
Personal Guards

"I-I..." Garo was lost at words looking at the young man before him. He was holding a terrifying spear that just his aura alone made even his soul feel cold.

"This should be able to convince you, no?" Leroy said calmly. His spear even shocked the watchers, Cerret has never found a youth so strong before.

The two other people that came to meet Leroy also looked at him in a new light now, so powerful.

"Yes, it is enough" Garo said with an awkward face, he felt extremely unconfortable with the spear summoned, even though he knew the Count wouldn't attack him with it.

Hearing him, Leroy dissipated the spear into the air.

"I was born without a name, people named me Garo in my early years and I've carried that name so far. My only wish is to seek the path of pure Strength in the future, I hope the count can grant my wish as I follow you" Garo said and bowed slightly.

He was very blunt with his words but that still surprised those who knew him.

"We'll do our best together." Leroy replied satisfied.

System: Do you wish to assign Garo as your personal guard?

Leroy agreed to it inmediatly, and Garo's data appeared on a new interface to manage the npcs.

Garo (Sensation's Personal Guard)

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Loyalty: 85

Charm: 58

Physique: 120

Wisdom: 50

Growth Potential: 109

Class: Tier 1 Barbarian Berserk

Level: 32

HP: 20,500/20,500

Attack Power: 1,950-2,250

Defense: 5,700

Attributes: Str 540 | Agi 398 | End 476 | Int 70 | Vit 345 |

Seeing his stats, Leroy grew excited, this was so much better than the other candidates that he looked before.

His growth potential was also much higher. Altough his huge tanned body intimidated others and his eyes constantly emitted a dangerouns glow, Leroy was still very satisfied with his choice.

"Here, see if there is anything suitable for you" Leroy said and dozens of items appeared in front of him.

Personal Guards couldn't use the same equipment as players, Leroy had spent some money buying equipment for them.

"Thank you, master" Garo said as politely as he could and inmediatly started appraising the items.

"I didn't know Count Sensations is so proficient in combat before" Cerret spoke, he has never found someone so talented even in the royal army of other empires.

"Indeed, he is truly a blessed individual" Heartfield agreed.

"Lord Count, my name is Ifer, I'm a pyromancer and a bit proficient at Magic Arrays. Seeing your magic talent and control, I'm more than convinced to follow you." Ifer was a young man with blonde hair and deep blue eyes, his facial features and way of dressing would make people think he was a high born noble.

System: Do you wish to assign Ifer as your Personal Guard?

Leroy agreed too, even tough he couldn't see this man attributes before recruiting him, he could tell he was not ordinary as it came from the recommendation of the palace, even if he was, he was already happy with the barbarian follower.

Ifer (Sensation's Personal Guard)

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Loyalty: 85

Charm: 89

Physique: 50

Wisdom: 98

Growth Potential: 95

Class: Tier 1 Pyromancer

Level: 30

HP: 8,500/8,500

Attack Power: 1,350-1,830

Defense: 2,600

Attributes: Str 200 | Agi 350 | End 290 | Int 505 | Vit 280 |

His attributes were also high, the Pyromancer classes had many strong aoe skills. But him being talented in Magic Arrays would probably be his most useful talent.

Even though Leroy was also good with Magic Arrays, having someone else to create Magic Array Scrolls and other items would be very convenient, he could also guide him with some tips.

The last person was a beauty, tall with blonde long hair, she wore a tight outfit that revealed a body shape that would make most man go insane.

"My name is Elne, I also wish to follow my lord on his journey, my wish is to travel through the world and discover new things outside the kingdom." Her voice made others feel as if they were going to melt, it made even Ifer expression change as if he was lovestruck. He looked over at Leroy with a gaze that screamed 'Yes, yes, she is the one, let her join us and I'll follow you until the end of time'.

Leroy also found her looks and voice extremely pleasant, knowing what she would want, he inmediatly agreed too.

He could sent them to accept quests and go out in adventures so there shouldn't be a problem with her becoming a personal guard

Elne (Sensation's Personal Guard)

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Loyalty: 85

Charm: 98

Physique: 93

Wisdom: 80

Potential Growth: 97

Class: Tier 1 Assasin

Level: 35

HP: 13,200/13,200

Attack Power: 1,520-1900

Defense: 3,600

Attributes: Str 380 | Agi 478 | End 302 | Int 250 | Vit 306 |

"Alright, from now on we'll work together so there is no need to be as formal." Leroy said.

Ifer's soul was in heaven now, while Garo didn't pay any mind, tough he knew that Elna was very strong.

"Grand Duke, Grand Marshal, many thanks for your assistance on this matter. It is already late and I've many things to do tomorrow, so I'll be leaving now" He said and bowed slightly.

"It is us who are thankful to you, Count Sensations." Heartfield replied.

Leroy then parted while being followed by his three Personal Guards. He still had an empty spot to fill, even with the royal palace connections, finding a good personal guard wasn't easy, most of the best npc would be afilliated with a kingdom or empire already.

The sky was clear and Star-Moon City was fully illuminated with lanterns, even in the night, the city was still full of activity. Walking toward the Guild Residence, he caught the attention of many players on the city.

"Look at that beauty, she is definetly a major noble npc"

"I've never seen such a strong looking npc before, his body is huge"

"That blonde young man seems to be a noble too, why are they following a player?"

Discussion spread through the city and forums about a player being followed by outstanding npcs.

At the Guild Residence, Old Pat was looking over some matters.

"Uncle, it's rare to see you here, how are things going?" Leroy said while entering the main hall along his guards.

"Things are going well, just this afternoon we have introduced the Light Stone on the market, we didn't even had to advertise the item and we have sold almost 300,000 stacks now." Old Pat replied.

"That is a lot of money there" Leroy was surprised that the sales went so well.

"Indeed, it is very dangerous to grind in the night, these items are very necessary. When are you going to write some potion recipes? We can start producing them now" Pat commented.

"I'll write them now then, how is the recruiting?" Leroy said while taking a seat and started writing on a paper. He only wrote some of his more basic recipes.

"We have hired 300 intermediate or above Alchemists, 150 Forgers and 20 Tailors. That girl's requirement for tailors are just too high." Old Pat said making Leroy's chuckle. His cousin was in charge of everything related to tailors, Old Pat didn't mind either.

"Are this your new guards?" Old Pat asked looking over at Garo, Ifer and Elna.

"Yes, they were recommended by the king himself" Leroy replied.

"Yeah of course the king sent them" Old Pat said while laughing.

After an hour, the Personal Guards found their place in the Guild Residence and Leroy finished writing more than 40 recipes.

"Uncle Pat, here are the recipes, this are some potions that I crafted and there are more on the warehouse, we can start selling them tomorrow" Leroy passed the Sensation's Casting Potion Recipes and Fine Recovery Potion Recipes along many of the potions he already crafted so far.

"Good, this potions will definetly sell well on the market" Old Pat commented with a satisfied smile.

After that, Leroy went to the Adventurer's Association.

He gave the Guild Promotion Order to a receptionist npc and after a minute a new system message caused an uproar on Star-Moon Kingdom.

Star-Moon Kingdom System Announcement:

Congratulations to Raven Sanctuary for becoming the first Guild in Star-Moon Kingdom to own a 2-star Guild Residence! Rewarding 30,000 Guild Popularity, 500 Gold Coins and one guild Smithy Promotion Order.

Star-Moon City System Announcement:

Congratulations to Raven Sanctuary for becoming the first Guild in White River City to own a 2-star Guild Residence! Rewarding 10,000 Guild Popularity and 200 Gold Coins.

This put even more pressure on the kingdom's large guilds, this guild advancement was too fast!. Most guild's didn't even had a Guild Residence by now.

Old Pat released some information about this on the forums, otherwise these guilds would pester them forever.

Still in the Adventurer's Association, Leroy handed over the Smithy Promotion Order and apply to establish a Forge on the Guild Residence.

"Lord Count, this is a list of Smithies models. And here is a list of the Blacksmiths, you can choose any of them." The recepcionist said politely and passed some papers to him.

There were hundreds of models for the same type of building in God's Domain, players would definetly grow tired otherwise.

Seeing the information, Smithies had three grades: Ordinary, Refined and Luxury, each gave more benefits and was more expensive than the previous one. Leroy choose a Luxury grade Smithie and a model that he liked. It cost him 970 Gold Coins, one could hire Advanced Blacksmiths to manage the facility.

He then took out a Shop Promotion Order. All shops would start as 1-star Shops without exceptions. After promoting a Shop to 2-star, it would offer much more benefits.

It would give many benefits for Lifestyle players and there would be two more floors, for a total of five floors available. All floors were larger than the previous ones, too. Among the benefits for Lifestyle players, there was a Simulation Device similar to the ones on the library, players now could use it without the need to enter the library to research crafting techniques and recipes.

From there on, Leroy didn't pay more attention to it, it was Old Pat who would.

Next he returned to the Guild Residence and took a look at the other items he got. First was a high quality alchemy equipment, it would be very helpfull in crafting large amounts of potions. And the most valuable item, it was a alchemy enciclopedy, it contained description and uses about almost 200 herbs.

On it, a very detailed description of herbs, fruits and other items was written on hand. Leroy spent his time reading the book, increasing his Alchemy level and researching new recipes.

In the following days he received news about many things.

Zero Wing promoted their Guild Residence and shocked the kingdom once again.

Candlelight Trading Firm sold many good items at White River City, including Light Stones.

Most guilds have changed competition from Dungeons to Trade instead.

Old Pat also told him that someone from the super-first rate guild, Dragon Pavliion came looking to invest on the guild and was chased out.

There was probably going to be some conflict, the same happened over at Zero Wing, when Nine Dragons Emperor was even humilliated.

Leroy wasn't surprised, the Heavenly Dragon Pavlivion was the only guild established on Black Dragon Empire's capital, any other guild that dared to do so was anihilated by them, of course only because small guilds have been developing there.

Raven Sanctuary has already started spreading to the Black Dragon Empire and clashed against the Pavilivion a few times already, now one of their Pavilivion Masters actually came here with the intent to invest? He was only looking for humilliation. Zero Wing decision didn't surprise him at all.

Soon a war was going to begin, the War Legion was the strongest legion under Heavenly Dragon Pavilivion. Nine Dragons Emperor commanded them and would soon attack Zero Wing at White River City, as for attacking Raven Sanctuary on Star-Moon Kingdom? With the high level npcs and tight security, even if he had ten times the guts, he wouldn't dare.

"It seems about time Raven Sanctuary and I move already" He has been in a room at the shop for days now, he even reached Level 32 while crafting new potions and raised to Advanced Alchemist already.

He stopped crafting the last batch of potions.

Holding a bottle on his hand, he had a satisfied smile on is face.

[Titan Mana Potion]

A potion created by Alchemist Sensations.

Consume to increase Max Mana by 150%, Mana Recovery Rate by 250% and Magic Defense by 20%

Duration: 15 minutes

He put the potion on his inventory and left the room.

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