
chapter 1

The sun had barely risen over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the household. Sabrina stretched her arms, yawned, and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes, wondering why her parents had called a family meeting. Maxene, her elder sister, seemed just as curious.

"I don't know, but I don't think it's something bad," Maxene said, combing her hair. "They seemed calm when they told me."she added

Sabrina frowned. "Where's Tallulah?"

"In the living room," Maxene replied, tossing her comb onto the bed. "Anyway, I'm leaving. Make sure you're right  behind me "

Sabrina rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "Can't I just sleep?"

She bent down to search for her missing slipper, finally finding it in Tallulah's corner. "I told that little rat to stop taking my stuff," she muttered, slipping her foot into the shoe.

With a sigh, Sabrina made her way to the living room. Her parents sat in the corner, facing Tallulah and Maxene. "Good morning, Dad. Good morning, Mom," Sabrina said, taking her seat beside her sisters.

"Morning, honey," their parents replied in unison. Sabrina shot Tallulah a stern glance, still annoyed about the second  pair of slippers she found at Tallulah's corners. Tallulah tried to stifle a giggle, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

The room fell silent for a moment, the only sound being the soft hum of the morning sunlight streaming through the windows. Then, Jasmine, their mother, spoke up, her voice serious and measured.

"Girls, we need to talk," she said. "You remember your godmother, Silvana, my best friend?"

The sisters nodded in unison, their curiosity piqued.

"Well, Silvana has offered to help our family in a big way," their father, carlos, continued. "But we need to discuss it together."

He paused, building suspense. "She wants to sponsor one of your college tuitions in New York City."

The sisters' eyes widened in excitement, and they exclaimed together, "Oh my god!!"

Jasmine's eyes locked onto her daughters, her mind made up. "I've been thinking about it, and I've decided which one of you will go to New York," she said, her voice filled with a sense of finality.

The room held its breath as the sisters exchanged nervous glances. Tallulah's eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and apprehension, while Maxene's gaze was steady, her expression unreadable. Sabrina's face, however, was a picture of hope and anticipation.

"Tallulah, you're still in high school, so it wouldn't be feasible for you to go," Jasmine began, her words gentle but firm. "That left me with a choice between Sabrina and Maxene."

She paused, her gaze shifting between the two older sisters. "Maxene, you're doing exceptionally well in fashion school, and I believe you'll excel even further by completing your studies here." Maxene nodded, a small smile playing on her lips.

Jasmine turned to Sabrina, her eyes filled with a warm smile. "Sabrina, you're not in college yet, and with our current financial struggles, this opportunity would be a blessing. Silvana has agreed to sponsor your college tuition in New York, and you'll be able to attend on a student visa."

Sabrina's face erupted into a thrilled smile, her eyes shining with excitement. "Mom, are you kidding me?" she squealed, her voice barely containing her joy.

"Well, too bad for me, Mom," Tallulah replied, her voice tinged with sadness. "I would have taken Ketja with me. I always told her I'd show her the Statue of Liberty."

Maxene rolled her eyes. "That's a lie. I always hear your creepy conversations with her. I wonder why she hasn't bitten you yet."

Jasmine and carlos exchanged a knowing glance, their faces filled with a mix of amusement and understanding.

"Well, girls," carlos began, his voice calm and measured, "I know this is a happy and sad moment, but we had to tell you first. We want you to agree on this before your mom and I make the final decision." He looked at Sabrina and Continue "Do you think you should go to New York, or...?"

Sabrina turned to face her sister, her eyes filled with a sincere gaze. "Well, Mom, Dad, as much as I'm excited to hear I was picked, I still feel that Maxene should be the one to go."

Maxene looked numb, her eyes fixed on Sabrina as she continued speaking. "She's the eldest, and I feel she deserves it. She'll do great there, especially with her fashion work in New York. Maxene should go. I'll continue doing other jobs to save up for my college tuition."

"No, Sabrina, I don't want to go," Maxene said, her voice filled with conviction. "Listen, Mom is right. If there's anyone between the three of us who really deserves to go to New York, it's you, Sabrina. And Mom is also right, I'm already doing great here with my fashion school, and it would be better if I completed it here."Maxene added

Maxene shifted closer to her sister and held her hand, smiling. "I know you're crazy but you would be the better one to be in New York, right, Tallulah?" Maxene asked.

Tallulah nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Although I'm upset, I did tell Ketja about the Statue of Liberty thing," she shot a playful glance at maxene "But Maxene is right, Sabrina is a better choice. At least I'll stop stealing her stuff, but Maxene's stuff will replace yours,

" Tallulah." Maxene stretched her hand out to playfully hit Tallulah's head.

"Ouch, that hurts, but that's the truth. you deserve to go, Sabrina."

"I'm feeling a mix of emotions," Sabrina admitted, her voice trembling. "I'm sad, happy, and excited, but mostly sad. This will be the first time I'll be away from you all, especially my two shadows," she said, glancing at her sisters. "and it's hard to imagine being apart from you"

Maxene and Tallulah exchanged a knowing look before enveloping Sabrina in a warm hug. "We'll always be with you in spirit." Maxene whispered. "

"Don't be shocked when you see me,okay" Tallulah said with a playful grin

Sabrina's eyes welled up with tears as she gazed at her sisters. "This is what I'll miss the most," she said, her voice barely audible.

Their parents watched the tender moment, their hearts swelling with pride and love. "Okay, you're not going to make Daddy tear up," Carlos said, his voice choked with emotion.

"Oh no, Daddy!" the girls replied in unison, standing up to hug their parents tightly.

As they embraced, Tallulah whispered, "Enjoy this moment, because once we go back to our rooms, I might just have to 'accidentally' break your favorite cup, Sabrina, as a way of saying goodbye."

Sabrina playfully rolled her eyes. "I know you're crazy, you little rat!" she said, laughing through tears

The family hug lingered for a moment, savoring the love and warmth they shared. Then, with one final squeeze, they released each other, and Sabrina took a step back, her eyes shining with a mix of sadness and excitement

Jasmine informed Silvana about her decision, and she made preparations for Sabrina's arrival

As Sabrina spent her last night in rio de janerio, Brazil, she was surrounded by her loved ones. Her flight was scheduled for the next day at 6 a.m., and she wanted to make the most of her time with her family and friends.

Her best friend, lyanna, was by her side. They had been friends since childhood, attending the same high school and sharing countless memories together. Sabrina loved lyanna as much as she loved her sisters.

However, lyanna hadn't taken the news of Sabrina's departure well. She was saddened by the thought of not seeing her best friend for a long time, but she was also happy for Sabrina's opportunity to study in New York.

Lyanna, who wasn't currently enrolled in college, spent her time making beads and necklaces, which she sold to make a living. Despite their different paths, their friendship remained strong.

As they sat together, reminiscing about old times and sharing laughter, Sabrina knew that she would miss lyanna dearly. But she also knew that their friendship could withstand distance and time.

"Make sure you send me lots of pictures, and let's plan a video call for Saturday?" Lyanna suggested, her voice trembling. "I know the time difference will be tough, but I'll make it work."

Sabrina's heart went out to her best friend, seeing the sadness in her eyes. "C'mon, lya , don't give me that face," she said, trying to lighten the mood.

"What face?" Lyanna asked, forcing a smile. "I promise I'm okay."

But Sabrina knew better. She could see the tears welling up in lyanna 's eyes. "Wait, before I forget," lyanna said, rummaging through her bag. "I got us a friendship bracelet I made especially for us."

She held out her hand, revealing a beautiful bracelet with an intricate design. "Look!"lyanna exclaimed. "It's a bracelet with our initials - ls for lyanna and Sabrina. I made two, so this one is mine, and this one will be yours."

Sabrina's eyes widened as lyanna put the bracelet on her wrist. "Oh my, it's so pretty!" she breathed.

Lyanna smiled, her eyes shining with tears. "I'll wear yours for you, and you wear mine for me," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Sabrina picked up lyanna's bracelet from the chair and put it on her wrist, her eyes shining with tears. "This is so pretty," she said, her voice trembling.

Lyanna couldn't hold back her emotions anymore. "I'm really going to miss you, Sabrina," she said, her voice cracking.

Sabrina's heart ached seeing her friend cry. "I love you more," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "And I promise we'll always talk, so don't worry about that."

They hugged each other tightly, the bracelets on their wrists a symbol of their unbreakable bond.

"I need to get going now," Sabrina said, her voice muffled against lyanna's shoulder. "I have to sleep early for my flight tomorrow."

Lyanna pulled back, her eyes wide with concern. "What time is your flight tomorrow?" she asked.

" it's at 6 am," Sabrina replied, her voice heavy with emotion.

Lyanna laughed, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Oh my, are you sure you won't miss your flight? I mean, we all know you sleep like you're in a coma." She smiled, trying to lighten the mood. "I'll be happy if you do miss your flight, though. But make sure you don't."

Sabrina smiled, her eyes welling up with tears again. "I'll try my best," she said, her voice barely audible.

"Make sure you don't miss your flight," lyanna replied, her eyes sparkling with tears. "Wait, I'll inform my mom that you're leaving now. Mama, your favorite tigress is  leaving already," lyanna called out to her mother, Felipe.

Felipe's warm voice filled the room. "Oh, my sweet girl, God bless and protect you on your journey. be good and behave"

Sabrina smiled playfully her eyes shining with mischief. "Aunt , I'll be good, i promise" She turned to Felipe, her voice filled with emotion. "I'll miss you so much."

"We will miss you too, Sabrina," Felipe replied, her voice filled with warmth. "Lya,you'll go with Sabrina to the airport tomorrow, right?"

"Of course, Mama," lyanna replied.

"Why don't you stay at my place tonight? It would be better for you, don't you think?"sabrina asked

Lyanna nodded, her eyes welling up with tears. "That would be much better."

"Alright, Mom, I'll be going with Sabrina now. I'll see you tomorrow morning," lyanna said, hugging her mother tightly.

"Alright, honey, bye Sabrina," Felipe replied, her voice filled with love.

Sabrina turned to Felipe, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'll really miss you, Aunt Felipe. May I hug you?"

Felipe's arms opened wide, and Sabrina nestled into her warm embrace. "Of course, you can, my child. Come here. Let me hold you tight."

Sabrina got home, she found her family gathered around the dining table, a sumptuous feast spread out before them.

"Welcome, sweetie," her mom said, placing a food tray on the table. "What's going on ,family? Who's getting married?" Sabrina asked, her curiosity piqued by the variety of dishes.

"Hey there,lyanna! How are you doing?" Carlos asked, his eyes warm with concern.

"I'm doing good, Uncle," lyanna replied, her voice a little shaky.

Jasmine's face filled with sympathy. "Lyanna, sweetie,I  hope you're not already missing your friend?" She asked gently. Her gaze shifted to Sabrina, who was struggling to hold back tears,

her eyes brimming with sadness

Maxene chimed in, "She definitely is, I can see it in her eyes."

Lyanna waved at Maxene and Tallulah, who waved back in unison.

"Come on, you two," Jasmine said, gesturing to Sabrina and lyanna. "I made your favorite dishes - Pao de Queijo and Churrasco de Picanha."

Sabrina's eyes welled up with tears as she gazed at her mom. "Mom, you're going to make me tear up. Why are you doing this tonight?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"You're definitely going to miss this," Tallulah said, laughing. "I'm sure the Statue of Liberty doesn't have Pao de Queijo, so eat it like you're dying tonight!" She winked " savour every bite, because new york  won't have your favourite Brazilian cheese bread

Everyone chuckled as Sabrina's dad stood up, pulled out her chair, and gestured for her to sit. "Wait, why does this feel like a date ?" Sabrina asked, her eyes shining with humor

Her dad smiled, his eyes shinning brightly"what makes you think that ,sweetie?"

Sabrina's face turned  bright red as she whispered. "Dad, you're acting like my boyfriend, pulling out the chair romantically!. Definitely, Dad, when I have a boyfriend, and he's not as romantic as you, then I don't want him."

Lyanna couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Oh, you mean your tiger? I can only imagine how you'd be as a girlfriend! I wonder how you would act as a girlfriend! That poor boy, whoever he is ,would have a wild time dating you

" it'd be a jungle adventure every day!" Tallulah chimed in ,dodging Sabrina's playful attempt to hit her from across the table.

Sabrina's dad chuckled, his eyes shinning   with warm love. "Don't listen to them, sweetie. Whoever gets to date you would be so lucky to have you by their side .Remember, you need to tell your old man all about it first ."

Sabrina smiled. "Yes, Daddy!" she replied,

"I know it's scary to be away from you all, but I'll be I'll behave my self but i can't make any promises!"sabrina said

Her mom couldn't hold her tears anymore.

"Who's cutting onions?" Tallulah asked, attempting to lighten the mood. Sabrina laughed through  her tears her eyes shinning with a mix of joy and sadness

"You really have to be dramatic don't you?" she replied, her voice choked with emotion.

"We love you so much, okay? Make sure you take care of yourself out there . Enough of the tears, let's eat before the food  gets cold," her dad said.

After dinner,  they lingered  for a while , savouring the warmth of the evening. Sabrina had to retire early, as she had an earlymorning flight to catch.while her sisters and her best friend had already retreated to the bedroom , Sabrina remained in the living room sharing a tender moment with her dad and mom.

"Hope you've packed everything you need?" her dad asked, his eyes filled with concern.

"Yes, Daddy, I have," she replied.

"Sabrina, I'm still scared," her mom admitted, her voice    trembling with emotions. "I know you have to go, but it's hard to let you go."

"Mom, don't be scared, I'm going to be fine. "Sabrina said, trying to  reassure her mom with a brave smile. " Don't you trust your own daughter?"

Her mom playfully hit her on the head. "You always want to show you're strong ,don't  you?

Sabrina laughed. "Because I am! I mean, why else  would they call  me tigeress?"

Her parents chuckled at her confidence.

"Mom, Dad, don't you worry about me, I'll be just  fine. I'm like the son you never had!" she said, teasing them with a cheeky grin.

Her parents laughed, their eyes shining with love and pride.

"Just make sure you do well and take care of yourself. Your studies should be taken seriously," her dad reminded her, his voice  filled with a mix of love and concern

"Yes, sir!" she replied, standing at attention and giving  a playful salute, amusing her parents and bringing a smile to their faces.

"We love you so much , okay?now get some rest,You have an early flight tomorrow," her mom said, her voice filled with warmth.

"Good night, Dad. Good night, Mom," Sabrina said, hugging them both tightly, trying to hold back her tears.

Then she headed back to her room, her heart filled with love and her eyes brimming with tears

I can't believe I'll sleep without you two next to me tomorrow," Sabrina said entering her room, her voice filled with emotion.

Tallulah joked, "I said I'll appear to you with my broom stick and ketja, but unfortunately, she's not a cat. Will the spell still work?"

Maxene laughed. "You are crazy!"

The three sisters shared a tight hug, which made lyanna tear up a little. "Can I join? But I don't want to spoil the moment," she asked, not wanting to spoil the moment

"Of course, you can! You're just like our fourth sister" Maxene said , smiling " Tallulah,she's still the youngest ,though "

Tallulah smiled, "I know, butI'll be 18 soon.in two years " She pretended to sob, making the others laugh even harder

Sabrina tried to sleep, but she couldn't shake off the feeling of sadness that had settled in her heart. She was leaving her sisters, and despite their daily fights, she loved them dearly. Maxene, the eldest, had always been the peacemaker, trying to separate Sabrina and Tallulah when their arguments escalated.

Later, as  Maxene woke up to get a glass of water, she found Sabrina still awake. "Sabrina, why are you still awake?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

"Maxene, are you sure you don't want to go to New York?" Sabrina asked, her voice laced with a mix of sadness and guilt. "I really feel you should be the one doing this, not me."

Maxene listened attentively, her eyes filled with understanding. "Sabrina, listen, if any of us goes  whether it's me, you, or Tallulah we will all excel. But right now, you are the only one with no other opportunities. You deserve this chance.  Don't  you feel you deserve it?"

Sabrina's voice cracked as she spoke, "I can't believe I'm saying this..i won't see you both often anymore.we have a crazy relationship, especially me and Tallulah... I'll miss screaming at the top of my lungs again. " her voice laced with a mix of sadness and nostalgia. "How am I going to cope without those daily interactions, those silly arguments , and those loving moments?"

She turned to Maxene, her eyes welling up with tears. "and you, Maxene, who's always given  me truthful advice,regardless of how I feel. you'll definitely miss settling  Tallulah's and my unnecessarily arguments"

Maxene's voice was filled with warmth. "We'll miss you, Sabrina. I know this is the first time we three are apart from each other at a distance like this , but we'll make you sure we keep the craziness alive even from afar"

Sabrina's voice cracked as she spoke, "I love you, Maxene. I promise you, Mom, Dad, Tallulah, I'll make you all  proud, okay?" She sobbed, her body shaking with emotion.

Maxene's eyes welled up with tears as she hugged Sabrina tightly. "I'm already proud of you for taking this step. Come here, you need to sleep. Your flight is early Tommroow

As Maxene hugged Sabrina tightly, the two sisters held each other for a long moment, tears streaming down their faces. Finally, Maxene gently led Sabrina to her bed and tucked her in, whispering words of encouragement and love. Sabrina snuggled under the blankets, feeling a mix of sadness and gratitude. She knew this was a new chapter in her life, and she was ready to take the leap. With a heavy heart and a sense of determination, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, surrounded by the love and support of her family. The scene fades to black as the sisters' tears dry, and the silence of the night takes over.

The next day, Sabrina woke up early, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. Her family had already arranged her luggage, and her dad was waiting to drive her to the airport. As they arrived at the terminal, the sound of pre-boarding announcements filled the air.

As Sabrina spoke, her family's faces contorted in a mix of sadness and humor. Tallulah's eyes sparkled with tears, while Maxene's voice cracked with emotion.

"Alright guys, I have only ten minutes with you," Sabrina said, her voice trembling.

"Don't worry about me. I love you all so much!Tallulah you won't be taking my things anymore" She hugged Tallulah tightly, her arms stretching wide.

Tallulah laughed through tears, " thing might still disappear in New York. Just know I'm with you in spirit."

Sabrina teased, "I know you, Little thief !" Her voice cracked, as she held back tears.

Maxene's eyes welled up." I'll miss you, little sister. Don't become too wild in New York, okay? Don't create a mess like you did here rio."

Sabrina smiled, her eyes shining with tears, "Definitely, big sis. I'll miss you too, but i won't say it again."

Best friend," lyanna said , hugging Sabrina tightly. "I just realized the time difference isn't that much, it's just two hours apart."

"That's better," Sabrina replied. "I'll get to call you without thinking you're sleeping."

"As soon as you get to New York, call Silvana, alright?" her mom said, kissing her forehead. "God bless you, my daughter. Be good, okay? Take care of yourself. I love you."

"I love you too, Mommy," Sabrina replied, her voice choked with emotion.

"Daddy, who's  going to make daddy you laugh now?" Sabrina teased ,Turing to her dad." my little boyfriend," she added with a smile

"What do you mean? I'm always here," Tallulah replied, making their dad giggle.

"Take care, sweetie. Be good, alright," carlos said, holding his daughter's hand and giving her a warm hug. "We'll miss you, but we'll stay in touch. Make us proud, Sabrina."

Tallulah's eyes welled up with tears again "Sabrina, my sister,.. I'll miss you so much."

Sabrina's voice cracked as she replied, "I'll miss you too, lulu Promise me you'll stay out of trouble," Sabrina said, her voice muffled against Tallulah's shoulder.

Tallulah laughed. "No promises, But I'll try to keep the craziness to a minimum."

As they pulled back from the hug, Sabrina's eyes scanned Tallulah's face, memorizing every feature. "I love you, Tallulah."

"I love you too, Sabrina. Safe travels," she said, her voice choked with emotion.

Maxene hugged her tightly, holding her close as they savored their final moments together.

Her mom smiled through her own tears. "We'll miss you too, Sabrina. But we're so proud of you for taking this step. Make the most of your time in New York."

Sabrina's dad put a hand on her shoulder. "We'll be here, supporting you every step of the way. And don't forget, we're just a phone call away."

With one final hug, Sabrina picked up her luggage and made her way to the gate, her family's words of encouragement echoing in her mind. As she boarded the plane, she felt a sense of determination wash over her. She was ready to take on this new chapter in her life.

Sabrina's eyes widened as she boarded the plane, her excitement momentarily overshadowing her sadness. She felt like a kid on Christmas morning, eager to explore this new adventure. As she settled into her seat by the window, she couldn't help but gasp in wonder.

"Wow," she breathed, her eyes fixed on the view outside. "This is so beautiful, I could totally spend 10 hours admiring this view."

But as she placed her hand on the window, she suddenly felt self-conscious. "Oh no, Sabrina, I get that you're excited, but don't overdo it," she chided herself, noticing the other passengers' calm demeanor. "Everyone here seems so chill, and I'm just over here like a kid in a candy store."

With a sheepish grin, she quickly removed her hand from the window and settled back into her seat, trying to compose herself. But her eyes still sparkled with excitement, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the adventure ahead.

Sabrina's heart raced as she rushed through the airport, her excitement palpable. She had finally arrived in New York, and everything felt surreal. As she made her way to collect her luggage, she accidentally bumped into a stranger, causing his bag to slip from his grasp. Without hesitation, she bent down to pick it up, apologizing profusely.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!" she exclaimed, holding out the bag.

As she looked up, she found her self  admiring  the stranger 's chiseled features and piercing blue black eyes , which seemed to see right through her. She felt a flutter in her chest as their gazes met , and for a moment they just stared at each other. He didn't utter a word, simply taking the bag from her hand with a firm grasp before turning and walking away, leaving Sabrina feeling both startled and intrigued.

Sabrina shook her head, still thinking about the rude stranger. "Forget about it, Sabrina. You're in New York now!" She put on her headphones and started listening to music, trying to shake off the unpleasant encounter.

Just then, her phone rang. It was her god mother Silvana. "Hi, Aunt Silvana!" Sabrina answered excitedly.

"Sabrina, sweetie, are you  in New York?" her aunt asked.

"Yes, Aunt, I just arrived. I was about to call you when your call came in," Sabrina replied.

"Great! I'll send a chauffeur to pick you up. My driver is already at the airport, he went to pick up my son ,who's arriving from Italy today, but he arrived earlier than you, so I'll have the chauffeur pick you up instead. Okay?" her aunt offered.

Sabrina's face lit up with a smile. "That's so sweet of you, Aunt Silvana. Thank you so much! I can't wait to see you soon!"

The chauffeur ,logan, pulled up in a sleek black car, looking every bit the professional. Sabrina grabbed her luggage and walked towards the car logan, the chauffeur, got out of the car and greeted sabrina with a warm smile. He was a tall, handsome man in his early 40's  with a kind face and a small scar  above this left eyebrow

" Hi, sabrina. welcome to new york my name is logan ,and I'll be driving you to your godmother's place" he said; holding out his hand for her to shake

Sabrina smiled and shook his hand, feeling a sense of warm and professionalims from his firm hand shake. " Nice to meet you, thanks for picking me up "

Logan smiled  back and put her luggage, putting it in the trunk

"No problem .I'm happy to help. Let's get you settled in and on your way to your godmother's place"

logan  loaded her luggage into the car and opened the door for her. "You don't have to," she said, trying to reach for the door herself, but Logan insisted with a bright smile. "No, ma'am, I insist. Please get in."

Sabrina felt a bit uncomfortable with the display of courtesy, but she couldn't deny it was a welcome change from the rude stranger she had encountered earlier. "Well, at least I'm being treated nicely wow, what a relief!"she thought to her self as she settled into the car".

As Logan closed the door behind her, Sabrina felt a sense of relief wash over her. She was finally in New York, and despite the rocky start, things were starting to look up. She leaned back into the plush seat, ready to enjoy the ride to her aunt's place. "Thanks," she said with a smile, feeling a bit more at home in the city that never sleeps.

Sabrina and Logan chatted amiably as they drove through the city's bustling streets . "Is this your first time in New York?" Logan asked, and Sabrina replied cheerfully, "Yes, it is! Honestly, New York is beautiful! The energy is palpable"

Logan smiled. "This is just a small part of it. You'll need to visit some other places, but New York City is truly magical at night."

Sabrina gazed out the window, her eyes wide in wonder. "I can see it's really beautiful." Her voice filled with excitement

Logan asked, "Where are you traveling from?"

"Brazil," Sabrina replied with a smile

Logan eyes lit up in surprise "You're a Brazilian?" He asked, his tone curious

Sabrina chuckled, her dark hair blobbing  with the movement "Yeah, why? I don't look like a Brazilian?"

Logan laughed. "No, I haven't been to Brazil before, but I have a friend who lives there. I hope to visit her someday, hopefully soon.

I've heard so many great things about the country".

Sabrina smiled. "You'll love Brazil, I'm certain. And hey, when you go there, you need to try pao de Queijo and churrasco de pichana. They're my favorite dishes! Too bad I might not get to see it here."She said wistfully

Logan's eyes lit up. "What are their  name again?"

"Pao de Queijo and churrasco de pichana," Sabrina repeated.

Logan nodded. "Alright, I'll definitely them"

As they arrived at their destination, Sabrina got out of the car while Logan retrieved her luggage. She smiled, feeling grateful for the friendly chauffeur and the warm welcome to New York City.

Sabrina's eyes widened as she gazed at the grand mansion before her. She couldn't believe this was her Aunt Silvana's house! She had heard stories about her godmother's wealth, but she never imagined it was to this extent. The villa was stunning, with beautifully carved walls and meticulous attention to detail.

Turning to Logan, she asked with a raised eyebrow, "Are you sure we're not at the wrong address or you're trying to kidnap me?"

Logan chuckled and reassured her, "We are definitely at the right place. Mrs. Silvana is right here."

Just then, a beautiful woman in her late 40's walked out of the mansion, smiling warmly. "Sabrina, sweetie!"

Sabrina rushed to hug her tightly, feeling a mix of excitement and relief. "Aunt Silvana!"

Her aunt hugged her back, holding her at arm's length to examine her. "Look at you, all grown up! The last time i saw you were probably ten or eleven "

" i was ten aunt i certainly remember "

" you are so pretty you really look like jasmine you have your mom facials back then when your mom was around your age she looked exactly like you"

Sabrina blushed at her aunt's compliments, feeling a warmth in her heart. "But I bet I'm prettier than her," she teased, laughing.

Silvana chuckled and nodded. "Maybe so, maybe so. Your mother was a beauty, and you've inherited her looks. I'll show you her pictures later."

As they walked into the mansion, Sabrina's eyes widened at the opulence around her. "Wow, Aunt Silvana, your home is stunning!"

Her god mother smiled, gesturing to a maid who appeared at her side. "Dana, please help Sabrina take her things to her room and have Sam prepare food on the table."

As the maid efficiently took care of Sabrina's luggage, Silvana turned to Logan. "Logan, thank you. You may go now."

Sabrina watched as Logan nodded and departed, feeling a bit awestruck by the luxurious surroundings. "She has a maid... oh my gosh, Aunt Silvana is richer than I thought," she thought to herself, her eyes scanning the lavish decor.

Sabrina's eyes widened as she took in the stunning interior of the mansion, her hand still held by Silvana. She couldn't believe her godmother's wealth, it was beyond anything she had imagined.

As they walked, a beautiful young girl approached them, her bright smile and dazzling eyes captivating Sabrina's attention. "Hi," she said, her voice as radiant as her smile.

Silvana introduced them, "Sabrina, this is my daughter Leona, and Leona, this is Jasmine's daughter Sabrina."

Sabrina smiled, feeling a bit awestruck by Leona's beauty. "Nice to meet you too," she replied, her eyes locked on Leona's enchanting smile.

Leona's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I was so excited when my mom told me you would be coming to New York. My mom tells me a lot about your mom."

Sabrina nodded, feeling a connection. "So does my mom, she tells me a lot about your mom too."

As sabrina gazed up at the figure descending the stairs, her eyes widened  in recognition it was him the stranger she had met at the airport, the one whose bag she had accidentally knocked on the floor in her haste "You," she exclaimed, her voice below a whisper But before she could finish her sentence, Silvana intervened.

"Sabrina, this is my son Sky," she introduced, her voice calm and collected.

Sabrina's eyes remained fixed on Sky, her mind racing with memories of their brief encounter at the airport. " your Son?" she replied, her voice laced with shock and disbelief.

Sky's gaze lingered on Sabrina, his eyes narrowing slightly as if he was trying to place her. The silence between them thick, making Sabrina discomfort palpable

"Oh no, I hope he doesn't recognize me," she whispered, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as averted her eyes

Sky turned and hurriedly excused himself. "Mom, I'll be back. I need to take care of something." he said, his voice distant and detached.

Silvana tried calling him back, "Sky, Sky," but he was already gone, leaving Sabrina feeling relieved yet still shaken by the unexpected encounter.

Silvana turned to sabrina ,her  expression apologetic" I'm so sorry about that ,sabrina I think he's in a hurry to get some where ,she asked " how was the journey to New York? was it  stressful?

Sabrina nodded, "Oh no, aunt,  it was my first time travelling this far, it was a  bit tiring, just sitting down for hours."

Silvana nodded understandingly. "You must be exhausted. You really need to shower and freshen up I already texted Jasmine to let her know you're safely with me now. Your mom can be worrier sometimes, if it were up to me, I would have loved the three of you to come to New York, but your mom was hesistant, just getting her to agree to this visit was a roller coaster ride!"

She continued, " And how are lovely  my goddaughters, Tallulah and Maxene? Leona, who is  the same age as Tallulah, they would probably get along great."

Sabrina smiled, feeling a bit more at ease. "They're  thriving, aunt. Tallulah is still the bold and  bossy one ,while Maxene is still the sweet and gentle one"

Leona, who was standing nearby, exclaimed, "I'm so exicted to meet them! Can we  please have a video call with them later, Sabrina?She smiled enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Sabrina laughed, " I'm sure they'd love that, we can do a video call with Tallulah and Maxene whenever you are ready."

Silvana led Sabrina to the dinning room, her eyes widened in wonder. The maid had set out a sumptuous feast, with dishes upon dishes of  steaming hot food the aroma of rosted chicken and fresh vegetables filled the air,making Sabrina's stomach growl  with hunger.

"Welcome to our humble dinning table , sabrina!" Silvana exclaimed, her warm smile inviting  Sabrina to take a seat " I hope you are hungry, because I've made some delicious dishes"

Sabrina's gaze  roamed over the spread, her eyes lingering on the juicy chicken , the crispy roasted vegetables, and the colourful salad" Wow aunt silvana, this looks amazing " she breathed

Silvana chuckled "I'm glad you like it  please seat and eat"

The three of them sat down to enjoy their meal 

" sabrina tell me about brazil what's it like living there?" Leona asked her eyes sparkled with curiosity

Sabrina's face lit up with a warm smile " Oh, brazil is amazing! The people, the food , the music..everything is just vibrant and full of life."

Leona leaned in, her eyes wide with excitement " what's your favourite part about living there?

Sabrina thought for a moment, her eyes gazing off into distance

" I think my favourite part is the carnaval celebrations. The parades, the dancing ,the music..it's just an incredible experience."

" what's your favourite dish back home?" Silvana asked

Sabrina's face lit up " ah that's an easyone! I have two favourites, though. One is pao de quiejo it's this amazing cheese bread that's crispy on the outside and soft on the inside; you'll be addicted from the first bite! And of course ,I can't forget churrasco de Picanha it's a delicious  grilled beef cut served with rice, beans and farofa. You have to try it!"

She continued " I also love  feijoada and açaì bowls of course

"Açaì bowls? What's that? Leona asked

" it's a traditional Brazilian fruit, and they make the most delicious bowl with it. you have to try it sometime " sabrina replied

" I remember when I lived in brazil, I loved bobo de noz so much! Jasmine always used it to bribe me if she wanted me to get something done For her" Silvana said

Sabrina smiled "bobo de noz is so delicious aunt , Aunt.how was your life back then in brazil? I'm certain you loved brazil."

"Well, well , that's true i love brazil; it's honestly a second home to me. though I was hard adapting to living there at a young age , I left new york when I was 13.my dad was a soldier, and he was stationed in brazil, so I had to follow him with my mom. I was the only child , I had to leave my friends behind , moving to whole other country, which was scary but exicting." Silvana replied

"Aunt,I'm sure that was pretty hard , adapting to a whole new culture, attending a new school, making new friends. "

" it was so hard Sabrina, when I got to school in brazil, I was bullied a little, and I think it was because I was a foreigner.but your mom, jasmine, was there to back me up. She was my hero; she always stood up for me.she was the only one who understood me, and we quickly clicked; we became so close. I'm sure she told you about how we always snuck into her neighbour's compound to climb a tree. We loved plucking fruits , and the old man would come and scold us in Portuguese, waving his to chase us

The conversation continued, with sabrina regaling with stories about her life in brazil

After dinner, Silvana and Leona escorted Sabrina to her room. As she entered, her eyes widened in astonishment. "This will be your room, Sabrina," Silvana said, smiling. "Mine is next to yours," Leona added.

Sabrina's gaze roamed the spacious room, her eyes darting from the lavish furnishings to the expansive closet. "Aunt, this is incredible! I feel like I'm in the largest hotel in Brazil!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder.

Silvana chuckled. "We'll leave you now, dear. You need to freshen up and get some rest. We'll talk more tomorrow." Sabrina nodded, still in awe. "Alright, Aunt, thank you so much!"

Silvana's expression turned warm. "You don't need to thank me, Sabrina. You're my daughter too." Leona echoed her sentiments, and they bid Sabrina goodnight, leaving her to settle into her new surroundings.

As the door closed, Sabrina's eyes returned to the grandeur around her. "Oh my goodness, this room is enormous! The closet alone could fit all of  rio de janerio's belongings, and maybe even Ribeirão preto's too!" She shook her head, still trying to process the extravagance. "I had no idea Aunt Silvana was this... wealthy. I mean, 'rich' doesn't even begin to describe it." With a sigh, she began to unpack, her mind reeling with the implications of her new life.

After her bath, Sabrina quickly got dressed and called her mom. "Hi, Mama!"

"Sabrina, how was the trip? Silvana just called me. You're home now?" her mom asked.

"Yes, mom, it was great! I really enjoyed the trip. Aunt Silvana is so sweet. I'm just freshening up now," Sabrina replied.

"You must be tired. Tomorrow will be better. Get some rest," her mom advised.

"I am, mom. I'll do a video call with you guys once I wake up tomorrow morning," Sabrina said.

"Alright, honey. Good night. I love you, and don't forget to pray before sleeping, okay?," her mom said.

"I love you too, mom. Kisses," Sabrina replied before hanging up.

As she lay in bed, Sabrina felt a pang of loneliness. It was her first time sleeping alone without her sisters, and the feeling was overwhelming. "It's not even a day yet, and I'm missing those rats! But I'll get used to it. This bed is huge! It could fit Dad, Mom, Maxene, Tallulah, and even Grandma, and still have plenty of space. I can't believe I'll be the only one sleeping here," she thought, trying to shake off the homesickness. Despite her efforts, she couldn't fall asleep, her mind racing with thoughts of her new life.

The next morning, Sabrina woke up early, surprised to see it was only 7:00 AM. "I can't believe I'm awake at this time! I slept on the most comfortable bed ever, and I'm still awake. Back home, I wouldn't dare wake up this early even with those mosquitoes around!"

She reached for her laptop and initiated a video call with her family. "Hi, Papa! Hi, Mama!"

"Sabrina, sweetie, how are you doing?" her dad asked excitedly.

"I'm fine, Dad," she replied.

"You're not tired, right?" her mom asked.

"No, Mama, I'm not," Sabrina said, smiling.

Just then, her sisters chimed in. "Tigeressssss!"

"Hey, are you just waking up? What time is it there?" her sister Maxene asked.

"It's still 7:16 AM," Sabrina replied.

"Wait, did you switch places with a morning person or something?" Maxene asked, amused.

Tallulah jokingly chimed in, "Mom, end the video call! That's not Sabrina!"

Their mom laughed. "I'm surprised too, but I guess Sabrina's sleeping schedule in Brazil is different from her schedule there in New York."

Sabrina laughed. "You guys are crazy!

"Well, mom, you have a lot of explaining to do!"

Her mom looked puzzled. "Why? What's wrong, honey?"

Sabrina's voice filled with excitement. "Why didn't you tell me Aunt Silvana was wealthy? Like, really , really wealthy?"

Her mom chuckled. "I did tell you she was rich, Sabrina. I told you  all that  since you were little. Remember when she visited us in Brazil? She was always generous and bought you girls so many gifts."

Sabrina nodded, her eyes widened  "Yeah, mom, you did. But being rich is different from being wealthy, with everything I'm seeing here... I never imagined Aunt Silvana was this wealthy!"

Her mom smiled. "Her husband owns Martin's Global Enterprise, a very successful company."

Sabrina stood up, eager to give her family a tour. "Wait, guys, I'll give you a tour!" She walked around her spacious room, camera in hand. "Wow, you mean this is your room?" her sister tallulah asked, eyes wide with envy.

Sabrina laughed. "I'm being serious! Yes, and I can totally get lost in here. It's so beautiful!"

Maxene chimed in, "Mom, but you didn't tell us Aunt Silvana was this wealthy!"

"I think you girls imagined that 'rich' to be limited to some things," Carlos said, correcting them

Sabrina replied"Well, Dad is right. I never imagined Aunt Silvana being this wealthy. I'm still shocked!"

Maxene hastily said her goodbyes. "Tigeress, check you later! I'll be late for work. We'll have our private discussion later, kisses Mom, Dad. I'll be going now."

"Alright, sweetie," their mom replied.

Maxene rushed out, followed by Tallulah, "I'm going to school too. Bye, Tigeress. We  have our own private discussion to catch up on, and Ketja said she misses you."

Sabrina teased, "You little rat, just admit you miss me!"

Tallulah retorted, "Nope, Ketja does!"

Sabrina snorted, "You're lucky I can't drag you by the hair from here!"

The sisters bid each other farewell, and their mom began to explain, "Sabrina, you know Silvana, she's my best friend. I don't like discussing our family problems with anyone, not even her. But she always tells me to reach out to her if I ever need help. Sometimes she offers to send me a large sum of money, but I always refuse. She felt bad I don't allow her to help us out, like we're strangers. She wasn't comfortable with it,  "So I reached out to her, and she was willing to pay all your tuition fees in Brazil. But then she suggested you come to school in New York instead, and I couldn't say no. She was insistent and I couldn't refuse her offer"

Sabrina understood, "I understand, Mom. God bless Aunt Silvana so much more than what she has."

Her mom emphasized, "That's why you have to do everything you can to make us proud, sweetie."

Sabrina reassured her, "Will do, Dad, Mom. Don't worry, I'll be good."

Her mom replied, "Alright, dear. We still have a lot to do. Keep us updated, okay?"

Sabrina said goodbye and hung up. She quickly video-called lyanna

Lyanna exclaimed, "sabrina! Your skin looks like it's glowing! You haven't even spent four days there, and you're literally shining from the camera!"

Sabrina laughed. "You see, New York is totally changing me! Guess what? I woke up at 7 am!"

Lyanna joked, "Are you kidding me? You don't even wake up at 10 am here, even if an actual tiger wakes you up or the world is ending! I bet you won't even feel a thing!"

"How was your trip? Tell me all about it, and how's your godmom doing?" Lyanna asked.

Sabrina's eyes widened with excitement. "The feeling was overwhelming! I enjoyed my trip, and you know I told you my aunt was wealthy, right?"

Lyanna replied, "Yeah, you did, or is she... wait, are you living in a hut? Does a hut even exist there?"

Sabrina laughed. "Nope! She's more than that; she's extremely wealthy! Wait, I'll show you my room." She turned the camera to reveal her spacious room.

Lyanna's jaw dropped. "Oh my, Sabrina! Is that a room or...?"

Sabrina giggled. "The bathroom isn't even up to the size of my room back in Brazil! Guess what? The cupboard is so big that all the clothes I brought, even with stolen ones I took from sister , didn't even take half of the space. Not even the tiniest fraction! We could put all of  rio de janerio's stuff in there, and I bet it won't even take much space!"

Lyanna eyes sparkled with amazement " That's insane! i can't  believe it !you are living like a princess, sabrina Wow! But wait, what does she do again?"

"Her husband owns very successful company " she replied

Lyannaasked, "Do they want to adopt a child?"

Sabrina replied, "You're crazy!"

Lyanna continued, "She's really wealthy, how many kids does she have? Does she have a son who wants to get married? I'm available, you know, link me up, Sabrina!"

Sabrina laughed. "Well, she does have two kids, a son and daughter. Wait, I'll tell you what happened at the airport yesterday. I was in a haste to get my bag and I mistakenly bumped into someone;The bag he was holding fell down I quickly bent down to pick it up, but he firmly collected it, like I stole it from him or something!He stared angrily at me... guess what? That same arrogant moron is Aunt Silvana's son!"

Lyanna exclaimed, "Oh my goodness, are you for real?!"

Sabrina replied, "And to tell you, I was actually admiring how he looked"

Lyanna teased, "So he's arrogant and still good-looking."

Sabrina said, "not to me anymore. I can bet he's so rude and arrogant."

Lyanna asked, "You met him yesterday, did he recognize you?"

Sabrina replied, "I don't even know. He left when Aunt Silvana introduced me to him. I'm pretty sure he didn't even notice me."

" what's his name? Lyanna asked

" I don't even know, and I don't want to remember " sabrina replied her voice laced with disdain

Lyanna continued  her voice  teasing "Well ,tell Mr .aggrogant moron his future wife is saying hi

Sabrina chuckled "you can't be serious"

Lyanna's voice turned playful" well ,then I have to go now I have some deliveries to make. We'll catch up later, bye, Tigeress

Sabrina replied, her voice warm "bye sweetie " and hung up the phone

Sabrina  went to the dinning room after hanging up the phone ,  were her aunt silvana and leona where seated. The table was filled with a delicious spread of food, and sabriba stomach growl in anticipation

"Hi Sabrina, good morning," Leona said.

Sabrina replied, "Good morning, Leona."

Leona asked, "Did you have wonderful night?"

Sabrina nodded, "Yes, I did, thank you."

As she sat down, Silvana asked, "Sabrina, what would you like to eat? Do you like scrambled eggs?"

Sabrina replied, "I'll eat anything, Aunt."

Leona put some scrambled  eggs Sabrina's plate and added  "Help yourself to  more, sweetie"

Sky walked into the dinning room, and his presence seemed to make Leona's smile fade away.

"Good morning, Mom," he said, pulling out a chair and sitting close to Silvana.

Silvana poured him a glass of water, her expression neutral. "Morning, Sky."

Sky turned to Leona and asked, "Why are you still home? Aren't you late for school?"

Leona replied, her voice a little angry. "I'm waiting for Max. He went to pick something up for Mom."

Sky asked, "Why can't he just drop you off at school then get the stuff for mom?

Silvana responded, "He needs to get it now, and I need it urgently. "

Sky pointed out, "But leona's going to be late."

Leona asserted, "It's just 8:00 am, Sky. I'm not that late, and besides, I'm not a baby anymore. I can take care of myself."

Sky replied "You're 15 leona i was doing a lot of things at your age"

Silvana intervened, her voice firm but gentle. "Sky, that's enough."

. "I think Max is here. I'll be leaving now. Bye, Mom. Sky, Sabrina"Leona rushed out of the room, her eyes flashing with anger.

"Oh bye," Sabrina replied, feeling awkward.

The room fell silent, the only sound the clinking of silverware against plates. Sabrina ate quietly, feeling the tension in the air.

Silvana broke the silence, her voice warm. "Sabrina, do you like the food? Should I get it changed?"

Sabrina shook her head, her voice barely above a whisper. "Oh no, Aunt. I'm okay with this."

Sky stood up , pushing his chair back "I'll be going to work, I have a few projects to attend to,"

"You haven't eaten, at least have breakfast before leaving," Silvana suggested.

"I'll eat at the office, see you later, Mom," Sky replied, already heading out the door.

"Sure, take care," Silvana called out in response.

As soon as Sky left, Sabrina felt a sense of calm wash over her. She thought to herself, "It seems this his  presence causes awkwardness; I couldn't even eat properly. I knew it - he not only  looks arrogant, but he speaks arrogantly. How on earth, Aunt Silvana, did you raise such a son? Leona seems like a sweet girl, so where did he come from?"

"Sabrina, about your school, I plan to enroll you in a private college. I'll send you a list of colleges I have in mind, and then you can pick the one you like. Do you have your phone with you?" Silvana asked

Sabrina replied, "Yes, Aunt."

Silvana continued, "I'll text you the list I've compiled, and then you can check it out when you're free. Get back to me when you've picked the college you want."

Sabrina expressed her gratitude, "Thank you so much, Aunt! I'm really grateful."

Silvana smiled, "Sabrina, stop that. I'll get mad if you keep saying thank you like that."

"Alright, Aunt, I'll check them out - that's why I'm here, right?" Sabrina replied.

"Alright, I'll be in my room. If you need me, you can come get me. Otherwise, you could go watch TV or something if you're bored," silvana continued.

"Sure, Aunt," Sabrina said as Silvana left the dinning room.

When Sabrina returned to her room, she began researching the college Silvana had asked her to consider. She was taken aback by the wealth and prestige of the institution. Although Silvana's status and financial situation meant that the fees wouldn't be a burden for her, Sabrina was shocked by the exorbitant costs. She converted the fees to Brazilian reais and was stunned by the astronomical figure. It was impossible to even dream of attending such a college, no matter how many jobs she took on.

"Oh my goodness, it's a small fortune!" Sabrina exclaimed to herself. "I can't possibly allow Aunt Silvana to pay such a huge amount of money. Besides, these colleges are so highly competitive, and I'm an international student. It would be tough to get in, even if I had the funds."

Sabrina decided to search for a more affordable option. "I just want to attend college, it doesn't have to be a fancy one like this," she thought. As she continued her search, she stumbled upon evergreen College New York city. She was drawn to its more modest fees and strong academic programs. "This one seems more suitable for me," she thought, her eyes scanning the website with renewed hope.

Sabrina's eyes widened as she read through the website. Evergreen College of New York city was everything she had been looking for - affordable, diverse, and with a strong focus on student success. She could picture herself walking through the streets of New York City, attending classes, and making new friends.

As she delved deeper into the website, Sabrina found herself getting more and more excited. This was it, her ticket to a new life in new york city . She could hardly believe her luck.

With a sense of determination, Sabrina started filling out the application form. She knew it was a long shot, but she was willing to take the chance. As she clicked the "submit" button, she felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. She had taken the first step towards her dream.

Sabrina was freshening up when she heard a knock on the door. "Who's that?" she asked.

"Hey Sabrina, it's me, Leona. Can I come in?" Leona asked from the other side of the door.

"Of course, please do!" Sabrina replied, opening the door to let Leona in.

"Hey!" Leona entered, waving exictedly as she entered the room


"When did you get back? Sabrina asked

"I just got back an hour ago and I'm still trying to wake up." Leona replied   how about you? Were you bored just lying around? Didn't you find anything interesting on tv?"

Sabrina chuckled. "No, I did watch TV, but it was pretty meh..

Leona's eyes sparkled  with curiosity

" wait, did Sky do something?"

Sabrina raised an eyebrow. "Oh, you mean your brother? He's... quite something."

Leona laughed. "It's cool, Sabrina, you can tell me!"

Sabrina teased, "I'm wondering if your brother is just naturally rude or if he's secretly a wild animal in disquise

Leona giggled. "Well, I know my brother can be quite annoying, but calling him a wild animal is hilarious! Sky is a reserved person, and yeah, he acts arrogantly at times, and he's annoying, but don't let it get to you too much. I'm still coping with him being my elder brother!"

Leona rolled her eyes. "Just ignore Sky, he annoys everyone, trust me. He even gets on my dad's nerves."

Sabrina's curiosity was piqued. "How about your dad? Has he traveled recently?" she asked.

Leona shook her head. "No, my dad doesn't live here. He's based in Italy right no w. My parents are divorced," she said matter-of-factly.

Sabrina's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Leona. I didn't know your mom and dad had split up," she said, her voice filled with empathy.

Leona shrugged. "It's okay, it happened when I was seven. I've had time to get used to it," she said, her tone nonchalant.

She continued, "My dad founded Martin's Global Enterprise, a successful company here in New York. Sky's the acting CEO since my dad's not around," she explained.

Sabrina's eyes widened in amazement "Wow, that's impressive! How old is Sky?" she asked, curious

Leona replied, "He's twenty-five. My dad encouraged  him to finish his studies early, so he started working young," she said, a hint of pride in her voice.

Sabrina nodded thoughtfully. "That's amazing, but it couldn't have been easy for him.He must have felt a lot of pressure," she said, her eyes filled with understanding.

Leona's expression turned sincere. "You're right, but Sky's really proud of what he's achieved, and so am I. I want to make my parents proud too, just like Sky has," she said, her voice filled with determination.

Sabrina shook her head. " you should believe in yourself, but that doesn't mean he should be this arrogant. I mean, yeah, he did well, but that doesn't mean he should be this way."

Leona chuckled. "Just try to ignore Sky,  If you want to have peace."

Sabrina sighed. "Being around him makes me uncomfortable. I'm sorry to say, but someone has to tell the truth. I mean, I couldn't even eat properly."

Leona burst out laughing. "Your face expression while calling out Sky is so funny!"

Sabrina smiled. " At least you, sweetie, you are  so sweet."

Leona asked, curious, "When are you resuming college?"

Sabrina's face lit up with excitement. "Oh, well, I just submitted my application form a while ago."

Leona's eyes sparkled. "Are you excited?"

Sabrina's enthusiasm was palpable. "To be honest, I'm freaking out, but I don't know how to show it... but I'm happy." Her voice trembled with emotion.

Leona laughed, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "You're freaking out with this happy face on? You gotta be kidding me!"

"I'm serious, anytime I tell people I'm freaking out, it seems like I'm putting on a show because I'll definitely be smiling," Sabrina said, standing up and adjusting her hair. "I think my own anxiety is so weird. I mean, come on, am I not supposed to be panicking, breathing fast, or worried? Naah, I'll just let it be. I'm always on the positive side, you know."

Leona assured her, "Trust me, it will go well, and I'll make sure you enjoy New York. Welcome to New York, Sabrina!"

Sabrina replied, "Low key, that's exactly what I wanted to hear."

"I have some assignments I need to complete," Leona said, standing up. "I'll do them now that I'm less busy."

"Alright, hun," Sabrina replied. "I'll be here when you're done."

Leona nodded and left the room, leaving Sabrina to her thoughts.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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