

2025: Expeditions to the Moon reveal high amounts of Helium-3 present in it, this helps kick-start another space race that lasts for an entire decade

2030: Using the supply of the Isotope, countries worldwide begin researching Nuclear Fusion energy

2035: By the end of the space race, the world goes under chaos as the leading countries of the world, USA, China, Russia, EU, India, and Japan end up as the major holders of the Helium-3 in the world,

2040: Food shortage and overpopulation result in unrest throughout the world, many people end up starving due to the lack of food, mostly the poor,

2045: World War 3 breaks out after a skirmish between USA and Russia forces over a fertile island in the International waters,

2050: humanity is almost at the edge of extinction when the Global war results in the Nuclear countries around the world to simultaneously arm their Nuclear weapons however a timely intervention by the advisors of the respective governments along with the protest of the people throughout the world stops the action as well as ends the war,

2055: Most of the citizens throughout the world had lost trust in their governments and openly rebelled against them, to rectify the situation, the governing bodies from the major countries come together to form a joint council and unify the world, the main council countries were USA, Russia, China, India and surprisingly, Japan which had ended up as a monarchy just like in its history and was renamed as the Kingdome of Japan, all the remaining countries also had their councilors but these were the major countries that had the most say in any matter,

2060: the 5th anniversary of the UEC (United Earth Council) was celebrated by the introduction of the very first, fully functional Nuclear Fusion reactor that had a power output that was over 10 times more than a conventional Nuclear Fission reactor, it was also very small compared to the fission reactors, creation of the Fusion reactor created an opportunity for the space agencies around the world to start implementing the technology in space exploration,

2065: The very first spacecraft equipped with a Nuclear Fusion reactor along with experimental plasma engines was launched, it had a crew of 20 astronauts along with a few classified objects onboard, the ship itself was almost 4 times the size of conventional spacecraft and equipped with top of the line technology,

In the same year, the space ship nicknamed, 'the Endeavor' created a new record by traveling to Mars in under a month, more than 6 times faster than any previous records,

2070: The exploration of Mars resulted in the discovery of frozen water under its surface along with its polar ice caps, this information opened up the possibility for colonization efforts by the UEC and under the support of its citizens, a few more spacecraft of the newly named 'Endeavor-class' starships were created along with the space agencies coming together to form ideas regarding the terraformation of the red planet,

2080: after an entire decade of hard work, UEC managed to terraform a small portion of Mars, immediately, many people throughout the world had volunteered to go to the colony to live in a pollution-free environment,

The very first city on Mars, Utopia, was created,

2100: by the end of the century, over 80% of mars had been colonized, thanks to this colonization effort, the overpopulation, and food crisis on earth had been completely removed,

It was also during this time that a new class of spacecraft equipped with anti-matter engines were created, these crafts were much larger than the Endeavor-class and much faster, these ships were then categorized as the Titan-class,

It was also during the same year that Cold-fusion Reactors were first unveiled and the research of anti-gravity fusion reactors began,

2101: thanks to the cold fusion reactors, many inventions, and research that were abandoned since the 1990s were brought back online such as the Railguns, plasma weapons, heavy infantry armors as so on,

2120: The very first Anti-gravity fusion reactors are created and quickly implemented into aircraft creating the prototypes of future aircraft,

2122: virtually all forms of ground transportations are using cold fusion reactors instead of fossil fuels on earth, although the people on Mars have yet to implement the technology,

2125: the very first mass-produced Anti-gravity fusion planes are introduced to the UEC Air force, They are designated as H-8 Global Defender,(author notes: the same ones from Independence day resurgence but with much better weapons)

They are equipped with miniaturized railguns capable of firing Tungsten based .950 caliber solid projectile at supersonic speeds, resulting in a devastating weapon, however, the inaccurate targetting resulted in a lot of ammo wastage, thus research on an advanced targetting systems began, at the same time, the railgun was also being implemented to tanks and other war machined in the UEC,

2130: The very first signs of Terrorist activities on Mars was detected,

2131: research into DEWs gave a huge success as the worlds very first laser cannon was created, it was capable of punching through a 30 feet titanium plate without any problems, however, the energy consumption resulted in it being restricted to Spacecrafts of the Titan-class as they carried 5 additional dedicated Cold fusion reactors aside from their propulsion systems, the laser was supposed to be used for destroying any incoming debris for the spacecraft,

2132: the Lockheed SR-71 was brought out from the mothballs to refit with anti-gravity fusion engines for testing purposes,

It was refitted with anti-gravity fusion engines for normal flight, but unofficially, was fitted with hidden cold fusion reactors that powered the hidden Anti-matter engines that gave it speeds of Mach 8, the speeds that broke the record of the X-15 from a century ago,

after the impressive performance, Lockhead was commissioned in secret by the UEC to create over a 100 these planes to act as the Scouts for the council of the need ever arose, which, unfortunately, would be very soon,

2140: The Lockheed SR-72, what was supposed to be a UAV, was rebuilt from scratch to create the SR-72(A) 'Dragon'

The Dragon was fitted with Anti-Gravity engines for its propulsion while it also had hidden cold-fusion reactors that powered a prototype Anti-matter atmospheric engine that allowed the Dargon to achieve the speeds of Mach 8,

It was equipped with two railguns, one automatic plasma turret guided by an extremely advanced V.I. and twin retractable chain guns on its wings,

2142: The Capital of Mars, Utopia was attacked by a Terrorist organization called the Insurrection, their goal is to replace the UEC and bring back the Governing system from before the WW3, the Insurrection was led by the descendants of the politicians from before the creation of the UEC,

2150: after 8 years of war against the Insurrection, the UEC was forced to take drastic steps to defeat the Insurrection that had somehow obtained top-secret UEC technology,

The Diabolus project was born,

it had four steps where the volunteer soldiers were turned into super soldiers,

The first step, they were given genetic augmentation which made them strong enough to lift over 10 tons, run at the speeds of 60 Kmph, jump over 50 feet high,

The second stage, they were implanted with Nanites which gave them the extreme regenerative ability

The third stage, their bones were bonded with specially designed Nanites that made their bones denser and stronger than titanium,

The fourth and final step, they were given an advanced combat suit that multiplied everything about them, it was equipped with a miniaturized Cold-Fusion reactor that powered its energy shielding, it was also connected to the user through a Neural link making it into a part of their own body and allowing them to control its functions through a single thought,

They were also given an experimental miniaturized railgun assault rifles, they fired 300 Solid tungsten rounds per minute at supersonic speeds, but the recoil and weight made it so that only a Diabolus was capable of wielding it in battle,

2155: A newly developed Battletank from the Insurrection had proven to be a difficulty to the UEC, although it was no match for a Diabolus, they were still very effective against the other heavy armor of the Council,

The answer came in the form of the Cyclops,(author notes: The Cyclops from halo)

The Mech was powered by twin Cold-Fusion reactors that powered it's massive plasma cannons and it's mounted .950 caliber chain gun, it also had a dedicated Fusion reactor to power it's energy shielding, it was also equipped with two Anti-Gravity Engines that gave it limited flight capabilities,

It had an Airborne time of 1 minute due to its extremely heavy armor and weapon weight,

2160: after almost two decades of war, the Insurrection was finally defeated and it's leaders publically executed, they also found out that some of the representatives on the council had actually helped the Insurrection steal their technology, this led to an immediate reform of the Council and creating a new ruling body,

The UEC would remain as it is, but instead of the council members being permanent, every 5 years, the people of both the planets would choose from the assortment of scholars from different fields to replace the existing councilors,

This type of ruling body allowed for diverse opinions by experts of different fields to be heard for the betterment of Humanity,

2180: Humanity had prospered even more after the reform of the UEC, a new form of carrier known as the Helicarrier ( author notes: The Helicarrier from Avengers) was created to act as a mobile platform to deploy the H-8 and the Dragons from anywhere around the world, this was done in the wake of the Insurrection war where many people had died because of the time it took to mobilize the fighters and the Diabolus,

Each Helicarrier had 10 H-8 Global Defenders, 5 Dragons, and 20 Cyclops along with over 500 Diabolus always ready to be deployed, it also had regular marines that wore exoskeleton suits that enhanced their abilities by 10 times,

A new form of Spacecraft fitted with a Cold-Fusion-Anti-Gravity hybrid engine that proved to be superior to all forms of existing reactors, this allowed for an assortment of DEWs and other advanced weapon systems along with Energy shielding to be fitted onto the ships,

the ships were given the Classification of The Ouroborous-Class, these were the main battle cruizers for the newly formed UECSF (Uniter Earth Council Space Fleet)


On the eve of the new year, as Earth and Mars were celebrating the beginning of a new century, a strange form of energy swept throughout the solar system, originating from the collision of two supermassive black holes, the energy momentarily disrupted the Frequency at which the planet of Earth vibrated and resulted in it merging with a different planet of another frequency,

The researchers in the coming days would call this event,

The Merge