
chapter 2

The days that followed were filled with anticipation. Sabrina waited anxiously for a response from Ever green College New York, her mind racing with possibilities. She knew that this was just the beginning of an incredible journey.

Finally, the email arrived. Sabrina's heart raced as she opened it, her eyes scanning the page for the words she longed to see. And then, she saw it - "Congratulations, Sabrina! You have been accepted to ever green College New York!"

Tears of joy streaming down her face, Sabrina knew that her life was about to change in ways she never thought possible. She was going college and nothing was going to stop her from achieving her dreams.

Sabrina's heart raced as she approached her aunt in the living room, a mix of anxiety and determination swirling in her chest. She had been putting off this conversation for weeks, but she knew she couldn't avoid it any longer.

"Aunt Silvana, I need to talk to you about something."

Silvana looked up from her book, concerned. "What is it, Sabrina?"

Sabrina took a deep breath before blurting out the truth. "I've chosen a university, Aunt. But it's not one of the ones you suggested."

Silvana's expression turned stern. "What do you mean? You know how important it is to get a good education."

Sabrina nodded, her resolve firm. "I know, Aunt. But the universities you wanted me to apply to were just too expensive. I couldn't afford it, So...I chose another one."

Silvana's eyes narrowed. "Which one?"

Sabrina's voice was steady. "Evergreen College in New York. They have a great nursing program, and it's more affordable. And...I've already been accepted."

Silvana's expression softened. "Oh, Sabrina, I told you I'd take care of the fees. You don't have to worry about that."

But Sabrina shook her head. "That's just it, Aunt. I don't want to be a burden to you. You're already doing so much for me, sponsoring my education. I can't let you spend even more money on those expensive colleges."

Silvana's face fell, disappointment evident. "Sabrina, I had hoped you'd attend one of the best universities in the country. Ever green College New York is...not the same caliber."

Sabrina stood her ground. "I know it's not as prestigious, Aunt, but it's a great college in its own right. And it's what I think suits me. I hope you understand."

Silvana sighed, her expression softening. "I understand, Sabrina. I just want what's best for you. But I trust your judgment. If Ever green College New York is what you want, then I support your decision."

"Well, Evergreen College isn't that far from here," Silvana said, her voice filled with reason. "It's only a thirty-minute drive. So, I was thinking, why not commute from home as a freshman? You're not familiar with the area yet, and it would be better for you to start out at home. Then, when you're a senior, you can decide whether you want to move into a dorm or stay at home. I can even have Logan pick you up from class when you're done."

Sabrina thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah, that makes sense, Aunt. I'll go with that. It's not that far, and I can always decide to move out later."

Silvana smiled, relieved. "I'm glad you like the idea, dear. I just want what's best for you."

As Sabrina prepared for her first day of college, she carefully selected her outfit, wanting to make a great impression. She slipped on her dark blue skinny jeans, the soft fabric hugging her legs comfortably. Next, she put on a white graphic t-shirt, the subtle design showcasing her passion for nursing. A soft pastel pink cardigan added a touch of femininity, draping elegantly over her shoulders.

Her feet slid into crisp white Converse sneakers, the perfect choice for a day of walking around campus. A delicate silver necklace with a tiny heart-shaped pendant, a gift from her mom, adorned her neck, a symbol of love and support. Finally, she slung a black backpack over her shoulder, the colorful patches and pins decorating it a reflection of her personality.

With her outfit complete, Sabrina felt confident and ready to take on the new chapter of her life. She took a deep breath, grabbed her backpack, and headed out the door, ready to face whatever the in stored for her .

she left her room and headed to the dining area, where she met Silvana and Leona already having breakfast.

"You look cute," Leona complimented, flashing a bright smile.

"Thanks, Leona. Hi, Aunt. Good morning," Sabrina replied.

"Sabrina, sweetie, I think you're ready. I love your outfit," Silvana said, admiring her.

"Thank you, Aunt," Sabrina responded.

"Would you like cereal or bread?" Leona asked.

"I'll take bread instead," Sabrina replied.

"Here, have mine instead. I'm so full," Leona offered, handing her a slice.

"Sure, thanks," Sabrina said, taking a bite.

"Mom, I need to get going. I don't want Sky to meet me here still having breakfast, unless I want to hear, 'I don't have to tell you what I was doing when I was your age,'" Leona said, mimicking Sky's voice. Sabrina and Silvana burst out laughing.

"Sabrina, I wish you good luck today, okay? I'll ask you all about it when I'm back. Have a great day," Leona said.

"Thanks, hun, you too," Sabrina replied.

"Bye, Mom," Leona said, quickly leaving.

"Bye," Silvana responded.

Sabrina turned to Silvana, "Aunt, I'm excited, but I'm a little nervous."

Silvana reassured her, "You don't have to be, you'll be fine. You remember the guy who brought you from the airport?"

Sabrina nodded, "Oh yeah, Aunt, I do. I think his name is Logan."

Silvana smiled, " That's right! He'll be the one taking you to college regularly from now on. Hope you're cool with that?"

Sabrina nodded again, "Yes, Aunt, of course, I am."

Silvana encouraged her, "He's outside already, you need to hurry up with your breakfast"

Sky walked in, pulled a chair, and sat close to his mom. "Mom, good morning," he greeted, looking a bit pale.

"Sky, are you okay? You look a little pale."Silvana asked concerned

Sky assured her, "Yeah, I'm just having a little headache, but I'll be fine."

Silvana informed him, "By the way, Sabrina is going to college today."

Sky turned to Sabrina, his gaze piercing. "Miss Salvador," he said,

Sabrina thought " what did he just call me"

She looked up, her eyes locking onto his. "Yes?" she replied, her voice firm.

"What's your major?" Sky asked, his tone condescending.

Sabrina's eyes narrowed slightly. "I'm studying nursing," she replied steadily

Sky sneered "You want to be a nurse? That's cute,. "I mean, it's not like it's a real career or anything. You'll just be wiping noses and changing bedpans all day. Don't you want to do something more challenging with your life?"

Sabrina felt her face grow hot with anger, but she kept her cool. "Nursing is a noble profession that requires skill, compassion, and dedication," she replied, her voice firm. "It's not just about wiping noses and changing bedpans, it's about making a difference in people's lives. And I'm passionate about it."

Sky snorted. "Passionate about it? Please. You're just doing it because you couldn't hack it in a real field like medicine or engineering."

Sabrina took a deep breath before responding. "My choices are not your concern, . and besides, nursing is a real field that requires a lot of hard work and dedication. It's not something to be belittled or mocked."

Just as Sky was about to continue his interrogation, Silvana intervened. "Sky, why are you asking her all these questions?" she asked, her voice firm but gentle.

As Sabrina prepared to leave, she tried to brush off the tension with Sky. "Oh no, Aunt, it's fine," she said, her voice laced with a hint of discomfort.

Sky's silence was deafening, his piercing gaze fixed on her as if daring her to say more. Sabrina's mind raced with a retort, but she bit her tongue, thinking, You moron, I guess you're even more arrogant than I thought.

With a forced smile, she turned to Silvana. "Aunt, I'll get going now."

Silvana's expression was apologetic as she escorted Sabrina out. "I'll walk you to the car, sweetie."

As they stepped outside, Silvana's voice was low and conciliatory. "Sabrina, please don't mind what Sky said. He can be a bit...blunt sometimes."

Sabrina's response was measured. "Oh no, Aunt, it's fine. Really."

Logan's arrival was timely, his friendly demeanor a welcome respite from the tension. "Ma'am, Sabrina, are you ready?"

Sabrina's smile was genuine this time. "Oh, hey there, Logan. Yes, I am."

Silvana's parting words were laced with concern. "Alright, Sabrina, you need to get going. If you have any issues, don't hesitate to ask Logan for help. don't handle it alone."

As they drove away, Logan's voice broke the silence. "Miss Pao de Queijo?"

Sabrina's laughter was music to his ears. "Oh, Logan, you actually still remember the name of the food!"

Logan's chuckle was sheepish. "I'm sorry if I sound offensive."

"I prefer that to you calling me ma'm, Sabrina," she said.

"I won't call you that unless I'm with Ma'm Silvana, deal?" Logan asked, a hint of a smile on his face.

"Sure, deal," Sabrina replied, a small smile playing on her lips.

Logan's expression turned curious. "So, are you excited?"

Sabrina's response was honest. " I have mixed feelings. I'll try my best not to freak out."

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. So, what are you aiming to become?"

."Oh, well, a nurse."

Logan's approval was evident. "Well, that's sweet. I like that."

As they continued driving, Sabrina's mind wandered back to her conversation with Sky earlier. She was lost in thought, her expression introspective. Logan noticed and gently brought her back to the present. "Miss Pao de Queijo, are you fine?"

Sabrina's response was reassuring. "Oh, yeah, I just remembered something annoying. I'm okay."

"We'll be arriving in two minutes."

Sabrina's reply was calm, an attempt to ease her tension. "Finally, I think I'm breathing well now."

As they pulled up to their destination, Logan announced, "Okay, we're here now."

The car came to a stop, and Sabrina's thoughts were already racing ahead, preparing herself for what lay ahead.

As Sabrina stepped out of the car and onto the campus of Evergreen College New York, she couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. The sprawling green lawns and historic brick buildings seemed to stretch out before her like a canvas of possibilities. She felt a sense of excitement and nervousness wash over her as she gazed up at the towering trees and the bustling students hurrying to and fro.

"Wow," she breathed, her eyes wide with wonder. "This place is beautiful."

Logan smiled. "Yeah, it's something special. You're going to love it here."

Sabrina's gaze roamed over the campus, taking in the vibrant atmosphere. She felt a sense of belonging wash over her, as if she had finally found a place where she could be herself. The imposing buildings seemed to loom over her, their stone façades etched with the stories of generations past. Yet, despite the sense of history and tradition, the campus felt alive, pulsing with the energy of young minds and limitless potential.

As she stood there, drinking in the sights and sounds, Sabrina felt a sense of determination ignite within her. She knew that this was where she was meant to be, where she could grow and learn and become the person she was meant to be. Evergreen College New York was more than just a college - it was a new chapter in her life, a fresh start, and a chance to rewrite her story.

As she gazed out at the campus, Sabrina's mind raced with thoughts of all the possibilities that lay ahead. She imagined herself strolling through the quad, arm in arm with new friends, laughing and joking together. She pictured herself huddled in the library, pouring over textbooks and notes, determined to ace her exams. She envisioned herself in the nursing program, learning the skills she needed to make a real difference in the world.

Logan's voice broke into her reverie, his words gentle and encouraging. "Miss Pao de Queijo ? You okay? You look a little lost in thought."

Sabrina smiled, "Yeah, I'm good," she replied. "Just taking it all in, I guess."

Logan nodded understandingly. "I know how you feel. It's a lot to take in, but you'll get used to it.

As she entered the student union building for orientation, her eyes widened in awe. Students of all ages and backgrounds milled about, chatting and laughing. The air was electric with excitement and nerves.

Sabrina joined the throng of students waiting in line, her anxiety slowly giving way to anticipation. When it was finally her turn, she stepped up to the registration desk, her heart pounding in her chest.

The registrar, a warm-smiling woman with a kind face, greeted her with a firm handshake. "Welcome to Evergreen College, Sabrina! We're so glad to have you on board."

Sabrina smiled, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over her. "Thanks, I'm really excited to be here."

With her schedule and student ID in hand,

Sabrina rushed into the crowded venue, her eyes scanning the room for an empty seat. She spotted one beside a girl and quickly claimed it, settling in as the program continued to drone on.

As the hour dragged on, Sabrina's attention waned, and she found herself mindlessly scrolling through her phone. The girl beside her broke the silence, her voice a welcome respite from the monotony.

"Cool bracelet," she said, her eyes fixed on the charm on Sabrina's wrist.

Sabrina smiled, her fingers absently tracing the outline of the bracelet. "Oh, thanks. It was given to me by someone special."

The girl's interest was piqued, and she leaned in, her voice barely above a whisper. "Pretty. I kept looking at it for a while, too."

Sabrina chuckled. "I'm so bored. I can't believe this orientation is still going on."

The girl commiserated, her laughter a gentle hum. "Tell me about it. I'm barely hearing what's being said. I've tried playing all the games on my phone, but nothing's working."

Sabrina dropped her phone, her gaze meeting the girl's. "Same here. I'm bored as hell."

The girl's eyes sparkled with amusement. "I think the people in front seem more focused, don't you?"

Sabrina snorted, a wry smile twisting her lips. "What do you expect?"

Ib extended her hand and introduced her self " I'm ib, nice meeting you"

" Sabrina nice meeting you too " sabrina smiled and shook her hand

Ib curiosity  got the better of her

" so ,what's your major?"

"I'm studying nursing. how about you?" Sabrina replied

Ib eyes widened in excitement "Wow,  I'm studying nursing too! it's so  great to meet someone doing the same thing as I am  "

"That's pretty cool" Sabrina nodded in agreement

"Do you live  in the dorms?" IB asked,

Sabrina shook her head. "Not yet. You do?"

IB nodded. "Yeah, I do. It's cool, but sometimes annoying. I have two roommates with different majors."

Sabrina's eyes widened in understanding. "I totally get it.i live with two crazy sisters at home, so I'm not missing out on anything"

IB's laughter was music to Sabrina's ears, and they continued talking, their conversation effortless. Finally, the program ended, and Sabrina stood, gathering her belongings.

" Thank goodness that's over!" she exclaimed, relieved.

Ib smiled "I know, right  I'm glad we met Sabrina let's head to our  first nursing class together

" sure, let's get going "

Sabrina and IB made headed to their first class, Nursing Fundamentals. As they took their seat in the lecture hall, Sabrina felt a sense of belonging wash over her. She was really doing this - she was a college student, and she was ready to take on whatever lay ahead.

The professor, Dr. Thompson, began to lecture on the basics of nursing, her words painting a picture of a profession that was both challenging and rewarding. Sabrina listened intently, her mind soaking up every word like a sponge.

As the class drew to a close, Dr. Thompson assigned a reading from their textbook and announced that their first exam would be in two weeks. Sabrina felt a flutter of nervousness in her chest, but she pushed it aside and focused on the task at hand.

After class, Sabrina and IB grabbed a coffee and sat down at a table outside the café, taking a moment to reflect on their first class her . Sabrina felt a sense of relief wash over her, realizing that she was exactly where she was meant to be.

The rest of the day flew by in a blur of classes and meetings with academic advisors. Sabrina's mind was reeling with new information, but she felt a sense of excitement and purpose that she had never felt before.

"Are you leaving now?" IB asked.

"Yeah, I didn't come alone. a driver, Logan, brought me here. I'll call him to take me home," Sabrina replied.

"Oh, alright. I'll head to my dorm then," IB said.

"Is it far from here?" Sabrina asked.

"No, it's just a short taxi ride. I'll be there in five minutes," IB replied.

"It was nice meeting you, Sabrina," IB said.

"Same here, IB. Nice meeting you, " Sabrina said with a smile.

"Can we exchange numbers? I'll call you as soon as I get to my here tomorrow," Sabrina asked, pulling out her phone.

"Sure thing," IB replied, typing her number into Sabrina's phone.

Sabrina called the number to ensure it was correct, and IB confirmed it was hers. "I'll save it now. Nice meeting you, Sabrina. Bye!"

"Bye, IB!" Sabrina waved goodbye as IB left.

Eight minutes later, Logan arrived, and Sabrina got into the car, exhausted and hungry. "Miss Pao de Queijo," Logan greeted her with a smile.

"I'm so tired and hungry," Sabrina complained.

"I'll take you home quickly," Logan replied,Starting the engine "How was your day?"

"It was okay. Registration was a breeze, but the freshmen orientation was so boring. Luckily, I met someone to talk to, and then I had my first classes," Sabrina replied.

"You made a friend that quickly? That's great!" Logan said impressed

Did you get familiar with the campus?Logan asked.

"Of course, I remember everything," Sabrina replied with a hint of sarcasm, rolling her eyes making

Logan chuckled at her facial expressions.

"You have very funny facial expressions," he teased.

" Sabrina laughed feeling a bit more relaxed " I'm just stressed out", she admitted

"You'll be okay.you are going to love college " he encouraged

As they approached  home She felt a sense of relief wash over her

"We're home now," Logan announced pulling up to the house

"Thanks, Logan. I really appreciate your help today," Sabrina said gratefully.

"No problem. I'll see you tomorrow morning," Logan replied.

"Okay, Logan. Goodnight!" Sabrina said, getting out of the car and heading into her home.

As Sabrina entered the house, Sam, the housekeeper greeted her with a warm smile. "Hi Sabrina, welcome home! Can I get you anything?"

Sabrina waved her hand dismissively. "Hey Sam, don't bother, I'm fine."

Sam looked concerned. "I hope you had a nice day today?"

Sabrina sighed "Yeah, it was stressful, but everything's good."

Sam nodded understandingly. "You should go freshen up, dinner will be ready soon."

Sabrina nodded and began to head towards her room, but then turned back to Sam. "Oh, wait, Sam, is Aunt Silvana home?"

Sam replied, "Oh yeah, she is, but she's mostly in her room all the time. But Leona is back."

Sabrina's eyes narrowed slightly. "How about the other one?"

Sam looked confused. "Other one?"

Sabrina hesitated, trying to recall Sky's name. "I mean... Sky."

Sam's expression cleared. "You mean Sir Sky?"

Sabrina nodded, her lips tightening. "Yeah, him. He's not back yet?"

Sam shook her head. "No, not yet."

Sabrina turned and headed towards her room, muttering to herself. "I can't believe I almost called him a moron out loud in front of Sam... I mean, he's not worth my energy. He first called me Miss Salvador - excuse me, I'm Sabrina! Salvador is my surname, but who calls someone by their actual surname? And then he had the nerve to ask me a stupid question about my major. That was so rude... Ugh, Sabrina, don't think about it. You're already stressed out. Don't give yourself a double headache."

As she entered her room, Sabrina let out a deep sigh and flopped onto her bed, trying to shake off the lingering frustration.

"I did it," she whispered to herself. "I survived my first day of college."

Sabrina freshened up, had her bath, and changed into her shorts and t-shirt. She was busy re-braiding  her hair Leona came in, closing the door behind her.

"I figured you were back, so I didn't knock," Leona said with a smile.

"I got back like an hour ago. Come sit on the bed," Sabrina replied, gesturing to the bed."come sit down"

Leona sat down, curiosity  on her face. "How was your first day? I really want to hear about it."

Sabrina smiled. "The school is pretty big, and there's something cool about the atmosphere"

Leona laughed. "Did you get lost or something?"

Sabrina chuckled. " No,I didn't  get  lost but it was a bit overwhelming  at first. I took a tour around the school just to get familiar with places."

Leona raised an eyebrow. "That's the only thing you did today?"

Sabrina shook her head. "Oh no, I attended a very long and boring freshmen orientation. I was so bored, but at least I talked to someone to ease the boredom. Then I had my first classes."

Leona grinned. "That's great, at least you talked to someone on your first day."

Sabrina nodded. "Yeah, lucky for me. I met a girl who's in the same major as me, and we talked during the orientation"

Leona's eyes sparkled. "Sabrina, what you want to study?"

Sabrina smiled. "This Tigeress here wants to be a nurse."

Leona giggled. "Wait, Sabrina, what did you just call yourself?"

Sabrina replied, "Oh yeah, I'm called Tigeress. It's a nickname for me back home."

Leona's curiosity grew "Why do they call you Tigeress? Do you have a wild side?

Sabrina laughed "let's just say I have a fierce personality.I got into a fight in high school,and the name stuck.

Leona's eyes widened in surprise "you got into a fight? You don't seem like a fighting type please tell me all about it."

Sabrina hesitated but decided to share her story. " it's a long story. but I'll  try to keep it short .It started  in high school. I was a bit of a trouble maker and  got into a fight with a girl. I can't believe I beat her up like that .I thought I only knew how to annoy people with my mouth...well, let's just say I learned I was capable of more than that. I broke some of her teeths but not all of them .I left the top two so she could still smile and take pictures she still thanks me for that till this day."

Leona's eyes widened in shock. "You broke someone's teeth?"

Sabrina nodded, looking at her hands with a mix of suprise and regret " but I want you to know, she was a bully, she was constantly tormenting people who couldn't stand up for themselves, and she was bullying a friend of mine I had to step in,but I didn't mean for things to escalate. I just react when I see someone doing something wrong. I was just standing you for my friend. I didn't for things to go that far

"I can't believe this!" Leona exclaimed

What did your parents do when they found out?"

Sabrina laughed. "They were both pretty mad, but who wouldn't be? I just broke someone's teeth. My younger sister, Tallulah, who's 15 like you, is a piece of work  when she found out what happened, she  bought me boxing gear told me I should consider boxing as a career! And then she also asked me to teach her how to box."

Leona laughed even harder " Oh my gosh, that's so funny she was probably like 'Oh great  now you are boxing expert Sabrina,teach me your ways."

" And I'll definitely try it out on her first! we are always teasing each other like that" sabrina chuckled

"I wish I attended a high school like yours." Leaona said wistfully "The one I'm in now treats us like robots .just like Sky treats me, there is no fun in it . if you make a mistake, you're not suspended , you're expelled We spend all our time reading, and when you get detention, you're given an assignment to write about history or something equally dull . There's Nothing social about it , all my friends... I'm sorry to say, they're all bookworms. I feel so inferior when I'm with them. I know I'm smart too , but being around people who are way more smarter than me, makes me feel like a total  nerd. But I try to erase those thoughts, but it's suffocating."

Sabrina sympathized" firstly, I must say your school uniform looks good, though. That might be the only thing good about the school. Then give them a credit for that, because mine didn't have uniforms. I don't think we ever did. You could come in wearing rags ,I mean, nobody really cared. I've been part of that trust me, I've done it before. I can't really remember how many times I did that, but all I can say is that I did."

Leona laughed, and Sabrina joined in. "Nursing is a really nice thing to do, well, I love drawing so bad. I want to do fine arts, but I had a rethink."

Sabrina asked, "What do you want to pursue?"

Leona replied, "I know my dad would want me to do something business-related, so I'm doing some research to see if i can find something I'll love"

Sabrina asked . "How has your searching  going?"

Leona sighed. "Boring, honestly. Nothing interests me yet , but I'm still hoping to find one that will ."

"You could tell your dad you're not interested in business," Sabrina suggested. "You love drawing, don't you?"

Leona's eyes lit up with passion. "Yes, Sabrina, I love fine art so much! I'll show you some of my drawing later, but convincing my dad about that wouldn't be easy. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it ." She sighed, her expression turning wistful

"Hopefully, dinner should be ready now "

"  I'm so hungry , i won't lie " Sabrina replied

"  let's go" leaona laughed

Sabrina and Leona headed to the dining room, eager for dinner. "Your mom isn't at the dining table yet," Sabrina observed.

"Sit down, she'll be here soon," Leona replied, "Oh wait, here she comes now. Hey, Mom!"

Silvana greeted her daughter and Sabrina, "Good evening, girls. Sabrina sweetie, I'm so sorry I didn't meet you immediately when you got back from school."

"It's fine, Aunt," Sabrina replied, waving her hand dismissively.

Silvana turned her attention to Sabrina's first day. "Tell me, how was it? Don't tell me it was stressful; you seem a little tired."

Sabrina nodded, "Yeah, Aunt, I definitely am. I won't deny that. But I took a tour after the freshmen orientation just to be familiar with places. I love the school; it's so pretty and big actually."

Silvana smiled, "I'm glad you like the school. And your first classes, how were they?"

Sabrina replied, "They went pretty well."

Silvana beamed with pride. "I'm so happy to hear that, Sabrina. If you have any issues or whatsoever, don't hesitate to talk to me. I'm always here, and when you need anything, mean anything, please reach out to me."

"Thank you so much, Aunt. I'll definitely do that."

As the conversation flowed, the door swung open and Sky walked in, looking exhausted from a long day at work. "Hey, Mom," he said, his voice flat, as he took a seat at the table.

"Sky, are you feeling better now?" Silvana asked, concern etched on her face.

"Yeah, I took some medicine.  t made me feel quite better. I just feel tired, that's all," Sky replied, his eyes fixed on Leona.

Silvana passed him a glass of water. "That's good. You should drink some water."

The atmosphere in the room shifted, and the conversation died down. Sabrina noticed the tension and saw how Leona switched to eating quietly, her eyes fixed on her plate. Silvana was eating as well, but her expression was tense.

Why does his presence make everyone quiet? Sabrina wondered

Sky's gaze narrowed, his eyes fixed on Leona. "So, Leona, I hear your exams are coming up soon."

Leona's eyes widened in surprise. "Yeah, but how did you find out?" she asked, her voice laced with confusion.

"You don't need to know," Sky replied, his tone dismissive.

"Wait, are you in the group assigned to only parents and teachers? How did you get access to that, Sky? Mom is supposed to be the one, receiving updates, not you," Leona said, her voice laced with accusation.

Sky's expression darkened. "That's not the issue here. I also heard you've been slacking off in your studies. What's going on?" He asked, His tone stern

Leona's eyes flashed with defense. "I'm not slacking off, Sky. I'm just not interested in the subjects they're teaching us."

Sky's expression turned condescending. "Not interested? You'll do as you're told and focus on your studies, Leona. I don't pay for your education to waste your time on your hobbies. You need to focus on your studies and get good grades, or you'll never amount to anything."

Leona's eyes flashed with anger, her face reddening. "That's not fair, Sky. I'm trying my best, but you're never satisfied with my efforts"

Sky's expression remained unyielding. "Your best is not good enough, Leona. You need to strive for excellence, not mediocrity."

Sabrina felt a pang of empathy for leona as she watched sky talk to her. his tone condescending his voice dripping with disapproval. Leona's eyes were fixed on her plate, her face pale, as if she was trying to shrink away from her brother criticism she wanted to speak up to defend leona but hesitated ,unsure of how sky would react, she didn't want to escalate the situation, but she couldn't just sit there and watch Leona belittled

Silvana intervened, her voice calm but firm. "Sky, that's enough. Leona is doing her best, and we should support her and encourage her, not tear her down."

Sky's gaze lingered on Silvana, his expression unyielding, before turning back to Leona. "We're not done with this conversation, Leona. I expect to see improvement in your grades, or there will be consequences."

Leona's eyes flashed with resentment, but she remained silent, clearly frustrated. Silvana turned to Leona, her voice softening. "And, Leona, sweetie, let's make a deal. You'll dedicate extra time to your studies, deal?"

Leona nodded hesitantly, her expression softening slightly

The room fell silent, the only the only sound clicking of utensils against the plate .sabrina felt a surge of admiration for silvana she was happy that silvana intervened in the situation, making sky stop talking. She could see the tension in Leona's body began to ease as she looked at her mother with gratitude

The rest of the dinner was eaten in silent sabrina was relieved when the meal to an end, and they could all escape the tense atmosphere as they all left the table, sabrina caught leona's eyes and smiled " hey, want to show me those drawing now?" She asked, trying to lighten up the mood

Leona's face brightened up slightly, and she nodded " Yeah sure I'd love to."

Sabrina followed leona to her room Leona nervously glanced around the room, making sure they were alone. She then reached under her bed and pulled out a canvas, wrapped in a cloth. She carefully unwrapped it, revealing a stunning painting of a woman, her face radiant with joy and freedom.

Sabrina gasped, her eyes fixed on the artwork. "Leona, this is incredible! You're so talented!"

Leona's face lit up with a smile, her eyes shining with pride. "Thanks, Sabrina. I painted it in secret. Sky and my dad would never approve."

Sabrina's eyes widened in understanding. "That's why you hid it under your bed!"

Leona nodded "I couldn't risk him finding it. He thinks art is a waste of time, that I should focus on my studies instead."

"I'm so sorry, Leona. But your art is beautiful, and it's a part of who you are. Don't let anyone ever make you feel like it's not important."

Leona's smile faltered, her eyes filling with tears. "Thanks, Sabrina. Just knowing you understand makes me feel better."

"Leona, I'm so sorry about what Sky said to you. He had no right to speak to you like that."

"It's okay, Sabrina. I'm used to it."

Sabrina's eyes widened in surprise. "Used to it? Leona, no one deserves to be spoken to like that. You deserve so much better."

Leona sighed. "I know, Sabrina. But Sky's always been like this. He thinks he's superior to everyone else just because he's older and smarter. But it's not just him. My parents are always pushing me to be better, to excel in school and extracurriculars. They don't care about what I want or what makes me happy."

Sabrina's heart went out to leona . She could see the pain and frustration in Leona's eyes, the feeling of being trapped in a life she didn't want. "Leona, you deserve to be happy. You deserve to pursue your passions and make your own choices. Don't let anyone else define your worth or dictate your path."

Leona's eyes dropped, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's hard, Sabrina. It's hard to stand up to Sky, to my parents. They're always pushing me, always expecting more. And sometimes, it feels like I'm drowning in their expectations."

Sabrina's heart went out to leona . She could see the struggle in Leona's eyes, the fear of not meeting expectations, of not being good enough.

"I know it's hard, Leona," Sabrina said softly. "But you can't let their expectations define you. You have to find your own path, your own passion. And I'll be here, supporting you every step of the way."

Leona's eyes welled up with tears. "Thanks, Sabrina. Just knowing you're here for me makes me feel a little stronger."

Sabrina hugged her tightly. "You're not alone, Leona. We'll face this together. And remember, your art is a part of you, and it's beautiful. Don't let anyone ever make you feel like it's not enough

Sabrina settled into her bed, her phone in her hand. She dailed her parents number, eager to share every detail of their first day to them. They answered on the first ring, and Sabrina launched into a exicted recap of her day, from

attending the orientation program to her first classes talking about eventful it was

Her parents listened attentively, offering words of encouragement and support. After her call with them, Sabrina dailed lyanna number

"Hey, Lya!" Sabrina answered excitedly.

"Hey, Tigeress! How was your first day at college? Give me the full gist!" Lyanna asked, her voice eager.

"Well, today was exciting! The school is pretty big, and taking a tour was a lot to take in. I attended a boring orientation, and then I got set for my first class. It was pretty serious, but it was exciting! I don't know, Lya, I just felt like I belonged there," Sabrina said, her enthusiasm evident.

"I'm happy your first day went pretty well, best friend! You got this! Okay, I don't want to keep you up late. We'll catch up soon, okay?" Lyanna said, her voice warm and supportive.

"Definitely, Lya! Sweet dreams!" Sabrina replied,

After finishing her call, Sabrina settled into bed, her mind still racing with thoughts of the day's events. But as she drifted off to sleep, she felt a sense of excitement and anticipation for what the next day would bring.

the next morning sabrina woke up early, eager to start her second day of college. She got dressed, She headed to the dining room, but her enthusiasm quickly faded when she realized Leona and Aunt Silvana were nowhere to be found. She approached Sam, the maid, who was busy setting the table.

"Hey Sam, have you seen Leona or Aunt Silvana this morning?" Sabrina asked, trying to hide her concern.

Sam smiled reassuringly. "Leona's already gone to school, and Ma'am Silvana had to accompany her for some reason. She left a message for you to have breakfast before leaving."

Sabrina nodded in understanding. "Thank you, Sam."

Just as she was about to sit down to eat, Sky walked in, She felt annoyed and thought to herself, "Oh no, this moron is here. Can't he wait till I'm done before coming in?"

Sky sat down, poured himself a glass of water, and gazed at Sabrina with a condescending look. Sabrina felt uncomfortable and started eating quickly, hoping to leave as soon as possible.

"How was your first day at college." He asked, his tone condescending

Sabrina's mind raced, wondering if he was talking to her" it was good, it went well," she replied trying to sound confident

Sky sneeres "You think you're special just because you made it through one day of college?'

Sabrina didn't know how to respond, so she kept eating, hoping to escape the awkward situation as soon as possible.

She finished her breakfast as quickly as possible and stood up to leave.

"Well, I'm off to class," she said, trying to sound cheerful. "I'll see you later,"

"Yeah, I'm sure you'll do great in your classes .nursing is easy, right? You don't need to think much or anything." Sky said, his voice full of mocking humor

Sabrina rolled her eyes and walked out of the dining room, feeling relieved to be away from Sky's toxic presence.

Sabrina walked out to meet Logan, who was already waiting to take her to college. "Miss Pao de Queijo, good morning! Are you okay?" Logan asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Good morning, Logan. Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit of a rough start to the day," Sabrina replied, trying to downplay the encounter with Sky.

"Rough start? What happened?" he asked, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Sabrina hesitated, unsure if she wanted to share the details. "Oh, no, Logan, I'm fine-" she began, but then stopped, deciding not to elaborate.

Logan smiled and opened the car door for her. "Now let's get you to class," he said, changing the subject.

She slid into the passenger seat, and Logan closed the door behind her. As they drove to college, the conversation turned to more pleasant topics, Logan asked Sabrina about her classes and interests, effortlessly shifting the conversation to lighter topics. Sabrina appreciated his thoughtfulness and found herself relaxing in his presence.

When Logan dropped Sabrina off on campus, she grabbed her bag and waved goodbye as he drove away. Just as she was about to head to her first class, her phone rang. She smiled when she saw Ib's name on the screen.

"Hi, Sabrina! Good morning!" Ib's cheerful voice came through the line.

"Hey, Ib! Where are you? I'm on campus," Sabrina replied, adjusting her backpack strap.

"I'm at the library. I was wondering if you could meet me here," Ib said.

"Oh, I'll come meet you there. I'll be right over."

"Great, I'll be waiting!" Ib said,

Sabrina made her way to the library, her feet moving quickly across the campus grounds. She spotted Ib sitting at a table by the window, her nose buried in a book. Sabrina smiled and waved, and Ib looked up, her eyes lighting up with a smile.

"Hey girl, I'm so glad you're here!" Ib said, closing her book. "I decided to stay at the library since our first class isn't starting yet till ten."

"I haven't even memorized the classes' time table yet," ib added

Sabrina chuckled, about to bring out her phone, but then her student ID fell on the floor. Ib quickly picked it up.

"Sabrina Salvador - are you like, from Spanish descendants?" Ib asked, handing the ID back to her. "Oh, sorry, I couldn't help but look when I picked it up."

Sabrina smiled. "Oh, no, it's fine, thank you for picking it up. And to your question, I'm actually from Brazil, so I'm Portuguese."

Ib's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, I couldn't have told! You speak English so well - did you learn it, or...?"

Sabrina smiled, tucking her student ID back into her bag. "Thanks for picking that up, Ib! And yeah, I'm from Brazil, so Portuguese is my first language. I learned English in school, and I've been practicing for a long time "

"So, you're like an international student?" Ib asked, curious

"Yeah, I am," Sabrina replied, smiling.

Ib's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow! Do you have a family you stay with, since you're not living in the dorms?"

Sabrina nodded. "Oh, I stay with my godmother. She suggested I commute from home, and then maybe during senior year, I can move to the dorms or get an apartment."

Ib nodded understandingly. "Well, that's fine. I'm sure it's nice to have a familiar face and a comfortable place to stay."

Sabrina smiled. "Yeah, it's great to have her here. She's been really helpful in getting me settled."

Ib said, nodding understandingly. "I'm living in the dorms, but I'm loving the independence. Although, I do miss my family and friends back home."

Sabrina nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I miss my family too. But it's great to have my godmother here. She's been really supportive

Ib smiled. "That's amazing. I'm sure it makes a big difference having someone like that in your life. So, what do you think of the campus so far?"

Sabrina thought for a moment before responding. "It's beautiful! I love the architecture and the layout. And the people seem really friendly and welcoming."

Ib grinned. "Yeah, it's a great community here. I'm sure you'll love it."

As they continued to chat, Ib asked Sabrina about her interests and hobbies. Sabrina mentioned her love photography

Ib asked Sabrina about her interests and hobbies. Sabrina mentioned her love for photography, and Ib's eyes lit up with interest. "Photography? That's amazing, Sabrina! I've always loved how a single image can capture a moment, evoke emotions, and tell a story. What kind of photography do you enjoy most?"

Sabrina's face lit up with a warm smile. "I'm absolutely passionate about capturing moments of beauty and wonder. There's something about freezing a moment in time that fascinates me."

Ib's eyes widened with excitement. "That's incredible! I can imagine the stunning shots you must have taken. What draws you to that type of photography, Sabrina?"

. "I love how a single image can evoke emotions and tell a story. It's like capturing a piece of magic."

Ib nodded . "That's incredible! I can imagine the stunning shots you must have taken.what's your favourite thing to capture through the lens?

Sabrina thought for a moment before responding. "Actually, I love capturing moments of joy, love and beauty whether it's the sunset , a smile or special moments, I'm always on the look out for something that evokes emotions."

Ib's eyes sparkled. "That sounds incredible! I'd love to see your photos sometime. Maybe we can even plan a photography walk together?"

Sabrina grinned, feeling a connection with Ib. "That sounds like a great idea! I'd love to explore and capture more moments with you."

As they continued to chat, they discovered they shared a passion for music, and adventure. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, and before they knew it, they had spent hours talking.

As the sun began to set, Ib glanced at her watch, her eyes widening in surprise , I can't believe how fast time flew by! We have to run to our class, but it was so great talking to you, Sabrina."

Sabrina nodded in agreement, her long black hair bobbing as she hurried alongside Ib. "Oh, let's get going then!"

The two girls hastened across the campus, their footsteps echoing off the buildings. They burst into the nursing lab, slightly out of breath, and began changing into their scrubs.

As they prepared for their clinical skills practice, Sabrina turned to Ib with a curious expression. "Hey, Ib, I've been meaning to ask you... have you ever thought about specializing in pediatrics?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with interest.

Ib paused , her hands stilled on the ties of her scrub pants . "Actually, Sabrina, I don't think pediatrics is for me. I mean, I love kids, but I'm not sure I could handle the emotional demands of working with sick children and their families."

Sabrina nodded understandingly. "That's completely okay, ib! Pediatric nursing isn't for everyone.

"What areas of nursing are you interested in exploring, then?"ib asked

Sabrina thought for a moment. "I'm really interested in learning more about mental health nursing. I think it's so important to support patients with mental health conditions, and I find it fascinating."

Ib smiled. "That's great! Mental health nursing is a vital field, and there's always a need for compassionate and skilled nurses. But actually I'm still figuring out which area of nursing i want to focus on"

Sabrina nodded" yeah, i know what you mean still exploring your options .I'm sure you'd figure out what you want soon."

Ib smiled " definitely!Let's focus on our lab practice for now."

As they began their lecture, Sabrina and Ib couldn't help but whisper to each other, excitedly discussing their shared interests and goals. Their professor, Mrs. Johnson, smiled knowingly, happy to see her students so engaged.

After class, Sabrina and Ib decided to grab coffee and continue their conversation. Over lattes, they delved deeper into their aspirations, sharing stories and laughter.

"Ib, have you thought about working in a hospital or clinic?" Sabrina asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"I've thought about it," Ib replied, "but I'm also considering community health nursing. I love the idea of working with diverse populations and making a difference in people's lives."

. "That's amazing! I've been thinking about mental health nursing. I want to help people struggling with anxiety and depression."Sabrina said

Ib's eyes lit up. "That's so cool! You can make a real impact in your own ways I guess I'll think about what i really want to focus on.


" I'm sure you'll figure it out soon."

Sabrina said

" Definitely," ib replied  let's go to our next class"

Sabrina nodded , the two girls gathered their belongings and headed out of the coffee shop,to their next class pharmacology

As the class drew to a close, Sabrina gathered her belongings and bid farewell to Ib, who headed off in a different direction. Stepping out into the warm sunlight, Sabrina felt a mix of emotions: excitement, curiosity, and a hint of nervousness. She had just finished her first pharmacology class, and her mind was buzzing with new terms, concepts, and ideas. She couldn't wait to dive deeper into the subject and learn more about the fascinating world of drugs and their effects on the human body.. She pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to Logan, her reliable ride home. "Hey Logan, I'm done with class! Can you pick me up?"

Logan's response was immediate. "Already on my way! See you soon."

Sabrina smiled, feeling a sense of gratitude towards him. She waited outside, watching as Logan's car pulled up to the curb. Hopping in, she tossed her backpack into the backseat and buckled up. "Hey, Logan, thanks so much!" she exclaimed.

Logan flashed her a warm smile. "No problem, miss pao de Quiejo! How was class?"

As they drove through the streets, Sabrina filled Logan in on her conversation with Ib, sharing her thoughts and dreams about their future in nursing. Logan listened attentively, asking thoughtful questions and offering words of encouragement. Sabrina felt a sense of comfort in his presence, grateful for his unwavering support.

When they arrived at home , Logan pulled up to the curb and put the car in park. "Want me to walk you in?" he asked, .

Sabrina smiled, "Nah, I'm good. Thanks again for the ride."

Logan grinned, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "Anytime,See you later!"

With a wave, Sabrina hopped out of the car and watched as Logan drove away,

Sabrina entered the house, and Sam greeted her with a warm smile. "Welcome back, Sabrina!"

"Hey there, Sam. Thank you," Sabrina replied, her voice hinting at exhaustion.

"You look tired, I'm pretty sure you are," Sam observed.

"Yeah, I am. I'm pretty sure I look it too," Sabrina admitted

"Just take a bath and relax," Sam suggested, her tone soothing.

"I'll do that. Is Aunt Silvana home?" Sabrina asked, her gaze drifting upwards.

"She's upstairs in her room," Sam replied.

"I didn't see her this morning. I'll go greet her. Alright, Sam, see you!", Sabrina trudged up the stairs, her exhaustion evident in every heavy step. Sam watched her go, a sympathetic smile still on her face.

Sabrina knocked gently at Silvana's door. "Who's that?" Silvana asked from the other side.

Hi, Aunt, it's me, Sabrina. Can I come in?" Sabrina asked, her voice muffled by the door.

"Oh, my sweetheart, of course you can!" Silvana replied, her warm tone inviting Sabrina in.

Sabrina turned the handle and entered the room, a soft smile spreading across her face as she gazed at her aunt.

"Oh, Aunt, your room is so pretty!" Sabrina exclaimed, her eyes scanning the elegant space.

"Thank you, sweetie," Silvana replied, smiling warmly. "I'm so sorry we couldn't have breakfast together this morning. I had to accompany Leona to school to discuss her grades with her teachers, but I hope you had breakfast before leaving?"

Sabrina nodded, "Of course, Aunt, I did.

" Did Sky join you for breakfast?" she asked.

Sabrina's mood shifted when she mentioned Sky, and Silvana noticed the change. "Sabrina, did Sky do anything you can tell me?" Silvana asked, her voice laced with concern.

"No, Aunt, he was there, but he didn't really say much ," Sabrina replied.

Silvana's expression turned skeptical. "Are you sure, sweetie? I know Sky can say or do things that I don't particularly care for. I just want to make sure you felt comfortable during breakfast."

Sabrina nodded reassuringly. "Yes, Aunt, I was."

Silvana's face softened. "Alright, sweetie, you should go freshen up. You look tired. If you are hungry, just tell sam to make you a sandwich or anything you'd prefer"

"Alright, Aunt, I'll be going now," Sabrina said, her voice tired.

As Sabrina turned to leave, Silvana called out, "I hope you had a nice day today, your second day at college. How did it go?"

Sabrina turned back, a faint smile on her face. "Pretty well, but I'm getting used to the stress."

Silvana's expression turned sympathetic. "Sorry, sweetie. Just go rest, okay?"

"Bye, Aunt," Sabrina said, her voice barely audible.

"Bye, sweetie," Silvana replied, watching as Sabrina disappeared into her room.

Sabrina trudged back to her room, her exhaustion evident in every step. She flopped onto her bed, letting out a deep sigh as she gazed up at the ceiling. She felt drained, both physically and emotionally.

After a few moments of lying there, Sabrina finally summoned the energy to get up and begin her evening routine. She trudged over to her dresser and began to brush her hair, wincing as she worked out the tangles. Next, she washed her face and changed into a comfortable pair of sweatpants and a soft, oversized hoodie.

Sabrina climbed into bed, but instead of closing her eyes, she reached for her phone and began scrolling through her Instagram feed. She needed a distraction from the exhaustion and emotional weight that had been bearing down on her all day.

As she scrolled, she stumbled upon a hilarious video of a cat trying to "help" its owner with a puzzle. Sabrina couldn't help but giggle at the cat's antics, and she felt a small lift in her spirits. She continued scrolling, watching funny videos and looking at memes, letting the mindless scrolling distract her from her tiredness and worries.

Sabrina decided to check in on Leona, after scrolling through her social media feeds for a while. She got out of bed and made her way to Leona's room, pushing open the door and poking her head inside. Leona looked up from her textbooks and smiled, "Hey, Sabrina, what's up?"

Sabrina entered the room and sat down on Leona's bed, "Just checking in on you, Lee. I didn't get a chance to see you this morning before you left."

Leona apologized, "Sorry about that. Mom wanted to come with me to school to meet with some of my teachers, so we had to leave the house early this morning."


Sabrina's expression turned concerned, "Hey, are you okay? You seem a bit stressed."

Leona nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. Mom spoke with my teachers about my grades and suggested that I receive extra lessons from them to help me catch up, especially since my exams are approaching soon."

Sabrina's eyes widened in understanding, "Ah, I see. Well, if you need any help or just want to talk, I'm here for you, Lee.

"Sabrina, I really need to do extremely well on this upcoming exam. If I don't, Mom, Sky, and especially Dad are going to be really disappointed in me," Leona said.

She continued"I know I haven't really been focusing on my studies much lately. It's all my fault. I spend too much time on my art, and whenever I scroll online, I see other people's drawings and it makes me want to improve, so I've been doing that a lot lately. It's been distracting me from my studies.

"I understand, honey, but you don't have to put so much pressure on yourself. Just calm down, and all you need to do now is less drawing and more reading," Sabrina advised.

"I'm confident you'll be able to improve your grades!"

" i really hope so, sabrina , if sky tells my dad that I've been slacking off on my studies, he's going to kill me"

"Leona, does your dad come to see you and sky often? Sabrina asked

"Yeah, it's been a while - his last visit was last year. Now we basically only catch up over phone or video calls," Leona replied.

"Well, ever since my parents got divorced, my dad moved out of this house and got another place here in New York for work, so it was still easy to see him. My mom could just drop me off at his place, but my dad was always super busy. Even when I stayed with him, I didn't really feel his presence. He would try to make up for it by showering me with gifts, but I would just watch cartoon TV while he worked or went out, leaving me with a nanny or babysitter he paid to keep me company. I guess that's when their divorce started to feel real to me - I was seven or eight years old at the time," Leona said.

Leona continued "Sky was way older, seventeen, so I'm sure he was more mature and able to deal with the divorce better than I was.To be honest, I felt like my dad was grooming my brother Sky to take over the company before he left for Italy when I was 13. He told me he wouldn't be in New York for a few years, but would visit occasionally. However, he started missing my birthdays because every time he came to New York, I felt like it was only for business, not to spend time with us,"

"Is Sky the CEO or the acting CEO?" Sabrina asked, curious

"Acting CEO, for now," Leona replied, "My dad wants Sky to take over the company eventually, but he's still preparing him for the role. Sky's been learning the ropes and handling more responsibilities, but my dad still makes the final decisions

.My dad still needs to come to New York occasionally to keep an eye on things and make sure Sky is doing a good job. He's like a watchdog, making sure the company is running smoothly and that Sky is meeting his expectations."

Sabrina nodded understandingly,

"Sabrina, as much as I resent Sky's control and Mom's pressure to excel, it's still better than being with Dad. Honestly, if I had to stay with him... I was only seven when they divorced, but I remember the fear of him getting custody. If he had won, I wouldn't be able to do half the things I love, like my drawings. I hide my art supplies here, and they're safe. If I were with Dad, I wouldn't even dare dream of owning a drawing book or holding a pencil."

Leona's voice cracked, revealing the depth of her feeling

"I remember when I was so young and naive, I'd always go up to Sky's room and ask him to play, but my dad would say Sky was too busy reading. I'd keep trying, but the answer was always the same. Sky's room was like a different world, filled with books everywhere. My dad would tell me I'd be like Sky when I got older, but I didn't understand what he meant. I thought he just didn't want Sky to play with me. I had no idea Sky was already in his own world of books, a world I couldn't comprehend yet."

Leona's words trailed off, lost in the memories of her childhood, her eyes sparkling with a mix of wonder and longing.

"Leona, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. It's not easy dealing with family expectations and feeling like you don't measure up. But you're so much more than enough, and your art is a reflection of your unique spirit and talent. Keep shining and don't let anyone dim your light!"

"I wish it were that easy, Sabrina. I really wish I could tell my dad I don't want him to dictate what I should do. I have my own dreams that I need to accomplish."

"I know it's not easy, Leona. It takes a lot of courage to stand up to family expectations and follow your own path. But it's clear you have a passion and talent for art, and it's worth fighting for. Maybe it's time to have an honest conversation with your dad about your dreams and aspirations. You deserve to pursue your own happiness and make your own decisions. Remember, your future is yours to create, not theirs to dictate." Sabrina said

Sabrina, I'm terrified of standing up to my dad. He's always been so dominant, so convincing, and I've never been able to muster the courage to disagree with him. The thought of confronting him, of telling him I want to forge my own path, makes my heart race and my palms sweat. I'm scared he'll crush my dreams, that he'll make me feel like I'm not good enough. I'm trapped in this cycle of fear, Sabrina, and I don't know how to break free."Leona's voice cracked as she admitted.

"Leona, I'm not saying it's easy, but do you want to live a life of regret? Do you want to look back in 10, 20 years and wonder what could've been if you had only followed your heart? I'm not saying you should confront your dad right now, but I am saying that you deserve to live a life that's true to who you are. Take small steps, start by acknowledging your own desires and dreams, and eventually, you'll find the courage to pursue them. Remember, your happiness and fulfillment are worth fighting for. You don't have to do it alone, I'm here to support you." Sabrina's expression was gentle but encouraging

"Honestly, Sabrina, I'm so happy you came to New York. I know we just met, but you're someone who understands me. I've never had a conversation with someone where I've shared all this - especially how much I love drawing and how scared I am to stand up to my parents. I'm just happy to have someone to talk to. It's honestly so beautiful."

Sabrina's eyes sparkled with fun as she looked  at Leona, her voice filled with playful drama "Leona, you're amazing! I'm so glad we met. It's honestly so easy to talk to you." Sabrina face lit up with a mischievous grin. "My younger sister,Lulu,is the same age as you .

We always argue like cats and dogs, and my order sister Maxene always as to stop us." Sabrina pretended to be frustrated "I'm always saying ,she takes my stuff!

She chuckled, her eyes shining with amusement. "But honestly, I could trade her for you!" Sabrina  said jokingly

The room filled with the warm sound of their laughter

Leona's eyes sparkled with delight, her heart feeling lighter than it had in weeks. She was grateful for this chance encounter with Sabrina, who had effortlessly understood her fears and passions.

Despite their age difference, Sabrina had connected with Leona on a deep level, showing her that she was more than just a teenager struggling to find her place in the world. Sabrina saw her potential, her creativity, and her beauty, and was encouraging her to embrace it all

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Opeeeyemiiicreators' thoughts