

As Leroy opened the dark letter, golden glowing words started appearing on it, as if it was being written in real-time.

"In my life, I've had everything a person could hope for, power, treasures, influence, status, loyal subjects, and a kingdom... but because I was too careless, I ended up provoking the ire of an Evil God, that coward started spreading rumors about a supposedly alien treasure that was in my possession, he tricked Gods and Demons alike. He said that such a treasure would help them increase their Tier and achieve unparalleled power.

And just like that, friends became foes, lovers became mortal enemies and I was then hunted down. They were just too many, my demise was inevitable, I left my legacy in a special place, before my final battle against them, for those that my favorite undead raven, Flay, seemed worthy of.

Enter Hell on your own and claim the rights to for the legacy left behind!" - Vlaric, Half-Moon Mage.

He understood all but didn't have a clue about how to 'Enter Hell'. Looking at Sedma with a questioning expression he asked: "Lady Sedma, the letter mentions the need to 'Enter Hell' as a test, may you know what it means?"

Hearing him, Sedma's eyes opened up a bit and replied: "The Half-Moon descendants have made various speculations as to where his legacy would be left behind, one of them said that it was in the mountains outside of Falling Moon Town, in a Dungeon, why don't you look there first?"

System: A new quest has been triggered, "Half-Moon Legacy (Legendary Rank)" do you wish to accept it?".

"L-Legendary rank? was it so easy to trigger a Legendary Rank quest?" Leroy was taken aback but quickly regained his composure.

"Yes" The higher the rank of a quest, the more difficult it was, and the more plentiful the rewards would be.

System: Quest accepted.

Half-Moon Legacy (Legendary Rank)

Search for a way to 'Enter Hell' as described by the Half-Moon Mage in his letter.

"Lady Sedma, my stay here has been a pleasant one, but is time to go, if you excuse me..." Leroy said politely

"Hehe, go, lad, go and claim the Legacy left behind by my Ancestors, us descendants has long since proven unworthy of" Sedma waved her hand at him, a relieved expression on her face... "If the Legacy is something true, and he manages to be recognized by the ones at his City, then..."

With a quick search, Leroy found that each Dungeon had 3 levels of difficulty, Normal, Hard and Hell.

Normal Dungeons was the most basic level, most players couldn't even clear one yet, they could be entered an unlimited amount of time daily.

Hard Dungeons were harder than their Normal versions, stronger mobs, stronger bosses, different attack patterns and higher death penalties, players could clear them 10 times a day.

As for Hell Dungeon, players could only curse at them, the monsters there were far too strong, more intelligent and the death penalty was much higher, they could only be cleared once a day.

Leroy knew that with the difficulty of the Hell Mode Dungeons and Legendary Quest, also the fact that he had to go on his own. It would be an extremely hard thing to accomplish and so he wasn't ready yet.

After some more time, he crafted more potions, purchased some Speed Scrolls and left in his way toward the mountains.

Speed Scroll (Consumable)

Increases player's Movement Speed by 25% for 30 seconds.

Cooldown: 30 minutes.

Although he could already equip the Half-Moon Set equipment, he still hasn't wear it as it would attract too much attention.

He entered the forest, Iron Toothed Rabbits could be seen from time to time, and parties were already grinding them in the outskirts of the forest. As they noticed this newbie Cursemancer passing through the forest with trash equipment, they couldn't help but snicker inside, yet, no one said anything to him.

Deeper into the forest he could see the foot of the mountain appearing between the trees. Suddenly sounds of battle caught his attention, they came from within the forest.

"Fuck your cursed ass, how did you manage to anger this thing" an Assassin insult traveled in the air.

"Sister Robin I swear I don't know, we were dealing with that wolf and then he jumped at me out of nowhere". The Guardian Knight wanted to cry but no tears came out.

The duo were running from a pack of wolves, with 3 Level 5 wolfs and a Level 6 Chieftain Rank monster, they noticed the Cursemancer that was walking with slowly toward the same destination "Brother there, help us" the one to speak was the running Guardian Knight while blocking a wolf attack while the Assassin continuously dodged the Chieftain wolf attacks.

Leroy recognized the duo, they were the ones closest to the forest when he returned to the city. As he was close to the mountain's foot, he wouldn't mind giving them a hand. Equipping the Half-Moon Set his attributes soared, he also added the 8 Free Attribute Points that he gained from level 1 to 3, 5 points to Agi and 3 to Int.

His Agi reached 20 Points, giving him the passive [Fast and Nimble], his movements suddenly became much more swift and the thing that he felt was locking his movement disappeared.

The Half-Moon Set boosted his Int up to 42 unlocking the hidden passive [Full Chanting], it gave him much more freedom while chanting, no longer being as bound to the system as before.

Wolf (Common)

Level 5

HP: 500/500

He aimed at a wolf who's attack has just been blocked by the Guardian Knight, a Dark Arrow was sent flying before the wolf could land a black arrow stuck him in the neck.

His Int plus the damaged provided by the staff and the 50 points of the Half-Moon Ring gave him a basic damage of 174-204.

Adding the 5% damage of the Staff passives, 10% from the cursemancer talent, 30% from Half-Moon Staff passive and 20% of the Set Bonus.

His basic damage jumped to 287-336. His Dark Arrow was at Level 2, dealing 120% of his basic damage.


The wolf crashed to the side with a solid sound.

Before others could react to the shocking amount of damage, another arrow struck the wolf.


Just like that, a Level 5 monster died leaving the Assassin with an open mouth while the burden in the Guardian Knight dropped.

This level of monsters was not too smart as to provide players with an easier first experience, as the game progressed they would gain more and more intelligence, if that was the case, Leroy would immediately attract the aggro of the wolfs into him, including the Chieftan-Rank one.

"Robin, keep the Boss aggro while we deal with the doggies" the Guardian Knight said

"I know what to do you prick, we wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for your cursed luck!" protested the Assassin.

The Assassin took distance from them while skillfully dodging the Boss attacks while counterattacking from time to time which further enraged the wolf.

Leroy casted two more arrows at a second wolf, each dealing over 330 damage. Then he took out the third one with ease. He drank a basic mana potion and passed a health one to the Guardian Knight.

"You! you are going to sit and recover there while this lady is fighting? Hey hey Mr. Wolf, see that ugly idiot there? I heard him say that your whole ancestry was just a bunch of horny mixed-breed dogs." Seeing them casually drinking potions and recovering while she still had the aggro exasperated her.

Somehow, the moment she insulted the wolf and put the blame in the Guardian Knight, the wolf eyes turned red and immediately switched targets into the Guardian Knight, leaving the Assassin which looked at him with a scheming smile.

Blue Moon Wolf (Chieftan Rank)

Level: 6

HP: 1300

The Guardian Knight immediately Charged to the wolf hitting him by a negligible amount of damage but immediately the wolf claws clashed into his shield making him take 3 steps backward.

The Guardian Knight was shocked as so was Leroy, this Guardian Knight had at least 4 pieces of Bronze Rank equipment and it couldn't take the strength of the Agility based wolf.

Fast! not giving him more time to stabilize himself the wolf sent another claw to him but a screech sounded that perturbed the wolf and missed the Guardian Knight's forehead by centimeters.

That was Leroy's Screech skill, it was barely effective but still saved the Guardian Knight from taking a full hit from the Boss.

While the Strength and Speed that the wolf displayed took them by surprise, anyone had an ease expression, they could handle him if it was a single monster.

Clashing again, this time the Guardian Knight stood his ground and even counterattacked with a skill.


It was a high amount of damage coming from a class with the lowest attack power, especially considering it was a Chief Rank monster and was 3 Levels higher than them.

Next, the Assassin backstabbed him in the back, her blade turned green as she casted a poison buff and finished her combo with a triple attack skill.





-15 Poison Damage

The HP of the wolf went from 1,300 to 1,110 in an instant

Next Leroy casted his strongest spell. "Dark Fireball".


Blue Moon Wolf killed

The wolf didn't even have time to scream before he was consumed by black flames.

Both the Assassin and the Guardian Knight were dumbfounded by the amount of damage this Cursemancer could deal!, he almost one-shoted a Chieftain Rank Boss just like that!

They had to check the System Logs to make sure they saw it right.

"B-b-bro... that... that was so cool" the Guardian Knight burst out laughing at the blackened remains of the wolf.

Leroy was surprised as well, according to his calculations, the basic damage plus the 400% of the Dark Fireball damage should be able to deal about 1535-2015 damage, yet it dealt only 1250, even taking the Boss's defense into account the output should be more than that.

He could only explain it as the level difference plus the monster rank reducing his damage, probably the damage was in the lower spectrum too.

If anyone else would hear his thoughts of complaining by the lack of damage, while almost instakilling a Chieftain Rank Boss three level's higher than him they would cough up blood and start reporting him as a cheater. A Chieftain Rank Boss was something that required a party of 10 to take on it and not just any party could do so at this stage of the game!.

System: Congratulations for being the first player to kill a Chieftain Rank monster in Falling Moon Town.

Rewards: Exp +2000.

System: An announcement will be made, would you like to show your name?.

"Nope" he denied, it wasn't too much of an accomplishment anyway so why would he boast about it?

System: Congratulations to player ??? for killing the first Chieftain Rank Boss in Falling Moon Town.

As they weren't in a party, and he was the one who gives the last hit and dealt the most damage, it was normal than the rewards for the first kill would be for him.

Seen the system message, the other two could only cast somewhat jealous and disappointed eyes at him.

He obviously received the most exp and the rewards should also be Exp points, other than that they didn't pay much attention to the matter.

Seeing them standing there Leroy said, "Alright, time to loot the dog, what were you guys doing here anyway?"

The moment that Leroy said the word 'loot' the Assassin was already in the process of doing so, this made Leroy amused, some players really liked to loot monster more than breathing.

"We were going to reunite with the rest of the party at the mountain there, they found a Dungeon and were planning on clearing it but we are only four and the dungeon needs at least five players to open it, so we went back to search for individual players but couldn't find anyone who would be helpful at all" said the Knight while shooking his head looking at the Assassin holding equipments and papers in both hands while still searching the poor wolf in case it still hid something.

"The wolf dropped 3 Bronze-Rank equipment, they are a dagger, a helmet, and a staff. Also, a skill for warriors and some materials" Robin, the assassin, reported.

"You guys can take the other items, while I keep the materials, sounds right?" Leroy stated.

"Yes of course, but you really don't want some equipment? You can sell them for some coins" Robin said with hopeful eyes, hope that he really didn't want the equipment or skill.

"Hehe no problem I don't have a use for them, and can make money in other ways" Leroy said looking at her who's eyes started to shine.

"Great, then I will take the Dagger, you take the helmet and skill while we keep the staff for Savior" Robin distributed the loot without even consulting her party member.

"Alright missy" the Knight could only shake his head while accepting the items, the skill was an Aggro type of skill, very useful for a knight like himself, although it seems he has a natural talent of sorts for enraging monsters. As for the helmet, it was his only part of equipment which wasn't bronze-rank yet.

He was definitely the best geared Guardian Knight in Falling Moon Town, not even large guilds MTs could compete with his gear.

Robin switched one of her daggers with the newly acquired one.

They continued to walk to the mountain, Leroy told them he had a quest in a Dungeon nearby and probably was the same their party found, so they invited him to clear it along.

It wouldn't be easy to find a player with the sufficient standards to raid the dungeon, especially one that didn't ask for bronze-rank equipment which even the elites of large guilds had trouble acquiring.

This, without a doubt, was the reason Robin invited him without hesitating.