
Initiation - Part 3

Mesa appeared again in Emerald forest, he was currently standing near the temple where the relics is being held. He heard gunshots sounds coming from the north just after he arrived in few seconds. He knew it is probably Ruby and the gang fighting grimms. He dashed in their direction.

With his speed, it didn't take him more than 1 minute to reach them. As they appeared in his sight, he saw them running with giant deathstalker right behind them and and alpha nevermore flying above them.

[ Perfect, I'm not late. I should wait till the right moment before i appear and show them my powers ] with that thought, Mesa smirked and kept watching.

The gang reached another abandoned series of structures at the top of a gorge. Then started their combat with the death stalker and nevermore. It didn't take too long before they separated into two groups. And just like the show every group fought with 1 of the grimms.

On the broken bridge, future team JNPR were battling the deathstalker, suddenly a spiral appeared next to them. From the the spiral Mesa appeared and stood before them.

All the four looked at him with surprise, they would have never expected him to appear like that. On the other hand, Mesa was looking at them laughing mentally at their stupefied looks. He then spoke " I followed the sound to ..."

Before he could finish his entrance speech, Nora, who recovered from her initial shock, asked excitedly " How did you do that? Is that your semblance? Can your spirals show pancakes?"

[ She actually asked about pancakes?! My entrance was ruined because of pancakes ?! THE FUCK !!!] Mesa cursed in his mind.

The deathstalker growled at them and charged toward Mesa, who wasn't looking. Jaune seeing that warned Mesa " Mesa Behind you !!" While Pyrrha dashed to save him.

Mesa was pissed off about his entrance being ruined by Nora. He simply looked at the deathstalker coming at him and thought [ Well, I guess using sheer force will suffice for now ]

Mesa raise one hand at the deathstalker and thought [ Bansho Tenin ]. The deathstalker was lifted from the ground and field toward Mesa who in turn just stepped aside letting the flying grimm pass him. The death stalker continued toward the gorge falling to it doom.

All the four of team JNPR now had their eyes wide open. They couldn't understand what he just did. The deathstalker suddenly flyed and fell to his doom just like that.

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On a distant cliff, Ozpin and Glynda were watching the test going on through their tablets. The students weren't doing well as they were chased by a giant deathstalker and alpha nevermore. But that didn't bother the two monitors.

Then before them, they saw a spiral materializing next to the four students fighting the deathstalker. Mesa appeared from the spiral.

Ozpin was the first to speak " Mr Uchiha finally decided to return and join the others."

Glynda frowned and said " He definitely wasn't in the forest. He just teleported back from somewhere else. Shouldn't that consider cheating ?"

Ozpin shook his head and said " There are no rules about teleporting or leaving the test sight, so we can't take action against him, not in a fair manner at least. We will have to add the rule of no leaving the test location until the end for the future. Now, I'm more interested in what mr Uchiha might show us of his true capabilities".

Glynda stayed silent as she watched Mesa with narrowed eyes.

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Mesa now was looking at the four and asked " You guys okay? Did the deathstalker injure you?"

"No, we are totally fine. What you did there was amazing" Jaune spoke first

"Thank you for your aid " Pyrrha smiled at him

" You have to teach me how to make them fly like that " Nora was as cheerful as ever

" Thanks " Simply said Len

Mesa then looked at team Ruby who was heavily bombering the flying nevermore. The nevermore destroyed the structure they were standing on. All the four started to jump in order to have their feet on a stable ground.

Mesa, while standing next Team JNPR, called them " HEY GUYS, DO YOU NEED HELP?"

The four girls looked down to see Mesa standing next to Jaune and the others. Ruby became happy seeing him and replied with the top of her lunges " HEY MESA !!! WE ARE FINE ! BUT IT WOULD BE GREAT IF YOU HELP US HERE"

[ Finally the time has come ] Mesa nearly laughed out as he thought of his show off time finally arriving.

He walked few steps ahead of team JNPR, and looked at the flying bird. He raised his hand again in the direction of the nevermore. However unlike the previous time, he spoke in audible voice " BANSHO TENIN "

The nevermore suddenly stopped flying freely, instead; it started moving toward Mesa in abnormal manner. It was moving as if something caught him and dragging it. It was obvious that the nevermore was struggling against the invisible force. But all its struggles were in vain as he was getting closer and closer toward Mesa.

Both teams were staring at the sight before them. Even though everything was moving fast, and the nevermore reached few meters away from Mesa in merely 5 seconds, if felt like everything was moving in a slow motion.

When The nevermore was about to hit Mesa, words could be heard coming from Mesa


The nevermore was now heading toward the gorge behind team RWBY. It was moving a lot faster than before. Two seconds later, a thundering sound could be heard across the whole of emerald forest. A strong wind was generated suddenly, team RWBY barely could keep standing under the wind pressure.

When everything calmed down. Both teams looked at the gorge, where the impact occurred. All of them froze, their eyes were wide opened, their jaws dropped as much as they could. The nevermore couldn't be seen anywhere. But before them, The long standing gorge now is filled with cracks spreading in all the directions, as far as they could see, cracks appeared

. It felt almost like the gorge is about to break to pieces in any moment. In the middle of all of this destruction, an enormous hole took a place. It had nearly 30m radius and nearly 100m depth. It was big enough to be considered as a giant cave.

None spoke, they just kept staring at destruction laid before them.

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On the starting cliff, Ozpin and Glynda , just like the two teams, they were frozen seeing the amount of destruction. They couldn't comprehend that kind of strength.

Glynda was staring dumbly at the site before her. She spoke in a tone filled worry and fear " Ozpin, how could this be possible? This is not the power a semblance should have. It's … It's more like a weapon of mass destruction"

Ozpin was staring intently " This amount of power is truly terrifying. Such a power is as strong as maiden's power, if not stronger. This is possibly the strongest semblance the remnant has ever witnessed. Back in the police station, He didn't lie. He could have killed everyone in mere seconds"

Glynda paled as she thought of that night. She wanted to arrest him and he threatened to kill everyone. If Ozpin didn't stop her, then tens would have died without knowing how or why they died.

" Ozpin, we can't let him into the school. If he gets angry, or have a killing impulse, none will be able to stop him. He could destroy the whole school with his semblance !!" Glynda spoke with extremely worried tone

" I know. And it would be worse if he stay free like this. If the queen found him, then a disaster could happen. She is best at manipulating people's hearts. If he were to work with her, then none would be able to protect the relics from her. He can teleport and has what is probably the strongest destructive semblance. However, if he were to become a huntsman and join us, then he would be our greatest support" Ozpin now was in dilemma, what should he do next ?

" How can we be sure he is not working with her?" Glynda asked

" He could killed us on multiple occasions but he didn't. Not to mention, he showed his strength in such a way. If he was working for her. Then hiding his strength is the best action" Ozpin answered

Glynda stayed silent. She didn't know what to do or say.