
Sacred Relationships Soul Land 2

___________________•_______________ Twin Brothers, Dei Lu and Xiao Shivay find themselves entangled in a massive conspiracy against the Gods of Douluo Dalu Continent. Their already messy lives is turned upside down once they make their way into Shrek Academy. Enemies emerge from the shadows,each believing that the brothers are the key to the destruction of the almighty Gods. With one able to see the future and the other being able to physically alter it,it was clear that they were not like others. Despite these gifts their own future remains shrouded in mystery and their past, a long forgotten tale.

Jared_Hart · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

CHAPTER TEN|Oppression

Xiao Shivay had ropes tied tightly around his wrists, the rough fibers cutting into his skin as the patrol guard led him down the mountain.

The guards, astride their horses, moved briskly, pulling Xiao Shivay along with them, each tug on the rope hurting him. It was a harsh reminder of his captivity. His feet stumbled over the uneven ground, nearly falling off his own two feet a few times but he kept his silence. He could tell that they enjoyed what was happening but Xiao Shivay was not about to add to their joy by showing any form of discomfort.

As they descended into the forest, the trees closed in around them, their branches casting long shadows in the early morning light. The air was thick with the scent of pine and damp earth, but Xiao Shivay paid little attention to his surroundings. His mind was elsewhere, swirling with confusion and anger. How had it come to this? How had he, who had always strived to be as invincible as can be, become the scapegoat for a crime he did not commit?

Xiao Shivay looked towards the Head patrol guard. Somehow, he knew that the answer lay in the twisted machinations of Lin Zaoh. Xiao Shivay had humiliated him once, and now he was paying the price. The man had really kept to his words.

Eventually making into the village,were it appeared as if the news had already spread. The villagers, easily swayed by Lin Zaoh's lies and manipulations, had readily taken to the man's side. Their taunts and jeers echoed in Xiao Shivay ears as they passed, their faces contorted with hatred and scorn.

"Look at the murderer!" one villager shouted, pointing an accusatory finger. "He killed Mr. Leoan in cold blood!"

"Scum!" another yelled, shaking his fist. "You deserve to rot in prison, Xiao Shivay!"

"I knew this boy was trouble since the very first day he moved here. Look at how he bites the hand which feeds him."Screamed another

" As if trying and failing to seduce the Duke wasn't enough but now he also resorted to killing. Such a monster."

"What pisses me off even more is how he still carries himself. Have a sense of shame you slut."

Xiao Shivay clenched his teeth, refusing to give them the satisfaction of a response. He could feel their anger, their disdain, their need to vent out there frustrations on him. It was easier to lash out at him, the ominous boy than to face the possibility that the true killer might very well still be among them.

A particularly enraged villager, a man with a scruffy beard and wild black eyes, stepped into Xiao Shivay's path, spitting at his feet. Xiao Shivay vaguely recognized the man as one of the many drunks he had constantly refused at the bar. "You have always thought that you were better than us, haven't you? With your pretence of being innocent and religious. How does it feel now to have your masked removed huh? You think you can get away with murder?"

"I didn't kill him," Xiao Shivay said quietly, his voice barely a whisper, words almost lost in the chorus of voices, drowned out by the villagers' fury.

"Liar!" the bearded man shouted, raising his hand as if to strike Xiao Shivay. But a guard pulled him away, urging him to keep moving.

The crowd's hostility only grew as they progressed. Some villagers annoyed with Xiao Shivay's refusal to show any semblance of their words affecting him began picking up stones and hurling them at him. He winced as one struck his shoulder and another at his left cheek, but he did not falter. He kept his eyes forward, focusing on each step, willing himself to endure.

By the time they reached the village square, Xiao Shivay's clothes were torn, and his body ached from the barrage of insults and stones. The square was packed with villagers, all eager to witness his downfall.

Lin Zaoh stood at the center, a self-satisfied smirk on his face as he watched Xiao Shivay being led to the makeshift platform.

"Here he is!" Lin Zaoh proclaimed, raising his hands to quiet the crowd. "The murderer of Mr. Leoan! Let this be a lesson to all who think they can defy the law! This boy, a mere dancer was so ambitious and decided to kill a good man and for what just a piece of land."

The crowd roared in approval, their faces alight with vindictive pleasure. Xiao Shivay felt a surge of anger and despair, but he kept it in check. He couldn't afford to lose control now. He needed to stay calm, to think clearly. Patient was needed. He needed to think about every step.

Xiao Shivay knew that something was not right but now was not the time to make his thoughts known. He needed to wait it out. Somewhere out there, Dei Lu was working to clear his name. He had to hold on to that hope.

As the guards pushed him onto the platform, Lin Zaoh stepped forward, his eyes glinting with malice. "Do you have any last words, Xiao Shivay?" he sneered. "Anything to say to these good people? The ones you have blacked with your presence since the very first time you stepped foot into this village."

Xiao Shivay looked out over the sea of faces, searching for a trace of sympathy, of understanding. But he found none. They were united in their hatred. How people could hate for no reason, he didn't know. Taking a deep breath, his voice steady as he spoke.

"I did not kill Mr. Leoan," he said, meeting Lin Zaoh's gaze. "And I believe that most of you already know this to be true but you just won't accept it. I understand that I am and never will be fully welcomed by you because of my fate but one day, the truth will come out and the real culprit will be punished."

Lin Zaoh's smirk under the intense gaze of Xiao Shivay faltered for a moment, but he quickly recovered. His face twisting with anger "Take him away!" he ordered the guards. "To the prison!"

That small detail did not get passed Xiao Shivay who said nothing but hum in thought as they dragged him away. The villagers' jeers followed him, their voices blending into a cacophony of anger and contempt. But Xiao Shivay held his head high, refusing to let them break his spirit. He knew he was innocent, and he would fight to prove it, no matter the cost.


Meanwhile, Dei Lu's journey was fraught with its own challenges. He had spent two days traveling through treacherous terrain, determined to reach the Duke and plead Xiao Shivay's case.

His initial thought after Lin Zaoh had taken his brother from the temple stating that it was by order of the Duke,was to just storm into that godforsaken mansion and start a mass genocide but he couldn't do that because one he wasn't strong enough and two he would probably get killed. He would normally not care about when the odds were stacked against him but knowing that he wouldn't be any good to Xiao Shivay dead made him rethink his plan.

Xiao Shivay had explicitly told Dei Lu, before being taken away, was to find the Duke. Dei Lu didn't know why his brother still had so much trust for that coward but it was not as if he had any other alternative. Luckily the man had sent them a letter talking about how he wanted to 'make amends' or whatever. Dei Lu really did not care about why Dai Huo wanted to see them,he just wanted the guy to get his brother out of captivity.

The journey had been long and perilous, filled with obstacles that tested his patience and resolve. No really, sometimes he wished he could change how things were and also maybe murder a few people but he had to choose the most sane approach when dealing with those problems.

A journey that normally took a week  had taken Dei Lu only two days to get to the Dukes mansion, and that was mostly because he had Brantley ignored sleep and food through out the time he began. The boy basically running on soul and willpower alone. But as always fate seemed to want to test with him so he had to be hindered time and time again.

On the first day, he had encountered a band of thieves, their eyes gleaming with greed as they demanded his money and belongings. Dei Lu had stood his ground, his fists up and ready to fight. "I have nothing of value," he told them. "And I have no time to waste. Let me pass."

The thieves had laughed, circling him like wolves. "You're either really brave or very foolish," their leader sneered. "But no one passes without paying a toll."

"No, I'm just really angry." Dei Lu having enough of the two dimensional characters obscuring his path threw the first punch, effectively knocking out several of the gang leader's teeth out. He was already in a foul mood and for these idiots to think that they could best him was amusing.

He moved agilely, his fists and feet striking with precision. The pathetic people were not even a challenge.They,  taken aback by his ferocity, had quickly realized that they had underestimated their prey. After a brief but intense skirmish, they retreated, leaving Dei Lu to continue on his way, slightly bruised and even more pissed. "That's right, you better ran you lowlife thugs. Come back when you grow some balls idiots."

That night, he had found shelter in a small cave, its walls offering some protection from the cold wind. He had slept fitfully, his dreams haunted by visions of Xiao Shivay's plight. He awoke before dawn, his body sore but his determination unshaken.

The second day brought more challenges. The path grew steeper, the terrain more unforgiving. He had to navigate through dense forests and across rocky hills, his progress slow and arduous. The skies suddenly darkened, the weather growing unstable. It rained and it rained excessively this forcing Dei Lu to find shelter once more.

After a full day of stormy rain and with no signs of stopping Dei Lu took Drastic measures and decided to move on with his journey. It was tough and he was sure that he probably had a cold after walking in rain and getting so soaked but he pressed on, driven by the thought of Xiao Shivay's innocent face, and the desperate need to clear his brother's name.

As the sun set on the third econd day, he finally reached the outskirts of the city. The Duke's mansion loomed in the distance, covered by the forest its grandeur a reminder of the power and privilege that had separated them. 'Who decides to build a house so far form they city they govern anyway. That man is truly a fool.'

He approached the gates with a mixture of  dread, his heart pounding in his chest. He really did not want to be here but there was no turning back now. He braced himself as he moved forward, though his steps were heavy with reluctance. The grand structure loomed before him, bringing back memories of the past he had desperately tried to forget. 

Memories of past humiliations flickered in his mind, but he pushed them aside. Today was not about the past—it was about saving his brother, Xiao Shivay. The gates were as imposing as ever, guarded by soldiers who eyed him with suspicion. Dei Lu took a deep breath, steeling himself for the inevitable encounter. This was going to be a blast.


The journey to the prison was long and arduous, the path winding through dense forest and over rocky terrain. The guards showed no mercy, pulling Xiao Shivay along at a relentless pace. His wrists continued to throb from the tight bindings, and his feet were blistered and sore, but he pressed on, driven by a fierce determination.

They were taking him to the main prison of the Star Luo city. As night fell, they reached the had finally reached the outskirts of the city, its towering walls looming ominously in the darkness. The guards led him through the gates and into the maze of narrow streets, the sounds of the city a distant hum in the background. The prison was a grim, foreboding structure, its stone walls cold and unyielding.

Inside, the air was thick with the stench of sweat, blood and despair making the poor boy gag. The place was truly horrible.

The unsuspecting Xiao Shivay,too caught up in the gruesome appearance of the building was harshly tossed into a prison cell, his body slamming against the cold, unforgiving stone wall. Pain exploded in his head, and he felt a warm trickle of blood slide down his face. The guards, their expressions twisted with malicious glee, snickered at his predicament. One guard, particularly brutish, yanked the rope from his wrists with such force that it cut into his skin, drawing fresh blood.

"Welcome to your new home, murderer," the guard sneered, his eyes glinting with cruel amusement as he began to undo the bonds on Xiao Shivay's wrist.

Xiao Shivay winced at the harsh treatment, but he refused to allow their actions or words to affect. He was not going to give them the satisfaction of seeing his pain.

This decision of not showing any emotions once again brought anger onto the guards face. "You worthless slut,still acting all high and mighty even though you are now here.

Xiao Shivay was shoved roughly to the ground, landing on his hands and knees. The dirt and grime of the cell floor clung to his skin, mixing with the blood from his wounds."Pathetic."

He heard the heavy iron door creak shut behind him, the lock clicking into place with a finality that echoed through the small, dark space.

The cell was damp and cold, contrastingly greatly to the warmth of the sunlit world outside. Xiao Shivay pushed himself to a sitting position, his back against the wall, and took a deep, steadying breath. He could still hear the guards' laughter fading away as they left, their footsteps echoing down the corridor. Alone now, the reality of his situation began to sink in.

He touched the back of his head gingerly, wincing as his fingers came away sticky with blood. His wrists throbbed from the rough treatment, the rope burns raw and painful. But it wasn't the physical pain that weighed most heavily on him. It was the knowledge that he had been framed and condemned without a fair trial.

A lot of questions were roaming through his mind as he sat there. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out that what was happening was obviously conspired. Infact Xiao Shivay already suspected someone in particular but he also knew there was more to it than just that. Besides, that person was just not smart enough to cook up such a ludicrous scheme. But the real question was why frame him? What exactly would the person gain from that?

There was more to the story than what was being shown at the surface. Something darker was going on and Xiao Shivay was going to find out, somehow. He needed to figure out a way to do just that.

Xiao Shivay looked around his surroundings. The cell was small, barely enough room for him to stretch out fully. A thin, moldy blanket lay in one corner, and a bucket in the opposite corner served as a makeshift toilet. The only light came from a small, barred window high on the wall, through which a sliver of moonlight streamed, casting eerie shadows on the stone floor.

He closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the wall. Memories of Mr. Leoan flashed through his mind. The old man had been kind to him, a mentor and a friend. The thought that someone had killed him and left Xiao Shivay to take the blame filled him with a deep, burning rage. But he forced himself to stay calm. Anger wouldn't help him now. He needed to think clearly, to find a way out of this nightmare.

Outside the cell, the prison was alive with the sounds of other inmates: the clank of chains, the murmur of low conversations, the occasional shout or scream. But inside his cell, it was eerily quiet. He could hear his own breathing, the steady thump of his heartbeat in his ears.

He wondered how Dei Lu was faring. Had his brother managed to reach the Duke? Did he believe in Xiao Shivay's innocence? He had to hold on to the hope that Dei Lu was out there, fighting for him. It was the only thing keeping him from despair.

As the hours dragged on, Xiao Shivay's thoughts turned to his own situation. He knew he couldn't stay here, waiting for a miracle. He had to find a way to prove his innocence, to uncover the truth behind Mr. Leoan's murder. But how? He had no allies in this place, no resources, nothing at all. It was clearly a lossing game he was playing at.

He pushed himself to his feet, pacing the small cell. His eyes scanned the walls, the floor, looking for any weakness, any means of escape. But the cell was solid, well-built to contain even the most determined of prisoners even one with soul power. He wasn't even sure he could do much with his martial soul at the moment. He hardly used it in the past and did not want to make it a future habit. Still, he refused to give up. There had to be a way out.

He approached the small window, standing on tiptoe to peer through the bars. Outside, he could see the dark shapes of the prison courtyard, illuminated by the pale moonlight. It was quiet, deserted at this hour. He could hear the distant sounds of the city beyond the prison walls.

As he stood there, lost in thought, a sudden noise broke the silence. Footsteps, echoing down the corridor. They were getting closer. Xiao Shivay tensed, his heart pounding in his chest. Who was coming? Was it Lin Zaoh, coming here to gloat or was it someone else. Either way he still kept his guard up. It was better to be safe than sorry.

The footsteps stopped outside his cell, and a shadow fell across the barred window in the door. A key turned in the lock, and the door creaked open. Xiao Shivay took a step back, his fists clenched, ready for whatever might come.

But it wasn't a guard who entered. It was a boy, no older than Xiao Shivay himself, dressed in simple, worn clothes. He had a mop of unruly ginger hair and bright, curious green eyes that seemed to take in everything at once.

"W-who are you?" Xiao Shivay demanded, his voice hoarse from disuse.

The boy held up a hand, a small smile playing on his lips. "Easy, easy. I'm not here to hurt you. Name's Jin. I heard about what happened. Figured you might need a friend."

Xiao Shivay narrowed his eyes, studying the boy. This was too convenient."Why should I trust you?"

Jin shrugged, leaning casually against the doorframe. "You don't have to. But trust me or not, you're going to need help if you want to get out of here and clear your name."

Xiao Shivay looked at the boy, perplexed. Why did boy want to help him? what exactly was his end goal here and how exactly did this boy find him?

"We don't have all day you know. Sneaking in was easy but getting out with you will be a hassle so what's it going to be pretty boy. You in or out." Xiao Shivay hesitated for a moment but after weighing all the pros and cons nodded slowly. "Alright, Jin. What's your plan?"

Jin's smile widened, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "First things first. We need to get you out of this cell. Then, we find out who really killed Mr. Leoan and why?"

Xiao Shivay's heart lifted, a spark of hope igniting within him. Maybe, just maybe, he had found an ally in this dark place. Together, they could uncover the truth and bring the real killer to justice.


The guards at the entrance recognized him immediately, their expressions turning to scorn.As he approached the gates, they straightened up, their eyes narrowing with disdain. One of them, a burly man with a scar across his cheek, stepped forward.

"What do you want, Dei Lu?" He asked. "Come to beg for scraps? I thought you made it very clear that you didn't want anything to do with the master or his family years ago so what happened now? Poverty not as glamorous as you thought?"

Dei Lu's jaw tightened, his temper flaring. He decided however to remain level headed. This was not the time for arguments. His brothers life was on the line"I need to see the Duke," he said through gritted teeth. "It's urgent."

The guards laughed, blocking his path. "You? See the Duke? Don't make us laugh. He has no time for the likes of you. I can't believe this. First your brother had shamelessly tried to get intimate with the Duke and now it seems the younger one also wants to try his luck."

Before Dei Lu could respond, another guard, a lanky man with a sneering expression, chimed in. "Oh, I thought he looked familiar. So you're that slut's brother. What's his name again? Xiao Shivay, right? Failed to seduce the Duke, did he? And now looks like he sends you? Pathetic."

Dei Lu's patience snapped. He was not going to stand for it when his brother was being insulted. His eyes flashed with anger looking directly at the guard. He had endured years of such insults, but hearing them now in the place were it all went down hail for them and directed at his brother non the less, was too much. His eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Is that all you've got? You're calling my brother a slut isn't it? Well please let me tell you something, you miserable," he stated calmly. "boot-licking sycophants. My brother has more honor and integrity in his little finger than you have in your entire bloodline."

The guards were momentarily stunned into silence by the ferocity of his words, but their shock quickly turned to anger. The burly guard stepped forward, jabbing a finger at Dei Lu's chest. "Watch your mouth, you little—"

Dei Lu interrupted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, did I strike a nerve? What's the matter? Feeling a bit sensitive about your complete lack of purpose in life? Or is it just that you're upset that the only power you'll ever hold is by bullying those weaker than you?"

Another guard, his face reddening with fury, spat on the ground near Dei Lu's feet. "You think you're tough, don't you? Just because your brother is the Duke's whore doesn't mean you get to insult us and walk away. You better show some respect to our occupations you brat"

Dei Lu laughed, a harsh, mocking sound. "You call standing here all day and licking the boots of the rich and powerful a job? You're not even worth the dirt under my brother's feet. And as for calling him a whore— did you have a good look at your wives before leaving this morning gentlemen."

The guards, incensed beyond measure, reached for their weapons. The leader stepped forward, his hand on the hilt of his sword. "You've got a really big mouth, don't ya brat. Let's see just how tough you are when you're bleeding on the ground."

Dei Lu's expression remained defiant, a smug smile playing on his lips. "You really want to do this? Fine. But know this—I'll fight to my last breath, and I'll make sure every one of you remembers this day as the day you picked a fight with the wrong person. I will ruin you."

The guards hesitated, momentarily thrown off by Dei Lu's unwavering confidence. The tension in the air was palpable, and it seemed like violence was inevitable. Just then, a voice cut through the standoff, cold and uncaring.

"What's going on here?"

The guards turned, and Dei Lu's fists clenched as he saw who had spoken. Dai Huabin, the second son of the Duke, stepped out from the shadows, his expression one of disdain. He glanced at the guards before focusing his icy gaze on Dei Lu.

"Who allowed this... riffraff near the mansion?" Dai Huabin asked, his tone dripping with contempt.

One of the guards stammered "He was demanding to see the Duke, sir. We were just about to teach him some manners."

Dai Huabin's eyes narrowed as he studied Dei Lu. "You! What are you doing here? I thought we made it clear never to step foot on these grounds ever again."

Dei Lu's anger flared anew, but he kept his voice steady. He needed to be cautious."I'm here to speak with the Duke. It's about Xiao Shivay."

At the mention of Xiao Shivay's name, a flicker of something—anger, perhaps—passed over Dai Huabin's face. He stepped closer, his voice low and menacing, eyes looking directly into Dei Lu's soul. "Xiao Shivay? That name doesn't belong in this house. He's a disgrace,a curse and so are you for coming here. You two are nothing but trouble."

Dei Lu's lips curled into a sneer. "I can't believe that you, Dai Huabin are saying such things. You were once our friend, Huabin. How quickly you forget. But let me remind you—Xiao Shivay has done nothing to deserve your hate. And neither have I."

Dai Huabin's eyes flashed with fury. "I told you, he's a disgrace. And so are you. Guards, make sure this filth never gets near the mansion again."

The guards moved to comply, but Dei Lu stood his ground, his voice rising. "This isn't over, Huabin. I'll find a way to speak with the Duke, whether you like it or not. You can hate as all you want but you can not hide the truth forever."

Dai Huabin's face twisted with rage. "Get him out of my sight."

As the guards grabbed Dei Lu and began to drag him away, he didn't stop struggling, his voice echoing through the courtyard. "You can't silence me, Huabin. The truth will come out, and when it does, you'll regret this! You'll regret being a coward and not standing up for the truth."

The gates of the mansion slammed shut behind him, but Dei Lu's resolve only hardened. He would find another way to reach the Duke, and he would prove Xiao Shivay's innocence, no matter the cost.


