
Preparations Begin

The child walked in the forest randomly, it didn't take long before encountering grimes and killing them then Qrow's arrival.

Mesa was brought by Qrow to Tai's house were he met with Ruby and Yang and lived with them for years. During these years, Mesa kept training and raising his strength, Mesa seemed to live happily and peacefully.

After years, Mesa went to school alongside Yang, In that day, as if the demon inside him woke up. Mesa killed the children bullying Yang in a cold blood without showing remorse.

After that incident and days later, Mesa went to Vale and strolled the streets, there he met with Ozpin. Ozpin recognized Mesa as the runaway killer. Ozpin acted like a nice elderly to Mesa and brought him Beacon. Ozpin took Mesa to his office and sat there with him alone.

Ozpin offered cookies to Mesa as he said " Cookies ?"

Mesa snorted and said " Stop acting like this!! Watching an ancient ghost talking in this manner is really disturbing, the last thing I want is to talk to an ancient pedo. Beside don't bother to act like not understanding me or being confused, you can't hide your nature from me. Your soul is hundreds of years old already and that body of yours is not. Not to mention your soul is a disgusting mixture of tens of souls, so tell me how many bodies did you steel "

Ozpin smile disappeared as he flared his aura and magic at the same time " How do you know that ? "

Mesa didn't seem affected, he replied calmly " Being the oldest pedo or the oldest thief? Well, I knew it when you started talking and eyeing me a prey while the latter was when I saw you. Now that I think about it, there is actually something I always wanted to try. An old ghost like you is a perfect experimenting material. Even better, no one will say it is inhumane or immoral hehehehe "

Ozpin wondered what Mesa meant by his words and the sinister laugh at the end gave him shiver, his instincts screamed danger, he felt that waiting to see what Mesa planning to do is a bad idea, he was about to act when Mesa's eyes changed shape as Ozpin froze.

" So old thing, since you lived for so long. You can tell me about this world " Mesa ordered Ozpin who in return started talking about the old era of the gods and how things came to be. The more Ozpin talked the more Mesa asked. Hours passed by as Mesa knew many of the worlds biggest secrets. Salem and Ozpin immortality, relics and faunuses story. How ozpin struck a deal with the god of light.. Etc. He knew everything from Ozpin.

" The humanity was erased by the so called gods, because of a small fraction of people acted against them who were swayed by the woman who got cursed for your sake, and you called these childish idiots gods and even wanting them back??!! To top it, you are acting as if Salem is the greatest enemy to humanity!! She is a far better person than you, you are a coward, a liar, a traitor and useless trash. I pity Salem for knowing you. The greatest guardian of this world, is the main cause of its misery and darkness. How ironic. Though I wonder, where did the humans and faunus come from if all humanity was erased?? " Mesa said while looking at the disgusting ghost before him with a thoughtful manner.

Mesa blinked again then spoke as if he realized something " All humanity died that day, but animals didn't. If these childish gods gave their magic to the animals. It is possible for them to evolve using it. The magic you showed me is way too similar to aura, and the aura seemed to be magic fused with the soul. In addition, Faunuses' aura seemed more similar to your magic than humans' one. I should research this sometime later, it would be really hilarious to declare the whole world as a talking animals and the current humans are crippled animals hahahaha"

" Although you are a fucking garbage and your story is really pathetic. Now, I know what I should do next. The following years will be very entertaining. As for you, you are nothing but an animal, and I will make sure to give you retribution for everything you have caused and done. I will make your suffering last for eternity " Mesa's voice became more sinister as he promised Ozpin a dreadful end. Afterward he teleported leaving Ozpin alone.

Ozpin who was under Mesa's influence woke up and looked around him confusedly, he mumbled " What was I doing again?.... Uggh, this headache. I should make some coffee " He then walked out of the office not realising what he just said and did.

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In the following months, Mesa moved between the kingdoms gathering information about the world. Who is in power, who controls money, military generals, leaders and the big shots of variance factions. Even the white fang was within his scope of investigation.

One day, he was walking inside one of the forests, thinking about all the information he gathered so far.

" Look what do we have here? A little boy " A man came out from behind the trees and said

" I'm not really into boys, but he is quite cute. I don't mind training him into my dog " another man came after the first. He was followed by another 3 men. So in total 5 men stood in front Mesa. The men discussed how they will turn Mesa into boy toy openly before Mesa. When the 5 looked at Mesa, they expected to see a terrified kid, but instead they found a child who seems to be in deep thought.

The second man spoke " Hey kid, How dare you ignore us "

Mesa looked at him with disdain and responded darkly " Well, lately I was thinking that covering everything by myself is quite hard and time consuming. But seeing you 5 idiots gave me a good idea. I will be making a good use out of your bodies since it is wasted in your ownership"

The five men looked at Mesa as if he was an idiot not realising the giant head rising from the group behind them. The five fools started laughing at Mesa, in return the giant head attack them from the back swallowing all of them at once.

The head in what it seemed as a chewing motion devoured all 5 people then spit in front of Mesa. In front of Mesa 5 perfect replicas appeared in front of Mesa, All of them had his eyes.

" Perfect, You know what I want to do, you can move now, don't waste time " Mesa ordered the 5 replicas. The 5 obeyed and disappears from his sight. He then teleported.

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In SDN, the company CEO Jacques was sitting in his office, in front of him a team of four professional huntsmen. He was going to hire them to protect some of his dust ships. Suddenly a kid appeared out of nowhere. The kid looked at the him and spoke " Jacques Schnee, I presume "

" Who are you? " Jacques asked while frowning, on the other hand the four huntsmen looked curiously at Mesa.

Mesa ignored him and said " You can call me Mesa and starting from today, you are working for me "

Jacques frowned even more hearing insolent child, While the four laughed at the arrogant child. Jacques replied with slight rage " I don't have time for a little kid to play here. Tell me how did you get here? "

" And if I don't? " Mesa replied with amused tone as he tilted his head. It looked adorable somehow considering his childish face.

" We will catch you, tie you, then throw you in prison " One of the four huntsmen

" I assume he is talking for all of you? " Mesa asked looked at the other three huntsmen

They only snickered while looking at him, Mesa nodded his head and said " Since that the case, the four of you can die "

Black flame erupted from the bodies of the four huntsmen burning them, the four screamed and struggled a little before the flame consumed them till nothing left to them. Moreover the flame only burned the huntsmen and their weapons. Nothing in the office was damaged and the flame disappeared as soon as they turned into nothing.

Jacques stepped back, the death of the four terrified him. They were among the best huntsmen in Atlas, yet they were wiped out so easily. He didn't know who is this kid, but he knew he would not survive if he ended on the kid bad side.

" I can pay you as much as you want, please don't do anything rash " Jacques said while sweeting.

" Relax, I will not kill you. You are still of a use for me. You are my servant, a tool to achieve my goals. Is this clear?? " Mesa said treating Jacques as if he was a dog. Jacques was angry but didn't dare to rotate against the little demon.

" Don't be so down, at least under my command your SDN won't go to ruin, I'm saving it. In fact, I guarantee your SDN will grow to unimaginable heights. Even the faunus will work in it willingly and happily. " Mesa declared with confidence

" It seems you don't history of SDN and Faunuses " Jacques said as he didn't believe Mesa.

" Time will show you how wrong you are. To make it clear for you, even if you betray me I won't kill you, but I will brainwash you into an old loyal dog. Yes, I can do it, and I'm talking to you now only because it would be boring if I brainwashed everyone, wouldn't it? " Mesa words made Jacques eyes to twitch slightly. He didn't believe Mesa in the slightest but he still didn't dare to say it out loud.

A knock sound interrupted Mesa and Jacques little talk, before Jacques could say anything, Mesa said " You can enter "

A young Weiss and Winter entered the office, the two girls stared curiously at the little kid in their father's office. Jacques seeing his daughter entering at worst time said with cold voice " What the two of you came here for? I told you to not interrupt me when I'm working "

" no one will think you can't talk if you stay silent." Mesa said while looking at Jacques, he then turned to the two sisters and said " You actually came at the right time. Winter, you will leave this house and join the military. As for you Weiss, you should train to be a huntress ", Mesa then turned back to Jacques and said " As for you, continue to be an asshole for now. I will inform you when you have to do some bidding for me"

Once he finished talking, Mesa left the office using kamui. Jacques sighed in relief seeing the demon leaving. His relief didn't last as he heard his eldest daughter speaking " I decided to leave this place and join the military, Weiss will be the new heiress "

" I also want to start training to be a huntress " Weiss added

" What? You actually listened to him? I won't allow this " Jacques said with anger

" Him?? " The two girls seemed confused, Winter added " Who are you talking about? "

" The crazy little demon you just saw and heard !!!!" Jacques was getting angrier

" Are you okay father? We didn't see anyone in the office. You are the only one in the office " Winter said with confused and concerned tone. Weiss worried face didn't help either.

Seeing his daughters reactions, Jacques dismissed his daughters weakly " Maybe I'm tired from all the working. Leave me alone for now "

The two sisters left the office as ordered. Jacques became pale and stared dumbly at the place where Mesa was standing, he said in a weak voice " He really can brainwash people "

Jacques felt heart was filled with terror. First the flame, second the brainwashing and lastly the ghost like movement. In his heart, Mesa was equivalent to a demon.

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More months passed since Mesa scared the shit out of Jacques, Mesa would send an order or two every two or three weeks. His orders varied from business to the military and politics, some of his orders were a little absurd for Jacques but he still obeyed them anyway. The result was the SDN growing at amazing rate which pleased Jacques. One of the weirdest orders Jacques received was to mark a specific redhead bull faunus teen, who was working in the SDN mines, with a serial number on his face then give him the chance to escape and don't pursue him. Jacques pondered about this for a moment before obeying, he didn't care about a faunus teen. Another weird order was to buy shares in many news company, but to not interfere with their news or policies no matter what the situation was.

Currently, Mesa was inside one of the forests in Vacuo, he was sitting on the top of the tallest trees silently observing a group of faunus passing through forest, this group belonged to The White Fang and had The White Fang leader at that time Gahira and his family with them. Mesa saw the redhead teen he order to be marked among the group. Days earlier the teen met The White Fang and joined their cause.

Mesa stood up and started jumping from tree to another, he looked like a black blur dancing between the tall trees. It took only 2 seconds to reach right in front of the group and block their way.

The group was stunned seeing a young human appear in front of them. The red hair teen who was walking in front was the first to compose himself and react to Mesa sudden appearance, he drew his katana and pointed toward Mesa as he said " Human!! Who are you and how dare you stand in our way? "

Mesa chuckled lightly and taunted " The little escapee slave has become quite brave "

Hearing Mesa the teen couldn't control his anger, he charged toward Mesa without a second thought. The teen speed was impressive for his age as he reached Mesa in a single second. He slashed toward Mesa's neck imagining how Mesa's head will roll on the ground. However the reality was completely different, the boy in front of him, who was even younger than him, extended his hand casually and caught his blade effortlessly. Before the teen could recover from his shock, Mesa punched him in the face, sending him flying back to the rest of The White Fang with his aura shield broken.

" ADAM !!!" a young black cat faunus ran toward the red teen.

The White Fang pointed their weapons toward Mesa who chuckled in return. Gihara walked forward and spoke with a strong voice " Who are you ?"

Mesa eyes changed shape while staring at Gihara and his group, everyone with the except of Gihara fell to the ground. Gihara was surprised seeing this. Gihara's sight return to Mesa and asked with worry and anger " What did you do to them? "

" Have you ever heard of The Beauty and the Beast story ?" Mesa replied with a question.

Gihara anger rose to another level as he screamed " Cut the crap kid !!! I will not ask again, who are you and why are you here ?"

" You know patience is a virtue, and here I wanted to share with you an interesting story and widen your horizons. But Sure,I can skip the story part. However, I suggest you to watch your words. We wouldn't your family and friends to die now, would we?"

Gihara didn't speak again, he charged toward Mesa just like adam. Mesa simply pointed his hand toward the approaching Gihara and said << Shinra Tensei >>

Gihara was sent flying back without even being able to send a single punch. Gihara struggled up again, only to meet the sight of Mesa carrying his daughter unconscious daughter from waist and a knife pointed toward her face.

" I have to say Gihara, you have a very cute daughter. I wonder how it feels to skin her, to cut her limbs and torture her, to hear her voice as she call for you miserably hehehehe " Mesa said evilly as his knife carsed the girl face.

" Please let go of my daughter !!! I will do anything " Gihara said in terror as he knelt on the ground in an attempt to not provoke Mesa.

" You know it is really boring for me, how I come to talk with people but they always have to attack me first before starting to beg me. Anyway, I will be the open minded one and forgive your offensive. Now can we have a civilized conversation ?"

Gihara nodded like a chicken " I will do anything you ask, just let go my daughter "

Mesa sighed in a helpless and exaggerated manner " It not everyday one can get to sequize a defenseless sleeping and beautiful girl of the same age"

Mesa gave Blake body a sequize while taunting Gihara with his eyes before throwing her body on the top of Adam's like some kind of a rag doll. Gihara gritted his teeth in anger but he didn't dare to attack.

Mesa became serious all of a sudden and spoke with a cold voice " You are the leader of The White Fang and you always preach for peace through mutual understanding in order to get rights for your race "

Gihara anger lessened slightly as he sensed the sudden seriousness in the kid's behaviour and listened without interrupting.

Mesa continued " So tell me, where do you see faunus in few years? Did you manage to achieve anything through your years leading The White Fang or would you achieve it someday? "

Gihara took a deep breath and replied " Faunus will eventually get their rights and will live as equals to humans. I know I didn't change anything till now, but I still helped Faunuses who needed help."

" You are still living in a dream, and you will never achieve anything like this…. Let's say you can make the faunus have all their rights just like humans and the price is your life, are you willing to make the sacrifice? " Mesa said coldly

Gihara thought silently before saying with determination " If the price is truly my life so be it, I will give it happily "

Mesa nodded slightly and said " Not bad, I know you are not lying and you will not hesitate to lay your life for your cause. I respect that courage of yours. I have no doubt The White Fang will grow under your leadership and be ready for the next phase. I will give you one advice, it is up to you to listen or not, When your people call for another path, step down and give your leadership to a new path. Do it and the faunus will have hope, ignore them and your family will be the first to be killed. Die in the old or live in the new, your choice "

Mesa disappeared using kamui leaving stunned and confused Gihara. Those who got knocked out by Mesa earlier started waking up one by one. Gihara made sure his family and his people are all okay.

" Papa, what kind of grim was that? And where is the grim? " Blake asked her father

Gihara was confused hearing her question, he for a moment thought she was dreaming of a grim. But when the rest of the people all started speaking about the grim. Gihara realized the kid did something to their Memories.

Gihara calmed himself and told his people " no need to worry, the grims are gone now "

Everyone started cheering for Gihara thinking Gihara took down the grim. On the other hand, Gihara was thinking about the kid words, he had a feeling he should follow his advice.

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Mesa continued moving from a location to another meeting all kinds of people, the kingdoms' leaders, the owners and shareholders the biggest companies, the decision makers in the biggest industries. He secretly met with them, controlling their actions by his eyes or threats, sometimes with greed swaying their hearts for his biddings. Although he made hundreds of orders, No one of them showed his intentions or why he is doing it, they all shared one fact, they were random and unpredictable.

Sometime later, Mesa was moving through a mountains when he spotted a boy with black and pink hair and a girl with orange hair surrounded by a group of grims. The girl was hiding behind the boy crying while the boy trying to scare the grims with a wooden stick.

Mesa shook his head, he gave them one last look before walking away. While leaving, a spiral ports appeared on top of the grim, dropping huge rocks, which crushed the grims and killed them instantly.

" Ren, What happened?? " the girl asked

" I don't know, Nora…. Maybe someone throw the rocks " Ren answered

" Maybe a superhero is protecting us " Nora said with expectation

" Maybe… We still need to get to the closest village. It won't be safe here " Ren replied

The two moved forward not knowing who was their Savior.