
Side Story # 7 *This is love story

(During 3rd Great Shinobi War...) (13 years Ago) (4 Years before Itachi's birth)

AAAGGGHHH...A Kiri Shinobi died at the hand of Mikoto who was covered in blood with her Sharingan rolling, brutally cutting down everyone coming at her, she is a Jonin who was commanding her very own troops

"RETREAT WE ARE OVERWHELMED BY ENEMIES", she turned her head to look at Jiraiya commanding entire Konoha Troops into retreating, they lost this time and staying here only means death they have no choice but to let Kiri have this part of their lands

"But we can't retreat Sensei, they will butcher us all from our back", said a Minato who was commanding his own troops

"Tch...We got no choice...staying here only means death for all...While Retreating means some of us get to survive, I am sorry Minato but we gotta retreat"

"I will keep them occupied, Go and Retreat, take my troop as well", said Jonin Ryo who was commanding his own troops


"Minato, I appreciate your kindness, but if you don't leave me means countless other shinobis fall down because of your kindness...Leave me I will protect everyone here"

"I-I", Minato was staggering with his fist closed, he was frustrated to leave his comrade behind so that he could live

"Minato, Retreat it's your Commanding Officer orders", said Jiraiya patting Minato shoulders as he understood Minato's pain, after all, He felt it as well the first time he had to abandon his comrade to live

"Yes", finally said Minato

"I will stay here as well", everyone turned to look at the newcomer

"Mikoto You are not staying here", said Ryo

She shook her head, "You can not stop so many enemies by yourself, whether you want to or not, they will come after our people, I will stay here with you keeping the enemies at bay...That way we will at least fulfill our promise of always staying together"

"Alright...Take care and try to live no matter how slim the chances are...also I am sorry...RETREAT", Jiraiya yelled for all Konoha troops to retreat


"You should have left with them", said Ryo

"And break our promise, no way...remember Ryo we promised to be with each other for better or worse for eternity or beyond that, even death can not do us part", said Mikoto smiling

"Yes we will always be together, with each other, whether in this life or another", Ryo smiled


"Kenjutsu Ninja Art: Thunder Dragon Tornado"

Drawing two swords together, Ryo raises the twin swords into the air and draw lightning down upon his body. The current will be contained within and around the Ryo's form. He then begins to spin in place forming a whirling vortex of wind and electricity. The vortex takes on the form of a dragon's head and covers the area in front of Ryo.

AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH...Everyone rushing at Ryo and Mikoto from ahead got sucks within the tornado and got painfully trapped in the vortex. The tornado that carried Lightning burned down everyone trapped within it

*Huff*Huff* He knelt down apparently tired, the poison is spreading faster than it should be

He is dying

There were too many of them no matter this attack got successful or not, they are not going to be able to stop them at this rate...He glanced at Mikoto besides him but apparently, she is not tensed? Why? she is just looking at the retreating figures with mirth eyes like she is waiting for something

"Tch...Not yet", she mumbled to herself

She looked back at the enemies and quickly made the hand seals

Horse → Tiger

Katon: Gōenkyū (Fire Style: Roaring Flame Sphere)

She exhales a meteor-sized sphere of fire that carries the coming enemies away and causes a massive explosion on impact. This is much like Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique, but a larger and more destructive version. It is something only she can do as she is the founder of this technique

She looked back at the retreating figures not concern about this suicidal mission at all

'I guess she has a plan, To think that she has a plan even in this dire situation...well that's what I accept from a shinobi of her caliber, Guess it's time to up my game as well', Ryo thought

And so he stood on his two feet again with a grinning face

"Let's see you guys having the taste of this"

Swift Release: Phantom Pulse

A high ranked and incredibly powerful technique of the Swift Release kekkei genkai. This technique is Only used by Ryo and is considered to be an unavoidable and an unblockable technique. Ryo begins by pouring swift chakra directly into the tenketsu points of his body and jumps several feet in the air. When Ryo jumps, the speed of his jump is so fast it creates a sound lag. Upon landing on the ground Ryo simultaneously release the swift chakra from his tenketsu points and lunge forwards towards foes.


The speed in which he lunges is so fast that it breaks the sound barrier forcefully creating a massive and powerful sonic boom that directly strikes everything in front of Ryo. The level of damage dealt to Kiri Shinobis is so great that it completely overwhelms them and completely destroying everything around them. When the sonic boom hits a person it completely destroys that person entire skeletal structure and sending all of them flying through the air like a rag doll.

Everyone eyes were wide open with this even Mikoto was no exception

She smirked, 'I expect no less from a Shinobi of his caliber', thought Mikoto

*Huff*Huff he was standing near Mikoto ready to nearly faint the poison nearly reached its limit and he won't be able to do anything anymore and to make the matter worse no matter what he does the number just won't lower, just how badly they screwed up with this raid of Kiri?

"It's time", mumbled Mikoto as Konoha forces retreated


In a flash, doing the sunshine, Mikoto disappeared and appeared at Ryo's side. "Believe me, I promise that as long as I am here you won't be able to die." As she whispered, she wrapped her arms around Ryo's wounded and freezing poisoned body from behind.

A powerful buzzing filled the war field, gradually growing in strength until the entire field trembled. Her Sharingan Revolving at break pace speed

Light enveloped Mikoto. She channeled it into Ryo, dispelling the Icy blue of his skin.

Red, blue, yellow, green, gold, silver, and black. Specks of light of these very colors danced around Ryo, entering his body.

Countless attacks made its way towards Two Konoha shinobis but all them got shattered the moment they touched the specks of lights

Scales rippled into existence across Ryo's entire body, dressing him in seven-colored draconic armor. Regal draconic might exploded from him.

Kiri's Commander who was smirking till now just glaring before this dragon lord. He was afraid to the boot in front of this dragon, just what the heck is this thing

Mikoto's seven-colored dragon scales quickly grew transparent and thicker. It now holds the appearance of a shining dragon knight. An almighty roar ripped from its throat that demanded all to bow before it.

"Mikoto, what's this?", whispered Ryo

"Shhh...It's a Genjutsu I created using Sharingan they won't be able to escape from it believe in me until unless I am here You won't die", whispered Mikoto

"But how did their attacks got dispelled", he whispered back careful not to attract the opponent attention

"It's simple I used a barrier Jutsu alongside it", said Mikoto

"What about my poison?", said Ryo

"I Used a medical Jutsu", finally said Mikoto

'She did all this in just a matter of minutes, and she even covered entire field in her Genjutsu without even preparing beforehand or attracting the attention of enemy...As expected of Legendary Black Charcol', He thought and smirked

Seven-colored light burst around Ryo's body, a gale that originated from such an aura picking up his dark Blue locks in flight. His pupils became reptilian, slit-like in nature, and a seven-colored light shined in their depths. All fall on their knees all in the worship of him.

Suddenly everything around them disappeared...Kiri shinobis looked here and there but they could not find anyone from Konoha, The two Konoha shinobis who were protecting Konoha retreating forces disappeared as well

That was genjutsu of multiple layers that covered all their senses no one could escape from that not even someone as talented as Ryo, Even Sharingan, and Byakugan user will fall for that if she ever wished for that


In the tent of Konoha war camp side, Mikoto was all alone as all other female shinobis were busy in other works

"How are you feeling? Doing any better?" Ryo asked, coming over to her

"Yeah. A bit. Don't worry about me. I just need some more time," Mikoto said. If Ryo weren't right in front of her, he would have missed her words.

He cracked a small smile, hesitating before asking, "Can we go inside for a minute? There's something I want to talk to you about."

"Hm?" Mikoto tilted her head slightly, peering at him through thick lashes. Eyes bright and wide. But she nodded a moment later. "Okay. Come on then."

Watching from a distance, Tsume smirked before resuming her duties

"Are you sure this is a good idea, If she found out we left her on her own as a trap, she will come after us", said another jonin besides her

"you worry too much Inari san, If neither of us mentions it, she won't ever know Let's go and complete our patrol...after that let's have some fun teasing her", Tsume said smirking


Mikoto sat on the ground then pointed for him to sit on the ground as well

They are soldiers fighting for their lives on a daily basis and on a moments notice...bed, stools, food other than rations are luxury for any of them

Although they were together nearly every day, the two rarely had time to talk alone. Especially since they need to move at any given notice

"What do you want to talk about?" The object of her affections sitting so near, Mikoto's heart raced.

"Mikoto, confess!" Ryo demanded seriously

Mikoto's face flushed a delicious pink. She wrapped her arms around herself, around the curves that were starting to grow more and more pronounced on her teenage figure

Never in her life had she allowed another boy to touch her. Not even her team-mates or her Sensei was an exception to that. But for some reason, for some strange and wonderful and mysterious reason, she didn't mind it with Ryo. In fact, she even took the initiative at the academy. After the academy ended and he confessed to her she was happy, to say the least, but love...Na She didn't love him to that extent, she cared for him more than others but she didn't love him, she just went along so that she does not lose what they have a friendship she cares about, but time went by and he gets better and better in just 12 months he completed the academy just so he could become genin at the same time as her, but what happened afterward infuriated her, his team-mate Hotari developed some feelings towards him, she was jealous just as Hotari was jealous of her...Owing to her dominating personality, she would often separate him from other girls. As they occurred more and more often. He soon grew used to Mikoto hot and cold attitude toward him and her indifference toward everyone else. His special relationship with Mikoto brought him joy, after separating him from other females for so long had some effect on her as well, after she turned 16 she developed feelings for him...Which only blossomed after she turned 18.

When Uchiha loves, They fall in love deeper than any other person out there, that's the basis of Sharingan, their Blood that allows them to feel the love deeper than anyone else, the eyes that reflect the love

"Confess? Confess what?" Mikoto asked, her cheeks still rosy and panic flashing in her eyes.

"What do you mean 'confess what'? We both know what I'm talking about. Out with it."

Her fingers played with the hem of her clothes, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Really?" Mikoto asked, looking straight into her eyes.

Mikoto shook her head, averting her gaze. "I don't know."

"What was that Genjutsu, It was so powerful, heck my illusions were no way near as powerful as you genjutsu, not to mention you covered the entire battlefield with that genjutsu without a single draw of attention"

Mikoto's eyes glazed over, her mind blanking out in shock. She turned back to face him. "That's what you're talking about?"

Mikoto blinked a few times. "Yeah. What did you think I was talking about?"

Mikoto kicked his shin angrily and Ryo was just howling in pain.

"That really hurts! I think you broke a bone", said Ryo

Mikoto rolled her eyes, "Serves you right", She pointed outside, "If you've had enough fun, then hurry up and leave."

The pained screams came to an abrupt halt. Ryo's expression grew serious, eyes narrowing into slits. "What was that genjutsu, it was very no that was extremely powerful, why didn't you use it when they were raiding we could have won"

"I would have If I could," Mikoto said.

"What do you mean?", asked Ryo

"Ryo did I ever asked you the secret of your Illusions"

Ryo shook his head, "But I want you to, If it's you I want you to ask me everything, I will tell you anything and everything"

She shook her head, "No...You won't tell me the secret of you Genjutsu that is Illusions, and I won't tell you the Secret of my Genjutsu"

"If you don't tell me, You will regret it", he said with a mischievous grin

Mikoto snorted. "So childish."

Mikoto arched her brow. "So what are you going to do about it?"

In one quick, fluid motion, Ryo appeared right before her, his hands clutching at her shoulders. She yelped. Next thing she knew, he had her pressed against the ground with him at the top of her, his arms on either side of her, a makeshift cage...

Their eyes met. Ryo brought his face closer to hers. A couple of inches separated their noses. She could feel his warm breath against her cheeks, could smell his unique and masculine scent with each breath. She somehow managed to blush even redder.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Interrogating you!" Ryo declared.

"You can't do that...you are not 18 yet", said Mikoto meekly

"I will be 18-year old tomorrow, does it matter I do it today or a day after", said Ryo smirking

Despite Mikoto's meek voice, something foreign flickered in her eyes. Something bold. It was right there. Ryo's face, fierce and determined, mere inches from hers. He is right, he will 18 tomorrow does it matter that they do it today or tomorrow, she already waited for so long, she passed her 18th birthday years ago, they dated for so long, they kiss nearly every single day, and they love each other so deeply for so long already...maybe it's really time to let go

She grabbed him and curled her hand around his neck and to his wide eyes and surprise she pulled him down and she kissed him...hard

"mmppphhh", he closed his eyes and they kissed her back hard


They opened their eyes and ran towards the commander's camp...They are soldiers no matter what they have to be prepared for battle every single given moment


Ryo and Mikoto was standing with dozens of the dead body of Kiri shinobis, they look at each other with coldness in their eyes, a look that is of a Murderer, the look of monsters...they nodded to each other before both of them disappeared

"I promise on my pride of Uchiha...Until unless I am alive you won't die...We will be together for eternity or beyond that...