
Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

The One Piece world's kingdom rankings are here! Which is the richest kingdom in the world? Answer: Dragon Kingdom! Which country has the most resources in the world? Answer: Dragon Kingdom! Can you guess which country's king is the most beloved? Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom! "But it doesn't stop there! We also have the most scientists, the best education system, the highest productivity, and the best salaries in the world!" After the kingdom rankings were revealed! All eyes in the One Piece world are now on the Dragon Kingdom! Five Elders: "Such a perfect country needs the Holy Land's protection!" Aokiji, Garp, and Zephyr: "There is still justice in this world!" Gao Yang stood up and declared: "Everyone, remember, we also have the strongest military in the world. Think carefully before acting. Don't say I didn't warn you!" https://wap.faloo.com/1333204.html

Alex081904 · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 15 Unveiling the Dragon Kingdom's Mystery: The Encounter with the Giants and Gao Yang

It's not scary to have your secret organization discovered. It's not scary to be targeted. The terrible thing is that you don't even know it!

Crocodile took a deep puff of his cigar, frowning.

"Where the hell is this Dragon Kingdom?"

He remembered this well. After MR.5 was defeated, he had someone investigate, but they found nothing

"Staying here all the time won't get me any answers. I'll just use this as an excuse to go to the Dragon Kingdom. After all, the person who beat me should give me some explanation!"

Crocodile suddenly laughed.

"Tell Mr.1 to prepare the ship!"

He was still a little hesitant before, but now he had reasons and excuses. It would also save him trouble.

[Bullet: These two guys who were killed in seconds are the subordinates of that guy named Sand Crocodile? Too weak!]

[Sengoku: Crocodile, what the hell are you doing in Alabasta?]

Baroque Works Society, is it Crocodile's organization?

He does know about this organization. It has become quite famous in recent years!

But the boss behind the scenes has always been a mystery!

Now, combined with the Seven Warlords of the Sea that Boss Bai said in the video, Logia!

After thinking about it, it suddenly became clear.

[Sand crocodile: I don't know what the woman is talking about, maybe it's a misunderstanding! ]

The video continued.

"Forget it. Professional things should be handled by professionals. A crusade against the enemy is a stupid task. I can take this opportunity to send her away. To avoid dangling in front of Gao Yang!"

Boss Bai gave up on trying to trouble Shichibukai.

[Artoria: So you think so! No wonder it was so easy to talk to you when I asked you to borrow something!]

[Boss Bai: ...]

After a busy time in Alabasta, they set sail with boxes of golden Baileys on board.

They made another detour and came to an island that was extremely dangerous in the first half: Little Garden.

The ecological environment maintains the characteristics of extremely ancient times.

Many extinct creatures still exist on this island, such as dinosaurs.

Follow Boss Bai and others as they set foot on this island. The appearance of the island is also reflected in the eyes of everyone

Big Mon: Little Garden, what are they doing here? This kind of place is not suitable for human survival. There is no way they have business here!

Aokiji: A person with such good skill is not in charge of fighting? And someone more professional?

Sengoku: Based on the previous request from the Sea King, this Gao Yang should be the king of the Dragon Kingdom, right? I really want to meet him!

Kaido: There are giants fighting on this island. It seems to be the Red Ogre and Blue Ogre who have disappeared for a long time!

Red Hair: Brogy, Dorry... you haven't decided the winner yet!

Guy West (giant): Captain! Aren't you captured by the World government?

Oimo (giant): Damn it! The World government lied to us! They made us guard Enies Lobby for you all these years for nothing!


The battle of the giants had come to an end when Boss Bai arrived. He waited silently until the battle ended.

"I brought good wine," she said.

"Oh, I thought it was Mr. Gao Yang," said one of the giants. "Don't worry, everything is ready for you!"

"But why do you want so many corpses of ancient creatures?" asked the other giant.

"Work" Boss Bai replied lightly, without further explanation.

"By the way, I'm going to draw some of your blood this time," she said.

As soon as Boss Bai said this, the faces of the two giants darkened.

[Moria: Hee hee hee! This woman is truly fearless! Giants value strength, and even if they are friends, making such a request impulsively can be seen as a challenge!]

[Red-Haired: That's right, the giant family believes blood should only be spilled in battle!]

[Kaido: This woman appears to be quite strong, but she probably doesn't match up to the captain of the Giant Pirates who was famous hundreds of years ago.]

Surprisingly, even though the two giants were unsure at first, they eventually agreed to Boss Bai's request.

"Remember to bring more good wine next time," one of the giants said.

"Okay," Boss Bai nodded indifferently.

[Red Hair: He actually agreed?!]

Red Hair, Brogy, and Dorry are friends. They also know the warriors of Elbaf.

Even if they request it themselves, they have to fight again.

But, after the fight, they are still friends.

No matter who wins or loses, there will be some fighting.

I'm surprised that they agreed so quickly!

Shanks must know them well.

There is only one possibility.

This woman or the man named Gao Yang must have been kind to them.

Or they must admire him very much.

Only then would they make such a compromise.

[Brogy: Master Gao Yang is a great guy!]

[Big Mom: Hmph, have you forgotten the pride of the giant warriors?]

Big Mom is jealous. She wants to do something that she couldn't do when she was a kid.

The giants don't want to see her.

Even though she is a Four Emperor, she still wants to ask them.

They will see it as a challenge.

[Sengoku: It's hard to believe. Maybe some giants' beliefs have changed after being outside for too long. But they didn't agree right away, which means there are still some who still believe in it.]

Sengoku doesn't understand, but he thinks this white girl is really amazing!

The Marine headquarters has a lot of giants, but if the Ministry of Science wants their blood, they have to send someone to fight them first.

Only when the giants bleed or have fun will they give some blood. This has always been a problem.

But Sengoku didn't expect that in this other place, he could just ask for blood.

Why is there such a big difference between people?

Anyway, the Marine headquarters is still the strongest military organization in the world.

[Vegapunk: Are you researching the blood factor as well?]

Everyone was surprised and confused.

Then they saw Boss Bai taking out some utensils very skillfully.

She took blood or flesh from some of the ancient creatures that the two giants offered.

She was very skilled and professional.

[Aokiji: I think we got it wrong. Is this lady really a scientist?]

[Bonney: No way! She was so good at sword fighting just now, and you're telling me she uses her brain?]

[Boss Bai: Do I look like a dumb person?]


The real boss showed up, but I'm too embarrassed to say anything more.

[Sengoku: You are a rare multi-talented person. Would you like to work for our Marine? We need talented people!]

[Boss Bai: No.]

Sengoku was speechless. He didn't know how to persuade her anymore.


The video started to fast-forward.

Soon, Boss Bai returned to Longguo.

A young man was sitting at the harbor, fishing.

The beautiful white-haired woman on the boat saw the young man at the port.

Her eyes, which had never been filled with emotion, suddenly lit up.

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and her face was filled with relief.

The indifference on her face was replaced by tenderness.

The men who had a crush on Boss Bai just now were filled with tenderness.

But then they followed Boss Bai's gaze.

Their hearts were broken.

This tenderness was directed at the man at the harbor.

"Gao Yang, I'm back..."

[Kizaru: This young man is Gao Yang? King of the Dragon Kingdom? ]