
Now I Am, Become Death

In a world differs from remnant, where the moon still intact and the humanity advanced far more beyond what did. Humans In that world didn't know dust or auras. No powers or a monsters of darkness. In that world, Humans were the dominant force of the whole world, they travelled through lands and air, they reached the stars and walked the moon. The humans were the greatest power walking the earth and the greatest danger they ever could face was themselves. The strong became stronger while the weak is lost and trampled.

Yet despite the evil in this world, people still strived with the hope to have a better future. Many couldn't achieve their dreams yet they didn't give up. They continued to live and work regardless of the hardships. One of those people were a married couple. They belonged to the middle class, as the husband was lawyer while the wife worked as a teacher. They had a peaceful and calm life. And currently, they were in the hospital waiting for their first child to be born.

" Madam, push harder. You are almost there" the doctor said while watching the woman giving birth.

" AAHHHH !! " The woman pushed as hard as she could

The child at last came out, the doctor caught it and looked at it to check his health. What welcomed her was a brilliant black eyes staring right at her. The doctor for instant thought the child actually could see his surroundings. But she removed this possibility as the children need a week before they could develop the ability of seeing their surroundings. The child was crying with low voice, which seemed weird to the doctor but she still didn't pay much attention as she could see his health was fine.

" Give me my child, I want to see him " The mother called weakly. The doctor gave the child to the mother.

" Honey !!! Are you okay " the voice of a worried man drifted in the room.

" I'm fine. Come, this is our child. He has your eyes " The mother said happily

" Hahaha, I'm a father at last " The father said joyfully

" As we agreed, since our child is a male you are the one to give him a name. So what are you going to name him?? " The mother asked

The father thought a little before answering " From today, his name is Mesa. Uchiha Mesa"

Four years passed, the child grown fast and considered a genius by his parents and whoever saw the child. The child learnt at alarming speed, words and numbers. He could talk like adults with no issue. He even started to learn how to read and write. In addition to his high intelligence, the child had an edict memory. He became the pride of his parents at a very young age.

During his fourth birthday, which he was celebrating with his parents alone in their home. Uninvited guests rung the bell. The father went to answer the door, barely after opening the door. The mother and Mesa heard the father angry voice.

" Who are you people??? What do you want ??? " The father screamed as he was pushed inside the house.

Mesa's mother hid Mesa behind her as she stared with fear the men entering the house while pushing her husband. The men were armed and seemed very dangerous.

" Blame yourself for this. Who told you to be such an upright person….. Oh you have a lovely wife. You don't deserve her, so we will be taking her as well hahahahaha " the man laughed sinistery

" Please, do anything you want to me. I beg you don't harm my family " Mesa's father begged

" Harm?? We are taking care of her since you won't be able to. You should be thanking us " The man said before aiming his gun at Mesa's father and firing. Just like that, Mesa's father died.

" UUUUHHH " Mesa's mother screamed. On the other hand, Mesa grabbed a knife from the table and charged toward the man who shot his father. However, the moment he reached the man, one of his lackeys kicked Mesa as hard as he could. Mesa sent flying near his father's corpse and lost his consciousness.

After an unknown time, Mesa woke up again, he looked around him with confusion. He saw the floor covered in blood, and he himself had blood on himself. He looked to the side, seeing his father cold corpse. It was his father's blood. Mesa was about to go near his father's corpse when he noticed his mother laying not far from him. He stood and looked in a daze at his mother. She was naked, laying on the floor with her eyes opened but no light was in them. She had a nasty cuts and scars covering her body. Mesa didn't know what happened to his mother, but he knew whatever it was. It must have been much worse than his father.

He kept standing in a daze, his eyes moving between his parent's corpses. He didn't know when it started. But he was crying, for the first time since he was an infant he cried loudly, maybe even louder.

After what it seemed like forever, the police arrived at the crime scene. They stared with pity at the crying child. The sight before them was disgusting and can make adults have nightmares. Let alone this child.

Days later, Mesa's relatives bribed the officers to take every valuable property or money left by the dead parents. Then they threw Mesa in one of the worst orphanages in the city.

In his first day in the orphanage and right after arriving, the matron took him to a small room before revealing a whip. She said " Okay, listen you little shit. In this place you will listen to the rules and I'm the rules. Is that clear? "

Mesa only stared in response which earned him the matron wrath and a whip to shoulder. Mesa groaned in pain because of the whip. Yet again, the matron asked " Do you understand? "

Mesa looked at her with slight fear and a lot of anger but he still nodded his head. The matron whipped him again as she said " You need to learn respect. First, answer me loudly. Second you are not allowed to stare at me "

" Yes " Mesa said in pain.

The matron nodded slightly then whipped him few more times till he started crying. She looked at him with satisfaction and said before leaving" Remember this feeling, if you disobey me. You will have a worse punishments. In this place, I'm the power and you will not cause trouble "

After she left, Mesa walked about while still tearing. He looked around himself and noticed other children as old as him or slightly older staring at him. He saw pity in their eyes and fear, fear toward the matron. In addition, he noticed their bodies having marks of whip, he could tell they must have abused like him just now. He looked at the back of the matron, Hatred seeped through his bones, he wanted revenge. He remembered her words about she being the power, his tears dried as a desire for power rose in his heart, he steeled himself to never cry again.

Later on, he learned that the children have to go out to work in order to receive their food. Mesa made use of this, he would walk everyday around the city, he looked for those professional fighters and martial arts. Weather on TV or real fighters, he didn't really care. He would just watch them carefully then perform their actions later in the night. His edict memory helped him in remembering even the smallest details.

Two years passed, he continued living an abused life,but he didn't stop working and training for a single day. He knew his skills are pretty advanced but his physical strength being too low. His hatred only grew stronger with everyday passing. His eyes became colder and colder.

Whenever he needed targets to practice, he would go look for rats and cats in the vicinity. In two years, he killed quite a lot of them that an infested area filled with rats become a rare place to see them. He also noticed something when he killed the first time he didn't feel anything. It was as if killing was a normal thing to him, he wondered if he would be the same if he killed a human.

In addition to his routine, he noticed the disappearance of some other children. He thought the matron might threw them out or they died out there. But he didn't care, their life and death is not related to him.

Someday, the matron summoned him to her room, where there was an old man sitting with her. She said " This is the boy "

The old man looked at Mesa with cold eyes, he was observing Mesa's carefully. Mesa's instincts flared sensing the old man gaze and took a step back. The old man seeing Mesa's reaction nodded his head in approval and said " I will be taking this one as well "

The matron nodded happily hearing the old man, while Mesa thought the missing children related to this old man.

Mesa took a deep breath and asked " Sir, What do you mean by taking me? You mean I won't come back here again? "

The matron wasn't happy with Mesa's question, while the old man said with a cold tone " You will not step again in this place for the rest of your life "

Mesa nodded and thought about it. He didn't think the old man was lying and was even more sure that he wasn't a kind oldman but a very dangerous one. Mesa looked toward the matron, He will not see her again after being taken away? Mesa closed his eyes for 2 seconds before opening them again. He stared at the matron with emotionless eyes as he walked slowly toward her without her noticing him.

On the other hand, The old man narrowed his eyes focusing on Mesa. The air around the child before him changed slightly and the way he walked toward the matron… with his decades of experience in his job, he could easily tell when people want to take life and child who was barely 6 years gave the same feeling. But he didn't stop it, he wanted to see what the child could do. Before the old man's eyes, Mesa hand extended toward the matron neck with a knife appearing in his hand, the old man eyes widened slightly. The child hid a weapon in his sleeve all the time but he didn't notice it.

Mesa stabbed the matron neck swiftly, the matron looked at Mesa with surprise, she definitely didn't see this coming. In her last moments, she saw eyes that terrified her even when she was about to die. The black and cold eyes staring at her, the eyes felt like they saw her corpse and only a corpse. The matron died with the terrified expression.

The oldman on the side started clapping and nodding in approval, for the first time since Mesa entered the office, he saw the old man smiling a little as the old man said " Not bad, you have some talent, but I'm curious, what do you feel now that you killed her? "

The old man couldn't help but ask, normally even an adult will show some reaction no matter how small when killing someone. But the child before him, showed nothing, even the top killers would show even the slightest change or flicker in their eyes. It might be sadness, shock or even enjoyment. He couldn't see anything in the child which intrigued


Mesa looked at the oldman with interest, the oldman didn't seem bothered in the slightest that he killed someone, Mesa wondered about it a little before deciding to answer the question " Bored "

The oldman blinked hearing the answer then started laughing and said " I hit the Jackpot with you. You are a natural killer more than anyone I have ever seen. I like you kid"

The old man took Mesa with him ignoring the woman corpse, Mesa knew the oldman was not a normal one. Mesa learnt later that the oldman was the leader and master of international assassination organization. The oldman would often go out to look for children to train them into assassins. As the mortality rates in his training is quite high. Only a single child out of 100 could make it alive. With such a low survival rate, the old man had to keep bringing more and more children.

Under the oldman's tutlege, Mesa strength started to increase at alarming speed. The oldman and the rest of the older assassins were amazed seeing his growth speed. Initially, they thought Mesa had the talent to be a great assassin, but after 1 year they were now putting all their efforts in training him. They wanted to turn him into the ultimate assassin.

Mesa's training consists of two parts, theoretical and practical. In the theory, Mesa studied human body to it is finest details, In addition to that he was taught physics, poison engineering and different languages, and thanks to Mesa's intelligence he learned everything they taught instantly.

In practical part, it was a lot harder, They would teach him close combat barehanded or amed. They taught him to use all kind of weapons closed or long ranged. When they didn't have more to teach him, they move to endurance and pain tolerance. The old fellas made Mesa train to near death state, where he couldn't rise a finger, all in the name of endurance. While pain tolerance was much worse, they actively broke Mesa's bones and cut his skin so he could adapt to worst kind of pains. Once they saw Mesa tolerating the pain of breaking bones, they decided to help him develop poison immunity, and what way is better than consuming poisons on a regular passes.

Ten years passed like that, during them Mesa killed tens of people while he got close to death hundreds of times. However, his strength grew to a horrifying degree. He was so strong that he could take on all the elites in the organization with no real effort. The old men were proud of their creation. They turned a talented child to the greatest killing machine the world has ever scene.

Today was Mesa's 16th birthday, He stood in front of the assassination organization, it was a normal building. No one would suspect the deadliest assassins in the world is being trained inside it, and these old sadistic old men.

Mesa took a deep breath and walked in with a smug smile. Throughout the building, one could hear the screams and gunshots and inside the building corpses and blood covered the floor and walls. It was simply a mascare, a scene of blood and death.

Mesa, who was responsible for it, walked to the last room at the top of building, in that room, the leader of the organization, the oldman who brought him here was staring at him with rage.

" We brought you here !! we taught you !! and that's how you repay us ??" the oldman said, he was regretting bringing this monster here, his decades of hard work all gone in a single night

" Yup, you trained me to be a killing machine and here I am the greatest killing machine who managed to kill nearly a hundred elite assassins in 1 hour single handedly. You should be proud of your creation oldman " Mesa said with a smug smile

" You. You .you …. Why did you do it? You didn't have to do it " The oldman asked in grief, he really wanted to know the reason.

" In my 4th birthday, a group of men came to my home, they killed my father and raped my mother. They did it because my father was an upright man or so they said. Later on, I moved to the orphanage were the matron abused us. She did it because she held the power to do it. Later on, you brought me here, you trained me and shaped me to your will alongside the rest of the old fellas. In addition, when I watched how the world operates, When studied languages and religions, do you know what I thought? " Mesa asked

The old man stared at Mesa without saying anything, Mesa continued to smile and said " I thought this life is boring. Humans live binded by their morals, laws, religions or the will of stronger. Each and everyone is being controlled by someone or something. Animals, objects and everything is controlled by something else. So I kept pondering if one wanted to be truly free, what should he do ?? "

The oldman understood Mesa's words and said " true freedom is nothing but a load of crap. Even if you are free of everything, no morals to bind you, no one to oppress. Do you think you are free? You will be a hypocrite if you did. What about you desires, your need for food? Don't be a fool, you are smarter than that. Humans will always be bound by something "

Mesa nodded and said " That is partially correct, there is a time when people are truly free. When people die they are free !! "

The oldman asked with a shocked tone " what?? You want to die now ??"

Mesa shook his head " Your need is food and water is keep death away, in away you are in control of your death. When you are killing, you don't have emotions, so you are free of emotions. With strength you are free from oppression. So basically, true freedom is when you command death "

The oldman widened his eyes, he laughed bitterly and said " You are crazy!! Is your freedom is bringing death to others. This is utter madness. We wanted you to become our weapon not a crazed monster "

Mesa laughed slightly " My freedom is not death, it is balance. To balance life and death is to balance one's emotion. You call it madness while I call it philosophy. And you are wrong again oldman. You didn't make me a monster, you made me a man and for that I'm grateful, I'm freeing you from your sins "

Mesa walked closer to the oldman who didn't try to fight back, the oldman knew his chances against the monster before him is zero.

Mesa got closer to him, he put a knife on the oldman neck. Mesa's smile disappeared as he said the last words for the oldman " Now I am, become death "

Another ten years have passed since that night, In these years Mesa became a well known assassin with highest bounty the world has even seen. He became known as the black assassin. The deadliest man alive. The infamous assassins who is responsible for thousands of deaths across the world. Wherever he went, corpses will fill the ground, blood will reach knees, a true embodiment of death.

He was unpredictable killer, who never failed a single mission. No one dared to antagonize him. He was a killer who will not shy from killing anyone, even country leaders were not safe if he aimed for their lives.

In a fateful day, The Black Assassin Mesa headed to retrieve an ancient relic as he was interested in collecting relics.

Mesa walked a path of blood and death killing 70 special agents and shattering the wills of the rest. Those agents who could be considered elites of the world. It was as if he was dancing or strolling through a garden. All of these elites combined couldn't pose a threat to him. His reputation was well deserved.

When Mesa reached the place where the relic was stored, he found a small ancient tablet. Mesa stopped moving as he stared at the table. A minute passed and he still staring at the tablet. The rest of elites who survived started surrounding him and aiming their guns at him, but he didn't care or even give them a look. Suddenly, he started laughing maniacally.

The leader of the special agents looked with fear and anger toward Mesa, he said with a cold tone " Do you have any last words? "

Mesa looked toward the leader while smiling as he said " Sorry, sorry. I just found something far more interesting than this world. Beside I won't die so don't bother with me "

The leader snorted " I want to see you live with holes filling your body "

Mesa smiled and said " it is too late for you to kill me but whatever. Shoot everything you have at me and pray to kill me, because if I'm still standing, You will die "

" shoot !!!" The leader ordered his men

All of them started shooting at Mesa filling his body with tens of holes. Mesa didn't move or stop smiling even when a chunk of his face gone making his smile look like a laughing demon.

When the rain of bullets stop, Mesa dropped on his knees with his head lowered. The leader sighed in relief when a sinister laugh rang from the body filled with holes. Mesa stood up again despite his miserable state.

" It's been years since someone injured me let alone given me few extra holes. I missed the little sting of pain hehehehehehe"

The leader and his followers pales seeing him stand again. The leader shuddered in fear " how? "

Mesa continued grinning as he said " A lot of pain tolerance training and old fashioned fighting spirit. Anyway As I said, you will die "

Mesa waved his hand throwing a bullet toward the leader head, the leader fill down instantly when the bullet reached his head. The rest of the agents were scared silly.

" The rest of you can go !!! My time is up already and can't deal with you now. Be proud of yourselves, you are the first fools to meet me and live to tell the story hahahaha " Mesa said before falling down dead.

Even when Mesa died, the agents still feared his corpse to the point of throwing bombs at it to make sure he died. With this and at the age of 26, the strongest assassin that the world has ever seen died leaving a legend despite his young age.

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Ruby and rest watched Mesa's first life story dumbly, this was something they never expected to see. Even Ozpin was shocked to his core.

" What the heck is this?? Are you playing with us" Weiss asked

" No, that was the first life of Mesa, his life in his original world before coming here " jinn answered

" This story is real ??!! it is too scary and sinister to be?" Nora said with doubt

" Yes, this the first half of your question, the second half is next" jinn said as the world started changing again around them.

This time they saw a little child laying on the snow inside some random forest. The child opened his eyes and stared dazely at the surrounding.

The child was a younger version of Mesa, he mumbled in a low voice " So this is remnant huh ??"