.

"Block the flood with sandbags!"

"Save people quickly!"

The gap is closed!

"Help! Colonel Ron is down there!"

"We're trying to save him!"

"Damn it! Hurry up! Save me!"

"We're coming!" The townspeople also rushed over.

"Go first, the ground is still unstable! I don't know what's going on!"

"We're not leaving! We'll die together!"

"That's right!"

"Let's go now, are we still human?"

"Then trouble your parents and relatives."

The soldiers and civilians worked together to rescue the trapped soldiers.

They were careful not to destroy the newly built defense line.

Many of the rescued soldiers were dead.

Soon, black armored soldiers arrived.

They brought people with abilities.

They also searched and rescued Colonel Ron.

However, Colonel Ron already died.

"Ron! You said you wouldn't die! You liar!"

"His sacrifice was not in vain, and his soul will go to Valhalla."


The black-armored soldiers saluted the conscripts with the highest respect.

The rescued people also saluted the hero who saved them with tears in their eyes.

People of all ages, from adults to children to the elderly, were moved by the sacrifice of the soldiers.

They were sad, but they also had an unshakable determination to become soldiers themselves.

Many people in this town joined the army after the disaster.

[Cobra: We don't deserve to be number one! We don't deserve it! The soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom deserve this number one! What a great and noble will and character they have!]

"Garp, I have seen many soldiers fight bravely on the battlefield, but I have never seen an army like this. I have never seen it!"

"These are soldiers who truly serve the people! Our justice is like a cheap product compared to theirs!"

Sengoku had tears in his eyes as he spoke excitedly to Garp beside him.

"Their soldiers are not just machines! They have hearts and souls!"