
Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

The One Piece world's kingdom rankings are here! Which is the richest kingdom in the world? Answer: Dragon Kingdom! Which country has the most resources in the world? Answer: Dragon Kingdom! Can you guess which country's king is the most beloved? Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom! "But it doesn't stop there! We also have the most scientists, the best education system, the highest productivity, and the best salaries in the world!" After the kingdom rankings were revealed! All eyes in the One Piece world are now on the Dragon Kingdom! Five Elders: "Such a perfect country needs the Holy Land's protection!" Aokiji, Garp, and Zephyr: "There is still justice in this world!" Gao Yang stood up and declared: "Everyone, remember, we also have the strongest military in the world. Think carefully before acting. Don't say I didn't warn you!" https://wap.faloo.com/1333204.html

Alex081904 · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 6. The Enigmatic Dragon Kingdom: Unraveling the Secrets of its Hidden Wealth and Advanced Technology

The buildings are made of reinforced concrete and glass, which is not common in this world.

The buildings are simple, tidy, and spacious, with a lot of greenery.

The country is very beautiful and gives people a feeling of peace and harmony.

It is a medium-sized country with a population of over 800,000 people.

The people are friendly and greet each other with smiles.


[Garp: This is East Blue's Territory. I don't remember seeing this island before.]

[Sengoku: This country has a well-developed infrastructure. Judging by the number of houses, it's not a small country. It probably has a population of nearly one million. Our Marines don't have any information about this country. That's strange!]

[Aokiji: Is that a new type of building material? It looks very strong, and they use a lot of glass windows.]


Most houses in this world are made of wood.

There are some cement and glass houses, but they are not as common.

The screen zoomed in on the main street.

Some players with good eyesight saw a store that they recognized.

[Big Mom: Did I see that right? There was a store that just flashed by, and it said "Devil Fruit Specialty Store"!]

[Kaido: I saw it too! I thought I was seeing things!]

[Katakuri: It's probably just a name. Devil Fruits are extremely rare. Even if someone finds one and wants to sell it, it would most likely be auctioned off. There's no way there would be a store that sells them regularly.]

[Stussy: That's right. There are no Devil Fruit stores in the world.]

[Garp: I just saw someone go in and buy something, but unfortunately, we don't have control over the camera. We can't see what they bought.]

The camera stopped in front of a shop.

People were moving boxes and talking and laughing.

They looked happy.

It was strange.

Sure, here is a simpler version of the text:

"Jason, I heard from Emily that your family has two more ship."

"That's right, but there are only three now."

"What's for lunch?"

"How did you know I bought two more ships? Let me tell you..."

[Kid: This is so frustrating!]

Two porters who look poor own two islands and two ships.

They dreamed of owning a ship and planned for a long time.

Everyone is watching the video. If you guess correctly, the screen will stay here.

The box is the main source of income for Dragon Kingdom.

[Sengoku: What's in the box?]

[Garp: It's probably gold.]

Soon, they loaded the goods onto a metal truck that no one had seen before.

This new thing made everyone curious.

After filling the truck, they got in and drove to the port.

As they got closer, the port came into view.

In a hidden port, they saw many ships.

There were almost a hundred ships!

The pier was full of people.

Sengoku, Aokiji, and the others were surprised by the number of ships.

The ships were not ordinary merchant ships.

They were large and equipped with artillery.

[Sengoku: Who is in charge of East Blue? Why didn't we know about this country?]

[Vice Admiral: I haven't been to East Blue in years, so I don't know.]

The highest bounty in East Blue is 20 million Baileys.

Marine Vice Admirals are not sent to places with bounties that low.

Sengoku was surprised.

They soon discovered that the ships contained entire universes inside.

[Franky: These ships are modified with mechanical technology. They look like ordinary ships, but they are actually super-advanced warships made of metal]

When the truck arrived at the dock, a ship near the shore opened its tail-like wings.

The wings were made of metal, and a long metal plate extended from the cabin to form a passage.

The people on the truck put the goods on the metal plate, and it automatically transported the goods into the cabin.

Once the goods were in the cabin, many metal arms stretched out from the walls and stacked the goods neatly.

This scene was very futuristic to the people of this world.

[Kid: Holy shit! This ship is amazing! It's like something out of a story!]

[Sengoku: I wonder if this ship has eaten a Devil Fruit. That would be incredible!]

[Aokiji: These workers don't seem surprised at all. I guess this is just a normal thing for them.]

[Smoker: This loading and unloading system is so efficient. It would save us a lot of time and manpower.]

[Kizaru: This ship is so cool! I want one now!]

[Marine A: You just want to be lazy and not have to work so hard, old man.]


Someone tripped and fell, dropping a box that spilled its contents everywhere.

[Kaido: It's seastone! And it's finely processed! How is this possible? Are these boxes full of seastone?]

[Garp: It's seastone. Seastone is very expensive, and this is finely processed. They're transporting it by truck!]

[Sengoku: Seastone is mainly produced in Wanokuni. Why is it here in East Blue?]

If East Blue had seastone, it would have attracted the coveted eyes of many pirates.

It's hard to imagine how it has been so peaceful until now.

[Red Hair: The badge on the inside of the ship looks familiar. I think I've seen it somewhere before.]

[Akainu: Humph. With so much seastone exposed, I'm afraid there will be bloodshed.]