
RWBY Universe Unbound dropped

Read Jack Holo start out in his favorite universe RWBY and then go on adventures to other anime universes Please tell me where and how I can improve will make a discord for this if it has over 500 collections

JackbladesFF7 · Anime & Comics
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Jack Holo

(A/N there will be sex scenes and a lot of scenes described with gore and such depending on what world he is in so be prepared.)

Jacks appearance right now does not matter too much because what is about to happen but imagine a fairly tan tall basketball player at 16 years of age.

It was just another day for Jack at school he did not have too many friends and was by himself a lot. He was previously an orphan and was later adopted by two abusive people who he would never call his parents. Even when he was at the orphanage he was not taken care of at all.

He would always cause trouble because of this he became a problem child. He would constantly lash out. When he was in trouble with his "Parents" they would lock him in the basement for as long as they could. The school always thought he was sick since his parents would say so. His parents would chain him in the basement as well.

One day when he was in the basement he was very depressed. "Why am I here, what did I do for this?"

Jack has these thoughts a lot lately.

He was nearing a breaking point and him being chained up again started the collapse. He started laughing at his own condition and circumstances. "What's the point of this?" As he started to laugh like the Joker.

His parents could here them laughing and decided that they had enough. So they decided to kick him out the house and leave him out in the open. So his parents left him chained up for a couple days longer and then threw him out.

It was a rainy night and Jack was just walking on the streets he then turned into an alley. The alley was really dark and he could not see well. He then heard a screech around the corner to see big lights. It was a truck of course.

Jack couldn't even think as the truck ran him over killing him easily. He then woke up in a room where he saw three people.

There were two Gods one Light and one God who was dark. The there was a God in the middle who was grey. (Going to refer to them as Grey Light and Dark).

Dark was the first to speak "So this is him huh, well that's what I get for making the truck go from alley to alley."

Light just shook his head "I'm sure he will be useful but also I told you to be more precise with it."

Grey then got annoyed "Both of you shut up if you just didn't make that girl immortal none of this would happen."

They both got quiet after this. Jack was just watching them argue. But it wasn't unpleasant he was happy if anything and had a smile on his face.

Dark saw his grin "Why are you so happy?"

Jack was surprised they finally talked to him "Because my life was so shitty this is the most fun I have had."

All the Gods did not know what to say. After a moment of complete silence Grey stepped in. "So you have died to reincarnate to help us with a world that we created and that I let these two govern. Which makes me a bigger idiot I guess" as he looks at the two.

"What world is it?" Jack asked

"It's a world you know well RWBY." Grey said.

"Oh really that's fun but don't I usually get a choice to pick where I go?" Jack asked as he tilted his head.

"Yes you usually would to make up for this we will make you a God." Grey said.

Jack was stunned and didn't know what to say he was in shock and his mouth was wide open. "Why me?"

"Honestly everything you have been through plus a little luck of the draw. But don't get to excited you still have to work to become a God however you do receive a system and five wishes to help you. Also since you are a God you get to pick how you look and when you appear." Grey said

"What is the system like?" Jack asked

"You will see but it will be like a video game of sorts as you will have levels and it will be sentient." Grey said

"Oh okay so my five wishes then how about

1. Space storage that never ends like my own little world to throw stuff to.

2. I want a nen aura like Hisoka not his powers but the suppressive kind of aura that has killing intent and people can feel he has killed a lot.

3. I want to be able to travel to different universes from other stories I know

4. I want a scythe like Ruby's but it has another scythe at the other end. I can also detach it to have one scythe that is two meters long and the other is meter long. Also I want it to have a soul like from soul eater so it can transform into a person.

5. I want the ability to copy other peoples semblances for my semblance but I want to start out with my original as preflexes used by the Grimm Reaper or Maria Calavera."

"That is a thorough list even though some wishes count as multiple we will allow it. So how do you want to look." Grey said.

"Well I want to be a faunus with ears and a tail. Specifically a wolf faunus but with a tail and ears like Holo from spice and wolf where the tips are a different color. I want to look like Ban from seven deadly sins. So I've blue hair for my tail ears and hair but the tail and ears have dark red tips. I want to be 16 years old a year before the main story starts so that I'm the same age as Yang. My height can be 5'10" but by the time I'm 17 at beacon I want to be 6'2". Jack finally done with what he wanted.

"What do you want your name to be remember to have a name that has to do with color." Grey said.

"How about Jack Cerulean Holo." Jack said.

Grey nodded "Good." He then snapped and Jack got all his wishes. Jack now felt very confident and his personality changed a little.

Jack turned to Dark and Light "Don't worry I will clean up your mess." He says with a big smile like Tanya from Youjo Senki.

Light gave a bow while Dark just made a "Tch" sound. Grey laughed a bit and sent Jack on his way. A light enveloped Jack and he was sent to the world of RWBY.