
Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

The One Piece world's kingdom rankings are here! Which is the richest kingdom in the world? Answer: Dragon Kingdom! Which country has the most resources in the world? Answer: Dragon Kingdom! Can you guess which country's king is the most beloved? Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom! "But it doesn't stop there! We also have the most scientists, the best education system, the highest productivity, and the best salaries in the world!" After the kingdom rankings were revealed! All eyes in the One Piece world are now on the Dragon Kingdom! Five Elders: "Such a perfect country needs the Holy Land's protection!" Aokiji, Garp, and Zephyr: "There is still justice in this world!" Gao Yang stood up and declared: "Everyone, remember, we also have the strongest military in the world. Think carefully before acting. Don't say I didn't warn you!" https://wap.faloo.com/1333204.html

Alex081904 · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 14 The Dragon Kingdom's Secret Strength: Tianquan Liquor and the Swordswoman's Grace

Umit didn't explain what the most popular product was, but the screen quickly gave the answer: wine.

Wine is in high demand in the taverns of the islands of the world.

The most popular types of wine are beer, red wine, and high-alcohol liquor.

Wine is popular with everyone in this sea, whether they are Marines, pirates, merchants, nobles, or commoners.

The wine that is originally produced in this world is not very good, both in terms of alcohol content and taste.

This is because the technology of the times is limited.

Dragon Kingdom has a wide variety of drinks on the shelves, and its strong liquor is especially popular with people all over the world.

The Tianquan Liquor Industry, which is established in the Dragon Kingdom, is famous all over the world.

This industry does not have too much added value in the video.

It is just pure business.

[Loan usury king: I didn't know you owned the Tianquan Liquor Industry! You're so rich, don't leave me behind!]

[Whitebeard: Their wine is the best in the world!]

[Aokiji: There are a few other companies that make good wine, but their transportation is bad.]

[St. Charles Rose: They're just pariahs, but they're so rich!]

[Sengoku: That's amazing]

Sengoku is impressed by the business acumen of the Dragon people.

They have managed to operate several of the most profitable industries in the world at the same time.

Tianquan Liquor Industry has become an industry giant in just a few years.

Sengoku and his colleagues have indeed drunk the fine wine produced by this company.

Sengoku understands why Umit needs to hide the relationship between Tianquan Liquor and Dragon Kingdom.

They are being targeted by other forces.

However, the leaderboard has now appeared, and some things just can't be hidden anymore.


The alcohol delivery business is simple, but it is often dangerous because alcohol is very popular in this chaotic era.

In the country of Alabasta, the king has lost the people's trust because he used dancing powder to selfishly deprive other places of rainwater.

This has led to unrest and riots, and pirates are taking advantage of the situation.

In the capital city, a group of armed men are fighting with local gangsters over alcohol.

The price of alcohol is very high now, and it is seen as a valuable commodity.

The gangsters are strong and some of them have abilities.

Boss Bai, who is collecting money for the alcohol delivery company, has come to help.

"People from Baroque Works?"

The two leaders have met in the data.

It's the explosive-fruit ability user and his partner of Baroque Works!

"I don't know what you're talking about." MR.5's eyes froze.

But of course I won't admit it!

After all, this action is mostly selfish!

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, you are finished. If the person behind you wants to continue, someone will finish him."

Boss Bai said calmly, and then pulled out the Tang knife in his hand.

But after a moment of hesitation, she put the knife back.

She remembered some details of intelligence.

For the record, this guy likes to attack people with boogers!

She didn't want her favorite knife to touch those things!

"Get rid of us?! Hahaha!!" The two seemed to hear some jokes!

Then, without hesitating, they took the initiative to attack.

Valentine held the umbrella, floated up, and aimed at the target.

MR.5 popped a booger bomb!

Boss Bai's figure suddenly turned around!

He was as light as a frightened bird, like a swimming dragon!

Boom! In an instant, a supersonic gallop broke out!

The nimble figure dodged the consecutive booger bombs!

She rushed into the crowd in an instant, using a superb and tricky angle to dodge the bullets of the miscellaneous fish.

The moment the knife shines, ten palm shots in a row scattered the enemies like fireworks!

An ordinary long knife thrown in the air was grabbed by her!

She stepped up and broke the sound barrier.

She was heroic and murderous!

MR.5 suddenly widened his eyes.

What a terrifying speed!

He suddenly took a deep breath and exhaled.

The entire area in front of him was detonated by the air he exhaled!

Boss Bai raised his knife and dropped it, splitting the flames of the explosion in front of him!

Instantly, she came to MR.5 and knocked him down with one blow!

Then, she lightly tapped her toes and soared into the air.

Like a dragon coming out of the abyss, she went straight to Valentine, who was still in shock in mid-air.

The knife light flashed vertically and horizontally, and blood splattered on Valentine's body.

Boss Bai stepped on the umbrella surface and used a 360-degree flip to adjust her landing position.

Like a beautiful white arc passing through the air, she landed on the ground smoothly.

Bang bang bang!

At this time, the miscellaneous fish that were first slapped away by her palm fell to the ground.

From galloping, to knocking a large number of enemies into the air, grabbing the knife, galloping to slash MR.5, and slashing over Valentine...

Everything was done in an instant!

Beauty! Power! Grace! Superb! Perfect!

Whether MR.5 and others are strong or not, many people watching the video do not know.

All they know is that they were no match for the woman with short white hair.

Many people were overwhelmed by her strength!

Even the Four Emperors, Admirals, and Seven Warlords of the Sea were surprised!

She did so much in a flash, and killed them with one hit!

It is hard to judge her hard power,

because the enemies did not reflect their own strength before being brought down.

However, her physical strength and swordsmanship are exquisitely matched, and it has a shocking beauty!

[Brook: I never thought that killing swordsmanship could be so stunningly beautiful!]

[Sanji: That young lady is so graceful! So elegant! Please let me be your guard... No, please let me be your dog's leg!]

[Zoro: Where's the dog licking?]

[Hawkeye: I have never seen such a swordsmanship! With micromanagement at its pinnacle, multiple beheadings can be completed with one blow! She is a mighty swordsman!]

Hawkeye played it back in his mind.

In terms of swordsmanship alone, I'm afraid I can't do better!

[Sengoku: Actually, it's normal. For such a big industry, it's only natural that they have some power!]

[Aokiji: There are often powerful swordsmen, but beautiful and powerful female swordsmen are rare!]

[Big Mom: It's a pity that such a talent actually works for a small East Blue kingdom!]

"Is it only this strength? It seems that the so-called Seven Warlords of the Sea may not be very strong. Do you want to deal with him? But Logia is not easy for me to deal with at the moment..."

Boss Bai finished taking the lead.

The others scattered.

They watched Boss Bai muttering to herself in the video.

Crocodile's expression sank.

Not only did this woman know that these people belonged to Baroque Works, but she also knew that he was the boss behind the scenes, and she knew more about his ability!

What was happening here?!

He suddenly felt uneasy, like others could see right through him, even though he wasn't aware of it yet.