
Ryo's Reckless Adventures in Another World!

"Fate.. Why are you so harsh to me? .... I haven't even did any bad stuff... But Why? Why? In many places why is this Market?" Was the train of thought of a young man clutching his abdomen... That young man's name was Ryoshi Kuwichi who lives at Kameoka at Kyoto prefecture.. He was stabbed multiple times by an Robber in a mini market. It was just supposed to be an peaceful day for Ryoshi but.. For his Righteous attitude.. He tried to save a lady who was threatened by an Robber.. But he failed to noticed the friend of the Robber and got stabbed in the abdomen multiple times but for that he retaliate back and punched the friend of the robber and pulled the knife out his abdomen and also started stabbing the later with the knife he was holding. As for what happened next. The ambulance came, but Ryoshi died when the ambulance arrived at the hospital due to blood lost. But Ryoshi woke up! Wait a minute.. He said while holding his hands up he saw two tiny hands! --- Let's follow Ryo with his adventures in his new life! --- A/N: Ps. I just move this Novel of Mine from Wattpad to Here. I might just Continue the story.. Since I've dropped the Story in Wattpad.. It'll be weird to continue writing the story there since I've dropped it..

Mikato_Shuken · Fantasy
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25 Chs

[Arc 3] Ch. 4 Walking Forward

I don't have the greatest affinity to magic. The only use my magic has, is poured into my strengthening aura.

All swordsman develop this affinity after a certain amount of experience. But even I could see and feel the mana that is flowing.

Pure white light engulfed Ryo as the magic swayed around him like slow moving white fire that washed over everything as it began pulsing in a way that matched the warming calmness of a parent's steady heartbeat.

It wasn't suffocating like I'd always heard powerful magic was.

It was like a cold water pouring over a tired body. It was refreshing, overwhelmingly refreshing.

I felt like my own strength and power was tripled. Any fatigue, soreness, and worry was washed away.

I continued to watch Ryo with disbelief as his fur from ear to tail began turning to white just like in the what happened to Grand Master that Fathers' told me about when Grand Master was still Young and like in the Story said.

Behind Ryo, Nelfa began laughing maniacally like he had just heard the best joke in the world.

The Fox Gate was a holy ability only the Fox Kin or so call Fox Race had. Opening it granted godlike potential.

It took a special kind of person to earnestly seek Nine tails, and even that didn't guarantee you'd even get close to the Fox Gate. Once opened you'd be marked with white silver hair. Although those who opened the gate were more frequent than those who had nine tails, it was still something that only sages or heroes managed to open.

I knew that he was striving to unlock all nine tails, he made it painfully obvious once. He wasn't like others I'd heard doing it though.

He didn't want it for the unfathomable power and prestige he wanted them because they looked cool. He definitely was a one-of-a-kind in that regard like what Grand Master was when he was still at Ryo's Age, or could be Ryo is like Grand Master? I can highly sense that Ryo has a Great sense for Protection and as Grand Master is. Ahaha! Interesting! This is so Interesting!

Well lets Continue where I stop. Where was it? oh right.

In the fairy tales of the Foxes, many times in a hero's desperate moment he'd open the Fox Gate and save the day. I know Ryo had heard these stories, but he never fixated on them. More than once I caught him snoring while my wife read those parts. But knowing Shiina She maayyy have done that on purpose..

In the end that hadn't stopped Ryo, he had done it!

As my excitement grew I saw his white hair begin to change from white to black with a tinge of red from his tail to his ears and as blue tendrils of magic came out of his hands to wrap around the cub. At the same time, the cub went under an obvious change. His fur grew longer as blue strands of magic swirled around him. His midnight fur turned into a dark grey as black stripe covers his body, He looks more like a Dire Tiger now but his ears starts to shrink and Folds itself.

Then it was over. The magic presence slowly faded, but it left Ryo's fur permanently changed. A quarter portion at the ends of his ears and his three... No. Four tails were left white while a the quarter half of on his Fur at his Ears and Tails have changed as well, Red. Ryo's Fur now have three colors Black,White and Red. Fifty Percent is Black, Twenty Five Percent was White and another Twenty Five Percent was Red.

Ryo opened the Fox Gate, gained his fourth tail, and saved the Queen of the forest, but what happened to Ryo was different. Ryo's Fur has a slightly tinge of Red on it. It might be some blood or some other thing. But no, He just got out a while ago, Washed himself and he was clean, After he opened the Fox Gate his Fur Turns Fully white, but as he transfer some of his Mana to the Cub and successfully did his fur suddenly yet slightly turns red..

When Ryo collapsed onto the fur of the cub my feet took me to him. Only to be stopped by Jingka and a fearsome growl that sent familiar chills through my spine.

"It's okay Jingka, this is Ryo's Guardian father. He is nothing like Jingkaku." Nelfa called.

The she let me pass. Nelfa was grinning from ear-to-ear, and was playfully slapping Ryo on the back for a job well done. In the cave are the last two of the hunting party next to three cubs. Their chins hit the floor from shock. Joy is letting her relief and as what her name means she lets out a happy tears, she show a joyful smile while wiping her tears away. Her clothes are clean like they've been freshly laundered where they were stained just a few moments again.

"Papas? Why are their three Papas?" He shakes his head until his eyes are no longer swirling. "Papa, how's the last cub?" He doesn't even have the strength to move on his own and he's worrying about the cub.

I tilt him so that he can see the sleeping cub.

"He kind of looks like a small tiger but have a folded ear.... Ah. He looks like a Scottish Folds now. A little version of a Tiger." Ryo observes with a sleepy voice.

I have no idea what he is talking about. It must be from one of the stories Shiina read to him.

"Well Scottish Folds looks like he's passed the worst of it." I cradle my son in my arms. It's amazing that someone so small and helpless right now, could do the things that he does.

"I think they are all going to make it thanks to you, Young Master.. No no. Young Hero Ryo." Nelfa rubbed Ryo's head with an uncharacteristically cheerful smile and a Demonic like Chuckle. 

"Let's go home now, son" I say.

"We can't, we might spread the illness to Mama." Ryo argued weakly.

"There are no worries there, the Fox Gate aura has mystical healing properties. I once saw a man grow back his entire arm thanks to it seven hundred and Seventy years ago. There is no chance of an epidemic thanks to you, Young Master, Hero Ryo." Nelfa laughed.

Seven hundred and seventy years? Just how long had Nelfa been around?

Ryo kept worrying about this and that in his sleepy mana drained haze, but we eventually left that place. I threw an extra shirt over him and carried him on my back, but I hadn't even taken a dozen steps when I heard him snoring. Joy never left our side the entire walk back.

Halfway home the last of the sunlight disappeared and Joy carried a torch for my sake.

When we emerged from the forest I had the feeling that Nelfa was going to have that smile permanently glued to his face.

When we got back to the house I had Nelfa distract the family while I bathed Ryo. He woke up with his teeth chattering when I poured the cold water on him.. He was worried about getting Shiina sick, so I figured the least I could do was make sure he was perfectly clean before Shiina strangled him with her affection.

He asked what I was doing but didn't complain. Mika came with a towel, a change of clothes, and some warm water so that he didn't  catch a cold.

When I was scrubbing him I get a closer look at his four tails and the White tips and Slightly Red tails and ears. His hair has even grown a little longer and has white tips combined red he looks like a Hero on this Stories that i read before. Ah. I can't imagine how Shiina is going to react.

I can hear Nelfa chatting away excitedly and even singing. He's a far cry from the gloomy guard that showed up that fateful day.

While I'm drying Ryo off, he begins to cry.

"Ryo? what's wrong?" I ask while wrapping him up.

"I- I couldn't... there were nine cubs, papa. I couldn't save all of them... I did my best, but one even died in my arms. I wasn't fast enough. I wasn't strong enough. I could only save more of them papa.... I couldn't... waaahhh..." Ryo sobbed.

"Oh son." I wrapped him in the warm towel and pull him into my arms to let him cry. He is still a child after all. "Death is just a natural part of life. If you hadn't been there, they would have all died. If there is one thing I learned as an adventurer, it is that you can't save everybody. Many friends and acquaintances died because i wasn't strong enough as well. But you know what I learned?"

I pulled him away to look him in the eyes.

"....What...?" He sniffled.

"There is a time to mourn. But there is always a road in front of you. And nobody who dies, wants their precious ones to stop walking on that road." I pulled him into my arms.

"Cry my child, cry all your tears. Then in the morning keep walking that road with those that are still around. People like me and Mama, Miki, Mikara, Sie, Joy, Zoey, and even Nelfa. Protect those that matter so that you can all keep walking forward. And when you lose a precious person along the way, know that their wills go with you as you keep moving forward. As long as you have someone to protect, you'll always be able to keep moving forward."

I pat his back. "That's right. Cry. Cry it all. And once you are done crying we will go inside."

After a few minutes his sobbing tappers off. I dress him in warm clothes, and continue to hold him in my arms as he weeps.

I have never been around much. I can't say I've been a much better father than my own, but right now I can do at least this much. Slowly, he collapses in my arms as the last of his energy leaves him. Well, I can't blame him for being tired.

I wipe away his little face and carry him inside.

Shiina is in front of the back door waiting for us. She's wearing a shawl and is biting through a handkerchief. When I pass the limp child to her she hugs and sways with him, and then buries her face into my chest.

"Thank you, my beloved husband. Thank you. Thank you." I can feel her salty tears seeping through my shirt.

I don't think I did anything worthy for thanks, but I wrap my arms around her all the same.

My beautifully strong and intelligent wife, and yet she can be as fragile as a porcelain doll.

I guarantee we don't have a perfect marriage, we've had our fair share of shouting matches in the past... She's usually the one doing the shouting. And I'll readily admit she's just as cute in those moments as she's ever been.. Just not out loud in the moment... Not anymore... Usually.

However, despite all our differences and faults, I know I love this woman. Every time I hold her my heart burns wildly and I know I'd do anything for her. So I say the only thing that needs saying in a moment like this.

"We're home." I say as I kissed her on her forehead.

"Yes... Welcome home." She chokes with half a laugh.

That night we put Ryo in his own bed and Shiina ended up curling up with him. So cute.

She's a lovely wife, but she is a devoted mother to a fault, that woman.

Zion shows up with a barrel of ale over his shoulder and beats down the door while half drunk. There is no talking him out of anything when he is in this mood. So I lock the doors and leave a volunteer guard stationed to protect my wife and child.

Together with Zion, the guard named Ian, Miki, Mikara and Nelfa we drink in the staff lodging next door that's been used all these years by Miki, Mikara, Nelfa and sometimes Sie.

Nelfa couldn't be more excited, and as he gets drunk he just gets louder. Miki combined with Mikara is able to knock them back in time with Ian who is describing the gory details of Ryo's ministrations on the cubs. Miki seems like she wanted to be a healer at one point, but her lack of talent with magic held her back.

I want to listen to some of the stories about Ryo, but Zion and Nelfa pull my attention as we start trading war stories. I don't remember what we talked about, but it was just what I needed to wind down after a day like today. I have a beautiful wife, an amazing son, and rowdy friends. What more could a simple man like me wish for?

Whatever Old God, Constellation, Spirits, or Gaia that has smiled down on me and my family, I drink to your health.

Living unbothered with politics and nobility is somewhat better.