
Chapter 1 : Reincarnation

In a hospital ward in Glory City,

A beautiful woman was panting with fatigue while looking at her baby son with a motherly smile. She quickly called for her husband while hugging the baby.

A Short While Later


A rugged handsome man was seen running into the room. "Yin'er where is my son? I need to see him now."

Chen Yin proudly gave her son to her husband.

"Be careful now. Don't drop him."

"He is so cute. Looks like he takes after his father." after a quick glare from Chen Yin, he gulped and said," And his mother too. He will definitely be a lady killer in the future. Let the entire Glory City know that I, Chen Ming has a son. From now on, He will be known as Chen Tian. He will definitely make my Chen Family proud. "

While smiling proudly at his son, Chen Ming did not notice the glint of intelligence in his son's eye.

"Finally, I have cured my soul injury. Looks like I slept for thousands of years and my soul entered many cycles of reincarnation. Wow!! I reincarnated as a human, a giant and even a strange creature known as otaku. Well I will look at these memories later."

"First I have got to confirm which realm I am in right now. Based on what the man who I presume to be my father said I seem to be in a place called Glory City. Why do I feel that I have heard this name before? Must be one of the memories of my past lives. Now that I, the great Sage Emperor has awakened I need to make sure that I will reach the apex of cultivation this time around and beat my former body."

"Last time I purely focused on my spirit which caused my body to lag behind and caused my body to be injured in the heavenly tribulation. This time with the Giant Clan's greatest body cultivation technique "The Chaos Heavenly Body Refining Technique", I can reach the apex in body cultivation as well."

"Anyway my infant body cannot handle any more thinking today. No matter how many times I reincarnate I cannot seem to get over the whole baby thing. Baby bodies are so troublesome."

Thinking so, the existence that will make the entire world tremble went to sleep in his Mother's embrace.

Here's the First Chapter

Song_Shuhang9creators' thoughts