

The vampire released an oppressive aura as he grinned.

Igor Graf (Mythic Rank)

Level: 65

HP: 210,000,000

Leroy frowned but didn't lose his calm, he drank a potion and fully released his aura too.

The vampire grin disappeared.

"Not bad for a human" Igor said and a sword made of blood materialized from his hand.

The vampire rushed at him with shocking speed, Leroy reacted and disappeared from his position.

"I can still smell you" Igor adjusted his position and slashed, his sword released a wide red blade.

Leroy managed to lower his body and the blade passed right above him.

He realized now that one mistake could be the last one.

His mana exploded out as four fireballs shot toward the vampire.

Igor quickly evaded one and cut another two in half, but the fourth made a weird movement and landed on him.

-1,232,455 Critical Hit!

Leroy was surprised at the vampire's defense, and Igor was also surprised at the human's strength.

Not giving him much time to react, Leroy summoned five mid sized spheres of mana in the air.

From the spheres rained not arrows but needles.



-40,054 Critical Hit!

Tens of them fell on the vampire's body but it reacted quickly and covered his head with a thick shield of blood.

The needles didn't manage to destroy the shield before their source dissipated.

Leroy gathered mana at the vampire's feet and it quickly swallowed his body, Igor was inside a pitch black cocoon.

Not a second after the cocoon exploded in red light as Igor freed himself. But that was enough time for the twilight knights to rush at him and attack.




Igor received a lot of damage, however his hp recovery was actually quite high. The vampire attacked once again releasing a red blade from his sword and three knights were sent flying with 3/4 of their health.

Igor threw his sword at one of them inmediatly after and pierced the knight in mid air, making it lose another quarter of his health.

Three curses fell on Igor and his attributes dropped quite a bit, Leroy then used a tier 3 scroll and reduced the vampire's hp recovery rate.

Igor then started fighting the knights while Leroy attacked from the distance, however from time to time Igor would attack him.

He seemed specially carefull as to not to destroy the magic array suppresing the other vampire.

Igor attack power wasn't particulary high but his speed was. His defense and recovery were also above the average monster.

Because of this, the knights started having a hard time landing attacks on him. However their combat standards were above the vampire so they weren't easily supressed either.

A mythic monster had the standards of Refinement Realm player, while some special ones were even stronger. This vampire did not belong to the latter.

Igor lost 10% of his hp and his attack pattern changed. Leroy inmediatly used Land of the Dark and boosted the knights atrributes.

When a boss lost one of their hp bars, there would be changes in their combat style. Either adopting new patterns, using new types lf skills or increasing attributes.

When a knight used a movement technique, the vampire had a harder time following their movements but his reaction speed compensated that.

Igor used a buff and veins poped out on his face and hands. His attributes increased enough to counter the effect of Leroy's curses.

Without the Land of the Dark effect, the vampire once again supressed the knights.

Only three knights were alive, they wouldn't survive for long.

'It's impossible to defeat him without properly skills and equipment, at least without a powerful tank' Leroy realized that he understimated the strength of a Mythic monster.

'Sin of Fury'

His damage increase by 20% before three dark spears were summoned at his side, his mana fell by a huge chunk.

The vampire frowned as he sensed the power behind the spears, they released a very powerful aura even if they weren't recognized as a system spell.

Igor's sword grew two times in size and he split a knight in half with an attack, a large amount of blood was released and sorrounded the area around him.

At the same time Leroy sent the three spears at him.

Igor used the blood around and pushed the remaining two knights to the side while also raising a wall of blood in front of him.



After two spears landed, the wall exploded. This spears didn't have the penetrative power of the normal ones, but this was within Leroy's calculations.

The third spear appeared instantly in front of the shocked vampire, Igor reacted faster than what Leroy expected and blocked with his sword.

He was still pushed back against the wall before the spear exploded in front of him.

1,920,300 Critical Hit!

It was a large damage considering that it wasn't a direct hit.

The vampire smiled arrogantly.

"I didn't expect you to have such a powerful move, but once I deal with these two pets it'll be over"

The mana from the explosion of the spears started to gather very slowly behind the vampire.

The two knights launched themselves at Igor, the vampire killed another one and blocked the second before disappearing.

Igor appeared in front of Leroy in an instant and slayed down with his sword.

Leroy barely managed to react at such a strong skill but it wasn't enough to do much.



His hat still trigered his defensive passive and the shadow guard reduced the damage before healing him slightly.

'He almost instakilled me' Leroy was shocked at how powerful the vampire's movement skill was. Altough the vampire attack wasn't particulary high among the mythic monsters, it was enough to clean 85% of his hp with a single attack.

Igor frowned and used a sword skill, the sword aura increases abruptly before slashing at him.

This time Leroy reacted with time and summoned three shields in front of him, they resembled the Shield of Heity as they seemed like a translucent barrier.

The attack landed on the barrier but was repeled, the vampire was sent back ten meters but it instantly used another movement skill similar to the previous one.

This time Leroy was prepared.

'Shield of Heity'

He used the true Shield of Heity, reaching the Tier 4 standard, the shield was much stronger than before. It wasn't something that could be replicated easily.

After all, his spells when manipulating mana were limitated, their effect wasn't extremely powerful and their mana consumption was large.

The moment that the vampire attacked, he was sent flying back and crashed hard against the wall.

'Magic Current'

Leroy quicky drank a potion and recovered his mana instantly.

'Demonic Energy' 'Demon Domain'

His aura exploded forth, the remaining knight attacked the vampire as Leroy used a tier 3 magic scroll along his strongest spells.

'Abyssal Nova' 'Dark Spear' 'Shadow Typhoon'

The magic scroll silenced the vampire, when the vampire saw the attacks coming, he tried to run out of the way.

However, the mana that the spears released on the explosion condensed into chains and tentacles that trapped him.

Not being able to use skills and his movements stopped, the vampire could only take the attacks head on.


-23,530,060 Critical Hit!

-89,300,4300 Criical Hit!


-14,401,224 Critical Hit!

Igor howled in pains miserably after the Nova recuded his attributes and the spear exploded inside of his body. Even tough he recovered a lot of hp after the knights were being killed, he was now much more injured.

Before the typhoon could attack again, a dome of blood sorrounded the vampire, succesfully blocking the attacks.

Leroy was alarmed and immediatly did his best to destroy it but after three attacks he couldn't see a single crack on the dome, he so tried to attack from the inside and below but with no result.

Igor who's hp was reduced to 16% released a domain that affected the whole room. Leroy's attributes were reduced quickly while Igor injected more mana on the magic array that suppressed the chained vampire, he feared that the array would collapse from the attacks.

Leroy felt a sense of urgency, the blood dome was no different from a invulnerability skill and Igor was recovering his hp very quickly inside.

He used all of his luck skills before using his most powerful summon spell.

'Unholy Domain' 'Call of the Sage'

A four meter tall figure was materializing but Leroy didn't stop just there.

'Land of the Dark'

Once that the summoned creature appeared clearly in front of everyone, Leroy gasped.

"Impossible!! I-Impossible!" Igor screamed in visible fear while the girl inside the array was visibly affected.

A four meter tall werewolf was summoned in the room. It took a look around and had a very confused expression, he seemed to be connecting the dots for ten seconds.

No one made a move, including Leroy.

Cynbel Savage Star (Royal Werewolf, Mythic Rank)

Level: 55

HP: 496,000,000/496,000,000

The werewolf looked at Leroy and then at the woman in chains. Then back at Leroy for a moment and his eyes flashed in understanding.


The werewolf released a loud laugh that made the whole room tremble, Leroy felt the strength leaving his legs from the roar alone.

Even the vampire's domain was affected by it and his dome trembled. The werewolf looked at Leroy and the girl again.


Leroy frowned, he felt that he had no control over the summoned werewolf

The wolf stopped and turned to the girl.

"Can you see this, Krauser girl? BUAHAHAHA he choose a human! A human BUAHAHA!" The werewolf continued to laugh and ignored the shaking Igor completely.

Leroy had a bad feeling about this, the previous times he called a summon monster they barely spoke. But this werewolf seemed even more intelligent than a human.

The chained vampire was visibly shaking.

"Comes to think of it... your luck is truly bad" The werewolf said with pity on his eyes.

"You escaped from your family in time only to fall at the hands of this mixed blood scum" The werewolf snorted coldly and turned his gaze to Leroy.

"To thing that the Sage of Darkness choose a human, he really was an interesting fellow as the books says" Leroy didn't feel treathened by the werewolf but he was uncomfortable with the summon freedom, he was used to have the full control.

"I'm not even mad, to be summoned at this moment" Cybel said and turned his attention to Igor. The vampire jumped in fright.

"Your Graf family has always been a bunch of lowly people, after your family head failed to pass down his noble bloodline you have lusted over other's ever since, to think that you would try to absorb royal bloodline, such a special one at that. Hehe hehe" The vampire heard his words and inmediatly kowtowed.

"Young Prince, I beg you to spare me. I-We can kill her along her bloodline, so she won't be a threat for any of us" Igor begged.

Cynbel looked at him with contempt. "Do you think that a royal bloodline can be tainted by the likes of you? That we will consider her a threat? She is a much higher threat for your kind than for us hehehe" The werewolf laughed and the vampire despaired.

The werewolf claws started shinning as the space around started cracking, he then attacked the dome.


The dome exploded into pieces and the domain dissipated. Igor was shaking all over as the werewolf prepared another attack.

One! Two! Three!

The werewolf attacked him three times in the blink of an eye, the vampire didn't have enough time to even scream before being shredded to pieces.

The werewolf then looked at the girl in the array and shook his head. If he killed her, he would trigger a war, if he did not, she may become a threat.

In the end he choose to not risk a war.

"Hehehe to think that I would meet you here, you really know how to make a show. What about you go to my palace, they can't reach you there" The wolf jokingly said, he seemed very happy.

The girl didn't respond and spitted at his feets.

"Oy, what a character for someone hunted by her own family hehe" Cynbel said while dodging the spit.

The girl turned her attention to Leroy and looked at him curiously.

"What an interesting moment! Leroy right, what will you do with her, I wonder?" The werewolf seemed like a man who just regained his voice and didn't stop talking.

"If you kill her and absorb her bloodline, the Krauser family will hunt you down, if you leave her here for them to find, they'll now of your existance, they'll be even more interested in hunting you down than hunting her" Cynbel said and grinned, his eyes showed his anticipation for what Leroy's choice would be.

Leroy frowned, at first he tought of killing her for the loot, but could he even absorb her bloodline? But being hunted down wasn't something he wanted either.

He approached the array and the werewolf looked at him full of anticipation as if seeing the best drama ever.

Leroy looked at her eyes, she hadn't spoke a word since he arrived.

A moment of silent passed and the werewolf seemed that he would explode from the tension.

Leroy made his decision and calmly said

"Would you follow me?"