

"Tutelia a nation once founded on freedom and liberty has become so corrupt that the original foundations of a once Republic are now simply destroyed."

(22 years before the Revolution)

Emperor Vainil was traveling to the capital of Tutelia, Trailia for an imperial decree, he was going to pass a law so that all taxes were raised by 20%. This would crush the people of Tutelia, but Vainil knew that he was going to make all the government richer for the purpose of luxury, and if the people felt the weight of this he would do almost nothing for Vainil was, the emperor the one in power.

His advisor Raskeen said "Emperor do you know that this decree will destroy the Tutelian economy, the tax on bought items is at 12% if you raise the tax by 20% the Tutelian people will take a 32% tax on all goods bought," "yes Raskeen I know, I will simply make them pay the tax quarterly and the stores will report to the local governments," Vainil said "well that would heavily affect private industry wouldn't it?" asked advisor Lavia.

"yes, in fact it would affect it so greatly considering the taxes already in place for private business, 82% of private business would close doors, that would include companies that trade with foreign nations. Also, if this quarterly plan does work it would still make about 51% businesses close doors," Raskeen said.

"well if the people get crushed, so be it, so be quiet!" said Vainil "Also Satilia I need to go to an execution in Waverlin county," "okay your open in 2 days on the 12th of November so at 4 o'clock that afternoon" "thanks" Vainil said while eating a Tutelian delicacy the Faren a delicious fruit, then the carriage stopped at the capital.

(2 days later)

Emperor Vainil was going to the small town of Saikirin in Waverlin county to watch an execution of a political criminal by the name Kasara Taslavin. "Are we there yet Satilia," Emperor Vainil said "yes, your Excellency we are here," the carriage stopped and the emperor and his secretary stepped out. They saw a gathering around the execution area Vainil's guards said "Everyone make way for grand Emperor Vainil," Vainil walked to his seat and Satilia sat next to him.

Then the overseer of the execution stood and said "Here today is the public execution of Kasara Taslavin, for the crime of 'Political Speech' which is stated illegal in the Political Structure act of 1694 now the execution may begin" Kasara was brought up and her neck has rope put around it and the Executioner said "any last words?" "I do not regret anything I have said and this proves me correct" Kasara said then the executioner pulled the rope down and Kasara went up.

Vainil heard crying he looked to his side and saw a little girl weeping the girl cried "why mom?" and Vainil Snickered because of her sadness. Once the execution was done Vainil began his journey home in his carriage.

Just some insight on the corruption within the Tutelian government to see why Ivory would revolt later on.

Jace_2236creators' thoughts