
RWBY Universe Unbound dropped

Read Jack Holo start out in his favorite universe RWBY and then go on adventures to other anime universes Please tell me where and how I can improve will make a discord for this if it has over 500 collections

JackbladesFF7 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

First Steps

Jack looked around and saw he was in the forest somewhere outside signal academy. He realized he was completely naked. Seeing that he was naked and was actually impressed with his size he still immediately ran behind a tree. He took a deep breathe and focused on opening his system.

"System boot up." And then the system opened.

"Hi Jack I am system 1 how may I be of service." System 1 said.

Jack noticed she had a feminine voice "Can you open a store or something I need clothes also need to give you a new name."

"Certainly opening store you are allowed one free clothing outfit as my creators wanted you to be naked on purpose after you made an arrogant comment to them." System 1 said with a giggle.

"Was it Dark?" Jack said.

"I cannot answer that but I can answer anything else." System 1 said

Jack nodded "Okay just open the store please."

Jack went through the outfit options in the store and was so happy with what he found. It was the rider of black clothes from Fate Apocrypha (non trap version so instead of a shirt it was a pair of pants with the same design). Jack put it on and used the cape to hide his tail. There was also an added hood to his cape so he could hide his ears. Jack knew how bad faunus were treated so he wanted to hide it.

"Okay now that I am clothed I have to think of a name for you how about. Harley.?"

"That would be great haha. For now on call me Harley." Harley said with glee.

"Okay Harley bring out my weapon for me please." Harley brought out his weapon the scythe was connected but he noticed when he disconnected the longer scythe was a sniper like Ruby's and the shorter scythe was also a shotgun.

He then put the scythe back together and laid it on the ground. "Can you go to your human form please." The scythe then started transforming with a bright light. Jack looked at the person now in front of him. Jack was in utter shock he was not expecting this it was Himiko Toga from my hero.

Himiko walked up to Jack in her school uniform and leaned forward and looked at him with her finger on her face with a questioning look. "So your my master huh." Himiko said. Jack just nodded. "Well you look strong. As long as you feed me we should get along great." Himiko said still leaning into Jack.

"Feed you?" Jack said confused.

"Yeah you know like with bodies of our enemies. How else am I suppose to get stronger with you Wait are you not going to feed me." Himiko then put a dagger to Jacks throat.

Jack was still calm and released some of his killing intent "Back up." Himiko immediately backed up. She was shocked by the amount of pressure she felt.

Himiko then giggled "I really did get lucky with you. Okay I will serve you Jack Master Jack Boss? What you want to be called?"

"Just Jack is fine." Releasing his intent from Himiko.

After all that was settled they started to walk deeper in the forest. "Hey Harley can you open my status board." Jack said.

"Certainly Jack status board opening."


Jack Cerulean Holo

Level 40 (in context five levels higher then Qrow.)

Aura 10,000/10,000

Semblance Preflexes and Impressionist

More will be unlocked based off world and level.

Jack was happy so far with how he was. He then heard a roar. He ran over to the noise and saw a pack of Ursa surrounding one of his favorite characters Qrow. Jack knew he could handle it but wanted to help anyways. Jack told Himiko to transform.

He launched himself at the closest Ursa to Qrow and cut off his head. Jack was using his scythe in its combined form. He twirled it around as he landed next to Qrow.

"Nice moves kid not many can use a scythe like that." Qrow said looking around at the Ursa who were stunned by what just happened.

"Thanks I have been practicing lately. Names Jack by the way."

"Qrow nice to meet you."

After they had their introduction they killed all the Ursa and Qrow said he wanted Jack to meet someone. Jack agreed and they made their way to a building. Jack went into a room and sat down in a chair. Then a man with grey hair wearing a green suit walked in.

"You have Gold eyes." This man said "Only two other people have gold eyes."

"Yeah and your a wizard." Jack said to Ozpin. Jack was okay with Ozpin he knew he was trying his best.

Ozpin almost fell out his chair. "Not exactly but close enough how do you know that."

"That's not what is important what is important is Salem." Jack said.

Ozpin was getting a little annoyed but was shocked Jack new about her. "Who are you."

"I am Jack Cerulean Holo nice to meet you professor Ozpin." Jack smiled as he said this.

"Well from what Qrow told me you are powerful. Will you help me with Salem." Ozpin asked adjusting his glasses.

"Yes and No. It is my goal also to end Salem however I will do it my way." Jack smirked.

"So work together then instead of you working under me. It seems you know everything anyways." Ozpin said trying to prove more information out of him.

"Sure partners I guess so what's the plan." Jack said.

"Well how about Qrow trains you at Patch with some of his family then you come to beacon in a year to be a student." Ozpin said leaning on the table.

"Yeah that's fine but I will be gone for half a year after staying there for a week." Jack leaned back in his chair.

"Why?" Ozpin has no idea what Jack was thinking.

"I plan on taking a member from Salem's group and putting her on our side." Jack calmly said.

"What how are you going to do that?" Ozpin said.

"Don't worry about it. It's not going to be a big deal." Jack then started walking out fo the room before Ozpin could say anything. "I will have Qrow show me where to go." Jack was then gone.

Glynda then walked in after he left. Glynda was a beautiful women in her 20s who had a witch costume look to her minus the hat with long blonde hair. "Do you think we can trust him."

Ozpin nodded "From what I know about people with gold eyes we can trust him."

Jack made his way towards Qrow and they headed to their next location.

(A/N Who do you guys think Jack is going to take from Salem.)